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1.If 50% of students are good at science out of 20 students.

Then the number of students

good at science is:
A. 10 B. 15 C. 5 D. 11
2.An item marked at Rs. 840 is sold for Rs. 714. The discount % is:
A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 25%
3.The cost of the article was Rs. 15500 and Rs. 500 was spent on its repairing. If it is sold
for a profit of 15%. The selling price of the article is:
A. Rs.16400 B. Rs.17400 C. Rs.18400 D. Rs.19400
4.The ratio 4 : 25 converted to percentage is:
A. 8% B. 4% C. 16% D. 25%
5.Out of 40 students, 25% passed in a class. How many students did actually pass?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
6.25% of 60 students of a class likes to play football. How many students does not like to
play football?
A. 45 B. 15 C. 25 D. 50
7.If we subtract 4a – 7ab + 3b + 12 from 12a – 9ab + 5b – 3, then the answer is:
A. 8a+2ab+2b+15 B. 8a+2ab+2b-15
C. 8a-2ab+2b-15 D. 8a-2ab-2b-15
8.The volume of a cuboid with length, breadth and height as 5x, 3x2 and 7x4 respectively
2 4
A. 105x7 B. 105x C. 105x D. 105x
9. The side of a cube is 2a. Find the volume of the cube.
A. 4a² B. 2a C. 8a ³ D. 8
10. 17. The value of (x – y)(x + y) + (y – z)(y + z) + (z – x) (z + x) is:
A. x + y + z B. x² + y² + z² C. xy + yz + zx D. 0
11. If we add, 7xy + 5yz – 3zx, 4yz + 9zx – 4y and –3xz + 5x – 2xy, then the answer
A. 5xy + 9yz +3zx + 5x – 4y B. 5xy – 9yz +3zx – 5x – 4y
C. 5xy + 10yz +3zx + 15x – 4y D. 5xy + 10yz +3zx + 5x – 6y
12. The multiplicative inverse of 7 is:
2 2
A. 7 B. 7 C. 1/7 D. 1/7
-2 -5
13. 3 x 3 is equal to:
-7 -3
A. 3 B. 3 C. 3-10 D. 37
14. 100 +200+50 is equal to
A. 125 B. 25 C. 1/125 D. 3
15. If (–3)m+1 × (–3)5 = (–3)7, then the value of m is:
A. 5 B. 7 C. 1 D. 3
16. If x = 20 and y = 40, then x and y are:
A. Directly proportional B. Inversely proportional
C. Neither directly nor inversely proportional D. Cannot be determined
17. If x∝y and x1=5,y1=210 and x2 = 2, then find y2?
A. 200 B. 84 C. 99 D. 70
18. If the weight of 12 sheets of thick paper is 40 grams, how many sheets of the same
paper would weigh 2500 grams?
A. 750 B. 800 C. 850 D. 950
19. If 12 workers can build a wall in 50 hours, how many workers will be required to do
the same work in 40 hours?
A. 10 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15
20. A man walks 20 km in 5 hours. How much time it will take for him to walk 32 km?
A. 3 hours B. 4 hours C. 6 hours D. 8 hours
21. If it takes 40 days for 120 men to complete a work, how long will it take for 80 men
to complete the same work?
A. 50 days B. 60 days C. 80 days D. 100 days
22. If 100 students took 20 days to clean a garden. How many days it will take to clean
the garden if 25 more students are added?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 16 D. 18
23. A car takes 18 hours to ride 720 kilometres. Time taken by the car to travel 360
kilometres is:
A. 10 hours B. 11 hours C. 9 hours D. 16 hours
24. The factorisation of 12x+36 is
A. 12(x+3) B. 12(3x) C. 12(3x+1) D. x(12+36x)
25. The factors of 6xy – 4y + 6 – 9x are:
A. (3x + 2) (2y + 3) B. (3x – 2) (2y – 3)
C. (3x – 2) (2y + 3) D. (3x –+2) (2y – 3)
26. The factors of x +xy+8x+8y are:
A. (x+y) (x+8) B. (2x+y) (x+8)
C. (x+2y) (x+8) D. (x+y) (2x+8)
27. The factors of 4y2 – 12y + 9 is:
2 2
A. (2y+3) B. (2y-3) C. (2y-3)(2y+3) D. None of the above
28. The factors of 3m + 9m + 6 are:

A. (m + 1) (m + 2) B. 3(m + 1) (m + 2)
C. 6(m + 1) (m + 2) D. 9(m + 1) (m + 2)
2 2
29. The factorisation of 12x y + 15xy is:
A. 3xy2 (4x + 5y) B. 3x 2y (4x + 5y)
C. 3xy (4x + 5y) D. 3x 2y2 (4x + 5x)
30. The factorisation of 5x – 20 is:
A. 5(x-5) B. 5(x-4) C. 5(x-3) D. 5(x-20)

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