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Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction

PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia has dramatically adapted its education policies
to align to the regionally and globally rapid growth. In 2005, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
established three primary policies, which are:
- Equitable Access to Education Services.
- Quality and Efficiency of Education Services.
- Institutional Development and Capacity Building for Decentralisation.

Similarly, The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEYS) in 2010 established three primary policy
targets, which are outlined as follows:
- Ensuring Equitable Access to Education Services.
- Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Education Services.
- Institutional and Capacity Development for Educational Staff for Decentralization .

Moreover, MOEYS (2014) still maintained the 3 policies as followed:

Policy 1: Ensuring equitable access for all to education services
Policy 2: Enhancing the quality and relevance of learning
Policy 3: Ensuring effective leadership and management of education staff at all levels

However, MOEYS (2019) reduced from three to two medium-term education policies.
Policy 1: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning
opportunities for all.
Policy 2: Ensure effective leadership and management of education officials at all levels.

Besides, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in 2008 introduces the policy on Education for Children
with Disabilities. MoEYS’s (2008) policy is to ensure equal access to basic education for all children and
youth, regardless of their living standards, gender, location, physical appearance, or ethnicity. Moreover,
this policy aims to raise disability awareness, provide early intervention through rehabilitation services,
provide quality education, life skills or vocational training, and increase school enrollment, promotion,
and survival rates for children and youth with disabilities. A six-dimensional framework such as inclusive
schooling, effective teaching and learning, health, safety and protection, gender responsiveness,
participation in local school activities, and support from the education system has been outlined to
achieve the Education Policy for Children with Disabilities (MoEYS, 2008).

Moreover, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in 2004 provides a detailed framework
for the curriculum of Basic Education and Upper Secondary Education. This framework aims to

Song Bunmean
Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction
PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth

guarantee the fulfilment of the main objectives outlined in the Education for All National Plan 2003-
 Equitable access to basic education
 High quality upper secondary provision
 Pro-poor financing policy
 Efficient management of resources
 Accountability through development of standards.

Moreover, the school curriculum aims to fully develop students' talents and capacities, promoting
balanced intellectual, spiritual, mental, and physical growth. After leaving school, students are able to
develop a love of learning, acquire knowledge of Khmer language, literature, and mathematics, maintain
physical and mental health, manage decisions, appreciate science, technology, innovation, and creativity,
have employment-related skills, understand and appreciate other cultures, civilizations, and histories, be
active citizens, and protect the natural, social, and cultural environment. In order to achieve this, the
school curriculum should to provide students with learning experiences, equip them with everyday life
skills, and enable them to attain high levels of knowledge in various subjects such as Khmer language,
mathematics, sciences, social studies, foreign languages, health, physical education, and sport. Also, it
should emphasize active and applied learning, including technology study, to improve citizens' quality of

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is accountable for financing, supplying teaching
personnel, providing facilities, and resources for the implementation of the National Curriculum (NC),
which will be taught for a duration of 38 weeks annually. The time allocation for the NC and for LLSP is
as follows:
National Curriculum (NC) Local Life Skills Program (LLSP) TOTAL
5 x 40-minute lesson per day 2 – 5 x 40-minute lessons per week 27 – 30 lessons per week
(25 x 40-minute lessons per week)
SECONDARY (Grades 7 – 10)
30 x 50-minute lessons per week 2 – 5 x 50-minute lessons per week 32 – 35 lessons per week
SECONDARY (Grades 11 – 12)

Song Bunmean
Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction
PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth
32 x 50-minute lessons per week 32 x 50-minute lessons
per week
(MoEYS, 2004, p.6)


The Basic Education curriculum aims to achieve schooling goals, enabling students to advance their
studies, participate in vocational training, and participate in social life by ensuring that every student has
 knowledge of Khmer language and mathematics;
 knowledge of the national identity;
 an understanding of morality and civic responsibilities;
 the everyday life skills that enable participation in their local community life and Cambodian
 a basic understanding of the natural world and of scientific principles
 communicative competence in a Foreign Language.

GRADES 1 – 3
The basic education curriculum (Grades 1 – 3) aims to provide a strong foundation in literacy and
Mathematics, while also fostering health, physical appearance, moral understanding, learning, and life
skills. The NC in Grades 1 - 3 includes specific subjects with designated time allocations of 40 minutes
per period.
NC Subject No. of Lessons

Khmer 13
Mathematics 7

Science & Social Studies (incl. Art education-- songs, drawing, dance, music, ....) 3

Physical and Health Educational 2

Total NC 25

Local Life Skill Program 2-5

TOTAL 27 - 30

(MoEYS, 2004, p.9)

GRADES 4 – 6

Song Bunmean
Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction
PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth
The primary school curriculum aims to enhance students' knowledge of Khmer language, Mathematics,
learning skills, life skills, morality, personal development, and Science and Social Studies content. The
NC for Grades 4 - 6 includes specific subjects with designated time allocations of 40 minutes per period.

