3.1 Designing An Experimental Research

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ANALYSIS (20 MINUTES) Proceed to the processing of the results of the activity by asking the
participants the following guide questions.

Purpose of Experiment Details Type of Experimental

1. To determine if the use • application of the
of manipulative will intervention (manipulatives)
help Grade 8 students • only two sections in Grade 8
understand concepts in • section Mahogany is
Geometry assigned as experimental Quasi- Experimental
group; students will be using Research
manipulatives in Geometry
• section Narra is assigned as
control group; students will be
taught Geometry without
2. To study the gains in • only one group is involved
performance of a class composed of students who
of Grade 10 student wanted to join the workshop Pre-Experimental Research
volunteers after an and who lived close to the
intensive 20-day school
summer workshop on • implementation of the
English grammar intervention (intensive
workshop on English grammar
3. To determine if the • employment of video clips in
integration of video instruction for one section
clips in teaching randomly assigned as the
Science is effective in experimental group
improving the • classroom lecture and True- Experimental Research
academic performance discussion for the other
of one Grade 5 section, section also randomly
which is selected assigned as the control group
randomly from 10
sections, in
comparison with that
of another Grade 5
section, also selected
randomly, that receives
only the traditional
instructional approach

Item #:

1. This uses quasi-experimental research as it doesn’t randomly assign students to group. It

involved the basic characteristic of experimental research design; an independent variable is
manipulated to examine its influence on a dependent variable.
2. It is a pre-experimental design follow the basic feature of an experimental research design,
wherein an independent variable is manipulated to see its effect on a dependent variable. On this
item, this includes the participation of selected Grade 10 students whose attending the grammar
workshop. The performance of the participants will be evaluated before and after the workshop.
3. It uses a true-experimental design as there is manipulation of independent variable, a control
group, and randomization in sampling. As a proof it randomly assign Grade 5 sections to group.
Science class got the video clips, and others got traditional teaching. Randomized controlled
experiments are best way to test alternative solutions.


Proceed to the processing of the results of the activity by asking the participants the following guide

1. All of the studies in activity sheet 1 are experiments. What do you see as the common feature
among the three studies that makes them all experiments? What can you say is the major
distinction of the experiments?

All of the studies involves specific manipulative such as workshops to check if it affects student learning.
That is why they are called experiments. They just differ in some factors that affect desired result. It
shows that control and random selection has stronger and accurate findings.

2. Compare and contrast the three experimental studies in terms of the following: a manipulation or
implementation of an independent variable b presence of a control group c use of randomization
in selecting participants and assigning them to experimental or control group What then are the
similarities and differences among the three?

a. Manipulation or implementation of independent variable

 E1- improvement on how geometry is taught using workshop
 E2- workshop on Grammar
 E3- Video Clips in learning science
b. Presence of controlled group
 E1- Absence of manipulative in comparing result.
 E2- No group to compare with.
 E3- Randomly assigned students for fair result.

c. Use of randomization in selecting participants and assigning them to experimental or control

 E1- Students are not randomly chosen.
 E2- Doesn’t use random selection/ has control group.
 E3- randomly assigned students to make sure results are fair.

What are the similarities and differences among the three?

All experiments involved implanting the independent variable to discern the effects in dependent
variable. Each experiments aims to evaluate the impact of an intervention learning outcome.

3. The three types of experiment are pre-experiment, quasi-experiment, and true experiment. Among
the three situations in the activity sheet, which one employs pre-experiment? What makes you say
so? Which situation applies quasi-experiment? Why do you say so? Which situation uses true
experiment procedure? Explain your answers

 Experiment 2 is a pre-experiment because it only measures one group's performance before and
after the intervention.
 Experiment 1 is a quasi-experiment because it doesn't randomly pick which students get the new
 Experiment 3 is a true experiment because it randomly selects students for each group, making
the results more reliable.

Research Hypotheses: Type of Independent Group/s: Section of

Question Null and Experiment Variable and Experimental Participant
Research Dependent or s: Random
Variable Experimental or
and Control Nonrando
Is the buddy Null: The buddy True Independent Experimental participants
system effective system is not Experiment variable: having or group: students are selected
in improving effective in not having a buddy are allowed to randomly
test scores in improving test Dependent choose a and
Math? scores in Math. variable: test scores “buddy” in the organized
Research: The in Math classroom into two
buddy system is during Math groups; the
effective in class Control groups are
improving test group: students randomly
scores in Math. work on their assigned to
own during either
Math class experimenta
l or control
Does Null: Quasiexperim Independent Experimental One class is
selfevaluation Selfevaluation ent variable: use or group: assigned as
help develop does not help nonuse of Students are experimenta
self-directed develop self- selfevaluation given l group
learning? directed learning. Dependent selfevaluation while
Research: Self- variable: tool for weekly another
evaluation helps questionnaire on monitoring class is the
develop self- being a selfdirected Control group: control
directed learning learne Students do not group
Does SMS Null: SMS Pre- Independent Experimental Participants
feedback feedback does experiment variable: getting group: are selected
increase the not increase the feedback from Students purposively;
achievement achievement teacher through receive SMS students
levels of atrisk levels of at-risk SMS Dependent feedback from who are at
students? students. variable: teacher at least the bottom
Research: achievement twice a week 15% of the
Research scores; collected Control group: class
feedback before and after the None
increases the implementation of
achievement the intervention
levels of at-risk

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