07 Magnetic Fields of Coils - Lab Work (1) (1)

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Magnetic Fields of Coils - lab report

Student name: Student name:

Student name: Student name:

Read these instructions before you start:
1. You must write your name on the report otherwise, not accepted
2. Any missing value in the graph, it will consider not correct
3. Any value without unit will be considered not correct.
4. Using Chat GPT or similar, the report will be not accepted.
5. Using old reports/data or even data from other sections will result in the report being
6. Lab report must be uploaded on time (no additional time).
7. Reports sent via email will not be accepted
8. Checking your grade (for each single report) is your responsibility.
For instructor use ONLY

[SO1] Knowledge – K1 __________________/2 points

 Student demonstrates relevant knowledge of the topic
 Student demonstrated the use of logic, math, and physical concepts to solve problems

[SO 3] Interpersonal Skills _________________/ 7 points

 Student demonstrated skills in acquisition of data
 Student demonstrated analytical reasoning to interpret experimental data

[SO 4] Communication and IT Skills ________________/ 1

 The Aim of the experiment was communicated effectively.

[SO 6] Values _________/ 2

 Student was able to meet the set deadline.

TOTAL _____________________ /12 points

Part A [1 point]
Question 1: What is the main purpose of "Magnetic Fields of Coils" experiment?

Interpersonal Skills
Part B (Theoretical calculations): [1.5 point] Before you start, read the following:
¿ R
 To calculate theoretical magnetic field for one coil (when x=0 ) use: B=μ° ∋ ¿
2 ( x + R2)3 /2

¿ ¿
 To calculate theoretical magnetic field for two coils when [d=R ] use: B=8 μ° ∋
√125 R
¿ ¿
 To calculate theoretical magnetic field for two coils when [d=2 R ] use: B=μ° ∋
√8 R
 To calculate percentage of error use:

|experimental value−theoritical value|

% error = ×100 %
theoritical value

B: magnetic field producd by the coil on the axis at distance x

μ° :the permeability of free space ¿)
N :turns of wire ( N =200 turns )
I : current(I =1 A)
R :the radius of the coil(R=0.1 m)
Question 2: [0. 5 ×3=1.5 point ] In this question, show your calculations in details (how
do you got the theoretical values?)
¿ R
A. What is the theoretical magnetic field B value for one coil (when x=0)? use: B=μ° ∋ ¿
2 ( x + R2)3 /2

¿ ¿
B. What is the theoretical magnetic field value for the two coils when [d=R]? use: B=8 μ° ∋
√125 R

¿ ¿
C. What is the theoretical magnetic field value for the two coils when [d=2R] use: B=μ° ∋
√8 R

Part C (collecting data and analysis): [4 points]

Question 3: [2 points] From your own data, and by using the above values complete
the following table: (Summarizing the results)
Theoretical value
Procedure Parameter
value Import your own
values here

Magnetic Field B(T )

Procedure 1 Permeability of free space μ0 (N / A )

Radius of the coil R(m)

Procedure 2 Magnetic Field B(T )

Procedure 3 Magnetic Field B(T )

Question 4: [0. 5 ×3=1.5 points ] by using the theoretical and experimental values (pick
them from the above pages), answer the following in details:

A. What is the percentage of error in magnetic field B for one coil (when x=0)?
use: % error ∈ B= ×100 %

B. What is the percentage of error in R for one coil (when x=0)?

|R exp−Rtheo|
use: % error ∈ R= × 100 %
R theo

C. What is the percentage of error in μ° for one coil (when x=0)?

|μ° exp−μ°theo|
use: % error ∈ μ°= × 100 %
μ °theo
Question 5: [1 point] For two coils, the total magnetic field is the sum of the magnetic
fields from each of the coils. The formulas given above in this lab sheet are just
adaptations of this basic formula in accordance with the coil spacing.

The value of μ° =1.256 ×10−6 N / A2

Where‘d’ is the coil separation, R is

the coil radius and ‘x’ is the point at which field is being measured (in this case, the
axis x=0 for all cases)

By using this information, what is the theoretical value of the magnetic field at the
center of the coil at separation distance of 0.5R?
[Show your work]
Question 6: [1 point] For a single circular coil (R=0.15 m) experiment with 200 turns
passing a current equal to 2A, the experiment is done by measuring the magnetic
field versus the position at point P and we got fitting equation which is best matches
2.025 ×10
with the experimental results B= 2
( x +0.0225)

Depending on this answer, what is the experimental value of free space permeability
N μ0 I R
μ0 if you know the magnetic field equation of one coil is B= 3
2 2 2
2(x + R )
[Show your work]
Part C (Knowledge questions): [2 points]
Question 7: Answer the following questions

1. Helmholtz coils are commonly used in the laboratory because the magnetic field between
A. is especially strong.
B. is parallel to the plane of the coils.
C. none of above is correct
D. is nearly uniform

2. How does changing the coil spacing affect the magnetic field?

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