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The correlation between parameters when there are alerts for diseases such
as ketosis, displaced abomasum, and mastitis.
Table 4.13. Spearman's correlation coefficients between the occurrence of various
diseases and the parameters NHAILAI, SLS, and HIS in the survey.
Between disease status Between disease status – Between disease
Disease – Rumination time Milk yield status – HIS
Rs P Rs P Rs P
-0,280 0,000 -0,272 0,001 -0,241 0,003
Ketosis -0,094 0,255 -0,108 0,186 -0,221 0,007

Mastisis 0,106 0,206 -0,239 0,004 0,039 0,644

Table 4.13 reveals that when cows suffer from displaced abomasum, both milk
yield and ruminating time tend to decrease, with Spearman's correlation coefficients of
Rs = -0.272 (P = 0.001) and Rs = -0.280 (P < 0.001) respectively, indicating a significant
impact of this condition on these two parameters. Similarly, mastitis also notably reduces
milk yield in cows with an Rs = -0.280 (P < 0.001), yet it does not affect ruminating time.
Moreover, displaced abomasum and ketosis inversely correlate with the Health Index
Score (HIS), with Rs = -0.241 (P < 0.01) and Rs = -0.221 (P < 0.01), respectively,
suggesting that each disease uniquely influences ruminating time and milk yield
characteristics. Displaced abomasum is associated with a clear reduction in milk yield,
ruminating time, and HIS; ketosis results in a decrease in HIS and a less pronounced
reduction in ruminating time and milk yield; while mastitis leads to a slight decrease in
milk yield without affecting ruminating time or HIS detection capabilities. These findings
align with the research by Stangaferro et al. (2016), which observed a decline in HIS
when cows were afflicted with displaced abomasum or ketosis due to reduced ruminating
below the threshold level, whereas HIS did not decrease in cases of mastitis due to the
prevalence of milder instances among affected cows. Echoing previous studies, cows
suffering from ketosis, displaced abomasum, or mastitis all exhibit reduced ruminating
time and milk yield (Soriani et al., 2013; Gáspárdy et al., 2014; Stangaferro et al., 2016;
Paudyal et al., 2018).
Section The ruminating time and milk yield when alerts for ketosis,
displaced abomasum, and mastitis in cows are present.
Table 4.14. Results of ruminating time and milk yield on the day of alerts for
ketosis, displaced abomasum, and mastitis in cows.
Monitoring index Statistical parameter P
Ruminating time N (head) 25 25 60 0,003
ab b a
X (minutes/day) 225,2 157,0 292,2
SD (minutes/day) 128,0 97,4 200,4
CV (%) 56,85 62,06 68,58
N (head) 25 25 60
X (kg/day) 17,73c 13,67d 14,79d
Milk production 0,099
SD (minutes/day) 3,98 5,84 8,22
CV (%) 22,42 42,73 55,57
SD (minutes/day) 3,98 5,84 8,22
CV (%) 22,42 42,73 55,57

Table 4.14 reveals that cows with mastitis exhibited the longest ruminating time
(292.2 minutes/day), followed by those with ketosis (225.2 minutes/day), and the shortest
was observed in cows with LDA (157.0 minutes/day), with these differences being
significant (P < 0.05). The milk yield was highest in cows suffering from ketosis (17.73
kg/day), lower in those with mastitis (14.79 kg/day), and lowest in LDA cases (13.67
kg/day), again showing significant differences (P < 0.1). These results indicate that LDA
significantly reduces both ruminating time and milk production, ketosis moderately
affects ruminating while having a lesser impact on milk yield, and mastitis leads to a
notable decrease in milk production, yet ruminating is maintained.
Previous research has demonstrated significant changes in eating behavior before
and after a diagnosis of ketosis (González et al., 2008). The findings of Liboreiro et al.
(2015) indicate that on the day ketosis was detected in cows, the rumination time was
369.9 minutes/day, which is lower compared to healthy cows, yet the rumination duration
remained at a high level. A cow identified with decreased milk yield, showing signs of
anorexia with about 240 minutes/day of rumination time and approximately 8kg/day milk
yield, was diagnosed with left displacement of the abomasum, a condition where the milk
yield is significantly lower than that of healthy cows (Talukder et al., 2015). Cows with
mastitis on the day of diagnosis exhibited rumination times between 291 minutes/day and
397 minutes/day and daily milk yields ranging from 6.9 kg/day to 12.8 kg/day depending
on the group of bacteria causing the infection (Stangaferro et al., 2016), which represents
a decline from prior levels. The majority of this reduction in milk yield is directly
attributed to the inflammatory condition affecting the mammary gland (Akers and
Nickerson, 2011). Conversely, cows suffering from metabolic and digestive disorders
may produce less milk due to reduced feed intake and the overall impact of the illness on
their health (Van Winden et al., 2003). This study presents parameters that are useful for
employing rumination time and milk yield in aiding the diagnosis of ketosis, left
displacement of the abomasum (LDA), and mastitis, offering screening methods
applicable within a herd.
4.3. Ketosis, Abomasal Displacement and Mastitis
The incidence and warning rates of Ketosis, Abomasal Displacement and Mastitis in dairy cows
Table 4.18. Percentage of predicted and actual disease occurrence
Disease Number Actual Disease Number Warning
of cows number of cows rate
rate Effective
surveyed of sick sick
(head) (%) warning (%) (%)

