Infopack TALES Traditions Alive, Learning & Expressing Stories Madeira, Portugal 25 - 5th June 2024

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Youth Exchange


Madeira Island, Portugal

24 - 5th June 2024

01 About the Project

02 Vision

03 Participants Profile

04 Accomodation

05 Travel to and from Madeira

06 Partner Countries & Budget

07 Activities

08 Code of Conduct of T.A.L.E.S

09 Contact
About The

We can’t wait to see you in Madeira for our project "T.A.L.E.S: Traditions
Alive: Learning & Expressing Stories".

The design of the project T.A.L.E.S is to empower young individuals from

diverse cultural backgrounds to connect, learn, and express themselves
through the preservation and promotion of traditional heritage.

By fostering intercultural dialogue, creativity, and digital storytelling, the

project aims to:

Enhance cultural understanding and appreciation among youth by

immersing them in traditional dance, folklore, and digital storytelling
Equip participants with valuable skills in digital storytelling, videography,
and photography to capture and share their cultural heritage.

Provide inclusive spaces for youngsters to express themselves,

collaborate, and learn from each other in a supportive environment.
Improve participants' communication, teamwork, and leadership skills
through engaging activities and team-building exercises.
Empower participants to become advocates for cultural preservation and
appreciation in their local communities, contributing to the promotion of a
more inclusive and culturally rich society.

Through these objectives, the project seeks to create a lasting impact on the
lives of participants, fostering a sense of pride in their cultural heritage,
promoting cross-cultural understanding, and building a community of young
individuals dedicated to preserving and celebrating traditions for future

The vision of the project T.A.L.E.S: Traditions Alive: Learning & Expressing
Stories" is to create a vibrant and inclusive community of young individuals
who are passionate about preserving and celebrating cultural traditions
through the power of storytelling and creative expression.

The project envisions:

1. A future where young people from diverse backgrounds come

together to share and learn from each other's cultural heritage,

fostering mutual respect and understanding.

2. An online platform where digital storytelling serves as a bridge

between generations, preserving traditional knowledge and customs in

a modern context.

3. A network of empowered youth who are equipped with the skills and

confidence to become cultural ambassadors in their communities,

promoting the value of heritage preservation.

4. A society that values and celebrates its cultural diversity, recognizing

the richness and beauty that different traditions bring to our collective


5. A legacy of intercultural exchange and collaboration that transcends

borders, creating lasting connections and friendships among

participants that endure beyond the project's lifetime.

Through its interactive approach and commitment to cultural preservation,

the project aspires to inspire a new generation of storytellers, cultural
advocates, and citizens who are dedicated to keeping traditions alive and
thriving in an ever-changing world.



Participating countries: Portugal, Romania,
Turkey, Malta, Lativa &The Netherlands.
35 youngsters aged 18 -25 years old
Formation of Teams:
5 from each of the 7 participating countries.
3 participants per country will be from The selection committee will consider:
disadvantaged backgrounds or facing
challenges. Applicant's motivation and interest

Gender balance, with a 70-30 split between in the project.

women and men Applicant's skills & experience
03 relevant to the project (e.g. dance,
storytelling, teamwork).
Duties of Participants
Applicant's ability to contribute to a
Planning Phase: Participate in online diverse and inclusive group
planning meetings before the project. To environment.
share ideas, suggestions, and information
Applicant's willingness to act as a
about their strengths related to the project.
cultural ambassador for their home
Preparation: Each team will have tasks and
responsibilities in to preparing activities.
(photo exhibitions, intercultural nights,
cultural sharings/demonstrations).
Implementation: Attend all 100% project
activities, also to lead some activities
guided by their team leader.
Monitoring: Ensure they share their
experience with the group, community and
organizations. Discuss strategies to
promote the project and its results.
Accommodation for the project T.A.L.E.S will be provided for all participants during
the entirety of the exchange.
Arrival on the 24th May and departing on the 5th June 2024.

The accommodation arrangements will ensure the comfort, safety, and well-being of
the participants throughout the duration of the project.

The project organizers have worked closely with local partners to secure suitable
lodging facilities that meet the needs and preferences of the participants.

Participants can expect to stay in shared rooms (6-8 people) same gender fellow
participants, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
The accommodation is conveniently located in the center of Funchal allowing easy
access and participation in all scheduled events.

Centro de Juventude do Funchal -

Additionally, meals will be provided 3 times per day in the accomodation.

Special considerations will be made to accommodate any specific dietary
requirements, accessibility needs to ensure a positive and inclusive experience for
everyone involved in the project.

