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How Do I Find My God-Given Purpose?

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You were born with a God-given purpose and fulfilling

that purpose must be your primary mission in life. Your
fulfillment, satisfaction and peace of mind are all tied to
that purpose!

"How do you I find my God-given purpose?" That is

another question I get asked on a consistent basis. So
many people are lost when it comes to knowing why they
were born. In this vital life-improving article, you'll learn
how to learn your God-given Gillis Triplett

You Were Born With a Specific God-Given Purpose

I'll start this session off by making a critical six-part

1. Every human being entered into the earth realm

with a God-given purpose, (See Ecclesiastes 3:1).

2. No man or woman ever born came without a God-

given purpose, (See II Timothy 1:9).

3. Every one was born with gifts, talents and abilities

to assist them in fulfilling their God-given purpose,
(Romans 11:29).
4. It is the responsibility of each individual to learn
his or her God-given purpose, (Romans 12:2).

5. You must be able to convey your God-given

purpose to others, (Habakkuk 2:2).

6. If you fail or refuse to learn your God-given

purpose, your options automatically become: (a) your
own personal vision for your life, (b) society's vision for
your life, or (c) the devil's vision for your life. With these
plans, you may experience great financial success, but in
the end, none of these visions will bring you fulfillment,
satisfaction or peace of mind, (See Proverbs 19:21).

You Don't Find Your Purpose - You Learn It!

You don't find your God-given purpose anymore than
you find mathematics or aerodynamics. To find means to
come upon, often by accident. When it comes to
mathematics or aerodynamics, you learn them! You do
the same with your God-give purpose. You learn it! Here
is the first crucial point to learning your God-given
purpose: God hid His purpose for your life deep within
the recesses of your heart.

Proverbs 20:5
Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man
of understanding will draw it out.

In order to draw His purpose out of your heart, you must

be a man or woman of understanding. I'll show you how
to become that man or that woman! Using the illustration
of a man drawing water from a well, the Lord makes
another crucial point. If you don't draw out your God-
given purpose from deep within your heart, you will
never learn it. He goes on to say.

Proverbs 20:18
Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good
advice make war.

Without proper counsel, you will not be able to learn

your God-given purpose. During my senior year of high
school, my guidance counselor was a nice lady. She was
intelligent, had a college degree and had comprehensive
training to assist students make life-altering career

She said my test scores revealed that law school,

electrical engineering or the Air Force was best for me.

The problem with her professional assessment.

As sincere as she was, she was not my designer or

manufacturer. She had no idea what I was capable of
because she was not the one who installed the gifts,
talents and abilities within me.

To ask any man or woman, including your parents, to tell

you what your God-given purpose is, is like asking the
Ford Motor Company, "What is the purpose and
capabilities of a B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber?" The folks at
Ford have some sharp minds, but they cannot answer that
question for one reason.

They did not design or manufacture that aircraft.

If you want to know your God-given purpose, you must
go to your manufacturer, (See Genesis 1:27 and Genesis

When the Lord God created us, He gave each of us an

operator's manual. It is called the Bible - the Written
Word of God.

Our operator's manual tells us which counselor to inquire

of concerning this critical issue.

Isaiah 9:6 [Emphasis added]

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and
the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name
shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God,
The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Our counselor is none other than the Lord God


He is not just any counselor. Read Isaiah 9:6 again! He is

our Wonderful Counsellor! He is the only one who can
reveal to us our God-given purpose.

When you seek His counsel, there is no possibility of you

failing in life because His counsel is excellent in
working, (See Isaiah 28:29). Read how the prophet
Habakkuk sought out the Wonderful Counsellor, became
a man of understanding and got clear on his God-given

Habakkuk 2:1-3
1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower,
and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what
I shall answer when I am reproved.
2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the
vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run
that readeth it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the
end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Note the sequence of events...

(1) You must engage in earnest prayer, (Habakkuk 1:1-


(2) Next, get quiet before the Lord, (Habakkuk 2:1)

(3) The Wonderful Counsellor will speak to you,

(Habakkuk 2:2)

(4) When He speaks, write the vision down, (Habakkuk


(5) Be ready to convey your God-given vision to

others, (Habakkuk 2:2)

(6) Rejoice, because God's vision for your life is

coming to pass, (Habakkuk 2:3)

You must earnestly pray, "Lord, what is my purpose and

what did you put in me?" I have some great news for
you! When you ask the Lord those questions, He will
always answer you, (See Matthew 7:7).
How long will He take?

