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Measurement 156 (2020) 107568

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Measurement hysteresis of touch-trigger probes for CNC machine tools

Adam Woźniak ⇑, Katarzyna Me˛czyńska
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, ul. Św. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Touch-trigger probes for CNC machine tools are widely used for workpiece setup and, potentially, for
Received 10 October 2019 dimensional inspection. Up to now, the probe measurement hysteresis has not been considered. In this
Received in revised form 27 December 2019 paper, the hysteresis phenomenon is analysed using a specially designed set-up and parameters are pro-
Accepted 2 January 2020
posed for its description and quantification. The new apparatus is based on an actuated hollow master
Available online 3 February 2020
artefact which does not require the machine axes to move. Exemplary results for different probe tech-
nologies are presented.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Machine tool
Touch-trigger probe
On-machine measurement

1. Introduction a probe is shown in Fig. 1a. For this type of probe, the stylus is
attached to a three-arm spring-loaded element where each arm
Currently, the machining process using CNC machines takes has a pair of balls. Each ball pair forms a break in the electrical
place quickly and almost without human intervention. This is pos- circuit. When the stylus is in the neutral (resting) position, the
sible thanks to having fully automated processing and the use of three-armed element closes the electrical circuit. At the moment
measuring probes. These probes are already widely used to deter- the stylus is tilted together with the movable part of the trans-
mine the position and alignment of the components to be cut ducer, the electric circuit is interrupted. The disadvantage of kine-
within the working space of the machine tool. The measuring matic probes is the triangular characteristic of the errors (lobing)
probes also serve to control the dimensions of the workpiece either associated with the three-point transducer. Lobing is caused by
during processing or after its completion, which reduces the non- variations in the bending of the stylus and movement of the probe
productive time and scrap and increases productivity [1]. Also, mechanism before the probe registers contact with a surface.
post-process measurements enable verification of component con- The second group of measurement probes used in CNC machine
formance prior to its removal from the machine tool. The measur- tools are strain gauge probes that increase the accuracy. To elimi-
ing probes can also be used to determine the volumetric errors nate the lobing error, a strain gauge sensor (SGS) is used at a much
from the CNC machine tools [2–8]. higher sensitivity than the classic kinematic transducer. In strain
These and other applications have caused the probes for geomet- gauges, the triggering force acting on the stylus tip during the mea-
rical measurements to be the basic instrumentation for CNC surement is transferred by a three-arm kinematic mechanism with
machine tools. Recently, there has been a growing interest in quick supports that are embedded in the strain gauge transducer
checking systems of the general state of the machine tools [9–12]. (Fig. 1b). Three balls are also supported and embedded in the trans-
These studies do not really deal with probes. However, it is clear that ducer, and the arms of the kinematic mechanism cooperate with
the performance of the probe used in machine tooling affects the them, which form the shape of a prism. An unequally loaded strain
accuracy of the measurements and, consequently, the machine tool gauge then generates a measurement signal.
performance, which directly affects the precision of the produced Measurement signals are generated when the resistances of the
parts. strain gauges in the transducer system change under the influence
of stresses that appear when the probe tip contacts the surface to
1.1. Transducers of touch-trigger probes be measured. Due to the high sensitivity of the strain gauge trans-
ducer, a trigger signal is generated at forces that are much lower
The simplest and most popular measurement probes are the than those required to trigger kinematic probes. The strain gauges
touch-trigger kinematic probes. A scheme of the transducer of such are arranged to sense all the triggering forces and are thus charac-
terized with very small systematic errors. The error characteristics
⇑ Corresponding author. of these probes are quasi-circular, which can be easily compen-
E-mail address: (A. Woźniak). sated for.
0263-2241/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 A. Woźniak, K. Me˛czyńska / Measurement 156 (2020) 107568

a) b) be a source of errors when planning the measurement strategy of

a given component.
This article presents a theoretical analysis of the hysteresis phe-
nomenon and describes the results of experimental investigations
for the occurrence of the hysteresis and its share in the total errors
of touch-trigger probes used in CNC machine tools.
2. Phenomenon of hysteresis of touch-trigger probes