Travel to and
from Madeira

Participants traveling to and from Madeira for the project T.A.L.E.S will be supported by the project
organizers and sending organizations to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.
Here's what you need to know:

Travel Plans:
National teams are required to travel together as a team.
LUGAGES: Each member of the team is allowed to have the “priority” option for their travel luggage
beeing this, “Priority passengers are entitled to trolley bag of maximum size 55 x 40 x 23 cm in addition
to the free carry-on bag (max. 40 x 30 x 20 cm) into the cabin.”
Team leaders will have a 20kg checked-in luggage, being responsible for bringing additional cultural
attires, tradtional food, snacks, drinks and the required preparatory material.


Travel Dates:
Travel days are May 24th and 5th June, 2024. You can arrive up to 3 days before the project and leave
up to 3 days after, but accommodation and food won't be provided for those extra days. Participants
cannot arrive later than May 24th or depart earlier than June 5th.
(ex. Arriving earliest to Madeira on the 22nd. May or departing latest 7th June).

Reimbursement Policy:
Participants will be reimbursed in Euros, up to a maximum limit, based on provided documents (plane
tickets, boarding passes, etc.). Refer to the "terms and conditions" for detailed reimbursement policy
provided to you after selection.

Airport Transfer 24th May:

Upon arrival at Cristiano Ronaldo Airport, participants will be greeted by the hosting team members
and provided transportation to the project’s venue/accommodation.
Participants must be at the airport by 18:00, no later hour will be accepted.

Departure Time:
Departures can only be after 10:00 on the last day of the project. Participants will be guided according
to their travels.

Transportation During the Project:

Local transportation, such as buses, will be arranged to move participants between venues, activities,
and cultural sites.

Insurance. & Visas:

Participants must obtain the European Health Insurance card before arrival. Turkish participantes will
have an external insurance. Additionally, visas will be pre-arranged for the Turkish team if necessary.

Our goal is to ensure that participants can fully engage in the project's activities without worrying about
travel logistics. We're here to support you every step of the way.


How and Why Partners were Chosen:

Malta - Il-Maltija dance: Expertise in folk dance, videography, and photography, providing a
contemporary perspective on traditions.
Latvia - Gatves Déjà dance: Brings extensive experience in tradtional dance and tradtions.
Netherlands: Highly experienced in Erasmus+ programs, supporting the overall execution of the
Turkey - Horon: Participants bring the UNESCO-recognized Horon dance and expertise in Turkish
musical instruments, facilitating immersion in Turkish culture.
Romania - Horă: Brings traditional Horă dance and attire, along with team-building experience,
ensuring group cohesion and memorable performances.
Hungary: Introduce participants to the Busó Festival in Mohács, fostering cultural exchange and
collaboration in traditional festivities.


Portugal: Romania: Latvia: Turkey:

(Forgotten Folktales) (Asociatia Cloud Five) (Jauniesu biedriba "Dagne") (Youth Mind)

4 Participants and 1 4 Participants and 1 4 Participants and 1 4 Participants and 1

team leader team leader team leader team leader
3 of which are of 3 of which are of 3 of which are of 3 of which are of
fewer opportunities fewer opportunities fewer opportunities fewer opportunities

Travel pre-arranged Maximum amount Maximum amount Maximum amount

by the organisation. to be reimbursed is 530€ to be reimbursed is 820€ to be reimbursed is 820€

Malta: The Netherlands: Hungary:

(Proutist Universal Malta) (Culture Clash4U) (FAKTOR)

4 Participants and 1 4 Participants and 1 4 Participants and 1

team leader team leader team leader
3 of which are of 3 of which are of 3 of which are of
fewer opportunities fewer opportunities fewer opportunities

Maximum amount Maximum amount Maximum amount

to be reimbursed is 360€ to be reimbursed is 360€ to be reimbursed is 530€

Activities of

24th May
Arrival of Participants 1st June - Sustainable Living Living in
28th May - Folk Music and Dance Harmony with Nature
Informal meeting to Get to Know Rhythms of Our Ancestors
Fanal Forest Vist
Each Other
Folk Music and Dance - The Cedros Hike - “One Bag Adventure”
Welcome and Introduction Importance of Preservation Continue Flashmob Preparation
Exchange dance night Folk Music and Dance Workshop Outdoor
First Stage of Flashmob Preparation Turkish Cultural Evening
Latvian Cultural Evening

25th May - Discovering Our Roots

Risk & Preventions Guidelines 2nd June - Community Engagement
Building Stronger Communities
Icebreaker activities, 29th May - Traditional Crafts Crafting
Setting up social media channels Our Heritage 2nd round of the Cultural Photo
Exhibition Casa do Povo de Machico
Introduction to Youthpass and Introduction to Traditional Crafts /
Local NGO Visit
Eight Core Competencies of the Workshop
Adapted NFC Geocatching - Team
Erasmus Plus Program Preparation for the Photo Exhibit
Building in Machico
Treasure Hunt in Funchal Flashmob Continued Preparation
Maltese Cultural Evening
Final Flash Mob Preparation
Portuguese Cultural evening
Party Committee gathering

