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1. With respect to speed of data transfer, which of LAN or WAN is faster?


2. What is the typical speed of a modern Ethernet backbone LAN?

1 to 10 Gbps

3. Why is circuit switching not suitable for computer-to-computer traffic?

Because computer traffic is bursty in nature. Link utilization is poor.

4. What are the three steps that are required for data communication using circuit

Connection establishment, data transfer, and connection termination.

5. With respect to sharing of links, which of circuit switching or packet switching is

more suitable?

Packet switching.

6. Among virtual circuit and datagram, which approach requires less

Information in the packet header?

Virtual circuit.

7. Which of virtual circuit and datagram makes better utilization of the links?


8. Which of virtual circuit and datagram will guarantee ordered delivery of packets
in the absence of any errors?

Virtual circuit.

9. Under what circumstances will the datagram method of packet delivery prove

Small messages, reliable network.

10. Five packets need to be sent from a host A to another host B. Which of virtual circuit or
datagram would be faster?


11. for a 5 Kbytes packets sent over a 10 Mbps transmission link, what is the transmission
time of the packet?

(5K x 8) / 10M = 4 msec

12. A 600-byte packet is sent over a 20 Kbps point-to-point link whose propagation delay is
10 msec. After how much delay
will the packet reach its destination?

10 msec + (600 x 8) / 20K = 250 msec

13. Which layers in the OSI model are host-to-host layers?

Transport, Session, Presentation, Application

14. What is the responsibility of the network layer in the OSI model?

To route packets from one node to another on its way to the final destination.

15. What is the responsibility of the data link layer in the OSI model?

To ensure reliable data transmission over point-to-point links in units of frames.

16. What is the basic difference between a bridge and a router?

Bridge connects LANs, while router connects WANs (with LANs or WANs).
Bridge works at datalink layer level, while router works at network layer level.

1. An IP packet arrives at a router with the first eight bits as 01000011. The router
discards the packet. Why?

The packet is erroneous. The first four bits 0100=4 shows the version, which is correct.
The next four bits 0011=3 shows the header length, which is wrong. Because 3x4=12
bytes, but an IP header must be minimum 20 bytes.

2. An IP packet arrives at a router with the first eight bits as 01001000. How many
bytes of options are there in the packet?
The header length is 1000=8, which indicates 8x4=32 bytes of header. So the number of
bytes in the options field are 32-20=12.

3. In an IP packet, the value of HLEN is 5, and the value of the total length field is
1000. How many bytes of data the packet is carrying?

The size of the header is 5x4=20 bytes. So the size of the data is 1000-20=980 bytes.

4. A packet has arrived at the destination with the M bit as zero. What can you say
about the packet?

Since M=0, if the packet was fragmented, then this is the last fragment. But we cannot
say whether the packet was at all fragmented or not.

5. A packet has arrived at the destination with the M bit as one. What can you say
about the packet?

Since M=1, the first thing we can say is that the packet has been definitely fragmented.
And moreover, this is not the last fragment.

6. A packet has arrived at the destination with the M bit as one, and also the fragment
offset field as zero. What can you say about the packet?

There has been fragmentation, and this is the first fragment.

7. A packet has arrived at the destination with the fragment offset field as 500. What
can you say about the packet?

This is certainly a fragmented packet. With respect to the original packet, the starting
byte number of this fragment is 500x8=4000.
8. A packet has arrived at the destination with the HLEN value as 5, the fragment
offset field as 150, and the total length field as 2000. What can you say about the
The first byte number is 150x8=1200. Number of data bytes in the packet is 2000-
20=1980. So the first byte number in the packet is 1200, and the last byte is 3179.

9. Change the following IP address from binary notation to dotted decimal

notation.11000100 10001111 00110000 10000001

10. Find the error if any in the following IP address:

Each byte can be between 0 and 255.

11. Find the class of the following IP address:

Since the first byte lies between 224 and 239, this is a class D address.