250 25 10,0% 25 10,0% 100%

Ketosis 250 34 13,6% 25 10,0% 73,53%

Mastitis 250 94 37,6% 60 24,0% 63,83%

Ruminal alerts can help identify disease by measuring rumination time and milk
production, the accuracy of the alert affected by the specific disease. The alert rate is shown
in Table 4.18, with AD disease having the highest alert rate at 100%, relatively effective for
ketosis (73.53%), and less accurate for mastitis. The study by Stangaferro and et al. (2016)
also showed similar results, with alert rates are 99%, 91%, and 58% for AD, ketosis and
mastitis, respectively. The difference is a reflection of the severity of the disorder. AD
disease negatively affects the health of cows with ketosis, and it is possible that AD cows
may also have had ketosis before AD was diagnosed (LeBlanc and et al., 2005). Previous
studies have reported a significant reduction in rumination time in cows with ketosis and
AD (Gaspardy and et al., 2014). Unlike cows with AD and ketosis, cows suffer from
mastitis have parameters that decrease insignificantly, rumination time changes little, and
milk production decreases. mastitis caused by certain pathogens such as Streptococcus
agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis is often associated with
mild changes in milk and inflammation (Schukken and et al., 2011); mastitis caused by
pathogens such as Escherichia coli and other gram-negative bacteria is characterized by a
severe inflammatory response and systemic damage (Schukken and et al., 2011). The
severity of mastitis can range from slight changes in the appearance of milk to crucial
systemic damage.

The incidence of ketosis (13.6%) is lower than the global incidence (22.7%)
(Chanakarn Loiklung et al., 2022). ketosis can lead to significant economic losses, such as a
reduction in milk production about 1.0 - 1.4 kg (Dohoo and Martin, 1984), changes in milk
composition, an increased risk of other diseases and poor reproductive performance
(Raboisson et al., 2014). Farms with a low disease rate at this ideal level needs to be
maintained or further reduced to avoid the consequences of disease. Observing the disease
rate of the Nutimilk farm throughout the time, the study's ketosis rate is 13.6%, lower than
the study by Truong Dac Trieu in 2021, which 25% is ketosis rate. After the research on the
effectiveness of Ido Genobil (Truong Dac Trieu, 2021), Ido Genobil is still being used to
prevent disease, along with the procedure of drinking Propylene 4 times on 0 1 2 3 days
after birth. Taking the initiative to prevent disease is effective in reducing the incidence of
disease. A dipstick test for ketosis showed that the number of cows with the disease was
inversely proportional to the ketone level. The highest number of diseased cows was 16 at a
ketone level of <1.5 mmol/L, and the number decreased gradually with increasing ketone
levels. There were 14 cows at a ketone level of 4 mmol/L and 4 cows at a ketone level of 8
mmol/L. Especially, no cows had ketosis at a ketone level of 16 mmol/L. ketosis is
classified into two levels, clinical and subclinical, according to table 4.16. Table 4.20
presents the results of a survey of ketosis at the Nutimilk dairy farm, with a clinical rate
(47.06%) and a subclinical rate (52.94%), with no significant difference (P> 0.05). The
subclinical ketosis rate of 51.23% found in the study by Diep Tan Toan (2016) is also very
high. The detection and treatment of subclinical cases are often more effective and can
prevent progression to the clinical form.