30th May - Cultural Library Reading

Our Stories 3rd June - Cultural Exchange
26th May - Uncovering Our Narratives Celebrating Diversity
Visiting the Câmara Municipal do
REACT - EU Activity Funchal Final Performance - Funcahl
Brainstorming and Mind-Mapping Cultural Photo Exhibition Creation of the Project's Movie
Culture Cultural Library Creation of the Cutural E-Booklet
Trip to Machico Mid-term Evaluation Party Committee gathering
Cordofones Banda de Machico Hungarian Cultural Evening
Romanian Cultural Evening
4th June - Project Evaluation and
Closing Ceremony Reflecting on Our
31st May - Digital Storytelling Telling Youthpass Reflection
Our Stories Online
27th May - Storytelling Traditions Follow-up Plans
Introduction to Digital Tools &
Greater Reach
The Art of Storytelling Storytelling
Evergreen Content
Exploring Storytelling Techniques Online Storytelling
Final Survey & Reflection
Steal Like an Artist Project Website
Clsoing Ceromony
Trip to Porto Moniz Continue Flashmob Preparation
Practical Application - Storytelling The Netherlands Cultural Evening
Party Committee gathering 5th June - Departure of

Venues of

Main Venue of Activities
2nd June - Community Engagement
Building Stronger Communities
2nd round of the Cultural Photo
Exhibition Casa do Povo de Machico
25th May - Discovering Our Roots
Local NGO Visit
Risk & Preventions Guidelines
Adapted NFC Geocatching - Team
Icebreaker activities,
Building in Machico
Setting up social media channels
Introduction to Youthpass and
Final Flash Mob Preparation
Eight Core Competencies of the Party Committee gathering
Erasmus Plus Program
Treasure Hunt in Funchal
Portuguese Cultural evening

30th May - Cultural Library Reading

Our Stories
Visiting the Câmara Municipal do
Cultural Photo Exhibition
Cultural Library
26th May - Uncovering Our Narratives Mid-term Evaluation
Hungarian Cultural Evening
REACT - EU Activity
Brainstorming and Mind-Mapping
3rd June - Cultural Exchange
Culture Celebrating Diversity
Trip to Machico Final Performance - Funcahl
Cordofones Banda de Machico Creation of the Project's Movie
Creation of the Cutural E-Booklet
Romanian Cultural Evening
Party Committee gathering

1st June - Sustainable Living Living in

Harmony with Nature
27th May - Storytelling Traditions Fanal Forest Vist
The Art of Storytelling Cedros Hike
Exploring Storytelling Techniques Continue Flashmob Preparation
Steal Like an Artist Outdoor
Trip to Porto Moniz
Party Committee gathering
Practical Application - Storytelling
Party Committee gathering

Youth Exchange:


The T.A.L.E.S. Youth Exchange project will foster a fun and enriching environment built on mutual respect, cultural
exchange, and personal growth. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, all participants are expected to adhere to
the following code of conduct:

Treat all participants, team leaders, facilitators, and staff with courtesy and respect. This includes respecting
people's backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and opinions.
Practice active listening and participate constructively in discussions and activities.
Avoid offensive language, bullying, harassment, or discrimination in any form.

Be on time for scheduled activities and workshops.
Inform your team leader or a hosting member if you need to miss an activity due to illness or other unforeseen
Participate actively in all workshops, discussions, and group projects.
Take care of project materials and property, as well as the accommodation facilities and surroundings.
Follow all safety instructions provided by team leaders and staff during workshops, excursions, and outdoor

Work collaboratively with your team members, valuing each other's strengths and contributions.
Be willing to help others and participate in team-building activities.
Be open to new ideas and experiences, and share your own cultural knowledge with others.
Maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude throughout the project.

General Conduct:
Abstain from the use of illegal drugs and alcohol during the project duration.
Smoking is only permitted in designated areas, if applicable.
Dress appropriately for workshops, activities, and cultural visits.
Be mindful of noise levels and avoid disturbing others, especially during late hours.
Obtain permission from a team leader before leaving the project location or participating in any unauthorized

Consequences of Non-compliance:
Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may result in warnings or disciplinary action, including being marked as "non-
participatory" for specific activities.
Repeated violations or serious misconduct will lead to the cancellation of your project participation and the forfeiture of
travel reimbursement.

By following these guidelines, we can ensure a safe, inclusive, and rewarding experience for all participants in the
T.A.L.E.S. Youth Exchange project. We encourage open communication, so if you have any questions or concerns, please
do not hesitate to speak to your team leader or a staff member.
I Understand, Date & Location
Contacts of

Informal Group
Forgotten Folktales

Application Form

Click to Apply:

Costs of accomodation, travel,meals,

activities and fun are covered by the
Erasmus+ Programme of theEuropean Union

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