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New words Part of Pronunciation Meaning

speech B

1. caravan n /ˈkærəvæn/ Xe nhà lưu động

2. double decker bus n /’dʌbəl ˈdekər bʌs/ Xe buýt 2 tầng
3. teleporter n /'telɪpɔːrtə/ Vận chuyển viễn thông
4. jetpack n /ˈdʒet.pæk/ Ba lô phản lực
5. solar-powered ship n / ˈsəʊləˈpaʊəd ʃɪp/ Tàu năng lượng mặt trời
6. gridlocked adj /ˈɡrɪd.lɒkt/ Đông đúc, kẹt cứng
7. driverless adj /'draɪvərləs/ Không người lái
8. seaway n /siː weɪ/ Đường biển
9. monowheel n /ˈmɒnəʊ wiːl/ Xe 1 bánh
10. hover scooter n /ˈhɒvə / /ˈskuː.tər/ Xe đạp 1 bánh
11. eco-friendly adj /i:kəʊ 'frendlɪ/ Thân thiện với môi trường
12. supersonic adj /suː.pəˈsɒn.ɪk/ Siêu thanh
13. bamboo-copter n /bæm'bu: 'kɑːptər/ Trực thăng tre
14. campsite n /ˈkæmpsaɪt/ Khu cắm trại
15. worry about v / ˈwʌri əˈbaʊt/ Lo lắng về
16. fume n /fjuːm/ Khói bụi
17. mode of travel n /məʊd ɒv ˈtrævl/ Phương thức đi lại
18. run on v / rʌn ɒn/ Chạy bằng
19. hyperloop n / ˈhaɪpə(r) luːp / Tàu siêu tốc
20. bullet train n / ˈbʊlɪt treɪn / Tàu cao tốc
21. popular adj /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ Phổ biến
22. put it on v / pʊt ɪt ɒn/ Mặc vào
I. The Future Simple (Thì tương lai đơn: will)
a. Cấu trúc
Khẳng định: S + will + V-inf
Phủ định: S + will not (won’t) + V-inf
Nghi vấn: Will + S + V-inf ?
b. Cách sử dụng
 Thì tương lai đơn được dùng để nói về một hành động hoặc một sự kiện sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.
Ex. We will visit you next Sunday. (Chủ nhật tuần tới chúng tớ sẽ tới thăm cậu.)
 Để diễn tả một dự đoán
Ex. They will create solar-energy car in the future.
(Họ sẽ tạo ra ô tô chạy bằng năng lượng mặt trời trong tương lai.)
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
 Thì tương lai đơn thường được sử dụng với các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như:
 In + (thời gian): trong bao lâu (in 5 minutes: trong 5 phút)
 Tomorrow: ngày mai
 Next day/ next week/ next month/ next year: ngày tới/ tuần tới/ tháng tới/ năm tới.
 Soon: sớm thôi
 In the future/ in the near future: trong tương lai/ trong tương lai gần
II. Possessive Pronoun (Đại từ sở hữu)
2.1. Cách sử dụng Đại từ sở hữu trong tiếng Anh
 Đại từ sở hữu (possessive pronouns) được dùng trong những trường hợp sau:
 Dùng thay cho một tính từ sở hữu (possessive adjective) và một danh từ đã nói phía trước.
Ex. I gave money to my friends and to yours, (yours = your friends)
(Tôi đưa tiền cho các bạn của tôi và các bạn của cậu.)
 Dùng trong dạng câu sở hữu kép (double possessive)
Ex. Ms. Hang is a friend of mine. (Cô Hằng là một người bạn của tôi.)
 Dùng ở cuối các lá thư như một quỵ ước. Trường hợp này, người ta chỉ dùng ngôi thứ hai.
Ex. Yours faithfully: Trân trọng
2.2. Cách chuyển đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ sang tính từ sở hữu và đại từ sở hữu.
Đại từ nhân xưng
Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu Nghĩa
chủ ngữ
I my mine của tôi
you your yours của bạn/của các bạn
we our ours của chúng tôi
they their theirs của họ
he his his của anh ấy
she her hers của cô ấy
it its its của nó
III. Cách dùng giới từ “in/ on” với các phương tiện đi lại
- In: dùng với phương tiện đi lại bằng xe hơi và xe taxi, in + a car/ a taxi (bằng xe hơi/ bằng xe taxi)
Ex: They arrived in a car. Họ đến bằng xe hơi.
- On: dùng với các phương tiện đi lại công cộng hoặc cá nhân (ngoại trừ car (xe hơi) và taxi)
on + a bus/ a train/ a plane/ a boat/ a bicycle/ a motorbike (bằng buýt/ tàu lửa/ máy bay/ thuyền/ xe
đạp/ xe máy) on foot (đi bộ)


I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
(Further practice)

1. A. appear B. solar C. bamboo D. parade

2. A. skytran B. hyperloop C. cycling D.friendly
3. A. comfortable B. convenient C. economical D.autopilot
4. A. mine B. driver C. his D. find
5. A. transport B. probably C. traffic D.passenger

I. Write the name of the means of transport under the pictures.

flying car jetpack teleporter Segway hover scooter
skytrain sky cycling tube monowheel

______________ _________________ ________________ _______________

______________ _________________ ________________ _______________

II. Match means of transport with their definitions.

1. flying car a. a single-wheel vehicle similar to a unicycle, its rider sitting
inside or next to the wheel
2. teleporter b. a board that travels above the surface of the ground, that you
ride on in a standing position
3. jetpack c. a two-wheeled self-balancing electric vehicle, ridden while
standing up
4. hover scooter d. a type of air vehicle that provides transportation by both ground
and air
5. monowheel e. a device that is used to move somebody immediately from one
place to another a distance away
6. Seaway f. a device that somebody wears on their shoulders like a backpack
that enables them to fly
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

III. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
high-speed eco-friendly pilotless driverless
underwater solar-powered gridlocked supersonic
1. We’ll see ________________planes or autonomous planes in the next 40 to 50 years
2.________________planes can travel faster than the speed of sound.
3.A________________ only runefficiently when the sun shines.
4. ________________car are fitted with sensors to detect other road users and avoid collisions.
5. Driving a(n)________________vehicle is a great way to help human health and the environment.
6. An autonomous________________ vessel will be used as a means of passenger transport.
7. The Shinkansen bullet train, a________________ passenger train of Japan, can reach a speed of
8. Police are turning round cars stuck in________________ traffic after serious crash
IV. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.
drive rides fly sail pedaled
crashed float flopped hovers piloted

1. ________________cars that can ________________in the sky are coming sooner than you think.
2. ________________ she stopped rowing and let the boat________________ with the stream.
3. He________________ the helicopter from Paris to Deauville.
4. Will cars of the future ever_________________themselves?
5. We all want to ride on a skateboard that actually___________________above the ground.
6. My brother________________________to school on his bicycle.
7. Yesterday afternoon, we rented a swan boat and__________________around the lake.
8. Some transport inventions became popular, but others_________________!
9. The plane__________________into Trinity Bay and broke apart.
10. They sold everything and bought a boat ____________________around the world.
V. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. When he was 8 years old, he had an accident and broke _________ leg.
A. mine B. he C. his D. him
2. The teacher gave the students _________ homework.
A. they B. their C. theirs D. them
3. This is a picture of Picasso. Do you like _________?
A. them B. their C. theirs D. they
4. This isn't your chair. It's _________.
A. my B. me C. I D. mine
5. I want to find _________ key. I cannot go home without it.
A. me B. my C. I D. mine
6. How many people are there in _________ family?
A. you B. your C. yours D. you're
7. My jacket is on the chair, _________ is on the table.
A. she B. her C. hers D. she's
8. This is Mr and Mrs. Simth, those are _________ children.
A. they B. them C. theirs D. their
9. That isn't _________ mobile phone.
A. Lan B. Lan's C. Lans D. Lan is
10. I will present _________ idea to the company tomorrow.
A. mine B. my C. me D. I
VI. Read the text, and then answer the questions.
It is a computer drawing of the plane of the future. British engineers and scientists have
published plans for a new hypersonic plane called the A2. It will be very fast. At the
moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in Australia takes about twenty-one
hours but with the A2 the same flight will take about four hours.
The flight will fly at 4,500 kilometers per hour and will fly at an altitude of over 10,000
It will carry 300 passengers but it won't have any windows because scientists haven't
found glass that is strong enough. It will be better for the environment than other planes
because the engines won't produce gases that cause pollution.
In the future, will people travel from London to Australia for the weekend? It's possible!
But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won't be very expensive – about
£2,000. The A2 will be ready for its first flight next year.
1. How long does it take the A2 plane to fly from London to Sydney?

