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Technical & Business Writing Course

Outline by HEC:

1. Overview of Technical Reporting

2. Use of Library and Information Gathering

3. Administering Questionnaires

4. Reviewing Gathered Information

5. Technical Exposition

- Topical Arrangement

- Exemplification

- Definition

- Classification and Division

- Casual Analysis

- Effective Exposition

6. Technical Narration

7. Description and Argumentation

8. Persuasive Strategy

9. Organizing Information and Generating Solutions

- Brainstorming

- Organizing Material

- Construction of the Formal Outline

- Outlining Conventions

- Electronic Communication

10. Polishing Style

- Paragraphs
- Sentence Structure
- Clarity

- Length and Order

- Avoiding Pomposity

- Eliminating Empty Words

- Simplifying Vocabulary

11. Document Design

- Document Structure

- Preamble

- Summaries

- Abstracts

- Table of Contents

- Footnotes

- Glossaries

- Cross-Referencing

- Plagiarism, Citation, and Bibliography

- Index

- Appendices

- Typesetting Systems

12. Creating the Professional Report

- Elements

- Mechanical Elements

- Graphical Elements

13. Types of Reports

- Proposals

- Progress Reports

- Leaflets
- Brochures
- Handbooks

- Magazine Articles

- Research Papers

- Feasibility Reports

- Project Reports

- Technical Research Reports

- Manuals and Documentation

- Thesis

14. Electronic Documents

15. Linear versus Hierarchical Structure Documents

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