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Chapter 34 LCA of Wastewater Treatment Henrik Fred Larsen Abstract The main purpose of wastewater treatment is to protect humans against waterborne diseases and to safeguard aquatic bio-resources like fish. The domi- nating environmental concems within this domain are indeed still potential aquatic eutrophication/oxygen depletion due to nutrienVorganic matter emissions and potential health impacts due to spreading of pathogens. Anyway, the use of treat- ment for micro-pollutants is increasing and a paradigm shift is ongoing— wastewater is more and more considered as a resource of, e.g. energy, nutrients and. even polymers, in the innovations going on. The focus of LCA studies addressing ‘wastewater treatment have from the very first published cases, been on energy and resource consumption, In recent time, the use of characterisation has increased and besides global warming potential, especially eutrophication is in focus. Even the toxicity-related impact categories are nowadays included more often. Application of LCA for comparing avoided against induced impacts, and hereby identifying trade-offs when introducing new technology, is increasingly used. A typical func- tional unit is the treatment of one cubic metre of wastewater which should be well defined regarding composition. Depending on the goal and scope of the study, all life cycle stages have the potential of being significant, though disposal of infras- tructure seems to be the least important for the impact profile in many cases, No inventory data and none of the conventional impact categories (except stratospheric ozone depletion if emission of NO is excluded) should be nuled out; but eutrophication and ecotoxicity are in many cases among the dominating ones. 34.1 Introduction The history and the present status of wastewater treatment including the overall use of LCA within this technology domain are briefly described below HE. Larsen (0) Danish Road Directorate, 2640 Hedehusene, Denmark ‘e-mail: © Springer Intemational Publishing AG 2018 B61 MLZ. Hauschild et al. cds.) Life Cycle Assessment, DOI 10,1007/978-3-319-56475-3_34 862 HEF, Larsen 34.1.1 History For thousands of years water has been used for sanitary purposes with the resulting wastewater (WW) being emitted to the environment, However, due to an acceler- ating global population with increased sanitary demands combined with the indus- trial revolution, the pollution potential has reached a severe level in modern time. In order to protect the aquatic bio-resources (e.g. fish and crustaceans), human health and the aquatic ecosystems, wastewater treatment (WWT) is now widespread and becomes more and more advanced. Starting with simple systems for sedimentation (mechanical or primary treatment), more advanced processes for removing organic matter and nutrients (ammonia/nitrate), like activated sludge treatment (secondary treatment), have now been used for some decades in industrialised and densely populated countries. In recent years, the focus is more on tertiary treatment (re- moving phosphorus) and processes for removing micro-pollutants including ‘ozonation and activated carbon treatment. A paradigm shift is ongoing —wastewater is more and more considered as a resource of, e.g. energy (biogas from anaerobic digestion of sludge), nutrients (especially phosphorus) and polymers (sludge). Innovations addressing these issues are ongoing these years. The focus of LCA case studies within this area has consistently been on energy and in some cases combined with resource consumption. More recently, charac- terisation has increasingly been included and besides global warming potential (including direct emissions of CH, and N,O from WWT) especially eutrophication is in focus. With the enhanced awareness of micro-pollutants in effluent and sludge also the toxicity-related impact categories are nowadays included more often, Using LCA for identifying trade-offs and comparing the relative sustainability of alternative treatment systems has also become widespread. 34.1.2 Present Status Today, the number of wastewater treatment technologies is quite large with opti- mization and new technologies currently being introduced. This process is mainly driven by legislation like the EU Water Framework Directive for Europe (EC 2000) or the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling being part of the National Water Quality Management Strategy for Australia (Australian Government 2015). The wastewater treatment technologies or systems may be divided into at least three main groups with some overlap: ‘© Treatment systems for removal of organic matter (e.g. sedimentation, activated sludge). ‘© Treatment systems for removal of nutrients (e.g. nitrification/denitrification, P-precipitation). ‘* Treatment systems for removal of micro-pollutants (e.g. ozonation, activated carbon). 