2. What is the speed of the plane?

3. What Part
the altitude of theofflight? Pronunciation Meaning

How many passengers can v it /əˈlaʊ/
carry? Cho phép
walkcar n /wɔːk kɑː(r)/ Xe điện tử
3.5. much does a ticketv for the
across flight
/ flaɪ from London toBay
əˈkrɒs/ Sydney
qua cost?
4.on time adj /ɒn taɪm/ Đúng giờ
5. in time adj /In taɪm/ Kịp lúc
6. possible adj /ˈpɒsəbl/ Khả thi, có khả năng
7. disappear v /dɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ Biến mất
8. at the airport n /æt ði ˈeəpɔːt/ Ở sân bay
9. take holidays v /teɪk ˈhɒlədeɪz/ Nghỉ lễ A. VOCA
10. petrol-powered car n /ˈpɛtrəl-ˈpaʊəd kɑː/ Xe chạy bằng xăng
11. self-balancing adj /sɛlf-ˈbælənsɪŋ/ Tự thăng bằng
12. convenient adj /kənˈviːniənt/ Tiện lợi
13. pollute (v) /pəˈluːt/ gây ô nhiễm
14. pollution (n) /pəˈluːʃn/ sự ô nhiễm
15. carry v /ˈkæri/ Mang, chở
17. spaceship n /ˈspeɪsʃɪp/ Tàu vũ trụ
19. autopilot function n /ˈɔːtəʊˌpaɪlət ˈfʌŋkʃən / Chức năng lái tự động
Word formation (Từ loại)
Words Meaning Related words
appearance (n) non-appearance (n)
appear (v) xuất hiện reappear (v) reappearance (n)
disappear (v) disappearance (n)
comfortable comfort (v) comfort (n)
thoải mái
(adj) comfortably (adv)
convenient convenience (n) conveniently (adv)
thuận tiện
(adj) inconveniently (adv)
driverless (adj) không người lái drive (v) driver (n)
economical economic (adj) economically (adv)
tiết kiệm nhiên liệu
(adj) economy (n) economize (v)
function (n) chức năng function (v) functional (adj)

I. Choose the correct answers.
1. Segway is a _______ electric vehicle.
A. one-wheeled B. two-wheeled C. three-wheeled D. four-wheeled
2. They _______ testing solar-powered ships many years ago.
A. begin B. begins C. began D. beginning
3. A sky safety system will help everyone _______ traffic jams.
A. stop B. affect C. avoid D. get
4. You won't have to worry _______ bad weather when you travel in hyperloops.
A. about B. for C. on D. in
5. Electric cars don't pollute the environment because they don't have _______.
A. roof B. wheels C. pedals D. fumes
6. We _______ probably travel to the Moon in twenty years.
A. do B. did C. are D. will
7. We _______ know our exam results in two days.
A. be B. did C. will D. do
8. People _______ much faster thanks to super cars in ten years.
A. travel B. travels C. will travel D. travelled
9. I'm afraid I _______ able to attend your workshop tomorrow.
A. won't be B. isn't C. wasn't D. weren't
10. My uncle often _______ us on Tet holidays.
A. will visit B. is visiting C. visits D. visited
11. We _______ driverless cars in the future.
A. will have soon B. soon will have C. have soon D. will soon have
12. People _______ with wheels and wings.
A. perhaps will equip B. will perhaps equip C. will equip perhaps D. equip will perhaps
13. I don't think she _______ the final test.
A. pass B. will pass C. passes D. is passing
14. They _______ a new autopilot model in the last meeting.
A. introduced B. introduce C. are introducing D. will introduce
15. I think solar-powered _______ the environment
A. won't pollute B. don't pollute C. didn't pollute D. aren't polluting
16. My father _______ an electric car next month.
A. bought B. buys C. is buying D. will buy
17. They launched a rocket to the _______ Venus.
A. planet B. star C. sky D. earth
18. A teleporter makes you disappear at a place and then _______ in another place.
A. reduce B. redo C. review D. reappear
19. A bamboo-copter is _______ to use. You just put it on and fly away.
A. difficult B. easy C. interesting D. self-balancing
20. The demand for cars that are _______ on fuel is increasing.
A. convenient B. economical C. comfortable D. eco-friendly

II. Give the correct form of the given word to complete the sentences.
1. My big brother rode his bike ________________and had an accident. (care)
2. We couldn't see the airplane because it _____________behind the cloud (appear)
3. If it doesn't rain soon, there'll be a great ___________________of water (short)
4. I don't think it will come true soon; however, your idea is really ________.(imagine)
5. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest ___________________in history (invent)
6. The hover scooter is our new ___________________. (create)
7. John likes traveling by bicycle, but it is _______________in bad weather (please)
8. It is a sky ___________________system; it'll stop everyone from crashing.(safe)
9. He feels very tired after two continuous nights of ___________________. (sleep)
10. Various roads will be __________________at the beginning of next year.(wide)
11. We want to buy ___________________that will save money. (product)
12. These ___________________will conserve the earth's resources. (innovate)
13. D.E Huges was the ___________________of microphone. (invent)
14. The price of ___________________has gone up again. (electric)
15. People in the countryside is ___________________. (friend)

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (future simple - active or passive).
I believe that in the next 100 years, transportation (1)_____________(change)
dramatically. People (2)_________________(not drive) on the road anymore and they
(3)_______________(travel) by air instead. However; they (4)____________(not fly) on an airplane,
they (5)_____________(use) a very special vehicle called “flying car”, a car with wings that can
travel both on the ground and through the air. Flying cars (6)_____________(equip) with a 'sky
safety system (SSS) that can help prevent them from crashing and avoid traffic jams. So it
(7)_________________(be) very safe and convenient to travel in it!
Thanks to new transportation technologies, I think many transport problems we are facing today
(8)_____________________(solve) in the future.
IV. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.
1. It’s more expensive but quicker to go _________ plane. (in/ on/ by)
2. It takes about 30 minutes _________ foot, or 5 minutes by car. (by/ with/ on)
3. I will be waiting for you when you arrive _________ the airport. (at/ to/ from)
4. The price _________ fuel will increase in a short time. (for/ in/ of)
5. You must fasten your seat belt _________ a plane before it takes off. (by/ on/ above)
6. What is the best transport method _________ the future? (of/ at/ for)
7. Her future house will be in the countryside _________ a garden. (in/ of/ with)
8. _________ my opinion, intelligent bikes will be the most common. (In/ On/ Of)
9. Going______________foot is good for your health.
10.. I like reading books when I’m_____________the bus
11. In ancient times, people usually travelled _____________horse.
V. Read the text and decide if the following statements are True or False or Not Given according to the
Travelling in the future
Transport today is mostly powered by fossil fuel. The reason for this is the ease of use and the
existence of mature technologies harnessing this fuel source. The drawbacks are that they are heavily
polluting and rely on limited natural resources. There are many proposals to harness renewable forms
of energy, to use fossil fuel more efficiently, or to use human power, or some hybrid of these, to
move people and things.
The list below contains some forms of transport not in general use, but considered as possibilities
in the future.
A hyper loop is a proposed mode of passenger and/or freight transportation. A hyper loop is a
sealed tube or system of tubes through which a pod may travel free of air resistance or friction
conveying people or objects at high speed while being very efficient.
A dual-mode vehicle is a vehicle that can run on conventional road surfaces or a dedicated track
known as a guide way. Dual-mode vehicles are commonly electrically powered and run in dual-mode
for power too, using batteries for short distance and low speeds, and track-fed power for longer
distances and higher speeds.
A jet pack, rocket belt or rocket pack is a device, usually worn on the back, which uses jets of gas
(or in some cases liquid) to propel the wearer through the air.
1. A hyper loop can convey people or object at high speed.
A. True B. False C. Not given
2. A hyper loop can run on rails.
A. True B. False C. Not given
3. A dual-mode vehicle can run only on conventional road surface.
A. True B. False C. Not given
4. Dual-mode vehicles can run on batteries for short distance and low speeds.
A. True B. False C. Not given
5. A jet pack works like a helicopter.
A. True B. False C. Not given
6. With a jet pack, a user can fly in the air.
A. True B. False C. Not given

VI. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in brackets.

1. Harry is one of my friends. (mine)

2. That idea was theirs. (their)


3. This house belongs to us. (ours)


4. This is my pencil, but where's the one that belongs to you? (yours)


5. She is talking to one of her neighbors. (hers)


I. a, Put the dialogue into the correct order.
____Exactly. In some developed countries, people prefer travelling by metro to driving their cars.
____So, will it help to reduce traffic jams and accidents?
____Yes, I have.
____Cool. It seems to be very convenient. I hope to experience it soon!
____Of course, it will. Additionally, it consumes less energy and moves faster.
____What is it by the way?
____You will. Don’t worry!
____I guess it also causes no air pollution, right?
_1_ Hi, Jane. Have you ever heard of the metro?
____It’s an underground electric railway system in a city.
B, match the sentences
1. Will there be traffic jams in the sky? a. Why do you think it is a good
2. Smart bike is a good solution for cities. solution?
3. Will that solar-powered ship be able to b. I don’t know, but it will be very fast.
cross oceans? c. You’re right. The environment will
4. Oliver often goes to school on foot. become greener too.
5. How fast will we travel with this new d. Really? You should try once.
ship? e. No, there won’t be.
6. I’ve never sailed a boat before. f. Your choice is different from mine.
7. Do you like travelling by train? g. How convenient it is!
8. My choice for future transport is robot h. It probably won’t.
cars. i. Yes, I do. How about you?
9. Scientists will invent ‘greener’ vehicles. j. Walking is good for his health.
10. I will always be able to detect my bike
with the GPS.

II. Fill in each gap with a word from the box

Vacuum through line developing emissions high difficult twice

Hyperloop, as the name suggests, is a sealed tube or system of tubes(1)__________ which a pod may
travel free of air resistance or friction conveying people or objects at(2)______________ speed. Tesla
and Hyperloop One are two of the biggest companies that are developing Hyperloop.