NC Subject No. of Lessons

Grade 4 Grade 5 - 6
Khmer 10 8
Mathematics 6 6
Science 3 4
Social Studies (incl. Art education-- songs, drawing, dance, music, ....) 4 5
Physical and Health Educational and Sport 2 2
Total NC 25 25
Local Life Skill Program (Foreign languages for grades 5 and 6) 2-5 2-5
TOTAL 27-30 27-30
(MoEYS, 2004, p.10)
GRADES 7 – 9
The basic education curriculum in lower secondary school (Grades 7-9) aims to equip students with
knowledge, Khmer language, Mathematics, Sciences, Social studies, learning skills, life skills, vocational
education, moral education, and personal development preparing them for contributing to Cambodian
society, furthering their studies, participating in other vocational trainings, or participating in social life.
The NC for Grades 7 - 9 includes specific subjects with 50-minute teaching periods, with each subject
allocated specific time.
NC Subject No. of Lessons
Khmer 6
Mathematics 6
Social Studies 6
Sciences 6
Foreign languages 4
Physical and Health Educational and Sport 2
Total NC 30
Local Life Skill Program (incl. Art education-- songs, drawing, dance, music, …) 2-5

Song Bunmean
Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction
PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth
TOTAL 32-35
(MoEYS, 2004, p.10)
The Upper Secondary school curriculum aims to enhance students' knowledge, prepare them for future
education, specialization, and social life by consolidating their basic education.
 advanced knowledge of Khmer literature and mathematics;

 deep knowledge of the national identity;

 a more complex understand of morality and civic responsibilities;
 the everyday life skills that enable participation in their local community life and Cambodian
 a broad understanding of the natural world and of scientific principles;
 high communicative competence in a Foreign Language.

The Grade 10 curriculum consolidates Lower Secondary knowledge, providing significant subject choice
advice for Grades 11 and 12, and career advice from the start of the school year. The NC in Grade 10
includes specific subjects with designated time allocations of 50 minutes per period. In Grade 10 students
study the following subjects for the time allocation indicated:
NC Subject No. of Lessons
Khmer 6
Mathematics 6
Sciences 6
Social Studies 6
Foreign languages 4
Physical and Health Educational and Sport 2
Total NC 30
Local Life Skill Program (incl. Art education (songs, drawing, dance, music, …) 2-5
TOTAL 32-35
(MoEYS, 2004, p.11)

GRADES 11 – 12
The Grade 11-12 curriculum offers students the chance to specialize in specific subjects, pursue
vocational training, further higher education, or participate in social life. The NC in Grades 11 - 12
Song Bunmean
Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction
PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth
includes specific subjects with designated time allocations of 50 minutes per period. Students choose their
program of study following the time allocation indicated from the subject areas listed below.

COMPULSORY hours taught per week

Khmer Literature 6 hours
Physical and Health Education, and Sport 2 hours
Foreign languages English 4 hours
 Must choose one French 4 hours
Mathematics Basic 4 hours
 Must choose one Advanced 8 hours
ELECTIVES Each subject is taught for 4 hours per week
Sciences Physics
 May choose none, one or two or three Chemistry
Earth and Environmental Studies
Social Studies Morals/ Civics
 May choose none, one or two or three History
EVEP ICT/ Technology
 May choose none, one or two or three Accounting / Business Management
Local Vocational Technical Subjects
Art Education (and other subjects)
Students who choose Math (Basic) must choose 4 subjects from the Electives
Total 16 h + (4 x 4) = 32 hours per week
Students who choose Math (Advanced) must choose 3 subjects from the Electives
Total 20 h + (3 x 4) = 32 hours per week

(MoEYS, 2004, p.12)

Song Bunmean
Faculty of Education, RUPP Theories and Practices in Curriculum Development and Instruction
PhD Program Prof. Dr. Sok Soth

MoEYS. (2004). Policy for Curriculum Development 2005-2009.


MoEYS. (2005). Education Strategic Plan 2006-2010.



MoEYS. (2010). Education Strategic Plan 2009-2013.



MoEYS. (2014). Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018.


MoEYS. (2019). Education Strategic Plan 2019-2023.



MoEYS. (2008). Policy on Education for Children with Disabilities.



Song Bunmean

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