Friendship Evangelism PT 4 - Leader

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Important Note:
As next week is Cell Prayer Walk, there will be no specific cell lesson for Learning Outcomes:
this week on Friendship Evangelism. Instead, this week will be mainly
administrative, giving a briefing for prayer walk at Grace II and also
sharing on the evangelistic thrusts so far.
At the end of this lesson, the
member will be able to:
I understand that most cells have not done last week lesson because of
Good Friday event. For these cells, you may continue with last week
lesson but do disseminate the information on upcoming events in the
ministry to your members. If you do not have time to go through the
prayer walk briefing, you may do it next week on site. Prayer walking is
not new to our people, so the briefing should not take up too much I understand that some cell
members are reluctant to fill
in the friendship evangelism
form. Kindly encourage them
I. Friendship Evangelism Sharing (15 Mins) to do it. You may need to
You may begin the cell after worship by asking how many has utilized convince them of the benefits
the Starbucks voucher and share with their friends. If yes, ask them to of doing it:
share their experiences and how they felt. 1) It ensures that they really
share with their friend.
2) It provides a new contact
Ask them if they have fill up the friendship evangelism forms. If yes, list for us to pray and
collect from them and pass it to Andrea. target those who are
more open.
CAN WE TARGET TO HAVE ALL THE FORMS BACK BY 14 MAY? 3) We can then invite these
THAT IS, RETURN ALL FORMS TO ANDREA BY 14 MAY! for Evangelistic Gig or
other events (of course
II. Prayer Walking at Grace II Briefing (15 mins) working together with our
Inform the cell that next week, cell’s location will be changed to GRACE 4) It helps to drive us to our
II church. goal of 50 salvations for
YA ministry this year.
Tell them that instead of having a normal cell, we will be doing prayer 5) We want to ensure that
walking at Grace II. This is in anticipation of the building completion in there will be a culture of
July and the moving of English, Mandarin, Hokkein and YA services follow-up and discipling in
there around July or August time frame. (Note: there is a slight delay in the ministry and it
the construction work of two to three weeks). requires everyone to be

Arrange with the cell members a suitable day and time to meet. For those who did not want
You may choose any day of the week and at a convenient timing for all the voucher but say they will
cell members. (That is Monday to Sunday as long it doesn’t clash with share with a friend, ask them
YA or Youth services/cells) for the form too.

Try to incorporate a meal or outing or a cell activity.
If you are going through last
Eg. book the badminton court at Gombak after the prayer walking. week lesson, you can do the
prayer walk briefing next week
Below is an extract of Prayer Walking notes from Ps. Betty. on site at Grace II before you
What is Prayerwalk? dispatch the people.
It is a method of _intercessory_ prayer that involves praying while
walking at certain location. The story goes back to the time
of Abraham when God told him
to “Go, walk through the length
Biblical Examples of Prayerwalk and breadth of the land, for I
Ask them if they can come up with any examples? am giving it to you" (Genesis
Who originated this idea? The answer is God Himself. 13:17).

God commanded Moses to send

1. Abraham
twelve leaders from each tribe
It's a matter of _vision_, getting an up close and personal view of the to walk through the land of
situation as well as _hearing_ and _discerning_ what God is saying and Canaan (Numbers 13:17-25).
doing. Although twelve walked through
the land, but only two came
2. Joshua And Caleb back with good reports; they all
saw the same things, but their
From this story, two key elements in prayerwalking are:- perceptions and opinions were
a. We need to _see_ the surrounding with God's eyes; very different.

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b. We need to have _faith_ to receive what God has promised.