Hyperloop would allow passengers to travel at a top speed of 600 miles per hour, which is more
than(3)__________________the highest speed of the fastest train while being independent from
weather conditions, and producing zero(4)___________________

Tesla has also built a 500-meter test track in Nevada. But there are (5)_______ challenges in the
development of Hyperloop, including the painstaking task of building a (6)___________tube over
hundreds of miles of land and investing billions of dollars. Other than that, the Hyperloop must travel
only in a straight (7)____________ so passengers don’t fall ill. Getting environmental and other
clearances for the purpose of hyperloop is a(8)___________ task and a lot of people assume it to be
overblown and extravagant.
III. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
Right now, a private company is developing something called ET3. ET3 stands for Evacuated
Tube Transport Technology.
The ET3 system would reportedly be able to take passengers from New York to Beijing in just
two hours. Here is how it works. A vacuum tube goes all the way from New York to Beijing. The
tube is only a few meters, wide. Capsules move through the tube. Six people can sit in one capsule.
The capsules use electricity instead of gasoline. For international travel, the capsules can travel at
about 6,500 kilometers per hour. That is much faster than an airplane!
So how can these capsules travel so fast? The answer is that there is no air inside the tube. When
airplanes fly, they have to move through the air. The air resistance slows the airplanes down. Because
there is no air in the ET3 tubes, the capsules are able to move at a very high speed. Besides, the
capsules are quite light. They only weigh 183 kilograms.
Of course, ET3 doesn’t exist yet. Developers still have to solve a lot of problems. The biggest
problem is that right now, ET3 would be far too expensive. In order to make ET3 cheaper, we will
need much better technology. Maybe someday, you will be able to have lunch in New York and
dinner in Beijing.
1. Why is ET3 clean? '
a. It is made of a clean kind of material. b. It uses a cleaner kind of gasoline,
c. It doesn’t use gasoline or electricity. d. It uses electricity.
2. The word “works” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to---------------.
a. travels b. operates c. earns money d. succeeds
3. All of the following are factors that make ET3 travel fast EXCEPT.
a. there is no air inside the tube b. the capsule is quite light
c. traveling takes place in the air d. there is no air resistance during the trip
4. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true.
a. Each ET3 capsule can carry up to six people.
b. We don’t know how to build its capsules
c. Speed in ET3 system is 6,500 km/h for international travel.
d. ET3 can travel a little faster than an airplane.
5. What can be inferred from the passage?
a. There is still a lot to do before putting ET3 into operation.
b. In the future, people will mainly use ET3 to travel abroad.
c. ET3 won’t be used domestically due to its high-cost
d. ET3 will soon be cheaper.
6. What can be inferred from the passage?
a. There is still a lot to do before putting ET3 into operation.
b. In the future, people will mainly use ET3 to travel abroad.
c. ET3 won’t be used domestically due to its high-cost
d. ET3 will soon be cheaper.
IV. Put the words in order to make a sentence.
1. everywhere/ the year 2050/ will/ in/ flying cars/ there/ be.
2. self-driving cars/ that/ let/ developing/ the wheel/ manufacturers/ are/ A.I./ take.
3. I had/ to school/1 wish/ faster/ get/ a jetpack/ so/I could

4. in thirty years/ people/ will/ on/ their flying cars/ get around/ in/ supersonic trains/ or.

5. will/by/ solar panels/ be/ powered/ installed/solar cars/ on/itself/ the car

6. I believe that/ available/ won’t/ self-driving cars/ be/ around 2030/ until.

7. faster and easier/ transport of the future/ thanks to/ will/ advanced technologies/ be.

8. be/ from/ to/ will/ in flying cars/ installed/ them/ a sky safety system/ prevent/ crashing.

V. Complete the second sentence so that has a similar meaning to the first one, using the
word given.
1. Skycycling tubes will be easy to drive, (it)
2. My bike is green, (mine)
3. Do flying cars interest you? (interested)
4. It isn’t a good idea to go such a long way by bike, (should)
5. Electric cars cause no air pollution, but they still cause traffic jams, (although)
6. Sue is talking to a friend of hers, (one)
7. When I was in secondary school, I usually walk to school, (foot)
8. They will use GPS technology to increase accuracy and shorten routes. (used)

I. Put the words in the correct column
light pavement lane time plane
line indicate mistake wide railway
night safety drive information ride
/ai/ /ei/

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. many B. take C. wait D. train
2. A. fly B. bike C. sign D. bicycle
3. A. ahead B. heavy C. break D. ready
4. A. obey B. head C. sail D. way
5. A. transport B. station C. passenger D. traffic
III.Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. There isn’t any public ___________ of transport in their town.
A. means B. meaning C. meant D. mean
2. You have to obey the traffic ___________ when you are in street.
A. jams B. laws C. lights D. Hours
3. My father taught me how to ___________ a bicycle when I was five.
A. drive B. ride C. play D. go
4. In Thailand, it is ___________ for men to drive without a shirt on.

IV. Write questions for the underlined ports.

1. I often ask traffic policemen for help when I get lost.
2. Most of my friends go to school by bicycle.
3. It takes me more than 45 minutes to walk to school.
4. The truck broke down near the zebra crossing this morning.
5. We have to go straight or turn left because there’s a no right turn sign here.
6. That sign means vehicles are not allowed to park there.
7. It is about three kilometres from my house to the school.
8. Yes, there are usually traffic jams in my place.
V.Read the text and choose the correct answers A, B, C or D.
You used to go to a travel agency to plan your trips, and book air tickets, accommodation and
visas. Today, we do all those things by ourselves.
Twenty years ago, you will need to bring along air tickets, vouchers, travel cheques, and a heavy
carry-on bag with Walkman, CDs, travel journal and etc. The load is so much lighter now since most
stuff can be stored in our tablets or smartphones. Technology is amazing isn't it?
Airport security was a brief back then. They used metal cutleries and gave all passengers bags of
toiletries to keep them comfortable during the flight. Now, there are many limitations on things that
we can and cannot bring on board. Thanks to "Everyone can fly" tagline, airlines had to reduce their
services to stay afloat. So more people can fly and travel now.
Two decades ago, if you wish to call home, you can only do it at an International
Telecommunications Exchange and dial you home number with no guarantee that it will get through.
These days, all we need to stop by upon arrival is a local SIM card available as you walk out of the
departure hall. The Internet makes it easy for you to Skype, Facetime your family just to inform them
that you have arrived safely.
1. This text is about _______.
A. travelling in the past. B. travelling now
C. travelling in the past and now. D. travelling tomorrow
2. People used to design their trips _______.
A. with a travel agency bad B. by themselves
C. with their friends D. with their parents
3. One important thing to bring along in your trip now is _______.
A. travel cheques B. your smartphone
C. travel journal D. travel car
4. The number of travellers is _______.
A. the same as in the past B. lower now than in the past
C. higher now than in the past D. high now than in the past
5. When you travel, calling home _______ now.
A. is no longer a problem B. costs a lot of money
C. takes time to get through D. costs a little money

VI.Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the box.

pavement means of transport on foot road safety intersections
roads traffic lights roundabout pedestrian parking lot
1. ___________ is taught to young children to avoid road accidents.
2. We shouldn’t start moving until the ___________ change to green.
3. All vehicles can’t travel steadily in these narrow and bumpy ___________.
4. Policemen often directs traffic at the ___________ in rush hour.
5. I don't care for riding on a bike very much; I like to go ___________.
6. The ___________ was almost full, but he found a space for his motorbike in the last row.
7. There’s no way through the centre of town in a vehicle - it’s for ___________ only.
8. Camels are the main ___________ in the Arabian desert.
9. Cycling is not allowed on the sidewalks or ___________ of all cities.
10. When entering a ___________, you must give way to any vehicle already on it.

VII. Write the paragraphs of about 70 words about the advantages of some means of transport,
using the prompts given. Start your writing as shown below.
“I think people will like travelling by ………………………. in the future because it has several
First, ……………………….…”
1. a teleporter: very fast, eco-friendly; powered by solar energy, also good for the environment;
not take a lot of space; replace all other vehicles, make people around the world closer
2. the hyperloop: designed for transportation between cities, countries and even continents; travel
at high speeds through tubes over long distances / because / very low friction;
eco-friendly/energy-efficient; the hyperloop / one of the major means of transport / the near future
3. a skyTran: run on electricity with no emission; reduce greenhouse gases, depend less on fossil
fuels; reduce traffic jams / because / more people use public transportation / fewer vehicles on the
1 ________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3, __________________________________________________________________________________________






I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. flood B. typhoon C. groom D. balloon
2. A. hobby B. hour C. humor D. hole
3. A. dynamite B. terrify C. deny D. symbol
4. A. thunder B. earthquake C. gather D. healthy
5. A dump B. nuclear C. bulb D. plumber
II. Find which word does not belong to each group.
1. A. automatic B. driverless C. pilotless D. man
2. A. ship B. sailor C. boat D. train
3. A. drive B. pedal C. ride D. sail
4. A. helicopter B. plane C. flying D. aeroplane
5. A. ocean B. taxi C. sea D. beach
III. Match (1-6) with (a-f).

