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John Peter Cyrus B.


BSBA 1-6

Science, Technology and Society



1. Computer
2. Biodiversity
3. genetically modified organism
4. Nanotechnology
5. Embryonic stem cells.
6. Information Age
7. one billionth (short scale) of a metre (0.000000001 m).
8. The Internet
9. Gene therapy
10. Climate change


1-2 ( 2 ) Fundamental approaches to Nanomanufacturing

1. Top- down approach

2. Bottom–up approach.

3-5 ( 3 ) Instruments to view Nanomaterials

3. Clothing
4. Furniture
5. Adhesives

6-7 ( 2 ) Types of Gene Therapy

6. Somatic gene therapy

7. Germline gene therapy

8-9 ( 2 ) Kinds of Electron Microscope

8. Transmission electron microscope

9. scanning electron microscope (SEM)

10-12 ( 3 ) Laws of Robotics

10. The first law is that a robot shall not harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to
11. The second law is that a robot shall obey any instruction given to it by a human, and
12. the third law is that a robot shall avoid actions or situations that could cause it to come to harm
13-24 ( 12 ) Different countries with Government funding for Nanotechnology

13. US
14. Western Europe
15. Japan
16. UK
17. China
18. Korea
19. Taiwan
20. Singapore
21. Germany
22. France
23. Netherlands
24. Sweden

25-30 ( 6 ) GMOs in Food and Agriculture Industries

25. cornstarch,
26. corn syrup,
27. corn oil, soybean oil,
28. canola oil, or
29. granulated sugar.
30. Vegetables

31-37 ( 7 ) Benefits of GMOs

1. More nutritious food

2. Tastier food
3. Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources (such as
water and fertilizer)
4. Less use of pesticides Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life
5. Faster growing plants and animals
6. Food with more desirable traits, such as potatoes that produce less of a cancer-causing
substance when fried
7. Medicinal foods that could be used as vaccines or other medicines

38-43 ( 6 ) GMOs Iin Non-Food Crops and Microorganisms

38. industrial enzymes

39. raw materials for bio-fuels

40. paper and starch

41. medicinal products

42. non-feed

43. non-food
44-45 ( 2 ) Sources of Stem Cells

44. embryonic tissues,

45. fetal tissues

46-50 ( 5 ) Social and Ethical Considerations in Conducting Research on Nanotechnology

equity, privacy, security, environmental impact, and metaphysical applications
concerning human–machine interactions


1. What can you do as a person to help in the imrovement of climate change

Worldwide environmental change is the existential danger within recent memory. It's brought
about by human action, and its effects — rising ocean levels, outrageous climate and
catastrophic events, food uncertainty, and financial unsteadiness, among others — excessively
influence the most weak individuals, those most un-liable for it, and those most un-ready to
adjust to its belongings. Tending to a dangerous atmospheric devation and handling
environmental change require public and global activity and strategy changes. However, people,
families, and networks play an essential part to play as well.
2. As a student of CUP what are your probable actions to help in the stardardization of our school
as learned in the subject Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field that concentrates on the
circumstances under which the creation, dissemination and use of logical information and
mechanical frameworks happen; the results of these exercises upon various gatherings. STS
expands on the set of experiences and reasoning of science and innovation, humanism and
humanities, strategy studies, and social and artistic examinations; all of which shape the
methods of examination conveyed in the field. The intercollegiate program unites courses
showed in an assortment of divisions, and is partitioned into three head regions: history of
science and innovation, reasoning of science and innovation, and sociology ways to deal with
innovation and science.
3. Among the topics discussed in class what gives you utmost interest? Why?
Interest is a strong persuasive interaction that empowers learning, guides scholarly and vocation
directions, and is crucial for scholastic achievement. Interest is both a mental condition of
consideration and influence toward a specific item or subject, and a getting through inclination
to reconnect after some time. Coordinating these two definitions, the four-stage model of
interest improvement guides intercessions that advance interest and benefit from existing
interests. Four interest-improving mediations appear to be helpful: eye-catching settings,
settings inspiring earlier individual interest, issue based learning, and upgrading utility worth.
Elevating interest can add to a more connected with, inspired, opportunity for growth for
4. Give your comments regarding our class including the professor.
I learned a lot from my professor’s lessons. Even online there is a lot of knowledge learned in
the Daily Lessons. And enjoy the lessons.

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