34 LCA of Wastewater Treatment 863 Fig, 34.1. Conventional wastewater treatment plant (Doka 2007, with permission) Among new technologies that presently have only reached lab or pit scale are, e.g. Less advanced technologies/systems like source separation (e.g. separating toilet water containing faeces from urine containing water and bathing water) are also part of the innovation going on. The traditional aim of sludge treatment is to reduce volume and mass in order to save disposal costs. However, as sludge has been and still is used as fertiliser on agricultural land (or, e.g. woods), removing pathogens is also a focus. Therefore, different physical, mechanical and biological technologies like dewatering, diges- -ating for hygienic treatment are widespread. The increased focus on resource recovery/recycling in recent years has led to enhanced use of, e. jiogas/CH,). Furthermore, new technologies like sludge inertisation (wet oxidation, pyrolysis) and sludge triage (separating primary and secondary sludge before treatment) for improved exploitation/recovery of, e.g. phosphorus, are part of the innovation going on. ‘The main environmental concerns within the wastewater treatment domain a still i ee) Anyway, the focus on the potential ecotoxic effect of organic micro-pollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals) and metals (e.g. mercury) is increasing together with efforts to improve the energy balance (e.g. optimise biogas production) and resource recovery (e.g. phosphorus). ‘The process steps in a typical conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) are shown in Fig. 34.1. 34.2 Review of Existing LCA Case Studies on WWT At least more than 60 LCA studies on wastewater treatment have been performed since the mid 1990s, with the paper by Emmerson et al. (1995) being among the first ones. Today, several review papers exist with Larsen et al. (2007), Corominas 864 TLR, Larsen et al, (2013) and Zang et al. (2015) being the most recent. The review by Larsen et al. (2007) includes 22 studies and focus on eco-toxicity-related impacts though conventional impact categories are also included. Corominas et al. (2013) reviewed 45 studies but excluded specific studies on sludge treatment. This is also the case for the review by Zang et al. (2015) that includes 53 studies (among these several Asian ones) on different technologies but focus on activated sludge plants. This chapter is mainly based on the review by Larsen et al. (2007) supplemented by the two other, more recent reviews (Corominas et al. 2013; Zang et al. 2015) together with some of the most comprehensive studies including Larsen et al. (2010). The results of the Larsen et al. (2007) review are briefly shown in Table 34.1 in Appendix. The reviewed studies include to varying degrees life cycle stages, LCA impact categories, micro-pollutants, and more, and present LCA profiles for wastewater treatment. The results are presented and discussed in the following sections on the importance of different life cycle stages for the impact profile, the relevance of different impact categories for this application domain, and the degree to which wastewater specific issues like micro-pollutamts and pathogens are included, Finally, spatial differentiation, normalisation and weighting are addressed. 34.2.1 Importance of Life Cycle Stages The life cycle of the service of wastewater treatment comprises different stages, ie. material stage (production of raw materials, e.g. oil) including the construction of the plant, use stage (running the plant), transport “stage” (in some cases an inte~ ‘grated part of the other stages) and finally disposal, waste or reuse/recycling stage (eg. landiill), These stages are dealt with in the subsections below. Material and Construction Stage Some of the LCA studies included in Table 34.1 in Appendix, like Emmerson et al, (1995) and Tillman et al. (1998), have in a detailed way. In the case Emmerson et al. (1995), the results show that although the energy consumption is overall dominated by the operation stage at one of the WWTPS analysed, it is of the same order of magnitude in both the construction and the operation stages at the two other WWTPs included. Also the studies by Tangsubkul et al. (2005), Vlasopoulos (2004) and Vlasopoulos et al. (2006) point at the possible importance of infrastructure for several different pro- cesses, e.g. constructed wet lands and sand filters. Newer studies, not included in ‘Table 34.1 in Appendix, like Larsen et al, (2010) confirm that infrastructure/capital goods may play ‘That infrastructure needs to be addressed in all cases, either by including or arguing for excluding, is also stated in the review by Corominas et al. (2013). 34 LCA of Wastewater Treatment 865 Use Stage ‘The use stage (or plant operation stage) plays an often dominating role is docu- mented in almost all studies. The mai the typical use of electricity, fuels and especialy the emission of polutants fom the waslewater to ai wih eluent and sludge. Transport ‘Transport may or may not play a significant role (but typically not dominating) in the LCA profile of a Wast Water Treatment Technology (WWTT) depending on the created scenario and its scoping. An example of significant importance of transport is the Australian study by Beavis and Lundie (2003) focusing on energetically efficient distance to place of application of biosolids (based on sludge) used for fertilisation of agricultural land. In their specific cases threshold transport distance of 172 km (aerobic digested sludge) and 143 km (anaerobic digested sludge) could be esti- mated. Another example of the importance of distance to place of application is described in the paper by Houillon and Jolliet (2005) showing by sensitivity analysis fr sumption, In the study by Dixon et }3) on small-scale WWTPs, rans in the case of reed bed contributed with Iso, transportation of the wastewater may be important in scenarios where itis collected in tanks and transported to the treatment plant over long distances. Disposal Stage The importance of including the disposal of waste (in some cases as a resource for reuse or recycling) in LCA studies on wastewater is documented in several studies. ‘One example is the disposal of sludge for agricultural application. Including the substitution of fertiliser production and the potential impact from especially the metal content of the sludge is very important (Beavis and Lundie 2003; Tangsubkul et al, 2005; Hospido et al. 2005), which has also been shown in more recent studies like Larsen et al, (2010) not included in Table 34.1 in Appendix. Another example is whether or not the methane production from anaerobic digestion is utilised (substituting fossil energy) or is emitted to air and hereby contributing significantly to the global warming potential (Tillman et al. 1998). 