1. I really want to fly a _______ like Doraemon.

A. car B. bamboo-copter C. ship D. boat
2. Electric cars are more _______ than petrol cars.
A. economic B. smarter C. eco-friendly D. friendly
3. Every day he _______ his bike to school.
A. goes B. rides C. takes D. go to
4. How are you going to London? _______ Express train .
A. in B. on C. by D. at
5. When we _______ in hyperloops, we won't worry about the weather.
A. travel B. cycle C. come D. to come
6. Minh hopes he will have a _______ to go to school in the future.
A. solar-powered ship B. solowheel C. hyperloop D. ships
7. A _______ can float.
A. bicycle B. ship C. plane D. ballon
8. A _______ has two pedals.
A. ship B. car C. bicycle D. plane
9. _______ is a single- wheel bike.
A. Bike B. Hover scooter C. SkytrainD.monowheel
10. A hyperloop helps everyone _______ traffic jams.
A. avoid B. use C. have D. take
11. Petrol- powered cars are not _________. They cause pollution.
A. eco- friendly B. simple C. easy to use D. comfortable
12. Bullet train is fast, green, and _________.
A. show B. fast C. safe D. unsafe
13. Travelling by _______ is simple. You just put it on and fly away.
A. car B. plane C. bamboo- copter D. flying car
14. The city is facing serious _______ problems.
A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant
15. It will be fun to_______ a skytrain to the supermarket.
A. fly B. ride C. raid D. drive

IV. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1. My father always ___________ the car carefully whenever he takes me to school. (drives/ rides)
2. Future car may run on ___________ batteries or solar panels on its roof. (solar-powered/ wind-
3. We don’t need a real driver in a ___________ car because an intelligent computer can control it.
(driverless/ human driver)
4. A hot ___________ is a type of aircraft, which is lifted by heating the air insides. (air balloon/
5. They will invent a vehicle that can fly in the air, run on the road, and dive ___________.
(underwater/ underground)
6. Although the ___________ train travels at 350 km/h, it’s very safe and quiet. (slow/ high-speed)
7. Is it possible to understand whether a car runs ___________ petrol or diesel? (on/ with)
8. Most ___________ have one large rotor in the front and a smaller one in the back. (helicopters/

V. Supply the correct form of the word to complete the sentence.

1. We want to buy that will save money. (product)
2. These will conserve the earth’s resources. (innovate)
3. D.E Huges was the of microphone. (invent)
4. The price of has gone up again. (electric)
5. People in the countryside is . (friend)
6. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great of water. (short)
7. Environmental is every body’s responsibility. (protect)
8. Taxi drivers have to have good on the street names. (know)
9. In the future, many buildings will be by solar energy. (hot)
10. My brother can repair electric very well. (apply)
VI. Choose the correct answers.
1.I think we have electric taxis very soon.
A. may B. might C. will D. would
2.With teleportation, you disappear at a place, and then in another
place seconds later.
A. appears B. appeared C. reappear D. reappears
3.Every day over 1,000 new cars add to the city and the city of over 20 million people
is getting more and more .
A. expensive B. famous C. difficult D. gridlocked
4.My brother and I often come to school foot.
A. at C. by D. on
5. Skycycling tubes will be easy________ _____
A. drive B. to drive C. ride D. to ride
6. The white cat is Helen’s, and the black cat is…
A. my B. I C. mine D. of mine
7. We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are
A. environmentally friendly B. environment friendly
C. environmentally friendship D. environmental friendly
8. This is Linda’s hat, and those shoes are , too.
A. her B. hers C. our D. their
9. It will be to ride a jet pack in bad weather because it doesn’t havea a roof.
A. enjoyable B. pleasant C. unpleasant D. comfortable
10. A sky safety system can help cars to traffic jams and crashes.
A. prevent B. have C. use D. take
11. People won’t use flying cars the year 2050.
A. before B. after C. during D. until
12. Is the most serious problem?
A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant
13. We believe that urban transport pods can travel around 30kph.
A. with B. at C . in D. on
14. Do you think the price will increase next month?
A. fossil fuels B. gases C. fuel D. natural gases
15. We will use more energy in the future.
A. solar B. sunny C. sun D. sunlight
16. A jet pack doesn’t a lot of space.
A. have B. bring C. take D. occur
17. Which of transport do you think will be used in the future?
A. mean B. meaning C. meanings D. means
18. We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid .
A. traffic B. traffic jams C. rush hours D. walking
19. The Segway, which is a vehicle, will be a success.
A. two-wheels B. two wheels C. two wheel D. two-wheel
20. With the Segway, the driver pulls the handle to go back or pushes it to go .
A. forward B. backward C. round D. fly
VII. Choose the correct completion in the brackets.
1. A: Mary, (your/ yours) spaghetti sauce is delicious!
B: Thank you, but it’s not as good as (your/ yours) .
A: Oh, no. (Your/Yours) is much better. It tastes as good as Anna’s.
B: Do you like Anna’s spaghetti sauce? I think (her/ hers) is too salty.
A: Maybe. (My/ Mine) mother makes good spaghetti sauce too. (Her/ Hers) is thick and
B: In truth, making spaghetti sauce is easy, but everyone’s sauce is just a little different.
2. A: Nick really likes (his/ him) new bicycle. It is very light and fast. How do
you like (your/ yours) ?
B: (My/ Mine) is cheap, but it’s very reliable.
3. A: Excuse me. Is this (your/ yours) umbrella?
B: I don't have an umbrella. Ask Ken. Perhaps it is (him/ his) .
4. A: When do (your/ yours) classes begin?
B: September 2nd. How about (your/ yours) ?
When do (your/ yours) begin?
A: (My/ Mine) begin on August 23rd.

VIII. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbers blanks.
I’m here at Noi Bai Airport to tell you about this amazing flying car. It just (1) ________ here
at the airport 15 minutes ago.
So this (2) ________ is call TF-X™. It was designed in 2013. But it will take a couple of years
before you can own yours. It’s a kind of driverless car and airplane. It has many benefits. With (3)
________ automated system, the car can avoid traffic. It drives at 300 kph — impressive, isn’t it? It
has four seats, so your family or friends can (4) ________ the ride. The coolest thing is learning to
drive a TF-X™ is simple: you’ll (5) _______ able to do it just after a few hours!
1. A. landed B. landing C. was landing D. is landing
2. A. toy B. vehicle C. system D. seat
3. A. their B. its C. her D. his
4. A. go B. come C. join D. buy
5. A. be B. was C. is D. were

IX. Read the text, and then fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the words in the
will won’t than from ready
expensive plane called takes fly
It is a computer drawing of the (1) of the future. British engineers and scientists
have published plans for a new hypersonic plane (2) the A2. It will be
very fast. At the moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in Australia (3)
about twenty-one hours but with the A2 the same flight will take about four
The flight will (4) at 4,5000 kilometres per hour and will fly at an altitude of
over 10,000 metres.
It will carry 300 passengers but it (5) have any windows because scientists
haven’t found glass that is strong enough. It (6) be better for the
environment (7) other planes because the engines won’t produce gases that cause
In the future, will people travel (8) London to Australia for the Weekend? - It’s
possible! But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won’t be very
(9)__________- about £2,000. The A2 will be (10)__________for its first flight in 2020.

X. Make sentences using the words and phrases given.

1. traffic/a nightmare/visitors/Viet Nam/the first time.

2. There/transport rules/ but/ many people/ not seem/ really interested/ follow/ them.

3. Three or four people/one motorbike/a common sight/ particularly/young people.

4. The traffic/ worst/ rush hours/ when/ everyone/ try/ get to work/ get home

5. Some people/ ride/ motorbikes/ the pavements/ rather than/ waiting/ a traffic jam.

6. Pedestrians/ get injured/ hit easily/ when/ they/ walk/ the pavements/ cross the roads/ such

7. Road users/ very impatient/ quite aggressive/ constantly using their horns/ even

8. Some people/ install/ air horn/ their motorbikes/ this/ really annoying/ other people/
sometimes/ it/ cause/ accidents.
 _________ sometimes it causes accidents.
9. Another problem/the increase/the number/cars/the road.

