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The company values each customer. The satisfaction of the

customers is the most important factor to the company. The
customers are helped from course selection till the final
purchase of the product. Even after purchasing the courses, the
salesperson is in contact with the customer for the support
services. The HR policies of the company also make sure that the
employees are not overburdened with the work.
The company ensures that work-life balance is maintained
among the employees. Discounts are also offered to the
customer from time to time so that the maximum number of
people can take advantage of the course and increase their
chances of getting the job. The company ensures that the
employees are not overburdened with the number of interns
they are handling and distributes the interns among different
UCLs. As customers are considered king, the company has a
separate phone number and mail assigned to file the complaints
by the customers. These complaints can be regarding any issue
like inability to process the fees, courses not starting, and
certificates not issued after completion. The customer can file a
complaint in any of such Cases. Most of the time, the issue is
resolved within 4-5 hours of receiving the complaint.
The company makes sure the customer is satisfied with the
services. Also, some policies need restructuring. For example,
once a salesperson gets the lead, he keeps on calling the
customers repeatedly, which further irritates the customers,
leading to loss of interest of the customer in theYoursthatsenior
products. Proper training from the market experts and leaders
should be given to the new joiners to improve this process
further. When an intern joins as an Yoursthatsenior community
influencer, the person is not given any stipend initially. When the
intern does his first sales, the person becomes eligible for the
stipend. The intern is given 10% of the revenue generated by him
and the team. This keeps motivating the intern to further train
his team and keep generating revenue for the company. This also
provides UCI an opportunity to be promoted to Yoursthatsenior
Community Leader and UCL to yoursthatsenior community
champion. If the intern performs well as a UCC, the intern stands
a chance to get a PPO and get the opportunity to become a
permanent employee of the company. So, it's a path of
continuous growth that keeps an intern going in his work and
work harder for the company. The company also takes strict
actions against defaulters. If a customer or any employee
complains about any of the company's employees, then the
company carries out a proper investigation, and action is taken
against the guilty. The company do not tolerate any malpractice
from the employees, and if found guilty, the employee is
terminated on an immediate basis. All UCLs have been given the
power to terminate UCIs under them. Sometimes, after joining
the company, UCIs completely ignore the internships; they never
appear for any meeting with the mentor, never complete any
project assigned to them, and don't report to the mentors. In
such cases, warnings are given to the UCIs. Despite warnings, if
UCL finds indiscipline from UCIs, then the UCI is terminated from
the company. The company has a zero-tolerance policy for any
harassment at the workplace. Apart from weekly offs. All the
permanent employees are entitled to Provident funds and
gratuity as per the rules of the government. During work from
home, the dress code is generally kept casual, but for important
meetings like the meeting with senior management, the dress
code is formals.

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