34.2.2 Relevance of Different Impact Categories ‘The environmental impact categories are here divided into the typical energy- This is because a typical challenge in wastewater treatment is the achievement of higher effluent water quality at the expense of higher energy consumption. The energy-related categories comprise global warming, acidification and photochemical ozone formation, in a ‘wastewater treatment system all primarily attributable to the combustion of fossil fuels in stationary or mobile processes. The toxicity-related impact categories include ecotoxicity and human toxicity. Eutrophication which in many other cases 866 HEF, Larsen is primarily energy related is here looked upon separately due to its high relevance for wastewater effluent. Resource consumption, stratospheric ozone depletion, land use, photochemical ozone formation, and waste generation are also treated separately. Energy-Related Impact Categories ‘The typically high importance of the energy-related impact categories are docu- mented in most of the studies reviewed. For example in the study by Clauson-Kaas et al. (2006), the induced potential impact related to the energy consumption from running two of the inves- ited treatment technologies (MBR and ozonation) is at least in the main scenario higher than the avoided potential impact (aquatic ecotoxicity) achieved by cleaning the water (normalised or weighted impact potentials). In the study by Beavis and Lundie (2003) focusing on disinfection technologies for effluents and digestion of sludge, the potential impacts related to energy consumption also plays a dominating role. In the review by Corominas et al. (2013), global warming, acidification and eutrophication is evaluated in 38, 27 and 28 of the 45 studies included, respectively. ‘Newer impact categories like ionising radiation and particulate matter formation are also important as they are typically related to energy production. Toxicity-Related Impact Categories The importance of the toxicity-related impact categories, i. ecotoxicity and human toxicity, when doing LCA on wastewater treatment—especially if the chemical/ toxic emission from the WWTP is actually included—is documented in several studies. In, for example, the Dutch study by Roeleveld et al. (1997) focusing on municipal wastewater treatment, the normalised results show aquatic ecotoxicity to be the second most t impact category only exceeded by eutrophication. Mai cons oh ty of ef wel 90% Hg, Cd) whereas the included non-specified organié ‘pollutants account for the rest. at other micro-pollutants than just metals can play an important role for aquatic ecotoxicity in the LCA comparison of different wastewater treatment options is documented in the study by Clauson-Kaas et al. (2006) including endocrine dis- ruptors and other organics. Terrestrial ecotoxicity may also in some cases play an important role. This is seen especially in cases involving agricultural application of sludge containing metals. One example is the study by Hospido et al. (2005) comparing anaerobic digestion of sludge with different thermal alternatives. In this case, the anaerobic digestion scenario includes agricultural application and gets the overall highest normalised impact score on terrestrial ecotoxicity due to the content ‘of metals in the sludge. In the same study and same scenario, the impact category ‘on human toxicity gets the second highest normalised impact score (human ex- posure to metals via food chains) showing that at least in a few cases human toxicity may play an important role in an LCA study of wastewater treatment technologies. That also human toxicity related to air emission from energy pro- duction may play an at least not negligible role in this context is shown in, for example, two Danish studies (Clauson-Kaas et al. 2001, 2006). More recent studies including pharmaceuticals and more, like Larsen et al. (2010), confirm the overall 34 LCA of Wastewater Treatment 867 results of this review. The importance of toxicity-related impact categories is also reflected in the reviews by Corominas et al. (2013) and Zang et al. (2015). Eutrophication and Oxygen Depletion Due to Emission of Organic Matter Reduction in et (COD, s LCAs of wastewater treatment is documented in many studies. For example in the paper by Roeleveld et al. (1997) focusing on municipal wastewater treatment in The Netherlands, ¥ impact share of eutrophication is clearly the highest with 4.4%, whereas the second highest, aquatic ecotoxicity, only amounts to 2.4% and energy consumption only 0.6% (normalised on basis of the total potential impact of all Dutch societal activities). Another example is the study by Hospido et al. (2004) on. a Spanish municipal wastewater plant showing that eutrophication is the domi- nating impact category after normalisation with a share of about 65%. The typical dominance of eutrophication when wastewater effluent is included is confirmed by newer studies as described in the reviews by Corominas et al. (2013) and Zang et al. (2015). Distinguishing between emissions to freshwater (typically P-deficient) and marine water (in many cases N-deficient), and if possible include spatial (and temporal) differentiation is important for this impact category. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion The impact category stratospheric ozone depletion is included in 6 out of the 22 reviewed studies. It may play some (minor) role in ranking different alternative ‘wastewater treatment technologies as shown for advanced oxidation processes by, e.g. Mufioz et al. (2005, 2006) and Garcia-Montaiio et al. (2006), However, after normalisation, the importance is typically negligible as regards WWTPs (Rocleveld et al. 1997; Hospido et al. 2004, 2005). This insignificant importance is confirmed by the Corominas et al. (2013) review but it should be noted that emission of NO, which is in focus regarding global warming potential related to WWTP, is con- sidered to be today’s dominant ozone layer depleting emission (UNEP 2013). Photochemical Ozone Formation That the impact category on (tropospheric) photochemical ozone formation (POF) in some cases may play ‘SUlseaa nino ToS GGT veral studies. In the study by Vasopoulos et al. (2006) comparing 20 different technologies for cleaning petroleum process waters, the POF is showing a normalised contribution, that is, at the same level as the one for eutrophication. Another example is the study by Tangsubkul et al. (2006) analysing microfiltration processes where the POF plays @ relative important role (due to its relation to energy production, in this case electricity production) and is shown to be microfiltration flux dependent. That the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from fossil fuel combustion (transport vehicles, machines ete.) can make the impact category for photochemical ozone formation significant in the comparison of different sludge treatment sce- narios is shown by Suh and Rousseaux (2002). However, in the study on a municipal WWTP by Hospido et al. (2005) the normalised contribution from POF ‘was found to be negligible. 868 TLR, Larsen Waste Generation The disposal of “waste”, for example, the waste het ina ur ofcaes Gurr yee of obama ago. Forexample, the disposal of sludge on agricultural land is in some cases characterised by the use of the impact categories for terrestrial ecotoxicity, human toxicity and more (e.g. Hospido et al. 2005). The importance of addressing waste generation and its disposal is documented in several studies (e.g. Beavis and Lundie 2003; Tangsubkul et al. 2005), However, in many impact assessment cases and studies all or some of the waste is “only” included as, e.g. “hazardous waste”, “slag and ashes”, “solid waste” etc. (e.g. Clauson-Kaas et al. 2001; Tillman et al. 1998) or not at all (e.g. Dixon et al. 2003). One should always aim for characterising all waste disposals by the well-established impact categories including emissions to the biosphere (like fresh- ‘water ecotoxicity and human toxicity) and not just different waste categories. Land Use Only three studies have included land use in the LCA and only as occupied square metres or square metres times years of occupation, In the case of Mujioz et al. (2006), the land use is associated with the construction of the plant and reflects the large area needed for the solar field. The results of Dixon et al. (2003) reflect the difference between the land use for small conventional plants and a constructed wetlands with the same capacity, i. the included wetlands require a factor of 1740 times larger area than the corresponding conventional plants. Mels et al. (1999) analysed three different large (100,000 p.e.) wastewater treatment plants (one reference and two alternatives) and come up with an area need of 8000-10,000 m? depending on the plant. A general exclusion of land use can therefore not be recommended as it may play a role espe- cially if the LCA includes constructed wetlands, high space demanding energy pro- duction or the like. That only a few studies have actually included land use until now is confirmed by the most recent review study by Zang et al. (2015). Resource Consumption 8 out of the 22 LCA studies reviewed include an impact category for resource consumption/depletion. However, in more cases resource consumption data is fat resource depletion may play an ment and that, in many cases, it is associated with cons is shown by Roeleveld et al (1997), Gasafi et al. (2004) and Suh and Rousseaux (2002). Later studies like Larsen et al. (2010) confirm this. Water consumption/use as a separate category has also been included in a few recent studies as described in Zang et al. (2015). 