10. More people/own/private cars/it/make/the problem/the traffic jams/worse.

New words Part of Pronunciation Meaning

1. fantastic adj /fænˈtæstɪk/ Tuyệt vời

2. local people n /ˈləʊkəl ˈpiːpl/ Người bản địa
3. ask for directions v /ɑːsk fɔː dɪˈrɛkʃənz/ Hỏi đường
4. take a tour v /teɪk ə tʊə/ Đi tham quan
5. symbol n /ˈsɪmbəl/ Biểu tượng
6. capital n /'kæpɪtl/ Thủ đô
7. exciting adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ Thú vị
8. amazing landscapes n /əˈmeɪzɪŋ ˈlænskeɪps/ Phong cảnh tuyệt vời
9. outdoor activities n /ˈaʊtdɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ Hoạt động ngoài trời
10. ancient adj /ˈeɪnʃənt/ Cổ xưa
11. castle n /ˈkɑːsl/ Lâu đài
12. coastline n /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ Đường bờ biển
13. culture n /ˈkʌl.tʃər/ Nền văn hóa
14. historic adj /hɪˈstɒr.ɪk/ Thuộc về lịch sử
15. sunrise n /ˈsʌn.raɪz/ Bình minh
16. sunset n /ˈsʌnset/ Hoàng hôn
17. island country n /ˈaɪlənd ˈkʌntri/ Quốc đảo
19. official language n /əˈfɪʃəl ˈlæŋgwɪʤ/ Ngôn ngữ chính thức
20. valley n /ˈvæli/ Thung lũng
21. unique adj /juˈniːk/ Đặc biệt
22. native adj /ˈneɪtɪv/ Bản địa
23. Scottish kilt n /ˈskɒtɪʃ kɪlt/ Váy kiểu Scotland
24. tattoo n /təˈtuː/ Hình xăm
I. ARTICLE "a/an/the" (Cách sử dụng mạo từ"a/an/the")
Mạo từ Ví dụ
1. A/an
- trước danh từ số ít, chưa xác định, xuất
hiện lần đầu tiên trong câu miêu tả
+ a: dùng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng phụ âm - a pen, a book, a table
+ an: dùng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng
- an apple, an orange, an egg
nguyên âm
* Lưu ý: Một số từ đứng trước là an: - an hour (một giờ), an honest man
unique, university, honest, hour, …. (một người đàn ông trung thực),
2. The
- Chỉ về một vật thể hoặc địa điểm đặc - The Eiffel Tower is in Paris
biệt, duy nhất.
- Dùng trước danh từ riêng chỉ núi, sông, - The Pacific (Thái Bình Dương);The
biển, đảo, sa mạc, miền... Netherlands (Hà Lan)
- Đứng trước tính từ chỉ một nhóm người, -The rich and the poor (người giàu và
một tầng lớp trong xã hội người nghèo)
- “The” + tên họ (dạng số nhiều) chỉ gia -The Smiths (Gia đình nhà Smiths)
3. Không dùng mạo từ
- Mạo từ không được sử dụng khi nói về sự - I don’t like apples
việc chung hoặc nhắc tới ví dụ.

- Một số tên quốc gia, thành phố, các bang - I live in London
không dùng mạo từ đứng trước. - Europe (châu Âu), South America
(Trường hợp đặc biệt: The Philippines, The (Nam Mỹ), France (Pháp)
United Kingdom, The United States of

– Tên các môn học không sử dụng mạo từ - John studies economics and science.
– Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn. - They invited some friends to dinner.


A, Pronunciation
1, Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (Further practice)
1. A. right B. Mike C. simple D. kind
2. A. maths B. bag C. cat D. page
3. A. under B. tune C. lunch D. must
4. A. with B. bath C. thank D. thesis
5. A. pens B. words C. calls D. cats
2, Choose the correct intonation.
1. Have you ever heard of bullet trains?
A. Rising B. Falling
2. Will you be a doctor in the future?
A. Rising B. Falling
3. What will it look like?
A. Rising B. Falling
4. Where can people use it?
A. Rising B. Falling
5. What will be next?
A. Rising B. Falling
6. How much fuel will these means of transport use?
A. Rising B. Falling
7. Will pollution be much worse?
A. Rising B. Falling
8. What would you like to drink?
A. Rising B. Falling
9. How will people travel in the year 2100?
A. Rising B. Falling
10. Does it solve the problem?
A. Rising B. Falling
B, Vocabulary and grammar
I. Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box.
native quality symbol official diverse
unique resources accents sincere wealthy

1. English and Welsh are the two _________ languages of Wales.

2. Canada is rich in _________ such as zinc, nickel, lead and gold.

3. Australia is home to a variety of _________ animals, including the koala, kangaroo, emu,
kookaburra and platypus.

4. Australia is a relatively _________ country with a high life expectancy.

5. The US is a _________ country with a multicultural society.

6. In Canada, the handshake should be firm and accompanied by direct eye contact and a _________

7. In Quebec, if you give wine, make sure it is of the highest _________ you can afford.

8. The American bald eagle was chosen as the national bird _________ of the United States in 1782.

9. Australian _________ do not vary from area to area like in many other countries.

10. In Singapore, the number of _________ speakers of English is still rising.

II. Put the words in brackets into the correct form to complete the sentences.

1. I like going to England to study English because I can practice English with _________ speakers.

2. English is an _________ language in this country. (officially)

3. People in the south of my country speak the language with _________ accent. (differ)
4. Last summer holiday, my family went to Da Nang and Hoi An. We had a _________ time there.
5. Why has she improved her English a lot? - Ah, she's just come back from an English _________
country. (speak)
6. The wheel in the Indian flag is a _________ of peace. (symbolize)
7. Mr. Graham was _________ to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot. (amazement)
8. _________ is a big country in north America. (Canadian)
9. Australia has its own _________ identity, which is very different from that of Britain. (culture)
III. Choose the best article to complete the sentence.
1. Danny wanted _________ new bicycle for Christmas.
A. a B. an C. the
2. Jennifer tasted _________ birthday cake her mother had made.
A. a B. an C. the
3. The children have _________ new teacher called Mr. Green.
A. a B. an C. the
4. All pupils must obey _________ rules.
A. a B. an C. the
5. Dad turned on _________ radio to listen to the news.
A. a B. an C. the
6. Alex is in Boston studying for _________ MBA.
A. a B. an C. the
7. The teacher read _________ interesting article from the newspaper.
A. a B. an C. the
8. There was _________ huge crowd of people outside the church.
A. a B. an C. the
9. Julie talked for _________ hour about her school project.
A. a B. an C. the
10. _________ European expert was invited to speak to the committee.
A. A B. An C. The
IV. Complete the sentences with a correct article: a/an. Write “” if it's unnecessary.

1. She asked me for _________ information.

2. They will move to _________ mansion next month.

3. I'd like _________ grapefruit and _________ orange juice.

4. _________ award was given to Jim yesterday.

5. We read _________ books and play _________ games when we have free time.
6. Jim doesn't want to borrow _________ money from anyone.

7. My friend and I threw _________ party last week.

8. It was _________ honor to be invited here today.

9. I've bought _________ umbrella for my sister.

10. My family often have _________ eggs for breakfast.

V, Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Laura is living in New Jersey. She recently came back from a trip to Chicago, Illinois. This city is
along the shore of Lake Michigan. Laura spent a lot of time exploring the city to visit famous sights
and monuments during her trip.
Chicago has many historic places. The Chicago Water Tower is really impressive because it is one of
the few remaining buildings after the Great Chicago fire of 1871. Laura also took a walk through
Jackson Park. The park is spacious and she had a relaxing walk. There are still some of the old
architecture and copies of monuments in the World's Fair 1892. During the last part of her visit,
Laura tried to climb the stairs inside of the Willis Tower, a 110-storey skyscraper. From the rooftop,
she had a wonderful view of the city with Lake Michigan in the background.
1. Where did Laura visit recently?
A. Chicago B. New Jersey C. Michigan D. England
2. What did she do during her trip?
A. She went swimming. B. She
visited famous attractions of the city.
C. She learnt the history of many places. D. She goes swimming.
3. Why is the Chicago Water Tower special?
A. Because it is full of water B. Because it was burnt in the Great Chicago fire
C. Because it stays the same after the 1871 fire D. Because it is full
4. How many floors are there in the Willis Tower?
A. One hundred B. One hundred and one
C. One hundred and ten D. One hundred and twelve
5. Where did Laura have a wonderful view of the city?
A. From the Lake Michigan B. Inside the Willis Tower
C. From the rooftop of the Willis Tower D. Outside the Willis Tower

VI, Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Maple Tree
Trees have (1) _________ a meaningful role in the (2) _________ development
of Canada and continue to be of commercial, environmental and aesthetic
importance to all Canadians. Maples contribute valuable wood products, keep
the maple sugar (3) _________ alive and help to beautify the landscape.
Since 1965 the maple leaf (4) _________the most important feature of the
Flag of Canada and the maple tree with the leaves has become the most well-
known Canadian (5) _________, nationally and internationally. Maple leaf pins
and badges are proudly (6) _________by Canadians abroad, and are recognized
around the world. (7) _________the maple leaf is closely associated with
Canada, the maple tree was never officially recognized (8) _________Canada’s
emblem until 1996
1. A. taken B. given C. done D. played
2. A. history B. historical C. historicD. historian
3. A. industry B. industries C. industriaL D. industrially
4. A. was B. have been C. has been D. is
5. A. sign B. symbol C. tree D. leaf
6. A. wear B. wore C. worn D. to be worn
7. A. Because B. So C. But D. Although
8. A. of B. with C. as D. for
VII, Rearrange the words to make sentences
0. has/air/in/New Zealand /the world. /the cleanest
 _________________________________________________________________________
1. is/ Cardiff/ the largest city / of Wales / and also the capital
 _________________________________________________________________________
2. are / of Wales/ the two official languages / English and Welsh
 _________________________________________________________________________
3. home to / is / the kangaroo and koala? / Which country
 _________________________________________________________________________
4. five large lakes / are / a group of / The Great Lakes / in / North America
 _________________________________________________________________________
5. the 4th largest country / The US / is /in the world by land area
 _________________________________________________________________________
6. and Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland / two separate countries / are
 _________________________________________________________________________
7. has been ruled / by kings and queens / England / for thousands of years
 _________________________________________________________________________
8. is / Northern Ireland / the United Kingdom /in the north-east of Ireland island /a part of
 _________________________________________________________________________
9. also called / The United States of America / the USA, the US, / is / or America
 _________________________________________________________________________
10. a part of / is / the UK, / and Northern Ireland / Scotland / along with England, / Wales


