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Improving DevX to Make Better

In the world of software development, we often focus on business deliverables, agility, and
adhering to best practices to cater to our clients' needs. However, amidst these priorities, the
significance of Developer Experience (DevX) sometimes remains overlooked.

But why does DevX truly matter? And how can prioritising it enhance our daily world in
crafting exceptional software? DevX, unlike User Experience (UX), thrives on an intimate
feedback loop where developers provide insights to their fellow developers instead of end
users. This tight loop helps teams to swiftly address pain points and day-to-day hurdles.

In this session, we will demystify the essence of DevX and explore actionable tactics and
strategies for its seamless integration into projects. From harnessing tools to nurturing a
supportive team environment, every facet of DevX contributes to refining the software
development process.

In this talk we will embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of DevX. Discover how
embracing DevX principles can significantly change your approach to development, making
the journey smoother and more rewarding for everyone involved.

We will delve deep into the technical realm, exploring a myriad of tools and techniques
designed to elevate DevX. From IDEs and libraries, programming languages to cloud
services and automation scripts and so on. We'll uncover the arsenal at our disposal that can
streamline development workflows and amplify productivity.

But DevX isn't just about tools; it's also about people. We'll explore the human aspect of
DevX, navigating the delicate balance between empowering developers with freedom and
imposing necessary restrictions to maintain a good and smooth development experience.

Whether you're starting on a new project or seeking to optimise an existing one, this session
will help you equip yourself with the knowledge and insights needed to champion DevX
within your project.

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