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Taeler Buchanan

Professor Cortney Grubbs-McLeod

English Composition I
17 March 2024

"15 Famous Female Writers in History." Oxford Summer Courses, Accessed 13 Mar.


This article lists notable authors such as Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, and Virginia

Woolf, detailing their contributions and the challenges they faced due to societal

expectations. These writers’ works have sparked important discussions and left a

lasting influence on both literature and bigger social movements, including

feminism and civil rights. As a source boasting the discovery of over 40 academic

subjects taught by expert tutors, this article provides valuable historical references

to influential female writers. Provides a list of influential female writers and their

societal impact, serving as a foundational reference for women's literature

discussions. Useful for identifying prominent authors and their works, aiding in

understanding the historical context of women's literature.

This article provides a list of notable female authors throughout history,

highlighting their contributions and the challenges they faced due to societal

norms. It emphasizes the lasting influence of their works on literature and broader

social movements, such as feminism and civil rights. This source offers a broad

overview of influential female writers, touching on their societal impact.

"Women's Literature from 1960 to the Present: Introduction." Encyclopedia,

Taeler Buchanan

Professor Cortney Grubbs-McLeod

English Composition I
17 March 2024

maps/womens-literature-1960-present-introduction. Accessed 13 Mar. 2024.

This article discusses how women’s literature has evolved since the 1960s. It

details the significant impact of the feminist movement on women authors,

mentioning works like Betty Friedan’s, The Feminine Mystique, and Sylvia

Plath’s, The Bell Jar, which helped awaken feminine consciousness and paved the

way for later writers. Explores post-1960s women's literature, emphasizing its ties

to feminism and influential works shaping feminine consciousness. Helps

understand contemporary feminist literature, enriching discussions on its

evolution and societal relevance.

Focused on the evolution of women's literature since the 1960s, this article

discusses the significant influence of the feminist movement on women authors. It

mentions specific works that contributed to awakening feminine consciousness

and paving the way for subsequent writers. This source delves into the

intersection between women's literature and social movements, particularly


Rivera, Adrienne. "The History and Importance of Women's Literature." Books Tell You Why, 12

Apr. 2020,

Accessed 13 Mar. 2024.

Taeler Buchanan

Professor Cortney Grubbs-McLeod

English Composition I
17 March 2024

This article emphasizes the importance of women in literature’s history. It notes

that women often had to advocate for themselves and their peers and highlights

significant figures like Mary Wollstonecraft, whose work, A Vindication on the

Rights of Women, paved the way for future female writers, and Virginia Woolf,

whose work, “A Room of One's Own (1929) is often considered a driving force

behind this movement.” As a female writer herself, Rivera captures the essence

of the evolving recognition and significance of women’s literature in the broader

literary canon. Emphasizes women's historical significance in literature and their

advocacy, offering a personal perspective as a female writer. Provides insights

into challenges faced by women writers and their contributions, enriching

discussions on recognition of women's literature.

Rivera's article underscores the historical importance of women in literature,

highlighting key figures like Mary Wollstonecraft and Virginia Woolf. It

acknowledges the advocacy efforts of female writers and the transformative

impact of their works on the literary canon. As a female writer herself, Rivera

provides a personal perspective on the evolving recognition of women's literature.

Turner, Marion, et al. "In Dialogue: Writing Women’s History." Princeton University Press, 27

Mar. 2023, Accessed 13

Mar. 2024.
Taeler Buchanan

Professor Cortney Grubbs-McLeod

English Composition I
17 March 2024

This article highlights four authors who share their experiences of integrating

women into historical narratives. It discusses how feminist scholars have

transformed historical scholarship by developing new methods to write more

inclusively to incorporate women’s perspectives. Discusses feminist scholars'

efforts to integrate women into historical narratives and develop inclusive

methods. Informs on the intersection between women's literature and historical

scholarship, showcasing methodologies for inclusive narratives.

This article focuses on feminist scholars' efforts to integrate women into historical

narratives and develop inclusive methods for writing women's history. It discusses

the transformative impact of feminist scholarship on historical research and the

importance of incorporating women's perspectives into broader narratives. This

source emphasizes the intersection between women's literature and historical


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