New words Part of Pronunciation Meaning

1. citizenship n /ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp/ Quyền công dân W
2. traditional adj /trəˈdɪʃənəl/ Thuộc truyền thống or
3. palace n /ˈpæləs/ Cung điện
4. flightless adj /ˈflaɪtləs/ Không thể bay
5. diverse adj /daɪˈvɜːs/ Đa dạng
6. wealthy adj /ˈwelθi/ Giàu có
7. sincere adj /sɪnˈsɪər/ Thật thà, chân thành
8. accent n /ˈæksənt/ Giọng nói
9. countryside n /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ Nông thôn
10. Statue of Liberty n /ˈstætjuː ɒv ˈlɪbəti/ Tượng Nữ Thần Tự Do
11. consist of v / kənˈsɪst ɒv/ Bao gồm
12. entertainment centres n /ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt ˈsɛntəz/ Trung tâm giải trí
13. tourist n /ˈtʊərɪst/ Du khách
14. run through v /rʌn θruː/ Chảy qua
15. famous for adj /ˈfeɪməs fɔː/ Nổi tiếng
16. royal family n /ˈrɔɪəl ˈfæmɪli/ Gia đình hoàng gia
17. Pacific Ocean n /pəˈsɪfɪk ˈəʊʃən/ Thái Bình Dương
19. waterfall n /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ Thác nước
20. bushwalking n /ˈbʊʃ ˈwɔːkɪŋ/ Đi bộ xuyên rừng
formation (Từ loại)
Word Meaning Related words
amaze (v) amazed (adj)
amazement (n) sự ngạc nhiên
amazing (adj)
Australia (n) nước Úc Australian (n)
Canada (n) nước Canada Canadian (n)
culture (n) nền văn hóa cultural (adj) culturally (adv)
history (n) historical (adj)
historic (adj) thuộc về lịch sử
historian (n) historically (adv)
native (adj) bản địa native (n) natively (adv)
nước New
New Zealand (n) New Zealander (n)
shining (adj) chói chang shine (v) shine (n)
sunset (n) mặt trời lặn sunset (adj) sunset (v)
tattoo (n) hình xăm tattoo (v)

Listen to the text and complete the table.
Ranks in Asia EPI score Countries
1 _________________________ _________________________
____ ____
_________________________ 562 the Philippines
_________________________ 473 _________________________
____ ____

Exercise 2. Listen the text again and tick True or False.

No. Statements T F
1. More than a billion people speak English in the world.
2. EF produced the first EPI in 2020.
Recently, the EPI score of Việt Nam is higher than that of the
4. With an EPI score of 611. Singapore ranks the first in the world.
5. More and more Vietnamese people enjoy learning English.

I. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. Singapore is famous for its _________ and green trees.

A. cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D. clean
2. On Christmas Eve, most big cities, especially London are _________ with coloured lights across
the streets and enormous Christmas trees.
A. decorated B. hang C. put D. made
3. In the United State, there are 50 _________ and six different time zones across the country.
A. states B. nations C. towns D. countries
4. I once tried to _________ an apple pie when I was in London. It was really delicious.
A. do B. cook C. make D. show
5. You should go to Canada in summer because it is the most popular time for visitors to _________
Niagara Falls and see the beautiful sights there.
A. stay B. look C. tour D. visit
6. Nowadays you still see the _________ men wear kilts (skirts) to wedding or other formal
A. Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scot
7. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it's the third _________ country in the world.
A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest
8. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are _________ food at Christmas.
A. national B. historical C. traditional D. possible
9. New Zealand _________ lovers of nature and fans of dangerous sports.
A. attracts B. keeps C. calls D. asks
10. Queenstown in New Zealand has got beautiful _________ and a dry climate, so it's ideal for
outdoor activities.
A. look B. viewing C. atmosphere D. scenery
II. Complete the sentence with the words in the box.
divided culture coastline citizenship capital
traditional palace flightless historic resources

1. He lives in an ancient _________.

2. Australia is a country rich in natural _________.

3. Canada is _________ into 10 provinces and 2 territories.

4. She liked the fast pace of life in the _________.

5. They sailed along the rugged _________.

6. She is studying about Japanese _________ and history.

7. We are taking a tour of _________ sites in the old city.

8. Kilt is a _________ Scottish dress.

9. The penguin is a _________ bird.

10. After 15 years in the USA, he has finally decided to apply for American _________.
III. Complete the sentence with the words in the box.
 The Statue of Liberty  English-speaking countries
 ideal destination  Kangaroos and koalas
 native speakers  communication breakdowns
 local accent  foreign language
 official languages  culture shocks

1. The English language has approximately 400 million ___________________ worldwide.

2. Despite having two different ___________________, Canada has the third largest English
speaking population.

3. The United States and Australia are two ___________________.

4. In Viet Nam, English is now still a ___________________ although many Vietnamese people can
speak it.

5. People usually encounter ___________________ in the first time being in a foreign country.

6. The differences in cultures and languages are the primary causes for ___________________.

7. I find it hard to understand that foreigner because of his ___________________.

8. ___________________ are the iconic animals of Australia.

9. ___________________ in Upper New York Bay of America symbolizes the freedom.

10. Singapore is an ___________________ for worldwide visitors because of its many tourist
IV. Complete the sentences with a correct article: a/an/the.

1. We have _____ cat and _____ dog. _____ cat doesn't get on well with _____ dog.

2. You can see _____ moon clearly in the Mid-Autumn festival.

3. He is _____ famous actor.

4. My brother doesn't like _____ present I gave him.

5. Where is _____ book I lent you last week?

6. My father works as _____ electrician.

7. Have you ever heard about _____ River Thames?

8. I want to travel around _____ world when I grow up.

9. Yesterday my mother had _____ terrible headache.

10. Where are _____ kids? They are playing outside.
V, Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
The Gherkin is one of several modem buildings that have been built over the years in a historic
area of London. The (1) _________ skyscraper was built in 2004, and its unique, and energy-efficient
design has won the Gherkin many (2) _________.
The cigar-shaped structure has a steel frame (3) _________ circular floor
planes and a glass facade with diamond-shaped panels. The building’s
energy-saving (4) _________ allows the air to flow up through spiralling
wells. The top of the tower, (5) _________visitors find an open hall covered
by a glass conical dome, is even more spectacular. From here you have great
(6) _________ over the city.
1. A. 41 stories B. 41-stories C. 41 -story D. story-41
2. A. awards B. rewards C. stories D. achievements
3. A. of B. with C. at D. in
4. A. machine B. machines C. system D. systems
5. A. where B. at where C. from where D. there
6. A. sights B. scenes C. sign D. views

VI. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences.

1. It is a lovely dinner.

 What_______________________________________________________________
2. He lives too far away from the school.

 He doesn't___________________________________________________________

3. Long is a very good swimmer.

 Long swims_________________________________________________________

4. My brother cycles slowly.

 My brother is________________________________________________________

5. Mr. Cuong plays tennis very well.

 Mr. Cuong is________________________________________________________

6. Mrs. Chi is a quick typist.

 Mrs. Chi types_______________________________________________________

7. Thoa sings smoothly.

 Thoa is_____________________________________________________________

8. Ms. An is a fast runner.

 Ms. An runs_________________________________________________________

9. Mr. Hung is a safe driver.

 Mr. Hung drives______________________________________________________

10. Minh's sister dances marvelously.

 Minh's sister is_______________________________________________________
VII, Read the schedule for the one-day sightseeing tour to London, then write the statements
describing the schedule for your visit. Use the words of sequence like first, second, then, after
that, next, ... finally.
You can start with:
9.00 am: meet your guide on board your air-conditioned coach. Relax as you travel around central
London to see the sights.
0. This is the schedule for my one-day sightseeing tour to London. First, at 8 o 'clock in the morning,
I meet my guide on board my air-conditioned coach, and relax as I travel around London to see the
1. 9.30 am: pass through Parliament Square, seeing the Houses of Parliament and the Big Ben clock.

2. 10. 00 am- then travel past Westminster Abbey where Prince William married Kate Middleton in a
royal wedding ceremony.

