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Submitted by:

Alcantara, Beatrice Nicole

Ale, Cristian

Cruz, Jade Airyll

Dumlao, Gil Muriel

Submitted to:

Ms. Jasmine Clemente

Bachelor of Science Major in Psychology 31M1

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

The Thematic Apperception (TAT), commonly known as the “picture interpretation technique”,

as its name suggests uses a set of pictures which involves ambiguous scenes in an attempt to

learn more about the emotions, motivations, and personality of a person. It was developed by

American Psychologists Henry A. Murray and Christina D. Morgan at Harvard University in

1930s. The TAT up to this date is still one of the most studied and clinically implemented

personality tests.

Purpose of the test

The objective of the test is to reveal obscure aspects specifically of the subject's self-perception

and their interpersonal relationships. The TAT data will presumably reveal the "hierarchy of a

person's needs and desires" and including their emotions as well (Jain, 2017). The TAT is

increasingly being utilized in personality studies from an interpersonal or object-relational

perspective (Westen,1991). The TAT is especially appropriate for such research since it provides

cues for a variety of interpersonal issues and relationships, and the variables assessed are

theoretically and clinically meaningful. Additionally, it is also used to learn more about a

person’s character and determine potential emotional conflicts, to assess someone’s

psychological condition if he/she may have conflicting issues within themselves, and to help

people express their feelings especially if they have difficulty in doing so.

The TAT stimuli are usually comprised of nineteen black and white images of individuals or
scenarios. It is advisable that people who are aged five years old or older (can be of both
genders) use this test. During the experiment proper, the subjects are given a "TAT card" in
which they are instructed to create a narrative for each image that are currently being shown.
The narrative must contain the following details: First, what is happening right at that moment.
Second, what could the characters possibly were thinking, experiencing, and feeling based on
the image. Third, what may have caused the event that led to such an outcome? Fourth, the
assumption of what might happen next. Then lastly, all the narrated events that were told to the
examiner will be recorded verbatim.
Testing materials
The TAT entails displaying a selection of picture cards to participants that feature a variety of
ambiguous persons (which may include men, women, and/or children), settings, and scenarios.
These are example of images that are used during the test:
Rorschach Inkblot Test

The Rorschach test is a projective psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots

are recorded and then analyzed using a combination of psychological interpretation, complex

algorithms, or both. This test is implemented by some psychologists to look at the subject's

personality traits and emotional capabilities. (Kendra Cherry, MSEd, 2023)

Purpose of the test

The Rorschach test is a projective measure that evaluates a person's mental state and other

personality features. It is used in combination with other diagnostic tests. Up to 300 different

reported interpretations of the inkblots have been made for each blot. Rorschach's inkblot test

is still employed in some diagnostic circumstances even if it is not as often utilized as it once

was. In the past, doctors and psychoanalysts employed the inkblot test to aid in the diagnosis of

mental illnesses like schizophrenia. This is due to the notion that the Rorschach test might

detect characteristics typical of schizophrenia, particularly those involving emotions, affect, and

cognitive distortions. For instance, people with schizophrenia may respond strongly to inkblots

by showing mental pain or worry at the sight of them. People who desire to adopt a child from

the Czech Republic must get a psychological assessment, and they must submit the

psychologist's report with their application materials. Candidates are highly advised to take the

Rorschach exam, which is used to determine whether they would make good adoptive parents

as well as to help match them with a kid (Stephanie A. Wright, RN, BSN, 2022).


The Rorschach inkblot test consists of 10 symmetrical inkblots, some are colored, black, and red,

or just black. One at a time, the person being tested is shown each inkblot and asked to

describe what they see. There are no right or wrong answers, and you can see more than one

thing. The clinician then records the responses verbatim. Next, the clinician begins the inquiry

phase. As they hold up the same cards one by one, the participant is asked to point out the

location of their responses in each inkblot and why they see what they see. According to

Rorschach’s theory, their responses can give clues on the inner workings of their personality.

This is known as a projective measure. In other words, the test is used to assess an individual’s

response to ambiguous stimuli to uncover unconscious thoughts (Stephanie A. Wright, RN, BSN,


The administration of Rorschach Test has a total of four steps which includes the initial

presentation in which the examiner would ask the subject questions regarding the inkblot

image. After doing so, the subject would then be asked to respond with their own interpretation

of the image while the examiner is recording each response the client would tell. Lastly, the

examiner would then proceed to the confirmation process wherein the assessor would

approach the client and would ask them to explain which part of the inkblot image they saw the

information which made them create their initial interpretation of the picture which aims to

help the assessor have a better understanding of the response the client formulated (Stephanie

A. Wright, RN, BSN, 2022).

Testing materials

There are ten symmetrical inkblots in the Rorschach inkblot test; some are colorful, others are

black and red, and some are simply black. These are examples of inkblot images used in

Rorschach Test:
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

The MMPI Test is commonly utilized during the recruitment process for high-risk roles, such as

Airline Pilots and Police Officers, fields in which mental health is a crucial factor when it comes

to decision-making and safe and efficient execution of the job during working hours.

Purpose of the test

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test (MMPI) is most commonly used to

conduct a proper selection of applicants during the recruitment process for high-risk roles such

as Airline Pilot and Police Officers. It is utilized to ascertain the mental stability of the applicants

whether they are suitable for the job position and how they can their performance be expected

to be while executing their job under workplace pressure. The test will be administered and

interpreted by qualified psychologists or psychiatrists who have received their training with

regards to the proper implementation of the MMPI Test. The test cannot be used without this

professional guidance. Furthermore, unlike any other recruitment-related tests, the MMPI does

not have a pass/fail format. There are no right and wrong answers, therefore, it is unlikely that

the applicant will attempt to cheat the test (Fi Phillips, 2023).

