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Quarter 3 Teacher: Sunshine D. Basas Date: March 26,2024 Time : 1:00-1:50PM

I.Objectives: Inferring that sound could be reflected in a form of echo.

II. Subjects Matter:

A. Topic: Investigating the Characteristics of Sound
B. Materials: Video presentation, pictures
C. Values integration: Cooperation.

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Classroom Management
4. Greetings
5. Energizer
6. Review

B. Motivation

1. Let the pupils hear a different kind of sounds. Let them guess the sound being played.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

1. What helped you identify the sounds?

2. How did the sound reach your ears?

D. Discussion

1.Show some videos to let the students know how the sound travels, how the echo made
and how to differentiate if the sound made or played has an echo or not.

2. Define what is sound and its characteristics.

3. show more videos to make the students understand well.

E. Generalization

1.How will you differentiate the sound if it has an echo or not?

2. Is sound affected by the space?

F. Application

Group the students into 4. Make a sound, one with echo and one without

IV. Evaluation

1. Let the students answer the sound that being played.

Advance study for the next topic.

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