3. 10. 30 am- admire government buildings at Whitehall and Downing Street, and then see all the
noise and activity that surrounds Nelson’s Column at Trafalgar Square.
 ____________
4. 11.15 am: watch the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
 ____________

5. 12.00 pm: rest and refuel with a large lunch (own expense).
 ____________

6. 1.30 pm: continue your day of sightseeing with a visit to the City of London, an area just east of the
city center where many of London’s banks can be found.
 ____________

7. 2.30 pm: see other iconic London attractions such as St Paul’s Cathedral and Mansion House. Look
out for the sights as your guide explains their history.
 ____________

8. 3.15 pm: continue to the Tower of London, and go inside to explore at your leisure. End your tour
at 5 pm.
 ___________


I. Decide whether the following sentences’ intonation is falling () or rising ().
1. How many people speak English in Europe? (_____)
2. What is the future of English in your country? (_____)
3. Do I have to go abroad for a whole semester? (_____)
4. Is India an English-speaking country? (_____) How many people speak it? (_____)
5. Why did English become important? (_____) Is it because of the British Empire? (_____)
6. Are English and Irish are the official languages of Ireland? (_____)
7. Where is the cheapest place to live that speaks English? (_____)
8. Should we be careful about choosing one particular language? (_____)
I. Choose the best article to complete the sentence.
1. ____ Union Flag, or Union Jack, is ____ national flag of the United Kingdom.
A. An – a B. The – an C. A – a D. The – the
2. Australia is distinctive because it is ____ island, ____ country, and ____ continent.
A. an - a - a B. the - a - a C. the - the - the D. a - an – an
3. I have ____ list of countries and territories where English is ____ official language.
A. the - a B. a - an C. a - the D. an – an
4. ____ New Zealander is ____ citizen of New Zealand, or ____ person of New Zealand origin.
A. A - the - a B. The - the - the C. A - a - a D. The - a – a
5. Jamaica is ____ third-largest English-speaking country in ____ Western Hemisphere.
A. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a – a
6. ____ Common Travel Area is ____ arrangement between the United Kingdom and Ireland.
A. An - a B. A - an C. A - the D. The – an
7. ____ Philippines is ____ archipelago, or string of over 7100 islands, in southeastern Asia.
A. The - a B. A - an C. The - an D. An – an
8. There is ____ difference between being ____ permanent resident and being ____ Australian
A. a-a-a B. a-a-an C. a - the - a D. a - a – the
9. In ____ range of natural habitats, there is ____ abundance of wildlife species across Scotland.
A. a - an B. an - a C. an - an D. a – a
10. Jamaica became ____ independent sovereign state and ____ member of ____ British
Commonwealth of Nations in 1962.
A. a - the - the B. an - a - a C. the - a - a D. an - a – the
II. Complete the conversation using the words or phrases from the box.
 of course
 Really
 You were lucky
 Is it the main reason
 Thanks for your advice
 I don't know
 How about you
 Yes, I like English
Trang: Why did you choose to study English, Ms. Trang? Is it simply because you like it?
Ms. Vy: Well. (1) ________________, but there were some reasons why I chose English as a major
in university. And now I'm working as a teacher of English.
Trang: (2) ________________?
Ms. Vy: Yes. When I was young, about the same age as you now, my father encouraged me to study
English, for he knew I was good at it in high school. I was glad to know his wish.
Trang: (3) ________________?
Ms. Vy: You can say so. When I grew up, I read lots of books and newspaper and realised that
English was a global language and it was really suitable for my future study.
Trang: (4) ________________. You loved English, you were good at it, and your parents wanted
you to study it.
Ms. Vy: You're right. (5) ________________, Trang?
Trang: (6) ________________, Ms. Vy. My brother said that he would study Japanese as our father
is working in a Japanese company. He thinks we should study Japanese and work for a Japanese
company too.
Ms. Vy: Which language do you like most?
Trang: English, (7) ________________.
Ms. Vy: Don't worry, Trang. Just talk about it with your parents. They will understand how you are
feeling and help you to have a right decision.
Trang: (8) ________________, Ms. Vy.
III. Choose the word or phrase that needs correction.
1. England has (A) a (B) large economy and uses (C) the pound sterling as their (D) currency.
2. Hamilton wants to go to the (A) USA, and (B) he hasn't got enough money (C) for the (D) trip.
3. Ms. Elizabeth is an (A) English teacher at a (B) school in a (C) centre of the (D) town.
4. An (A) estimated 700,000 people speak Welsh (B), an (C) official language at (D) Wales.
5. The (A) proud and anciently (B) battle standard of the (C) Welsh is the (D) Red Dragon.
6. Birmingham has played a (A) important part in (B) the (C) history of modern sport (D).
7. He still speak (A) English with a (B) Scottish accent although (C) he left (D) Scotland twenty years
8. People in Dublin dress (A) more individual (B) than people in (C) London or wherever (D).
9. Emigration was (A) an (B) important feature of British (C) society in 19th century (D).
10. Around (A) one-third of the Australian (B) population had an elements (C) of Irish (D) descent.
III. Read the text and answer the questions below.

IV.Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank.
I was very excited to know that I was going to Australia for a study tour (1) ________ four
months. I didn't think (2) ________ the problems of speaking English until I met my host family. At
first, I couldn't communicate (3) ________ them because my English was so bad. All the eight years I
had been learning English wasn't much used at all because we didn't have real practice at school.
Even (4) ________ my grammar was good, my pronunciation wasn't. My problem is pronouncing T
and 'n'. For (5) ________ I wanted to tell them that "I have lots of homework today," but I said "I
have nots of homework today," so they misunderstood me. My host mum (6) ________ me a lot by
correcting my bad pronunciation. I usually practiced by talking to (7) ________ when I had a shower,
so no one could hear me. After four months, my English was (8) ________ better. Apart from English,
I learnt to make my (9) ________ breakfast and lunch. I had to ride a bicycle to school every day. I
went swimming and tried sailing. Sometimes I also tried skiing. It was wonderful. But (10) ________
most valuable thing was that I learnt to be by myself and to be independent.
V. Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the given word.

1. What is the price of this face mask? (How much)


2. How long is the Mekong River? (What)


3. What is the age of your son? (old)


4. Remember to wake me up at 6.30 tomorrow morning. (forget)


5. Van's brother usually goes to work by motorbike. (rides)


6. My sister enjoys arranging flowers. (finds)


7. There is sugar in many kinds of food. (have)

8. Long is a very good swimmer. (well)


9. My sister likes chicken very much. (favourite)

10. He lives far away from the cinema. (near)

V. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence.

1. global/ is/ London/ a/ population/ city/ a/ with/ of/ over 14 million
2. languages/ English/ are/ the/ official/ Canada/ of/ and French
3. United Kingdom/ individual countries/ The/ is/ a/ between/ four/ union
4. suffering/ climate change,/ Due to/ Australia/ many/ bush fires/ is/ from
5. Scotland, Wales,/ their own/ have/ devolved governments/ and Northern Ireland
6. ethnic groups/ of/ England/ The people/ are/ many different/ a mixture of
7. more/ Wales/ other European country/ has/ castles per square kilometre/ than/ any
8. Great Barrier Reef/ the/ The/ the/ world/ biggest coral reef system/ in/ is

I, Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. ball B. call C. small D. shall
2. A. cycle B. why C. cloudy D. try
3. A. that B. these C. thing D. brother
4. A. later B. mention C. material D. planting
5. A. special B. ancient C. musician D. because
6. A. ancient B. capital C. landscape D. travel
7. A. country B. symbol C. hyperloop D. friendly
8. A. stopped B. booked C. talked D. visited
9. A. island B. sunset C. seaside D. solar
10. A. England B. Australia C. Canada D. America

II, Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. ___________ is the biggest of the four countries in the United Kingdom.
A. England B. Scotland C. Northern Ireland D. Wales
2. ___________, capital city of Scotland, located in southeastern Scotland.
A. Manchester B. Liverpool C. Edinburgh D. Leeds
3. Hawaii is a ___________ in the Western United States, located in the Pacific Ocean.
A. district B. county C. province D. state
4. The largest ___________ in the British Isles is Great Britain, including England, Wales and
A. continent B. mainland C. island D. peninsula
5. The UK's earliest hand axes were made by ___________ humans 560,000 years ago.
A. unique B. ancient C. amazing D. popular
6. A kilt is a knee-length ___________ dress skirt that is often worn on formal occasions.
A. men's B. women's C. children's D. students'
7. The ___________ is where the President and First Family of the United States live and work.
A. British Museum B. White House C. Kensington Palace D. Edinburgh Castle
8. Formerly known as Ayers Rock, ___________ is made of sandstone about half a billion years old.
A. Uluru B. Tower Bridge C. Statue of Liberty D. Stonehenge
9. The British ___________ family comprises Queen Elizabeth II and her close relations.
A. imperial B. royal C. national D. native
10. The Loch Ness monster is a mythical animal that lives in Loch Ness, a freshwater ___________
near Inverness, Scotland.
A. waterfalls B. ocean C. lake D. park

III. Write questions for the underlined parts.

1. French is Montreal's official language.
2. The United States of America consists of 50 states.
3. Most people in Britain speak English with a regional accent.
4. English is one of the eleven official languages in South Africa.
5. First exploratory voyages came to New Zealand by boat.
6. Yes, Filipino and English are the official languages of the Philippines.
7. New Zealand has extensive marine resources because of its long coastline.
8. The U.S. began expanding across North America in the late 18th century.
IV.. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

Singapore is a country in Southeast Asia. It is an island near the end of the Malay peninsula. A
“peninsula” is a piece of land that has water on three sides.
Singapore is called a “city-state.” This means that it is an independent country that has only one
city. Singapore is the name of the country and the city that take up the entire island.
Because of its location, Singapore has become a critical business hub. “Hub” means center or key
location. It is a good stopping point for ships that are traveling between Asia and Europe or Africa.
When the trade was primarily done by ships, Singapore became a very important port. A “port” is
a place where ships go in and out. This continues today. Singapore is the fifth largest port in the
Being an important port, Singapore has also become a very important center for world business.
This means that Singapore has a very strong and diverse economy, which sets it apart from many
other Southeast Asian nations.
1. Where is Singapore?
A. It is in West Asia. B. It is in South Asia.
C. It is in East Asia. D. It is in Southeast Asia.
2. What does “peninsula” mean?
A. It is a piece of land that has water on one side. B. It is a piece of land
that has water on two sides.
C. It is a piece of land that has water on three sides. D. It is a piece of land
that has water on four sides.
3. Why is Singapore called a “city-state”?
A. Because it is an island near the end of the Malay peninsula.
B. Because it is a dependent country that takes up the entire island.
C. Because it is an independent country that has only one city.
D. Because it has become a critical (very important) business hub.
4. What does “hub” mean?
A. It means center or key B. It means a place where ships go in and out.
C. It means stopping point for ships. D. It means the largest port in the world
5. What is a “port”?
A. It is a place where airplanes go in and out. B. It is a place where people go in and out.
C. It is a place where cars go in and out. D. It is a place where ships go in and out.
6. When did Singapore become a very important port?
A. When the economy in Singapore was very strong and diverse.
B. When the trade in Singapore was primarily done by ships.
C. When Singapore was the fifth largest port in the world.
D. When Singapore was called a “city-state”.