12. Given the network address, find the class, the network id, and the
range of the addresses.

135 means Class B, net id is 135.75, range is to

13. Given the network address, find the class, the network id, and the
range of the addresses.

216 means Class C, net id is 216.12.20, range is to

14. What do the following IP address signify:

It is a broadcast address on the Class B network

15. An IP packet with 2500 bytes of data (plus header) passes through an IP
network with MTU=500. How many additional bytes will be delivered at the

6 fragments would be created. Each will have a header of 20 bytes. So additional

bytes will be 6x20 –20 = 100 bytes



1. What does the port number in a TCP connection specify?

It specifies the communicating Processes on the two end systems.

2. Why is it necessary to have both IP address and port number in a packet?

An IP address identifies the host computer. The port number identifies a running process
in the host computer.

3. Which layers TCP, UDP and IP provide reliable communication?

Only TCP provides reliable communication.

4. Both UDP and IP transmit datagrams. In what ways are they different?

UDP carries the port numbers of the source and destination, and an optional checksum, in

5. What are well-known port numbers?

Port numbers that are assigned to standard programs and known publicly are called well-
known port numbers. They lie in the range 1 and 1023.

6. What are ephemeral port numbers?

They are temporary and short-lived port numbers assigned by the client on a per-
connection basis. They range from 1024 to 65535.

7. Concerning a transport-level connection, what are the five components of an association?

a) The protocol (TCP or UDP).

b) Local host IP address (32-bit value).
c) Local port number (16-bit value).
d) Remote host IP address (32-bit value).
e) Remote port number (16-bit value).

8. Why is the pseudo-header used in calculating TCP checksum?

To protect TCP from misdelivery from IP.

9 What are the different fields in the pseudo-header?

Source IP address, destination IP address, protocol, segment length.

10. Suppose that 5000 bytes are transferred over TCP. The first byte is numbered 20050.
What are the sequence numbers for each segment if data is sent in four segments with the
first two segments carrying 1000 bytes and the last two segments carrying 1500 bytes?

Segment 1 = 20,050 (20,050 to 21,049)

Segment 2 = 21,050 (21,050 to 22,049)
Segment 3 = 22,050 (22,050 to 23,549)
Segment 4 = 23,550 (23,550 to 25,049)

11. What is the purpose of the PSH flag in the

TCP header?

To “push” TCP data. Typically used to indicate end of message.

12. What is the purpose of the ACK flag in the TCP header?

To indicate that the “Acknowledgement”field is in use.

13. If you are developing a network application on a reliable LAN environment, which of
TCP or UDP would you prefer, and why?

UDP, because the reliability of transmission need not be worried about. And UDP is
faster than TCP.

1. For the subnet mask, how many hosts per subnet are possible?

11111111 11111111 11000000 00000000

14 bits available for host addresses.
Number of hosts possible is 214-2=16382.

2. In classful addressing, if we are using the subnet mask, which address
class does it correspond to?
Either Class A or Class B.
3. What is the subnet address if the destination IP address is and the
subnet mask is ?

34 :: 0010 0010
240:: 1111 0000
AND:: 0010 0000
Subnet address will be
4. What is the natural mask for a class C network?
5. Using simple subnets, is it possible to divide a network into unequal sized subnets?

No. Simple subnets can only divide a network into equal-sized subnets.

6. For an IP address and subnet mask, what is the subnet
address? How many hosts per subnet are possible?

Subnet address = AND
There are 15 bits in the host portion.
Hosts per subnet = 215-2 = 32766.
7. Among multiple network classes and subnets, which alternative imposes more burden on
the external router?
Multiple network classes.
8. Using VLSM, give a scheme to split a class C address into four subnets where the
number of hosts required are: 100, 55, 20, 30

9. If the number of hosts required are 100, 50, 50 and 20, can VLSM be used?

Not possible. The last subdivision of 50 and 20 cannot be done.

10. Can the following be the beginning addresses in CIDR based addressing? --- YES --- NO --- NO --- YES
Divisible by 16

11. For a CIDR address of the form W.X.Y.Z/20, what is the maximum number of hosts
possible in the network?

Number of bits in host part = 32-20 = 12.

So, number of hosts possible = 212-2 = 4094

12. Which of the following can be the starting address of a CIDR block that contains
512 addresses? --- NO --- NO --- YES --- YES

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