Xii Final Test 2023

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74 Model Question with Answer Key

v) But they eternal summer shall not fade. [make it affirmative]

vi) It has grown slowly consuming the earth. [Split into two simple sentences]
4.b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions. [½×6=3]
My parents were widely regarded as (i) ideal couple. My mother's lineage
was (ii) more distinguieshed, one (iii) her forebears having been bestowed
(iv) title (v) Raisahib (vi) the British.
4.c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word
with the right one from the options given below. [1×1=1]
"I would teach you right from wrongful. [options : wrong/wronged/wrongly]
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
Auguste Rodin first exhibited his celebrated sculpture ''Gates of Hell" in 1900.
Monumental in scale Rodin's masterpiece opended up a new world for art. What Van
Gogh, Gaugin and Cizanne did for painting, Rodin single-handedly did for sculpture. The
inspirations he drew from are the Renaissance, and above all from Michaelangelo, flows
through his own work to fertilise the work of generations to come. Rodin had once stated,
"The most remote antiquity is my habitat'. I want to link the past to the present; to return to
memory, judge it and contrive to complete it. Symbols are the guidelines of humanity. They
are no lies". Truth and man's moral stature, these were Rodin's concerns. During the day
he earned his living as a plasterer, at night he worked on his own sculptures.
a) State whether the following are True/False. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for
False. (1×4=4)
i) Gates of Hell is the name of a painting by Rodin.

ii) According to Rodin modernity is habitat.

iii) Rodin earned his living as a plasterer.

iv) "Gates of Hell" was Rodin's masterpiece.

b) Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words. (2×3=6)

i) What did Robin say about symbols?
ii) From where did Rodin derive his inspiration?
iii) What are Rodin's primary concerns?
Model Question with Answer Key 75
6.a) Write a letter to the Pradhan of your Gram Panchayet expressing your concern about
the scarcity of water in your locality due to the excessive use of shallow tubewells in
agriculture. 10

6.b) Write a report on the celebration of Independence Day in your school. It will be
published in the local newspaper. 10
6. c) Write a precis of the following passage add a suitable title. [2+8=10]
The food/climate equation is rooted in the earth. The expansion of unsustainable
agricultural practices over the past century has led to the destruction of between 30% and
75% of the organic matter on arable lands, and 50% of the organic matter on pastures and
prairies. This massive loss of organic matter is responsible for between 25% and 40% of
the current excess CO2 in the earth's atmosphere but the good news is that this CO2 we
have sent into the atmosphere can be put back into the soil, simply by restoring the practices
that small farmers have been engaging in for generations.

PART - B (Marks : 20)

1. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from
the given alternatives provided. 1×4=4
i) The name of the high priest of the Rameshwaram Temple is –
a) Pakshi Laxmana Shastri b) Ashiamma
c) Jainulabdeen d) Abdul Kalam
ii) The Soldier's smile is –
a) Sweet b) Infantile
c) Satirical d) Silly
iii) The boy needed money to buy –
a) a belt b) a pair of blue suede shoes
c) trousers d) shirt
iv) When the Tsar reached the hermit's hut, he was
a) drawing water b) planting saplings
c) digging the ground d) sweeping
76 Model Question with Answer Key
2) Answer any four of the following questions each in a complete sentence.
(1× 4 = 4)
i) Till which station was the narrator alone in his compartment?
ii) In which town was APJ Abdul Kalam born?
iii) What did Mrs. Jones serve for dinner?
iv) Where was the bearded man hurt?
v) What did the new passenger say about the girl's eyes?
vi) With what did people wait for Jainulabeen outside the mosque?
vii) At what time did Mrs. Jones' first encounter with Roger take place?
viii) Why was the Tsar dissatisfied with the answers of the scholars and learned men ?
3. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from
the alternatives provided. 1×4=4
i) The soldier's smile is –
a) Silly b) Infantile
c) Satiric d) Vain
ii) For growing big the tree absorbs –
a) Air b) Water
c) Sunlight d) a, b and c
iii) Rough winds shake the darling buds of –
a) June b) May
c) July d) April
iv) The shrill voice from behind the stone belongs to the –
a) grasshopper b) birds
c) cricket d) mouse
4) Answer any four of the following questions each in a complete sentence.
(1× 4 = 4)
i) Who according to the poet is immortal?
ii) Why do birds hide in trees in summer?
iii) What do the slow stream leave on the grass?
iv) From where will curled green twigs emerge?
Model Question with Answer Key 77
v) What shall give life to the poet's friend?
vi) Whose voice will run from hedge to hedge?
vii) What is referred to as "eye of heaven"?
viii) What will happen if 'miniature boughs' are left unchecked?
5. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from
the alternatives provided. 1×4=4
i) Natalya was shelling for drying.
a) peas b) beans
c) onions d) molluscs
ii) Guess belonged to
a) Lomov b) Chubukov
c) Lomov's aunt d) Chubukov's wife
iii) Oxen meadows was lent as pasture to
a) Chubukov's family b) Lomov's peasants
c) Lomov's in-laws d) Datalya's in-laws
iv) Squeezer cost
a) 70 roubles b) 200 roubles
c) 100 roubles d) 50 roubles

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