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Red Light! Orange Light! Yellow Light! Green Light!

Instrument: 1 2 3 4
Piano - C scale Doesn’t show Emerging Moderately Consistent
HT Consistent

Correct Fingerings were Student has Student has Every note is

fingerings inconsistent small played most played with the
and incorrect. hesitations but notes with the correct
started again correct fingering.
or continued. fingering.

Correct notes Little to no Some notes are Nearly all notes All the notes
correct notes incorrect, but are played played are the
were played. the student correctly. correct notes
tried again. of the scale.

Steady Tempo Tempo was Tempo is Tempo is The tempo

inconsistent unsteady, relatively stayed
and unsteady. consistency was consistent. consistent
brief. throughout.

Musicality/Flow Scale sounded Scale might be The scale flows The scale flows
disconnected disconnected, together, but together and
and but some spots there are a sounds musical.
non-musical. flowed/had couple
musicality discrepancies in

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