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Cordially invites you for the Forum to know on

Draft Master Plan for Coimbatore

Dean - Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning
Karpagam Academy of Higher Education

Date: 22nd March 2024

Time: 4 pm
Venue: ND Hall, SIEMA Building, Race Course

D. Vignesh Mithun Ramdas Ma. Sendilkumar R. Arun

President Vice President Vice President Vice President
Topics Covered
➢ What are the classifications and what is permitted in the respective lands.
In Industry classification - What are the types of industries permitted
(hazardous), in transport classification what is permitted, etc.

➢ How to know the classification of a parcel of land?

➢ In Some survey numbers pt. (part) is mentioned Industrial and another

pt is mentioned residential. Which one to take?

➢ If we have an objection, how to lodge it (online/letter/ forms)and what

are the supporting documents required.

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