The MMPI-2 contains 567 test items which take approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete.

The MMPI should be administered, scored, and interpreted by a professional, preferably a

Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist with special training in the implementation of MMPI Test.

The MMPI can be administered individually or in groups and computerized versions are

available as well. Both the MMPI -2 and MMPI-2-RF are specially designed for individuals aged

18 years and older. The test can be scored manually or with the use of a computer. However, the

results should always be interpreted by a qualified mental health professional that has had

extensive experience in MMPI interpretation (Kendra Cherry, MSEd, 2022).

Testing Materials

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test consists of two different types of tests

which vary in length. The longer version is more detailed than the shorter one, however, the

latter is deemed to be more practical. Provided below is the list of the original MMPI-2 Test

questions (beatmmpi, May 29,2022)

16 Personality Factors Test

The 16PF is a well-known personality test built on 16 psychologically supported personality

qualities and is based on the research of psychologist Raymond Cattell. The 16PF test and the

Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) are occasionally compared, with the 16PF examining

positive human attributes and the MMPI measuring negative ones.

Purpose of the test

The 16PF questionnaire is a broad assessment of normal adult personality. The purpose of the

measure is to provide a comprehensive snapshot of an individual's personality profile, by

reporting on 16 personality factors as well as five broader global scales. There are 16 personality

qualities that define and predict the behavior of a person in a range of circumstances are

measured by the 16 Personality Factors questionnaire, which is a strong, trustworthy tool. The

tool is intended to identify, nurture, and inspire the individuals who give organizations their

strength. The 16PF instrument, when used by a skilled practitioner, offers a depth of

understanding that enables you to comprehend individuals objectively by gaining a perspective

on their entire personality, rather than simply the behavior they display in professional settings.

It seeks to demonstrate potential, validate capacity to maintain performance in a bigger role,

and aid in identifying areas that require growth. With a viewpoint that is impossible to get from

an interview alone, this lowers the risk in decisions concerning crucial jobs and promotions at all

levels. Lastly, the tool may also serve as a point of reference throughout a person's career,

indicating areas that require improvement so that their full potential can be realized.

This personality test consists of 164 statements about yourself, each indicate how accurate it is

on the scale of (1) disagree (2) slightly disagree (3) neither agree nor disagree (4) slightly agree

(5) agree. It will take most people around ten minutes to complete. The 16PF can be

administered individually or in groups. The participants must answer 185 multiple choice items

for the Couples Counseling Report. Approximately 35-50 minutes when administered by hand

and 25 to 35 minutes when implemented by computer.

Testing materials

There are six test formats, two of which are intended for those with less schooling. The 16pf has

undergone five changes since it was first published. The 16pf forms comprise 187 items and

take 45 to 60 minutes to administer (25 to 35 minutes for the shorter form with 105 items).

Some 16pf forms have validity scales, which are meant to determine if the respondent is

presenting a genuine protocol, i.e., not fabricating. 'Fake-bad' or 'Fake-good' scales and a

random-responses scale are among these scales. Furthermore, the test taker is required to use

materials during the administration of 16PF Test, these includes a test booklet, an answer sheet,

a number 2 pencil, a set of four scoring keys, a norm table, and individual record form

(University of Gujrat, March 24, 2017)

The California Psychological Inventory

The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) tests are effective instruments for assisting people in

doing better. They describe and explain how other people see a person and evaluate his or her

leadership style using a sophisticated approach to obtain in-depth personality insights.

Purpose of the test

People who take the CPI tests have a better understanding of their traits, motives, and ways of

thinking in both personal and professional contexts. They provide a distinctive viewpoint on

how individuals govern themselves and interact with others, highlighting strengths and chances

for growth. Furthermore, the California Psychological Inventory can be used to enhance factors

such as leadership competencies, executive motivation, performance improvement, succession

planning, selection and retention, and executive coaching. Additionally, there are a total of two

CPI assessments available. The CPI 260 assessment which is specifically designed to test

practical, down-to-earth insights for organizational development, coaching, and human

resource applications in business or organizational context. The second variety is called CPI 434

which aims to assess professionals who are qualified to use complex assessment tools and have

solid background in personality theory and assessment methodology, as well as experience in

the analysis of individual test data.


The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure

normal-range human behavior. It consists of 434 true/false items representing concepts such as

Tolerance, Responsibility, Integrity, Empathy, and Self-Control—that are commonly used to

describe and understand human behavior. The CPI was originally designed for group

administration; however, it can be administered individually. The approximate length of time for

administration is 45-60 minutes and the assessor needs to have level c qualifications and the

test is usually implemented in either computerized or paper and pencil setting.

Testing Materials

The total number of questions on CPI 434 is 434. The test-taker can anticipate that it will give

information on their interpersonal style and their social interaction abilities, maturity, creativity,

leadership skills, career ambitions, strength of mind as well as other thought processes. The

reason CPI 260 is so named is because it has 260 questions that were chosen from the original

434. This exam specifically examines interpersonal skills as they relate to the job. It examines

the worker's capacity for self-management, interpersonal interaction, and leadership, as well as

their drive and way of thinking.


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