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Expression of

EVENT DETAILS Particpant Clarity of emotion and General

SLno. code Student name Batch speech ideas Rhythm Tone Memorization impression Judge Total Grade Grade point
1 RH1 K Sanjana Krishnan LLMPHD 15 12 10 9 12 10 68 68 B 1
2 RH3 Anshika Paul LLMPHD 16 16 11 10 15 12 80 80 A 2
3 RH4 Ashish Mishra LLMPHD 12 10 10 10 11 10 63 63 B 1
4 RH5 Vaishnavi G Nair First year B 10 10 8 8 10 8 54 54 C 0.5
5 RH6 Rana First year B 13 10 11 10 13 9 66 66 B 1
6 RH7 Avani Chaudhary First year B 15 12 8 8 10 9 62 62 B 1
7 RH8 Aadya First year B 12 10 10 9 8 9 58 58 C 0.5
8 RH9 Haripriya First year B 11 9 10 8 7 8 53 53 C 0.5
9 RH10 Dhruv Aditya First year B 10 9 7 7 5 8 46 46 F 0
10 RH11 Aarshitha First year B 10 9 9 8 6 8 50 50 C 0.5
11 RH12 Adrian Aju Thomas First year B 10 10 8 8 5 8 49 49 F 0
12 RH13 Akhil R First year B 6 5 5 5 7 5 33 33 F 0
13 RH14 Adhista First year B 10 9 10 8 5 8 50 50 C 0.5
14 RH16 Aadia Nair Second year 13 13 11 11 12 10 70 70 A 2
15 RH17 Vanshika Punia Second year 13 12 10 10 9 11 65 65 B 1
16 RH20 Tania Sanjeev Second year 13 10 10 9 7 9 58 58 C 0.5
17 RH21 Chandni P Fifth year 11 11 9 9 13 10 63 63 B 1
18 RH22 Karthik Fifth year 15 15 10 10 14 10 74 74 A 2
19 RH23 Anakha Fifth year 12 11 8 8 10 8 57 57 C 0.5
20 RH24 Gayatri B Fifth year 11 8 8 8 8 8 51 51 C 0.5
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21 RH25 Nandana Fifth year 12 11 10 10 14 10 67 67 B 1

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22 RH26 Snehal Fifth year 11 10 8 8 8 9 54 54 C 0.5


23 RH27 Bhavana Ashok Fifth year 10 9 9 9 11 9 57 57 C 0.5



24 RH28 Kavya Fifth year 12 12 10 10 10 10 64 B 1


25 RH29 Ananya Fifth year 13 13 11 10 12 10 69 69 B 1

26 RH30 Mehula Fifth year 11 10 9 9 7 9 55 55 C 0.5
27 RH31 Shreya Kandari First year A 13 10 9 9 6 11 58 58 C 0.5
28 RH32 Many V Pillai First year A 10 10 8 8 5 8 49 49 F 0
29 RH33 Ansa Alexander First year A 14 13 9 10 13 9 68 68 B 1
30 RH35 Vikram Kalugotla First year A 10 9 8 8 5 8 48 48 F 0
31 RH37 Naureen Mustaq First year A 13 10 10 9 10 10 62 62 B 1
32 RH38 Ayana Theresa First year A 12 10 10 8 6 8 54 54 C 0.5
33 RH40 Adithi Manoj First year A 10 8 8 8 5 8 47 47 F 0
34 RH41 Shashwat Vats Third year 13 13 10 10 10 10 66 66 B 1
35 RH42 Bhadra Anil Third year 11 11 10 10 7 10 59 59 C 0.5
36 RH43 Niranjana Biju Third year 12 8 9 9 6 7 51 51 C 0.5
37 RH44 Sooryanath Third year 12 11 10 9 7 9 58 58 C 0.5
38 RH45 Shinet Dennis Third year 11 12 12 10 12 10 67 67 B 1
39 RH46 Rithwika Rarish Third year 16 15 11 9 15 12 78 78 A 2
40 RH47 Lia Jose Third year 15 15 10 10 13 12 75 75 A 2
41 RH48 Navya Vijay Third year 13 14 11 10 10 11 69 69 B 1
42 RH49 Anasruta Roy Third year 13 13 12 10 8 10 66 66 B 1
43 RH50 Sidharth Dev Third year 10 10 10 9 8 8 55 55 C 0.5
First Year A First Year B
Particpant code
Student name Judge Total Grade Grade point Particpant code
Student name Judge Total Grade Grade point
RH31 Shreya Kandari 58 58 C 0.5 RH5 Vaishnavi G Nair 54 54 C 0.5
RH32 Many V Pillai 49 49 F 0 RH6 Rana 66 66 B 1
RH33 Ansa Alexander 68 68 B 1 RH7 Avani Chaudhary 62 62 B 1
RH35 Vikram Kalugotla 48 48 F 0 RH8 Aadya 58 58 C 0.5
RH37 Naureen Mustaq 62 62 B 1 RH9 Haripriya 53 53 C 0.5
RH38 Ayana Theresa 54 54 C 0.5 RH10 Dhruv Aditya 46 46 F 0
RH40 Adithi Manoj 47 47 F 0 RH11 Aarshitha 50 50 C 0.5
RH12 Adrian Aju Thomas 49 49 F 0
RH13 Akhil R 33 33 F 0
RH14 Adhista 50 50 C 0.5

Total points excluding the prizes = 3 Total points excluding the prizes = 4.5
First prize 0 First prize 0
Second prize 0 Second prize 0
Third prize 0 Third prize 0

Total points including the prizes = 3 Total points including the prizes = 4.5
Second Year Third Year
Particpant code
Student name Judge Total Grade Grade point Particpant code
Student name Judge Total Grade Grade point
RH16 Aadia Nair 70 70 A 2 RH41 Shashwat Vats 66 66 B 1
RH17 Vanshika Punia 65 65 B 1 RH42 Bhadra Anil 59 59 C 0.5
RH20 Tania Sanjeev 58 58 C 0.5 RH43 Niranjana Biju 51 51 C 0.5
RH44 Sooryanath 58 58 C 0.5
RH45 Shinet Dennis 67 67 B 1
RH46 Rithwika Rarish 78 78 A 2
RH47 Lia Jose 75 75 A 2
RH48 Navya Vijay 69 69 B 1
RH49 Anasruta Roy 66 66 B 1
RH50 Sidharth Dev 55 55 C 0.5

Total points excluding the prizes = 3.5 Total points excluding the prizes = 10
First prize 0 First prize 0
Second prize 0 Second prize 7
Third prize 0 Third prize 5

Total points including the prizes = 3.5 Total points including the prizes = 22
Fifth year LLMPHD
Particpant code
Student name Judge Total Grade Grade point Particpant code
Student name Judge Total Grade Grade point
RH21 Chandni P 63 63 B 1 RH1 K Sanjana Krishnan 68 68 B 1
RH22 Karthik 74 74 A 2 RH3 Anshika Paul 80 80 A 2
RH23 Anakha 57 57 C 0.5 RH4 Ashish Mishra 63 63 B 1
RH24 Gayatri B 51 51 C 0.5
RH25 Nandana 67 67 B 1
RH26 Snehal 54 54 C 0.5
RH27 Bhavana Ashok 57 57 C 0.5
RH28 Kavya 64 64 B 1
RH29 Ananya 69 69 B 1
RH30 Mehula 55 55 C 0.5

Total points excluding the prizes = 8.5 Total points excluding the prizes = 4
First prize 0 First prize 10
Second prize 0 Second prize 0
Third prize 0 Third prize 0

Total points including the prizes = 8.5 Total points including the prizes = 14

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