CLVE 9 Third Quarter Reviewer

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By Kassandra Domigpe | 9 - St. Luke
happiness with God in heaven). Our final
LESSON 1: MORAL LAW goal is happiness in both senses, but
particularly the second.
WHAT IS A NORM OR LAW? Two characteristics of law
We need some general idea of law that can
give us some insight into its meaning when LAW IS BASED ON VISION
applied to God’s law, the law of the old and It prescribes for man the ways, the rules of
new testaments, and the natural law. conduct that lead to the promised
St. Thomas Aquinas defined law as
beatitude; it prescribes the ways of evil
“an ordinance of reason, promulgated
which turn him away from God and his love.
by competent authority for the sake of
It is at once firm in its precepts and, in its
the common good.”
promises, worthy of God’s love.
LAW is an ordinance of reason
• i.e., prudent and with purpose, not a LAW ARISES FROM AND EXPrESSES
capricious whim; Law requires that we act BASIC VALUES
in accord with reason. The first principles
This is clearly exemplified in the Ten
of the natural law are "Good is what all
Commandments: “Thou shalt not kill”
things seek after" and "Good is to be done
commands respect for human life; “Thou
and promoted, and evil is to be avoided."
shalt not commit adultery,” respect for
So whatever practical reason naturally
sexuality; “Thou shalt not steal,” respect for
apprehends as our good (or evil) is to be
a person’s possessions; “Thou shalt not bear
done (or avoided).
false witness,” respect for the truth.
communicated with sufficient notice to its
functions of moral law
subjects while respecting their rights and
dignity; First, they provide criteria for judging who
BY COMPETENT AUTHORITY we are and how we should act. By
i.e. by those who have legitimate power to explicitating the moral memory and value-
do so; and experience of the community, moral norms
afford us a broader basis for judging than
our own limited personal moral experience.
for the social betterment of the
community. Not solely for personal gain. Secondly, moral norms/laws help our moral
development, especially in the formation of
WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF conscience, by expressing typical patterns
LAW? of moral behavior and human values.
Thirdly, they provide stability and
• in Aquinas refers both to (1) temporal
consistency in our lives by acting as a
happiness (living a good life on earth), and
constant and reliable point of reference.
(2) supernatural happiness (eternal
Universal negative moral laws indictate the The New Law, through the teachings of
minimum below which moral acts cannot Jesus — commands internal conduct — and
sink. It would be humanly impossible to reaches us by divine love — promising love
decide every moral issue “from zero,” i.e., and heavenly reward (Beatitudes)
with no precedent or guide.
Lastly, positive norms/laws can also
challenge us by stretching us in view of an
ideal, or correcting us by illuminating our
Moral norms are indispensable for moral life. NATURAL LAW (MORAL LAW)
They provide objective criteria for our moral
This is the part of the eternal law that
actions and decisions and establish moral
applies to human choices and can be known
stability in our lives.
by our natural reason. It provides the solid
foundation on which man can build the
structure of moral rules to guide his choices.
ETERNAL LAW It also provides the indispensable moral
foundation for building the human
These are Laws in the mind of God that community. Finally, it provides the
humans cannot easily comprehend. necessary basis for the civil law with which it
God governs the universe through physical is connected, whether by a reflection that
laws, moral laws, and revealed religious laws. draws conclusions from its principles, or by
Eternal law includes all of these. Thomas additions of a positive and juridical nature.
defines as ‘rational governance of
everything on the part of God as ruler of the EXAMPLE:
universe.’ Eternal law is identical to the mind the right to life, property, liberty, and the
of God. A law because God stands to the pursuit of happiness
universe which he creates as a ruler does a Golden Rule
community he rules. He regulates the right to know the truth
We create our own laws, in order to apply
the natural law to the specific circumstances
of our society. Human law has the nature of
law in so far as it partakes of right reason;
and it is clear that, in this respect, it is
derived from the eternal law. But in so far as
DIVINE LAW (BIBILICAL LAW) it deviates from reason, it is called an unjust
is the historical laws of Scripture given to us law, and has the nature, not of law but of
through God’s self-revelation. Divine law is violence. Nevertheless even an unjust law, in
divided into the Old Law and the New Law. so far as it retains some appearance of law,
though being framed by one who is in power,
The Old Law, revealed by God to Moses, “is
is derived from the eternal law; since all
the first stage of revealed Law. Its moral
power is from the Lord God, according to
prescriptions are summed up in the Ten
Romans 13:1
Commandments” (CCC 1962).
EXAMPLES: the Red Sea, after which they based
Constitution themselves at Mount Sinai, where Moses
Bill of Rights received the Ten Commandments. After 40
Legislative Laws (Bills) years of wandering in the desert, Moses died
School rules and regulations on Mount Nebo at the age of 120, within sight
Ordinances of the Promised Land.
Self-imposed rules
Laws are ultimately given by God, from
WHERE did god give the ten
eternal law to divine laws to moral laws to commandments?
human laws, they all be treated with
obedience and respect. • Being mindful of God gave Moses the Ten Commandments at
these laws will lead us to a harmonious and Mt. Sinai.
Christian moral life. Mount Sinai or Mount Moses is located on
the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt is the
traditional site where Moses received the
LESSON 2: GOD’S LAW OF LOVE Ten Commandments from God. It is 2285
meters high. It takes about 3 hours to climb
Laws or commandments rule just about the 7,498-foot peak following the Path of
every aspect of our lives. We learn that Moses, a stairway of nearly 4,000 steps.
obeying rules that our parents set for us
keeps us from harm, much like in the story at
the beginning of this lesson. In the same
way, God’s rules as commandments also
keep us away from harm. These laws that
God has given us we called as the TEN


THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? In what context did God
The Ten Commandments of God are called
give the commandments to
the DECALOGUE and are recorded in both Moses and the Israelites?
the books of
Exodus 20:1-17 and God gave Moses the Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 5:6-21. on two tablets of stone on Mount Sinai in
Exodus 24:12 to confirm the moral
To WHOM did god give the ten precepts as a Covenant between God
and his people, the Israelites.
God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses
what are the ten
for the Israelites and for the rest of God’s commandments?
1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not
After the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus
have any strange gods before Me
of the Israelites out of Egypt and across
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord HOW do the ten
thy God in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
commandments help us in our
4. Honor thy father and mother. moral living?
5. Thou shall not kill.
6. Thou shall not commit adultery. They serve as criteria, a value system,
7. Thou shall not steal. and a basis for moral living.
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against They serve as the OBJECT of our
your neighbor. conscience.
9. Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. They serve as constant reminders to love
10. Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s God and our neighbor.
The Ten commandments flowed directly
WHY did god give the ten from the Covenant relationship of God’s
loving call to creating His chosen people.
commandments? The commandments then are gifts from God,
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments a gift of love to remain in His love.
for the Israelites to serve as The Ten Commandments guide us in making
principles/standards of moral behavior for choices that help us to live as God wants us
the human race. to live. The first three commandments tell us
how to love God; the other seven tell us how
WHY are the ten to love our neighbor.

commandments called god’s

law of love?
The commandments then are gifts from God, COMMANDMENTS
a gift of love to remain in His love. Though
the commandments have the form of
prohibitions, they are actually a deliverance
from the slavery of sin. Thus, it becomes an COMMANDMENTS ACCORDiNG TO
act of love saving a person from the danger
of sin.

Matthew 22:37-40
WHAT is the basic purpose You shall love the lord your God with
of the ten commandments in all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind.”
relation to our moral life?
“You shall love your neighbor as
The Ten Commandments guide us in making
choices that help us to live as God wants us
to live. The first three commandments tell how does jesus greatest
us how to love God; the other seven tell us commandment summarize the
how to love our neighbor.
ten commandments?
It summarizes the ten commandments. The ➢ To instruct the ignorant. This work of
first three deal with our relationship to God, mercy means all of us are called to share
which is why we are to love God with all our and teach the faith passed on to us. ...
heart, soul, and mind. The other seven deal ➢ To counsel the doubtful. ...
with loving our neighbor. ➢ To admonish the sinner. ...
➢ To bear wrongs patiently. ...
why is loving god the most ➢ To forgive offenses willingly. ...
important? ➢ To comfort the afflicted. ...
➢ To pray for the living and the dead
“We love because he first loved us. If anyone
says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is Love of God is the first commandment, but
a liar. For anyone who does not love his because we do not see God, we must first
brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, love our neighbor whom we do see.
whom he has not seen. And he has given us
this command: whoever loves God must also By loving our neighbor and offering them
love his brother” (1 John 4:19-20) help, we travel with them toward God. This
is especially clear to the Christian, for by
What does it mean to love your
loving one’s neighbor, one loves Christ,
neighbor as yourself? because all are members of Christ’s body.