Hysteresis of touch-trigger probes occurs when there is a

change in the measurement direction. This hysteresis is mainly
of a mechanical nature and is the result of frictional forces in the
kinematic pairs in the form of sockets and mating arms from the
movable parts of the electromechanical transducer in the measur-
ing probe. This type of transducer appears as a basic model in clas-
Fig. 1. (a) Scheme of 3-point kinematic transducer and (b) scheme of a strain gauge sic kinematic probes. However, in the present case, the moment of
transducer. SGS – strain gauge sensor. frictional in the kinematic pairs is overcome during the measure-
ment and the measurement hysteresis is practically negligible.
On the other hand, the operation of strain gauge probes is based
Noting the essential differences in the construction of the trans- on elastic deformations. Therefore, there should be no resistance
ducers of kinematic and strain gauge probes, it is also clearly noted to movement due to friction. However, the presence of a kinematic
that their common feature is the three-arm kinematic mechanism. transducer is the main reason for the occurrence of hysteresis as
It is important for strain gauge probes to protect the transducer the basic component of errors of this type of probes.
against damage. Operation of a strain gauge transducer consists Therefore, the hysteresis phenomenon is considered theoreti-
of slight elastic deformations. Due to the presence of the kinematic cally. In Fig. 2, a section of the kinematic mechanism for the probe
unit, the tip moves safely (overtravel), which is necessary to stop is presented in the plane that contains the stylus. There are two
the CNC machine after initially touching the probe tip with the sur- considered cases: when the probe is triggered from the left side
face to be measured. (Fig. 2a) and from the right side (Fig. 2b).
In this type of transducer, the PN neutral (resting) position of the
1.2. Errors of touch-trigger probes centre of the stylus tip is related to the repeatability of the position
of the support arms of the movable part of the kinematic
A parameter called pre-travel w can be used to describe the mechanism.
errors of the touch-trigger probes. This parameter is very useful In this type of transducer, the neutral (resting) PN position of
when modelling probe errors [13]. Its disadvantage, however, is the center of the needle tip is associated with the repeatability of
that it references the neutral position of the probe tip (at rest - the position of the support arms of the movable part of the kine-
when the tip of the probe is not in contact with the surface to be matic mechanism.
measured). The problem is that this position is not fixed or cali- The arms have the shape of an inverted letter ‘‘V” and rest on
brated beforehand. However, for each working direction of the the supports through the embedded balls. The movement of the
probe, it is possible to determine an average triggering point. The probe tip during the measurement first causes a change in the load
best-fit element may be calculated based on the triggering points balance of the supports, which results in a generated measurement
of all the working directions of the probe using the least squares signal from the strain gauge sensor. During measurements on the
sum method. The distance between the centre of an element and machine tool, inertia of the moving masses causes the tip to move
the triggering point is defined as the triggering radius r. The trig- much deeper up to the PO position. While travelling this way, the
gering radius variation VR is defined as the difference between movable part of the kinematic mechanism rotates around an axis
the maximum and the minimum average triggering radius values that passes through a pair of supports (as in Fig. 2a), or around
for all the investigated directions. Variations in the triggering an axis passing through one of the supports (as in Fig. 2b). Conse-
radius correspond to deviations of the shape, which would be mea- quently, this causes the remaining third arm or the other two arms
sured on the reference sphere with the given probe if the probe to separate from the supports. After the impact between the mea-
errors were the only source of measurement error. The parameter sured object surface and the probe tip has ended, the transducer
values of similar meaning are also given by the probe manufactur- returns to its resting state. However, the frictional forces present
ers in the specifications under the name ‘‘3D lobing in X, Y, Z” for in the supports of the kinematic unit cause it to stop when the
three-axis measurements or ‘‘2D lobing in X, Y” for planar measure- moments reach a state of equilibrium. This occurs slightly before
ments. The parameters listed are of a systematic nature. Random the swinging arm of the kinematic unit properly seats. Therefore,
errors can be determined using the unidirectional repeatability there is a new neutral position PH of the measuring tip from the
parameter UDR defined as the double standard deviation of the equilibrium state.
triggering radius for a given measurement direction. The state of equilibrium for the moments of the forces are con-
Some hysteresis tests were conducted by [14] for typical probes sidered in simplified form for the resting position PH1, as shown in
of concern used in coordinate measuring machines. However, Fig. 2a.
opposite to probes for coordinate measuring machines (which per- Then, the moment of friction MF in the two kinematic pairs will
formance are well-known [15–17]) and which usually work in a be counterbalanced by the force resulting from h1 compressing the
laboratory environment, probes for CNC machine tools work in a preload spring and by the inertial force of the movable part of the
harsh, production environment, which means that both the con- kinematic mechanism FI:
struction and parameters can be completely different.
Users of machine tooling equipped with measuring probes are a a v 2m
not familiar with the occurrence of the hysteresis phenomenon 2M F ¼ ðkh1 þ F I Þ ¼ kh1 þ ; ð1Þ
2 2 2s
during measurements and, consequently, do not consider this to
A. Woźniak, K. Me˛czyńska / Measurement 156 (2020) 107568 3

