Assgt 2

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Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore Jan.

- Jun 2024

19ECE212 Linear Integrated Circuits

Assignment 2
1. (i) Obtain an expression for the CMRR of a difference amplifier, in terms of the tolerance of
the resistances used in the amplifier. Hint: Assume that 𝑅1 = 𝑅3 (1 + 𝛼 ), where 𝛼 is the
2 4
degree of mismatch. Relate 𝛼 to the tolerance of the resistances (𝜎).
(ii) Plot the relationship between CMRR and 𝜎.
(iii) From the plot obtained in (ii) above, determine the tolerance required for a CMRR of
100 dB.
(iv) Simulate the above difference amplifier, using a differential gain of 10 and verify the
results of (iii).
(v) Design a difference amplifier with the 𝜇𝐴741, to provide a differential gain of 10 and a
minimum CMRR of 80 dB. You are provided with power supplies of + 10 V.
2. Design an instrumentation amplifier with the following specifications:
(i) 20 < 𝐴𝑣 < 103
(ii) No resistor greater than 330 𝑘Ω to be used.
(iii) Minimum component spread.
(iv) Maximum input resistance
(v) Gain to vary linearly with resistance.
(vi) Given ideal opamps and resistors of 1% tolerance, determine the worst case CMRR
of your amplifier.

1. Your submission is due by 2355 hrs of March 31, 2024. No excuses; no exceptions.
2. Please remember that the above is a deadline and that there is nothing to prevent you from submitting your
assignment before that time.
3. All the questions are to be analysed as well as simulated, as per the specifications given.
4. Your assignment should be submitted as a pdf attachment in AUMS. The pdf file should be named
“xxxx_24.y.pdf” (without the quotes), where y stands for the assignment number and xxxx represents the last
four digits of your roll number. Please note that any deviations from the above instructions will result in your
submission being deleted without notice. It is your responsibility to ensure that the pdf file is a faithful copy of
what you want to convey – no complaints of disappearing figures, strange fonts, gibberish looking letters, will
be entertained.
5. Note that your submissions are to be made to your individual classes (for 19ECE212) in AUMS and NOT to
the common class, created for taking the online quizzes in the subject.
6. A template for your assignment submissions is available in AUMS. All submissions should strictly follow that

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