34.2.3. Micro-Pollutants and Pathogens in Effluent and Sludge ‘The reviewed papers (Table 34.1 in Appendix) only include micro-pollutants to a 34 LCA of Wastewater Treatment 869 Regarding inorganic micro-pollutants, the evaluation of potential toxic impact from metals in effluent or sludge is included in 8 out of the 22 studies reviewed. wo studies include metals only in the assessment of the wastewater effluent (Clauson-Kaas et al. 2001, 2006), three studies apparently include metals in both effluent and sludge (Roeleveld et al. 1997; Beavis and Lundie 2003; Tangsubkul et al. 2005), and the other three studies only include metals in sludge (Suh and Rousseaux 2002; Hospido et al. 2004, 2005). Organic micro-pollutants in general are only dealt with in two studies and only specified as single substances (not groups) in one case (i.e, Clauson-Kaas et al. 2006). The Clauson-Kaas study includes linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (LAS), diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), i. benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,’)perylene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene for effluent emissions. A newer study by Larsen et al (2010), not included in Table 34.1 in Appendix, is one of the most comprehensive ones regarding organic micro-pollutants and includes 22 pharmaceuticals/ metabolites for effluent emissions, and LAS, nonylphenol, DEHP and benzo(a) pyrene for sludge applied on agricultural land. Potential impacts of pathogens are not included in any of the 22 LCA studies. Reduction of pathogens by WWT is, however, included in two studies (Clauson-Kaas et al. 2006; Beavis and Lundie 2003) and pointed out as an important issue for sludge used for agricultural application (Hospido et al. 2004), Further, the lack of including human health risk caused by the presence of pathogens in wastewater is pointed out as a limitation “that can affect the use of LCA in decision support in water recycling plan- ning” (Tangsubkul et al. 2005). A preliminary method on how to include pathogens in LCA has been developed by Larsen et al. (2009) and most recently this issue has been addressed regarding sewage sludge management (Harder et al. 2016). 34.2.4 Spatial Differentiation Site dependency with regard to aquatic ecotoxicity is only included on a general level asa differentiation between fresh water aquatic environment and marine (saltwater) aquatic environment and only in six of the reviewed studies. However, several studies include site-dependent inventory data when specific existing wastewater treatment works are looked upon (e.g. Tillman et al. 1998; Emmerson et al. 1995; Muyioz et al. 2006). For WWT spatial differentiation seems especially relevant for impacts related to aquatic ecotoxicity and eutrophication. 34.2.5 Normalisation and Weighting ‘Twelve of the reviewed studies use normalisation with five of them supplementing with a weighting based on value choices, The normalisation is typically done on 870 TLR, Larsen basis of the total societal (land, region or global) potential impact per citizen within a reference year and the normalised results, for example, expressed in percentages of the total societal impact in each impact category (see also Sect. 10.3 on nor- malisation). By introducing value choices weighting factors may be estimated for each impact category or anticipated weighting factors (e.g. 0.5 and 1) may be used in sensitivity analysis as in the study by Suh and Rousseaux (2002). In the study by Clauson-Kaas et al. (2006), weighting factors (1.0-1.7) based on distance to political reduction targets, ic. governmental and international conventions on reduction targets (actually the same as a normalisation reference for a future sce- nario) are used. In the case of Tillman et al. (1998) and Svanstrém et al. (2004), the “monetary” principle “willingness to pay”, i. the willingness of society to pay for restoration of impacts on “areas of protection” is used. In the recent review by Corominas et al. (2013), the use of the hierarchist perspective (archetypes) for weighting is found in WWT LCA cases. The strength of using normalisation and ‘weighting is that it makes comparison between different WWT altermatives more simple and creates the opportunity to aggregate all the impact potentials into one ‘common impact score. On the other hand, the weakness is that weighting is based on value choices and not natural science and therefore debatable. Probably due to this and a very stubbom (site-specific) risk-based approach on how to do envi- ronmental assessment within this applicationdomain, the LCA approach has had a hard time gaining a foothold. Using normalisation references at different scales (catchment, region, nation ete.) and different weighting principles may therefore be a good idea in trying to test the robustness of a result and gain acceptance. 34.3. Methodological Issues ‘When modelling LCA cases on wastewater the issue in focus is typically the service "included in a limited way and in most cases not at all. Goal and Scope The most commonly used functional unit (see Sect. 8.4.2) is one cubic metre of (ingoing) wastewater. If comparison among technologies is the aim, it is highly important to define the wastewater composition strictly (P content, COD content, etc.) in order to avoid introducing a bias in the comparison. Depending on the goal and scope “population equivalents” (e.g. based on BODS) or nutrient content (kg phosphorus content) may also be used as functional unit. Defining the life time of the technologies in question is also important and may play a significant role. Scoping according to the goal is essential and may include the whole water cycle if the goal is mapping hot spots in a region’s sanitary system or only specific process parameters if the aim is assessing the environmental performance of different technical process optimisations. It may, for example, be of high importance for the

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