Table 4.19. Classification of ketosis levels

Ketone level
Ketosis status Classification Number
0,1 – 0,5 Very mild
0,5 - 1,5 Mild Subclinical ketosis 16 cows (47.06%)
1,6 – 3,0 Moderate
>3,1 Strong Clinical ketosis 18 cows (52.94%)
P 0,628
In a survey, it was determined that the prevalence of AD in U.S. dairy herds is
approximately 3.5%, with the occurrence rate ranging from 2.5% in herds with 500 or
more cows to 4.8% in herds with fewer than 500 cows (according to NAHMS-USDA,
Agriculture Udo, 2017). In well-managed dairy farms, a sensible goal is to have less than
3% of cows with AD (Caixeta et al., 2017). In this study, the AD prevalence was 10%
due to the influence of the feed ration. In order to achieve high milk production
efficiency, the Nutimilk dairy farm applies a feed ration with a high concentrate ratio and
the feeding habits of cows. Concentrated and low-fiber diets are associated with
increased AD rate (Shaver, 1997). In dairy cows, the rumen occupies almost the entire
left side of the abdomen, creating a physical barrier that prevents the movement of the
abomasum. Lack of fiber causes changes in the motility and filling capacity of the rumen.
On the other hand, high-concentrate diets increase gas production in the abomasum.
These diets also increase the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the rumen,
leading to a decrease in rumen pH and an increase in osmotic pressure. The increase in
osmotic pressure will cause water to be osmotically drawn into the rumen, thereby
increasing the rate of feed flow through the stomach. As a result, the amount of VFA
absorbed in the rumen and rumen decreases, increasing the amount of VFA and fluid
reaching the abomasum. Finally, the increased volume of rumen content and VFA
reaching the abomasum leads to the increase in abomasal pH. The significant change in
abomasal pH allows rumen microorganisms to continue fermentation in the abomasum
without being inhibited, contributing to the production of methane and carbon dioxide,
generating the distension of the abomasum. In addition, the excessive amount of water
and electrolytes moving into the abomasum from the rumen makes the stomach wall even
tenser. Other organs, including the pregnant uterus, assist in keeping the abomasum in its
normal position. However, in the days after birth, the uterus significantly reduces in size,
creating more space in the abdominal cavity. LDMK is characterized by a transition of
the abomasum from its normal position on the right side of the abdomen to the right or
left side of the abdomen in cattle, with left LDMK expected more frequently than right
DA. (24 cases of left LDMK and 1 case of left LDMK case LDMK right).
According to research by Keshav et al (2020), the rate of subclinical mastitis that
is ready to be controlled is 28% in dairy cows. The Nutimilk farm study observed a
higher rate of subclinical mastitis (37.6%) than the study by Keshav Sah et al. Although
preventive measures have been introduced on the farm, the incidence of mastitis is still at
an alarming level that requires concern. Dairy cows' exposure to mastitis pathogens will
depend on the pathogen, the potential for exposure, and the cow's defense mechanism. In
the milking area, mastitis pathogens can be transmitted from one cow to another through
the milking machine, the hands of the staff, or the infected milking materials such as
nipple dipping cups so staff use gloves or disposable paper towels when handling udders
and nipple preparing for dairy cows, express milk in a tray, not on the floor, use a
disinfectant sprayer to disinfect nipples after milking and wash hands thoroughly after
cleaning nipples, udder, or milking cow. Regularly apply biosecurity measures to all
dairy cows or barn hygiene, with taking Vitamin C to supplement resistance. Normal
bacteria that reside everywhere in the living environment are the cause of mastitis. They
are mainly common opportunistic bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Escherichia coli,
Enterobacter, Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas, Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma,
fungi: Cadida albicans, Aspergillus fumigates. When a mastitis cow is caused by E.coli,
the milk sample when tested has special color results, so CMT testing is not performed
(Figure 4.7). Other cases take the CMT test to evaluate the level of mastitis on Nutimilk
farm, the results are in Table 4.20.
Mastitis often accounts for a high rate, mastitis milk is often rejected because it
cannot be used for processing or feeding to calves. If not treated promptly, it can lead to
necrosis, milk output reduced by 20 - 25%, and serious illness must be mastectomy or
breast atrophy. CMT test provides a rapid and reliable test to detect increased SCC,
especially SCC >200,000 cells/mL, and this SCC cutoff is recommended for diagnosing
the presence of subclinical mastitis with maximum sensitivity and specificity and
minimum diagnostic error (Schukken et al, 2003). However, although the CMT test is a
sufficiently sensitive and specific test to diagnose the presence of inflammation, we still
need a rapid, reliable, and inexpensive test to diagnose the presence of inflammation.
Table 4.20. The CMT test results on dairy cows were surveyed
CMT results Number of cows
Negative 156
Suspect 9
1 21
2 31
3 20
Total 250

Figure 4.7. Color of milk from cows with E.coli mastitis

(Note: Left - normal milk, right – E.coli mastitis milk)
Therefore, monitoring and managing dairy cows to reduce disease incidence is of
particular importance for the sustainability of milk production and the improvement of
animal health and welfare. Recent developments in technology with rumination and milk
yield monitoring systems have been used to assist in identifying cows with health
disorders. Daily rumination time as well as milk yield were altered in ketosis, LDMK,
and mastitis. Therefore, the use of a rumination and milk yield monitoring system is a
useful tool for monitoring and early detection of ketosis, LDMK, mastitis, and other
diseases. The effective rate of rumination warning to detect mastitis is not high, so in
addition to the two parameters of rumination time and milk yield, it is necessary to
combine with other parameters such as milk electrical conductivity. However, detecting
cows with health disorders in the early stages can create new challenges, because farm
staff must determine whether cows have the disorder and what disorder it is when there
are not clear clinical signs.

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