Vocab Class 39 Vol. 01

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Affinity (noun)

Hindi Meaning: लगाव

English Meaning: A liking or sympathy for someone or something
Usage: He seems to have a natural affinity for the poor.

Synonyms: Affection, aptitude, inclination, leaning, penchant,

predilection, proclivity
Affection (noun)
a feeling of liking for a person or place:
She felt no affection for the child.

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Aptitude (noun)
a natural ability or skill:
My son has no/little aptitude for sport.
Inclination (noun)
a feeling that you want to do a particular thing, or the fact that
you prefer or are more likely to do a particular thing:
My own inclination would be to look for another job.
Leaning (noun)
a particular set of beliefs, opinions, etc. that someone prefers:
I don't know what his political leanings are.

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Penchant (noun)
a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something
Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.

Predilection (noun)
If someone has a predilection for something, they like it a lot:
Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food.

Proclivity (noun)
the fact that someone likes something or likes to do
something, especially something considered morally wrong

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Antonyms: Allergy, apathy, unconcern, aversion, impartiality
Apathy (noun)
lack of interest, or the attitude of not caring resulting from it:
There is a growing sense of apathy among teens and a feeling that
there are no opportunities, he said.
Aversion (noun)
a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something:
I felt an instant aversion to his parents.
Impartiality (noun)
the fact of not supporting any of the sides involved in
an argument:
The state must ensure the independence and impartiality of
the justice system.

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Crass (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: मरू ख
English Meaning: Stupid and without considering how other
people might feel
Usage: He made crass comments about clothes.
Synonyms: Coarse, crude, gross, insensible, rude, rugged, boorish,
cloddish, lumpish
Coarse (adj.)
1st rough and not smooth or soft, or not in very small pieces:
coarse sand
2nd rude and offensive:
a coarse joke or coarse language
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crude (adj.)
1st simple and not skilfully done or made:
a crude device/weapon
2nd rude and offensive:
a crude remark/comment
gross (adj./adv.)
extremely unpleasant:
"Oh, gross!" she said, looking at the flies buzzing above
the piles of dirty plates.
Rugged (adj.)
strong and simple; not delicate:
Jeeps are rugged vehicles, designed for rough conditions.

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Boorish (adj.)
rude and not considering other people's feelings:
I found him rather boorish and aggressive.
Cloddish (adj.)
foolish, awkward, or clumsy.
"they stood there looking stiff and cloddish"
Lumpish (adj.)
awkward and stupid

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Antonyms: Patrician, elegant, aristocratic, gracious
Patrician (noun/adj.)
a person of high social rank:
He nodded firmly, acknowledging the presence of a fellow patrician.

Elegant (adj.)
graceful and attractive in appearance or behaviour:
an elegant woman

aristocratic (adj.)
belonging to a class of people who hold high social rank:
an aristocratic family
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gracious (adj.)
behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm way:
The losing team was gracious in defeat.

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Summon (verb)
Hindi Meaning: बल
ु वाना
English Meaning: Order to be present or officially arrange a meeting
Usage: We were summoned to the headmaster’s office.

Synonyms: Hail, assemble, convene, convoke, invite, invoke, call

Hail (verb)
to call someone in order to attract their attention:
Shall we hail a taxi?
I tried to hail her from across the room.

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Assemble (verb)
to come together in a single place or bring parts together in
a single group:
We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.
Convene (verb)
to bring together a group of people for a meeting, or to meet for
a meeting:
The prime minister convened (a meeting of)
his cabinet to discuss the matter.
Convoke (verb)
to arrange or call people to attend a large formal meeting:
He has convoked a summit conference
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Invoke (verb)
1st to call on something or someone, esp. God, for help
2nd to use something such as a law to help you when you want to
do something:
Regulators said they would invoke legal powers to enforce the change.
call out
to ask someone to come in order to do a job, especially when it is
an emergency:
We had to call out a doctor.

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Antonyms: Dismiss, turn away, banish, expel
turn away (phrasal verb)
to not allow someone to enter a place:
They turned us away at the entrance because we didn't
have tickets.
Banish (verb)
to send someone away, especially from their country, and not allow them to
come back:
They were banished (= sent out) from the library for making a noise.
Expel (verb)
to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country:
My brother was expelled from school for bad behaviour.
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Humane (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: दयालु
English Meaning: Showing kindness, care and sympathy towards
Usage: The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal is to
kill it quickly if it cannot be saved by anyway.
Synonyms: Beneficent, benevolent, benignant, compassionate,
sympathetic, tender
Beneficent (adj.)
helping people and doing good acts: a beneficent aunt

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benevolent (adj.)
kind and helpful:
He was a benevolent old man and wouldn't hurt a fly.
Benignant (adj.)
pleasant and kind:
She was a benignant teacher, not one to criticize or rebuke her students too harshly.
Compassionate (adj.)
feeling or showing sympathy
He was a wonderful listener and a deeply compassionate man.
Tender (adj.)
gentle, loving, or kind:
a tender look/smile
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Antonyms: Merciless, ruthless, insensitive, harsh, atrocious,
callous, savage
Ruthless (adj.)
not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel:
Some people believe that to succeed in this world you have to be

Atrocious (adj.)
of very bad quality:
The weather has been atrocious all week.

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Callous (adj.)
unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people:
It might sound callous, but I don't care if he's homeless. He's
not living with me!
Savage (adj.)
extremely violent, wild, or frightening:
a savage dog/beast

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