He will answer you immediately, but how you hear Him

depends on your level of spiritual growth and
development, (See Hebrews 5:13-14).

The people who are attentive, quick to listen, quick to

obey, quick to forgive and quick to repent, effortlessly
hear God's voice and act on His Word, (See Mark 4:20).

The people who are distracted, slow to listen, slow to

obey, slow to forgive and slow to repent, have a harder
time hearing from God, (See Mark 4:14-19).

After praying that prayer, you need to analyze and take

inventory of your gifts, talents and abilities.

Your Gifts, Talents and Abilities Help To Define Your


Romans 11:29
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Prior to your birth, God installed in you all of the

necessary gifts, talents and abilities you would need to
fulfill his purpose for your life. Those gifts, talents and
abilities help define your purpose.

I have traveled to the Bering Sea on a number of

occasions. I have been there when it was so cold, when
you breathed, your breath would instantly freeze and fall
to the ground. With the proper protective clothing, a
human being could withstand that type of cold, but only
for a short period of time.

Polar bears, however, are superbly adapted for survival

in that type of freezing weather. They are so well
insulated that they experience almost no heat loss. They
can withstand temperatures of minus 37 degrees
Fahrenheit. Because of their insulation, they tend to
overheat in warm weather.

They cool down by diving into the ice-cold waters. Polar

bears are champion swimmers. Using their partially
webbed forepaws, they have been clocked swimming as
fast as six miles per hour. They also have excellent
underwater vision. Scientists tell us that polar bears can
spot food up to 15 feet away while submerged.

BUT! If you take the Polar Bears from the Far North and
place them in the Sahara Desert, they will eventually die
prematurely. The gifts, callings and abilities of the Polar
Bear are ideally suited for the Far North, not the Sahara

The Polar Bear's heavy insulating fur and thick blubber

layer was made for the ice cold, not the heat.

The Polar Bear's swimming abilities, fur, blubber,

webbed forepaws and its ability to withstand extreme
cold, help to define its purpose.

It is the same way with everything!

The wings of the eagle reveal that the eagle was made to
fly. The eyes of the owl reveal that it is more suited to
hunt at night. The anatomy of the fish - the scales, slime
coat, gills, ventral, pectoral and dorsal fins, and fact that
they have no arms, legs or wings, reveals that they were
designed for the water.

How Were You Designed?

What do you like to do? Solve mathematical problems?
Play chess? Sing? Create music? Write? Build things?
Invent things? Paint? Design things? Are you artistically
inclined? Do you have a love for biology, nature or
medicine? Do you have an analytical mind? Are you
mechanically inclined? Are you a bookworm? Do you
enjoy baking? Do you like to teach or train people? Do
you love working with children? Do you like watching
attorneys litigate? Do you have an inquisitive
investigative mind? Do you love to make delectable
culinary dishes?

What You Naturally Gravitate Towards - Helps Reveal

Your Purpose
I started writing poetry when I was in grade school. I
can't explain it. One day I picked up a pen and paper and
just started writing in a romantic flow. By the time I
reached high school, people were paying me to write
poetry for their wives, girlfriends and special events.

I noticed something else while in high school. I had this

knack for training others. That gift carried over into the
corporate arena. I spent over fifteen years training
individuals during my corporate days. But even after I
saw the success of the men and women who sat under
my tutelage, something was still missing. I was not

The problem?

I was fulfilling (my vision) for my life and not my God-

given purpose!

The Lord put within me the gifts, talents and abilities to

hone and fashion men and women to find and fulfill their
God-given purpose. I could not fully accomplish my
God-given purpose, while training people to analyze
circuits. I was in the Far North but I was designed for the
tropical weather! Once I learned my God-given purpose,
my life completely changed. It became fulfilling and
satisfying! I have no greater joy than being able to help
God's people walk in the Truth and fulfill His purpose for
their lives!
What Happens After You Learn Your God-Given
Once you know your God-given purpose and have taken
inventory of your gifts, talents and abilities, go for it with
all of your might!

Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;
for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor
wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

What is the Lord saying? Don't take your gifts, talents

and abilities to the grave! Get busy about fulfilling His
purpose for your life! Give it all that you've got!
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