3. Nehemiah
After hearing the news from
a. Starts with a _burden_ --God laid the burden on his heart when he homeland, Nehemiah wept and
heard the ruin of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1:2-3). mourned, fasted and prayed to
b. Careful _planning_ and _preparation_-- His passion for God and the God. He went back to Jerusalem
need of Jerusalem enabled him to endure the hardship (Nehemiah 4). and walked around the city to
examine the walls. Nehemiah's
c. Gather _information_ --He walked around Jerusalem during the night experience provides us three
(2:11-15) and gathered helpful information before setting out to important principles about
undertake the job that God had commissioned him to do (2:17-18). prayerwalking.

Prayerwalk helps to bring the walls down between the church and the
Value of Prayerwalk Basic Skills of Prayerwalk
 It is to pray on behalf of the neighborhood or the 1) Pray with your eyes open
community. 2) Practice Silence
 It prepares the way of the Lord into the community. 3) Pray Conversational prayer
 It is to pronounce God's presence and blessing over 4) Pray until you sense a release in your spirit
the community. 5) Pray the Word
 It is praying on-site with insight. It is simply 6) Smile and be pleasant to people you meet.
drawing nearer to community in order to pray 7) Note down impressions
specifically. 8) Debriefing
 It means to take the community for them and not 9) End with thanksgiving
from them.

Do's of Prayerwalking: Don'ts of Prayerwalking:

 Do focus on God rather than the method (Jer. 33:3; Don't create a scene by raising your voice,
Mt 18:19, 20; Jn 16;23). motioning hands, or waving your Bible. Go as
 Do pray for God's blessings over the area you are light as you can.
Don't allow large groups to pray in one spot.
 Do be aware of the physical and spiritual
environment. Don't pray loudly.
 Do pray in a spirit of unity. Don't be presumptuous and arrogant in warfare.
 Do walk in small groups of twos and threes.
Don't be impulsive when you receive revelations
 Do pray with eyes open. or assume you must act on them.
 Do conversational prayer, encouraging the
partner(s) to pray softly yet loud enough to hear Don't trespass on private property or enter
each other. religious sites.
 Do believe that God will work as you go forth in Don't go tearing down strongholds and casting
reliance upon Him. out demons.

III. Upcoming Events (15 mins)

1) Next week cell – Prayer Walk
2) 29 Apr – YA Service on Sermon on Da Vinci Code
Tell members who did not come for YA services that Ps. Kieran has been preaching on an apologetic series of
late. Last 2 sermons: Is Jesus the only way to God? and Evidences that the Resurrection is true.
3) 1 May – Grace I Carnival: 10–6 pm.
Ask who is coming? Who is helping? Encourage them to come and help. Slot 10 – 2, and 2 – 6 pm.
4) 5 May – Da Vinci Code Seminar (PNP nite 7:30 pm Chapel)
Church has invited a speaker called I-Ching Thomas to speak. Other churches who invited her charges $5
per head.
5) 12 May – Cell on Da Vinci Code
We will watch an apologetic video against the Da Vinci Code and go through some method of using the
movie as a launch pad for evangelism.
6) 19 and 26 May – Discipling Training
In view of move of YA ministry to Grace II and the thrust to reach out, it is vital that we have a system to
account and keep in the visitors and new converts. Also, we want to inculcate a discipling atmosphere in
the whole church starting from the YA ministry. As such, it is extremely vital that all members are aware of
the whole process as well as the discipling materials that we are going to implement. The goal is that we
want to help every single member grow and enjoy the blessings of impacting someone’s life as well as
assimilate as many visitors and new converts to the church as possible.
We will not have cell on 19 and 26 May and instead all are to come to L2 Hall, 7:30 pm for the training.
Tentative program something like this:

Leader’s Notes
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19 May 26 May
7:30 : Worship 7:30 : Worship
7:45 : Short Teaching on Impt of Discipling 7:45 : Short Recap
8:15 : Explanation of Follow-up and discipling process 7:55 : Instructions on how to use the Discipling Materials
8:30 : Q and A 8:30 : Short Break
8:40 : Briefing on how to use the GIG materials 8:35 : Continuation
9:45 : Close. 9:45 : Close

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