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Ajeenkya DY Patil School of Engineering


(Charholi)Via Lohegaon, Pune-412 105

Department of Computer Engineering

Micro-project Report of
Programming With Python
Movie Tickets Booking Management System

Submitted by:
Name of Student :- Nagesh Jaybhaye

Under the Guidance of

Ms. Sandhya Chavan
Department of Computer Engineering



This is to certify that Mr. Nagesh Jaybhaye has submitted Project report entitled "Movie
Tickets Booking Management System" issubmitted in the partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of the Diploma in Computer Engineering by Maharashtra
State Board of Technical Education as record of students' own work carried out by them
under the guidance and supervision at Ajeenkya DY Patil School Of Engineering
(Charholi), during the academic year 2023-24.

Place: Charholi (Bk)

Date: / /2024.

(Ms. Sandhya Chavan) (Mr. Sandip Pandey)

Guide Head of Computer Department

It is with profoundly sense of gratitude that we acknowledge from our guide

Ms. Sandhya Chavan. She has been guide in the true sense of word, a guide who
satisfaction from our word & progress.

We are highly obliged to Mr. Sandip Pandey Head of Computer

Department for aberrance & good co-operation given to us for bringing this project
to almost standard.
We are grateful to our principal Dr. Nagesh Shelke for proceeding
acknowledgement to us in the connection of this project concluding. We appreciate
the assistance of all staff that helps us in for their sincere & obliging help to make
our project successfully.
Index Topic

1. Brief Introduction 5

2. Aim of the project 5

3. Action Plan 6

4. Resources Required 7

5. Co Integrated 7

6. Actual Procedure 8

7. Source Code 11

8. Skilled development, Reference, Conclusion 12

Micro Project Proposal
Part A
Movie Tickets Booking System Management

1. Brief Introduction:

In an era dominated by digital technologies, the movie ticket booking system has
undergone a significant transformation. The convergence of mobile applications, online
platforms, and data analytics has revolutionized the way moviegoers interact with cinemas. This
micro-project aims to explore the intricacies of developing a comprehensive movie ticket
booking system management solution. From user-friendly interfaces to backend database
management, the project delves into the various components required to streamline the process
of ticket booking, enhance user experience, and optimize operational efficiency for cinema

2. Aim Of The Micro Project:

1. It must simple and easy to use.

2. To understand the concept of python such as Function, Data types etc.
 Functions: In Python, a function is a block of reusable code that performs a specific
task. Functions provide modularity and allow you to break down your program into
smaller, manageable pieces. Functions take input parameters (arguments), perform
operations, and may return a result .
 Data Types: Data types in Python define the type of data that a variable can hold.
Python has several built-in data types, including:
1. Numeric Types: Integers (int), Floating-point numbers (float ), and Complex
numbers (complex).
2. Sequence Types: Lists (list), Tuples (tuple), and Strings (str).
3. Action Plan: Details of activity

Planned start Planned end Name of responsible
date date group members
1. Searching for the topic

2. Confirmed the topic we

searched for for the
micro project

4. Collecting information

5. Making proposal
Nagesh Jaybhaye

6. Testing and analysis of

test result

7. Preparation of final
project report

8. Final submission of the

4. Resources Required:

Sr. No. Name of Specification

1. Computer System Intel Core i5

2. OS Windows 12

3. Text Editor Visual Studio

4. Textbook Programming With


5. Name Of Team Members:

Name Roll No.

Nagesh Jaybhaye 51

6. Course Outcomes Integrated:

1. To develop proper movie ticket generated.

2. Easily accessed by anyone.
3. Design function for following problems.
4. Design classes for following problems.
7. Inputs of Microproject:

Actual Procedure
1. Data Collection: First, gather all relevant data from your movie ticket booking system. This may
include information such as:
 Booking ID
 Customer name
 Movie name
 Showtime
 Number of tickets booked
 Seat numbers
 Total amount paid
 Booking date/time
 Any additional details

2. Approach: Below is the approach to do the above operations.

 t_movie()
 theater()
 timing(a)
 movie(theater)
 center()
 city()

t_movie: This method is used to select the movie name.

