Activitybasedapproachoflearningmathematics Thiyagu 180716092904

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Activity Based Approach

K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod

Activity based learning The idea of activity-based
focuses use of these learning is rooted in the common
sense organs and notion that children are
learning should be based on active learners
doing some rather than
hands-on experiments and passive recipients
activities. of information.
The teaching-learning process
is the
heart of education




Subject Student
The aim of activity-based approach is for learners to
construct process of self-learning and problem solving
and transfer of information and skills
Activity Based Approach

Child-centered educational aids to foster self learning and allows

a child to study according to his/her aptitude and skill.
Activities in each milestone include games, rhymes, drawing and
songs to teach a letter or a word, or understand a concept.
(Dhand, 1995)
Need of Activity Based Approach

Encourages Provides students

independence and experience and active
team learning participation

Provides a wide variety Make students advance

of manipulative open- at their own rate
ended and creative (abilities, interest &
activities motivations)
Need of Activity Based Approach

Encourages self-reliance Problem-solving, critical and

and development of creative thinking and deep
initiative in an atmosphere understanding are
of trust emphasized

Encourages children to
follow many of their own Learners are encouraged to
interests and desires to explore the new
learn knowledge independently
Activity - I

Sum of the three angles in a

triangle is 180 degree
Activity - II

Verification of
Pythagoras Theorem

The Square of the hypotenuse Pre requisite Knowledge :

of a right angle triangle is Area of square, construction of
equal to the sum of the square parallel and perpendicular lines
of the other two sides.
Material Required :
chart paper, pen, glue stick, scissor.
• Draw a right angle triangle on a Area of square 1
chart paper. = a*a = a2
• Extend all the sides of triangle
to form square Area of square 2
= b*b = b2
• Draw unit squares in the
squares corresponding two legs
of triangle. Area of square 3
= c2 = a2+b2
• Cut the unit squares and paste
them on square corresponding
to hypotenuse. Pythagoras theorem :
c2 = a2+b2
Benefits ABL Approach

• Children learn on their our

• Provision of more time for self
– directed learning
• Promoting Group, mutual and
• Teachers teaching time is self learning
judiciously distributed among
• Children’s participation is
every step is ensured
• Evaluation is inbuilt in the
Benefits ABL Approach

• Freedom to child in learning

• Rote learning is
discouraged • Multigrade and multilevel in
learning is effectively
• Periodical absence of child
from school is properly
addressed. • No child can move to the next
higher step of learning unless
• Classroom transaction is
attain the previous one.
based on child’s needs and
interests. • Sense of achievement boosts
child’s confidence and morale.
Benefits ABL Approach

• Attractive cards and activity • Allowed to move in the classroom

create interest • Distance between the teacher and
• Development in creative and the child is largely reduced
communicative skill’s. • Teacher acts as a facilitator rather
• Feel of security as they sit in than teacher.
round in the groups.

“Mathematics learning should be imparted through activities

from the very beginning of school education. i.e., form the
primary stage itself. These activities may involve the use of
concrete materials, models, charts, patterns, pictures,
posters, games, puzzles, and experiments. The importance
of using learning aids needs to be stressed.”

(NCERT, 2000)

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