a) Fs b) Fs

h1 h2
r a/2 a a/2 a

2Fs/3 Fs/3


H1 H2

Fig. 2. Scheme of the kinematic probe transducer and its forces and friction moments acting on it after a measurement.

where a is the length of the arm, m is the mass of the movable part 3. Experimental set-up
of the kinematic mechanism together with the stylus, k is the spring
constant, v is the probing speed, and s is the travel required to reach The complete measurement system, which is composed of a
the rest position. probe, an interface, and a machine tool, can be tested based on
It is assumed that due to the symmetry of the kinematic assem- measurements of material master artefacts, such as reference
bly, the tension force of the preload spring force FS is evenly dis- spheres or ring gauges [18]. Such methods allow checking the util-
tributed into three identical reactions in three kinematic pairs. ity of a complete system to a given measurement task, but they do
Then, Eq. (1) after transformation and considering the coefficient not enable separating the probe errors from machine tool errors.
of friction f will take the form: To more precisely describe the probe errors (including hystere-
4F s f v 2 m sis), special set-ups were developed and described in [19]. Testing
h1 ¼  : ð2Þ of the probe can also take place without dismantling it from the
3ka 2ks
machine spindle because the set-up is portable and fits within
Therefore, assuming that the tilting angle of the probe mecha- the working space of the vast majority of CNC machine tools used
nism is small and the stylus has length L, we can calculate the hys- in the industry. A view of the main part of the set-up is presented
teresis H1 from the equation: in Fig. 3.
2Lh1 8F s f v 2 m Test set-up uses Physik Instrumente P-615.3CD NanoCube as a
H1 ¼ ¼L  : ð3Þ XYZ stage with integrated capacitive sensors. According to the
a 3ka2 ksa
manufacturer’s specifications the repeatability in X and Y is equal
In the case of when changes to the triggering direction are in the
opposite direction (Fig. 2b), analogous analysis can be performed.
Then the frictional moment MF in one kinematic pair will be
balanced by the force resulting from the h2 compression of the
preload spring FS and the inertia force of the movable part of the
kinematic mechanism FI. probe
Then, the frictional moment MF in one kinematic pair will be
counterbalanced by the force resulting from h2 compressing the
preload spring FS and the inertial force of the movable part of the
kinematic mechanism FI. The hysteresis H2 in this case is then
finally expressed by the equation: ring gauge
Lh2 Fsf v 2m
H2 ¼ ¼L  : ð4Þ 2D/3D piezo
a 3ka2 2ksa
The total measurement hysteresis H of the touch-trigger probes system
for CNC machine tools includes the two cases discussed and is
finally defined as:
Fsf v 2m
H ¼ H1 þ H2 ¼ 3L  : ð5Þ
ka2 2ksa Fig. 3. View of the main part of the set-up.
4 A. Woźniak, K. Me˛czyńska / Measurement 156 (2020) 107568

Fig. 4. Graphical interpretation of the parameters describing the errors of the touch trigger probes (a) without considering hysteresis and (b) considering hysteresis.

a) b)

Fig. 5. Characteristics of the average triggering radius for each angle of the strain gauge transducer probes for (a) OMP400 and (b) OMP600.