V.. Write complete sentences using the guided words and phrases.
Dear Lan,
I had a wonderful time in Toronto, Canada. Now, I will tell you about it.
1. Toronto/isn't/capital/but/largest/city/in Canada.
 _________________________________________________________________________
2. My friends/I/have/chance/explore/many/amazing attraction / in our trip.
 _________________________________________________________________________
3. First, we/visit/the CN Tower/ and/get/highest viewing area/of/ city.
 _________________________________________________________________________
4. Then, we/ go to / Ripley's Aquarium / near the base/ of the CN Tower.
 _________________________________________________________________________
5. This place/have/huge/ underwater tunnel/ and/display/all kind/marine life.
 _________________________________________________________________________
6. Next day, we/ take a train/ from Union Station / Niagara Falls.
 _________________________________________________________________________
7. The falls/be/so wonderful/ and/I take/a lot/photos here.
 _________________________________________________________________________
I want to tell you more but I have to go now.
Write to you later.


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. nervous B. scout C. household D. mouse
2. A. safety B. tasty C. pancake D. nature
3. A. holiday B. lazy C. take D. vacation
4. A. coop B. door C. food D. boot
5. A. early B. beat C. realize D. reader
II. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the other.
1. A. project B. picture C. answer D. record
2. A. progress B. increase C. permit D. result
3. A. open B. transfer C. refund D. suspect
4. A. pregnancy B. deliver C. restaurant D. interview
5. A. solution B. physician C. confusion D. poverty
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Each person’s genetic code is _______ except in the case of identical twins.
A. normal B. unique C. general D. long
2. Kangaroos are considered the _______ of Australia.
A. coastline B. symbol C. tower D. capital
3. She has a ________ of a rose on her shoulder.
A. tattoo B. head C. river D. castle
4. Indonesia is the largest ________ country in the world.
A. island B. coastline C. capital D. sunrise
5. Justin Bieber comes from Canada. He is a_______.
A. Vietnamese B. Australian C. American D. Canadian
6. Scotland is famous for its long history and_______ castles.
A. local B. modern C. ancient D. historical
7. Madrid is the capital of _______.
A. The UK B. The USA C. Spain D. France
8. They took a ______ ride to the islands at the eastern end of Lake Ontario.
A. car B. train C. plane D. boat
9. Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular_______ in the world.
A. waterfalls B. forests C. mountains D. beaches
10. Scottish men always wear _______ at their traditional festivals.
A. shirts B. kilts C. pants D. shorts
11. A (n) __________ is a body of land surrounded by water.
A. mountain B. island C. cave D. beach
12. The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is __________.
A. high B. clear C. unique D. friendly
13. Most __________ live in cities along the coast, such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.
A. Austria B. Australia C. Australian D. Australians
14. Singapore is famous for its _______ and green tress.
A. cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D. clean
15. On Christmas Eve, most big cities, especially London are _______ with colored lights across the
streets and enormous Christmas Trees.
A. decorated B. hand C. put D. made
16. In the United State, there are 50 _______ and six different time zones across the country.
A. states B. nations C. towns D. countries
17. I once tried to _______ an apple pie when I was in London. It was really delicious.
A. do B. cook C. make D. show
18. You should go to Canada in the summer because it is the most popular time for visitors to
_______Niagara Falls and see the beautiful sights there.
A. stay B. look C. tour D. visit
19. Nowadays, we still see the _______ men wear kilts (skirts) to wedding or other formal occasions.
A. Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scot
20. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it’s the third _______ country in the world.
A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest

IV. Fill in each blank with a, an, or the.

1. Australia is ________ world's sixth-largest country.

2. Vancouver is ________ major city in western Canada.

3. What are the benefits of being ________ Australian citizen?

4. Northern Ireland is ________ smallest country in the UK.

5. An Englishman is ________ native or inhabitant of England.

6. An upside-down Union Flag is used as ________ sign of distress.

7. Boxing is Ireland's most successful sport at ________ Olympic level.

8. Sydney is ________ capital city of the state of New South Wales.

9. An emblem is a design representing ________ country or organisation.

10. The United Kingdom left ________ European Union on 31 January 2020.

V. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. New Zealand is a small island city /country in the Pacific Ocean.
2. Buckingham Palace is a tourist attraction /education in the UK.
3. She often sits on the beach watching the sunrise/ sunset in the early morning.
4. They speak Vietnamese, but their native / nation language is Korean.
5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York city of the UK/ the USA.
6. Could you show me Australia on this map/nature?
7. The London Eye is a great attraction in Paris / London.
8. Although penguins/ kangaroos can’t fly, they can use their wings for swimming.
9. Big Ben Tower/ Bridge is at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, England.
10. New Jersey is one of the states/capitals in the USA.

VI. Complete the conversation, using the sentences (a-e) to fill in the blanks (1-5).

a. Can you tell me more about it?

b. Did you attend any of these festivals?
c. What is it famous for?
d. Where did you take them?
e. What did you do there?

Nam: These photos are so nice, Mai. (1) ___________________________

Mai: I took them in Edinburgh last summer.
Nam: It's such a beautiful city. (2) ___________________________
Of course. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and it is one of the most beautiful cities in
all of the UK.
Nam: I see. (3) ___________________________
This city is a centre of culture and arts and it is especially well-known for its festivals.
Mai: These include the Edinburgh International Book Festival, Christmas Markets and the
Edinburgh Fringe.
Nam: Wow, sounds interesting. (4) ___________________________
Of course, I did. I went to the Edinburgh International Book Festival and it was such an
unforgettable experience.
Nam: Amazing. (5) ___________________________
I attended workshops and met many famous authors and book lovers from all over the
world. I joined some outdoor activities and enjoyed the local food.

VII. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

Canadian English is the type of English that is used by Canadians. It is like American English in
terms of vocabulary, but its grammar is like that of British English.

Canadian English is generally taught in schools using British ways of spelling, such as colour,
flavour, and so on. However, the word themselves are usually American, in part because Canadians
watch a lot of American TV shows and listen to a lot of American pop musiC. Rarely, the British
form of words may be replaced with American forms, such as plow, programme, and so on.

The main exception to this rule is terms related to cars and the auto industry. Because Canada's
auto industry has always been dominated by American firms, Canadians use American words and
spelling for such terms. Canadians and Americans spell the outer rubber portion of a wheel as tire
instead of tyre, put gasoline or gas in their vehicles instead of petrol, store items in the trunk instead
of the boot, and may drive a truck instead of a lorry.

Canadian English is different from other forms of English in its spoken form also. The dialects
vary from sounding overtly English to an indistinguishable form very similar to those spoken in the
northern states.

1. Canadian English is like American English in terms of grammar. ________

2. Canadian English use British ways of spelling. ________

3. Canadians watch American TV shows and listen to American pop music. ________

4. Canadians don’t use American words and spelling for auto industry. ________

5. Canadians put petrol in their vehicles instead of gasoline. ________

6. Canadian spoken form of English is different from other spoken forms of English. ________
VIII. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.
lakes north valleys country Scotland melted also islands

The United Kingdom, also called the U.K., consists of a group of (1) __________ off the
northwest coast of Europe. It is a unique (2) __________ made up of four nations: England, Wales,
Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England, Wales, and Scotland (3) __________ make up Great

Much of the (4) __________ and west of the U.K. is covered in high ground, knife- edged
mountain ridges separated by deep (5) __________. This terrain was shaped in the last Ice Age, when
thick glaciers covered the land.

In the south of England, the countryside is mostly rolling hills. In northwest England and the
Scottish Highlands are dozens of (6) __________, called lochs. These were left behind when the Ice
Age glaciers (7) __________. They tend to be long and narrow, and some are very deep. Legends say
that a giant monster called Nessie lives in Loch Ness in (8) __________.
IX. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.

1. Scotland has a high proportion of police officers.

 There______________________________________________________________

2. New Zealanders don't like talking about personal matters.

 New Zealanders aren’t interested_________________________________________

3. No city in the USA is as crowded as New York.

 New York is the______________________________________________________

4. They don't allow tourists to cross the river at night.

 The tourists mustn't___________________________________________________

5. Not many people can explore the White House.

 Only a______________________________________________________________

6. Shall we go out for a walk around the hotel's garden?

 Let' s_______________________________________________________________

7. The United States of America has many famous landmarks.

 There______________________________________________________________

8. You should join the English club at your school.

 Why don't you_______________________________________________________

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