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Writing 1 Worksheet 1 Spring 2024

Question One: Specify the writing error in each of the sentences below (Fragment,
Comma Splice, or Fused Sentence), and re-writing the sentence correctly.
1. I have a test tomorrow I need to study tonight.
2. Having lived in Las Vegas since 2005. Sandy knows the city very well.
3. My neighbor had his television volume turned up too high, I banged on his door
and asked him to keep the noise down.

Question Two: Supply the needed punctuation marks and capitalize where necessary.

1. the exam of introduction to linguistics will be on Sunday april 13 2024

2. after i got the Ph.D. degree from the university of florida I immediately returned

to work at mutah university

3. my mother needs butter sugar and eggs from the grocery store

4. we told sarah that we would take three courses next summer french maths and


5. may i see your id card

6. have you read merchant of venice

7. although I liked what you wrote about caring for your pet rat i have a suggestion

you might want to consider.

8. i don t usually give unsolicited advice but this seems to me to be a special case

9. “i didn t see the falling star ” Jane said “but I sure wish I had”

10. My teacher who was talking to all of us said “If everyone passes this test, we’ll all

get a free period”

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11. the weather forecaster was right it rained all day

12. in the bag were the following scissors a hairbrush and her address book.

13. These are a few of my favorite things sausages beans and more sausages

14. Three countries are involved in the discussions however only mexico and canada

will sign the treaty immediately.

15. weve been working on Davids car for days

16. mr Parker who had played ball in high school volunteered to help coach the team

Question Three: Join each pair of sentences with all possible ways.

- She usually eats at home. - She likes cooking.

- The restaurant has excellent food. - The service is bad.

- My car is very old. - It still runs very well.

- The traffic was terrible. - I was late to the meeting.

Question Four: Circle the correct answer:
1. Which one of these is correct?
a) The potion contained: fruit, biscuits and glue.
b) The potion contained fruit, biscuits and glue.
c) The potion: contained fruit, biscuits and glue.

2. Which one of these is correct?

a) You have only one choice: leave now while you can.
b) You have only one choice leave now while you can.
c) You have only one choice. Leave now while you can.
3. Which of these is correct?
a) My favorite breakfast cereals are: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
b) These are my favorite breakfast cereals: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
c) My favorite breakfast cereals: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.

Good Luck

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