to ±7.5 mm and closed loop linearity not exceed 0.02%. The stage   rmin
measurement directions, V R ¼ rmax  . A graphical interpreta-
controller communicates with a PC by National Instruments NI tion of the parameters describing the measuring errors of the probe
USB-6259 BNC data acquisition card and the measurement is con- is shown in Fig. 4a.
trolled by a computer program developed in LabVIEW environ- To measure the hysteresis, the test is carried out in a similar
ment. The extended uncertainty (for coverage factor k = 2) of the way, but in two stages. In the first stage the recorded triggering
test set-up for measurement of triggering radius for all measure- is followed with triggering from the same direction. The recorded
ment directions is equal to 0.034 mm [13]. points (marked with full circular markers in Fig. 4b) enable the
The measuring tip of the tested probe is placed inside a ring determination of the average triggering radius ri . In the second
gauge with a radius of about a dozen micrometres larger than stage, the recorded triggering is proceeded with an unregistered
the radius of the tip. After the probe is fixed (in the machine tool triggering from the opposite direction.
spindle or outside the machine tool in a special holder), the ring The recorded points (marked with full square markers in
gauge is moved using a 2D piezoelectric positioning system along Fig. 4b) allow to measure the second average triggering radius rHi
different radial directions in relation to the probe axis, and its posi- which contains hysteresis. The hysteresis received from the exper-
tion at the moment of probe triggering is measured. Taking into iment can, therefore, be calculated as:
consideration the trigger points from all directions, a circle is fit
using the least squares method. The radius of this circle is the aver- H ¼ r Hi  r i : ð6Þ
age triggering location. The unidirectional repeatability UDR can
then be calculated as the double standard deviation of the trigger- 4. Experimental results
ing radii for a given i-th measuring direction. The triggering radius
variation VR is calculated as the difference between the largest and Fig. 5 presents results of the hysteresis test for two popular
smallest values of the average switching radius for the different probes, OMP400 and OMP600, with a strain gauge transducer.
A. Woźniak, K. Me˛czyńska / Measurement 156 (2020) 107568 5

had not been used before. The OMP400 probe was previously used
during normal technological processes on a machine tool. The
probes were tested from 0 to 360° with a step of 10°. 10 measure-
ments were taken for each measuring direction.
Fig. 5 shows the individual triggering points as a function of the
measuring direction in the plane perpendicular to the probe axis.
The same point designations as Fig. 4 are assumed in this case.
The dashed line indicates the double standard deviation (2r).
The results presented refer to a test probe with a 50 mm long sty-
lus and a measuring speed of 50 mm/min. Based on the obtained
characteristics, it is clearly noted that both cases visibly show a
measurement hysteresis, because the triggering points have been
OMP400 OMP600
shifted by approximately 1 lm for each measuring direction.
Fig. 6. Share of random (UDR) and systematic (VR) errors including hysteresis (H). Fig. 6 shows the contribution of individual errors (H hysteresis,
VR triggering radius variation, and UDR unidirectional repeatabil-
ity) in the total probe error.
For the tested OMP400 probe, the hysteresis H is equal to
approximately 0.7 lm. Its value is similar to the triggering radius
variation VR and several times greater than the average unidirec-
tional repeatability UDR. For the OMP600 probe, the hysteresis H
is equal to more than 1.3 lm and is the dominant component of
the probe errors.
Fig. 7 presents the results of the OMP400 probe hysteresis test
carried out for two measuring velocities v of 30 and 50 mm/min,
as recommended by the manufacturer, and two stylus lengths of
50 and 100 mm. The heights of the columns in the graph indicate
the average value of the hysteresis while the error bars determine
v 30 mm/min 50 mm/min 30 mm/min 50 mm/min the range of the experimental results. Additionally, the theoretical
L 50 mm 100 mm values (modelled using Eq. (5)) of the hysteresis are marked on the
graph with square markers and a dotted line. For the hysteresis cal-
Fig. 7. Comparison of the experimental and theoretical values of the probe
hysteresis for different probing speeds v and stylus lengths L. culations, the force value of FS = 5.56 N and the spring constant of
k = 1.79 N/mm were experimentally determined. The weight and
length of the arm of the kinematic mechanism were estimated to
According to the manufacturer’s specifications, in both cases be 0.02 kg and 13 mm, respectively.
unidirectional repeatability (2r) is equal to 0.25 mm, and 3D lobing It is clearly noted that the theoretical results (calculated using
in X, Y and Z is equal to ±1.00 mm. The OMP600 probe was new and (5)) fit to the obtained experimental results. Both results indicate

Fig. 8. Different strategies to measure sample parts and the different results based on the occurrence of hysteresis.
6 A. Woźniak, K. Me˛czyńska / Measurement 156 (2020) 107568

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