def t_movie():
global f
f = f+1
print("which movie do you want to watch?")
print("1. Sita Raman ")
print("2. Animal ")
print("3. Pathaan")
print("4. back")
movie = int(input("choose your movie: "))
Code 8.1
theater(): This method is used to select the screen.
def 8theatre():
print(“which screen do you want to watch movie: “)
print(“1. SCREEN 1”)
print(“2. SCREEN 2”)
print(“3. SCREEN 3”)
a = int(input(“choose your screen: “))
Code 8.2
timing(a): This method is used to select timing for movies.
def timing(a):
time1 = {
"1": "10.00-1.00",
"2": "1.10-4.10",
"3": "4.20-7.20",
"4": "7.30-10.30"
time2 = {
"1": "10.15-1.15",
"2": "1.25-4.25",
"3": "4.35-7.35",
"4": "7.45-10.45"
time3 = {
"1": "10.30-1.30",
"2": "1.40-4.40",
"3": "4.50-7.50",
"4": "8.00-10.45"
if a == 1:
print("choose your time: ")
t = input("select your time: ")
x = time1[t]
Code 8.4
movie(theater): This method is used to select movies accordingly to the theater.
def theater():
print("which screen do you want to watch movie: ")
print("1. SCREEN 1")
print("2. SCREEN 2")
print("3. SCREEN 3")
a = int(input("choose your screen: "))
Code 8.5

center(): This method is used to select the theater.

Def center():
print(“which theatre do you wish to see movie? “)
print(“1. Inox”)
print(“2. Icon”)
print(“3. PvR”)
print(“4. Back”)
a = int(input(“choose your option: “))
Code 8.6
city(): This method is used to select the city.
def city():
print("Hi welcome to movie ticket booking: ")
print("where you want to watch movie?:")
print("2.Deccan ")
print("3.Pimpri ")
place = int(input("choose your option: "))
Code 8.7
total_cost:-This method is used to generate the total cost of the ticket.
ticket = int(input("number of ticket do you want?: "))
total_cost = 0
price = 1000
total_cost += price * ticket
print("Total cost: ", total_cost)
Code 8.8

3. Saving or Presenting the Report: Finally, save the generated report to a file or present it in the
desired format. Depending on your requirements, you may choose to save the report locally, send it
via email, or display it on a web interface.
Source Code
Advantages and Disadvantages

1. Your business is open around the clock.
Customers who make a decision to book a tour or rental don't want to wait until you are in the
office — they want to lock in the activity on their own schedule. Using an online booking system means
that your business is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
2. You can maximize reservations.
Customers who book their own reservations are more likely to show up, making no-shows a thing
of the past. If a customer does need to cancel, the spot automatically opens online, giving another customer
the chance to book it. By maximizing your reservations, you won't leave unused activity spots or rentals
on the table.
3. You get paid quicker.
With an online booking system, you can require customers to prepay for activities and
rentals. This puts money into your pocket faster.With an online booking system, you can require
customers to prepay for activities and rentals. This puts money into your pocket faster and helps make sure
that on the day of the event you don't have to worry about payment — giving you and your customers more
time to have fun.
4. You're not tied to a phone.
If a customer calls a tour or activity company and gets routed to voicemail, they may call back later
— or they may call their second-choice. Online booking means you capture more potential business
because reservations and information are always available. It also means you won't get caught in a dreaded
game of telephone tag.

1. You need Internet access.
If you run tours and activities in remote areas where you aren't able to get on the Internet, online
booking might not be for you. You'll need reliable Internet access to check your reservations and to add
bookings that are made online.The good news for Peek Pro users is that our mobile apps work offline.
This means that you can connect to the internet, sync your bookings, and go to areas with bad reception.
In those areas, it doesn't even matter if your internet cuts out - the Peek Pro apps will work.
2. You need to be ready for an influx of new customers.
Online booking software is a great way to attract new customers, many of whom prefer booking
online from their computers and mobile devices. However, if you're running a small operation without
enough staff members or resources to expand your activities, growing too quickly may pose a challenge.
3. Not all online booking systems are created equal.
If you choose a provider that offers poor customer service or only a few features, an online solution
might be frustrating — especially when you're ready to grow your business. It's important to do your
homework upfront and choose an online booking system that is committed to supporting you and your
business for the long haul.
4. Avoid booking systems that don't bring you new quality customers.
If you're going to invest in a new technology platform and take the time to train your staff, we
recommend you choose a booking system that fits all of your business needs — including bringing you a
stream of new, high-quality customers. Some booking systems include distribution channels, but they may
not attract quality customers who will give you great reviews and refer your business to friends. Make sure
you do your research to find a booking system that guarantees a consistent stream of quality customers
8. Skill Development:

1. Understand the concept of python.

2. Understand how to use text editor (Vs).

9. Reference:


10. Conclusion:

We have successfully developed the movie ticket booking system using basic functions of
pythons such as class, object, function etc. It is easy to use as no requirement of any staff member
is required to implemented this function.

Ms. Sandhya Chavan

(Guide of Project)

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