Do to others as you would have them do to
how should we love our
Christian Moral Tradition has presented atleast
two major ways of exercising NEIGHBORLY


are kind acts by which we help our neighbors
with their material and physical needs.
➢To feed the hungry.
The gye nyame symbol is probably the best
➢To give water to the thirsty.
known adinkra symbol from Ghana. It means
➢To clothe the naked.
“except for God” and signifies the all-
➢To shelter the homeless.
knowing power of God. It is used in
➢To visit the sick.
decorations, clothing, and artwork. It is a
➢To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the
reflection of the religious character of the
Ghanaian people.
➢To bury the dead.
Another translation of the gye-nyame
spiritual works of mercy symbol is this: This great panorama of
are acts of compassion, as listed below, by creation dates back to time immemorial; no
which we help our neighbors with their one lives who saw its beginning and no one
emotional and spiritual needs will live to see its end, EXCEPT GOD.
This symbol only shows the supremacy of superstitions
God in the lives of every human person as
our loving response to His commandments.

What are the first three

is the deviation of religious feeling and of
commandments? what do they
the practices this feeling imposes. It can
imply? even affect the worship we offer the true
God, e.g., when one attributes an
The first three commandments are “the
importance in some way magical to certain
first” not only in its position but because to
practices otherwise lawful or necessary
know and love the one true God is the
source and foundation for all the other
commandments and our whole moral life. DIVINATION/ MAGIC

The first commandment is a prohibition
against idolatry and a call to worship the
ONE living God.

All forms of divination are to be rejected:

recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up
the dead or other practices falsely
Violations against the
supposed to "unveil" the future.
1st commandment: Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm
reading, interpretation of omens and lots,
the phenomena of clairvoyance, and
recourse to mediums all conceal a desire
for power over time, history, and, in the
last analysis, other human beings, as well
as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They
contradict the honor, respect, and loving
fear that we owe to God alone.

is the worship of an idol or cult image, being Tempting God consists in putting his
a physical image, such as a statue, or a goodness and almighty power to the test
person in place of God. In Abrahamic by word or deed.
religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Sacrilege consists in profaning or treating
Islam, idolatry connotes the worship of unworthily the sacraments and other
something or someone other than God as if liturgical actions, as well as persons,
it were God. things, or places consecrated to God.
Simony is defined as the buying or selling that which misuses God's name, though
of spiritual things. without the intention of blasphemy, shows
a lack of respect for the Lord.
To Simon the magician, who wanted to buy
the spiritual power he saw at work in the CURSE
apostles, St. Peter responded: "Your silver
perish with you because you thought you
could obtain God's gift with money!".

second commandment: is an action that is done to harm another

thou shalt not take the name of the with the help of demons. There are specific
lord thy god in vain. curses to kill, to cause one to be
possessed, to make things go bad in
The second commandment forbids us to
business, and to make someone sick, etc. …
take the name of the lord in vain.
Curses are effective only if God allows
Background: For the Jewish people, God’s
them to have an effect. The more one
name was so sacred that it could not be
prays the more one will be protected
fully uttered or written down.
against these things.
Yahweh is a form of the Hebrew name of
God used in the bible. THIRD commandment:
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath
Violations against the day.
1st commandment: The third commandment bids us to keep
holy the Sabbath. It reminds us of our duty
to worship God.
Why Do Christians Worship on
Sunday and not Saturday?

For Christians, this observance falls on

Sunday for it is the day of the Lord’s
resurrection. We keep this day holy by
celebrating the Eucharist, the ultimate
It consists in uttering against God - inwardly
expression and experience of our
or outwardly - words of hatred, reproach, or
relationship with god through Jesus’ life,
defiance; in speaking ill of God; in failing in
death and resurrection. A day of grace and
respect toward him in one's speech; in
rest from work.
misusing God's name. It is also blasphemous
to make use of God's name to cover up
criminal practices, to reduce peoples to WHY DO WE WORSHIP AND HONOR GOD?
servitude, to torture persons or put them to
Worship is an essential part of Christian's
faith. Worship is the act of attributing
Oaths using the name of God reverent honor and homage to God.
Christians worship God to thank him for his FORMS OF WORSHIPPING GOD
love, ask for forgiveness for their sins and
try to understand his 'will' for them. ... 'The' ADORATION - To adore God is to
church is the whole community of acknowledge him as God, as the Creator
Christians, the people of God, also called and Savior, the Lord and Master of
the 'body of Christ'. everything that exists, as infinite and
merciful Love.

PRAYER - Lifting up the mind toward God

is an expression of our adoration of God:
prayer of praise and thanksgiving,
intercession and petition. Prayer is an
indispensable condition for being able to
obey God's commandments. "[We] ought
always to pray and not lose heart."

SACRIFICE - It is right to offer sacrifice to

God as a sign of adoration and gratitude,
supplication and communion: "Every
action done so as to cling to God in
communion of holiness, and thus achieve
blessedness, is a true sacrifice."

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