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Q. Islamic teachings revolve around six main Articles of Faith. Write about •Belief in angels .

Q. What are Muslim beliefs about angels? – J-10
Q. Islamic teachings revolve around 6 articles of Faith. Write about belief in God & belief in Angels –J-19
Belief in Angles is the 2nd article of faith and Quran describes this belief as an act of righteousness.
Allah says in Quran:
“Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the book, the
Prophets...” Surah Al-Baqarah

Angels are amongst the most honorable and dignified creation of Allah. They are created special
creatures of God. They are made of light and are not visible to ordinary people. The Holy Prophet PBUH
“The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from smokeless fire, and Adam was created
form that which has been described to you.” – Sahih Muslim
According to the Quran angels are creatures with wings and are able to travel faster than the speed of
light. According to a Hadith the Holy Prophet PBUH also saw Jibrael with two wings. Unlike human
beings, angels are not endowed with freewill. They are absolutely obedient to Allah’s commands and
follow them without any hesitation. When Allah commanded them to bow down before Hazrat Adam
AS, they all prostrated:
“And (remember) when We said to the angels: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam and they prostrated”
surah Baqarah.
They are entrusted the noble task of communicating between God and His prophets. The Quran says in
surah Nahl:
“He sends down His angels with inspiration of His commands to such of His servants as He pleases”
Angels are believed to strengthen the faith of the believers and help them in hours of test and trouble.
They were sent in the battles of Badr, Ahzaab and Hunain to support the Muslim when they were
attacked by the Makkans and their supporting tribes. For example, angels were sent to help the Muslims
in the battle of Badr and Quran says:
“Your Lord would help you with five thousand angels.” Al-Imran
Angels also pray to God for forgiveness of all on the earth. The Quran says that the angels send blessing
on the Holy Prophet PBUH:
“Allah and His angels send blessing on the Holy Prophet PBUH. O you who believe! Send blessing on
him and salute him with all respect.: Al-Ahzaab
On the day of Judgement different angels will hail those going to Paradise and snub those entering Hell.
Although, the angels have been given great powers by Allah, they do not have any share in Allah’s
divinity and neither are they authorized to intercede with Allah for anyone. The Quran also negates the
belief that the angels are daughters of God by saying:
“Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.” – Al-Najm
There are innumerable angels and only Allah knows their exact number. Some of the angels have been
mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah with names and the details of their duties and functions. The Quran
mentioned Mikal (Mikael) who, according to the Muslim faith is responsible for rainfall and distribution
of Rizq. Israfeel will blow the Trumpet or Sur that will herald the onset of the Day of Judgement and
this is repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. Izraeel is the angel of death. Rizwan is the keeper of Paradise
and Malik is the keeper of Hell. The two angels Raqeeb and Ateed, who record every human being’s
word and deed are called Kiraman Katibeen. Munkar and Nakeer will question a person in the grave
after his death, about his belief in Allah and His last Messenger PBUH. Jibrael stands on top of all the
angels and has been referred to as Ruh (Spirit), Ruh-al-Amin (the trust worthy spirit) and Ruh-al-Quds
(the holy Spirit).
“Say the Holy Spirit (Jibrael) has brought the revelation from your Lord in truth.” Al-Nahl
They have the ability to take on different forms. At times, Jibraeel came in the form of a companion
Dhaya a Kalbi and instructed the Holy Prophet PBUH regarding different matters. Thus, we can see that
angels constitute an important part of the spiritual aspect of Islam.
Q. Discuss the importance of Jibrael in comparison to other angels. – N-10
Jibrael is one of the arch angels and ranked very high by God for a number of reasons. He was entrusted
with conveying the revelations from Allah to His Messengers. He is a noble and trustworthy being who
is obeyed in the heavens. He, therefore, has been mentioned with special titles such as “spirit of Faith
and Truth” (Ruh-ul-Ameen)
“With it (revelation) came down the spirit of Faith and Truth – Surah Al-Shura.
Quran also refers to Jibraeel as the “Messenger” because he was sent to the Holy Prophet PBUH with
Allah’s commandments and revelations. He brought the first revelation of Quran to the Holy Prophet
PBUH in the cave of Hira. Hazrat Jibraeel was also sent to Hazrat Maryam AS to tell her about the
miraculous birth of Hazrat Isa AS. He is titled “the Holy Spirit” for the same reason:
“He (Jibrael) said: Nay, I am only a messenger form your Lord to announce to you the gift of a holy
son.” – Surah Al Myriam.
He would often come to Holy Prophet PBUH and guide him regarding different matters. Even now, in
the month of Ramadan, Jibraeel descends with a host of angels on Laila-tul-Qadr to spread peace and
blessing upon the believers.
Since the task of carrying the load of divine message is an extremely delicate duly, Jibrael has been
treated as an exclusive angel in the Quran. He is also important due to the fact that he was honored with
escorting the Holy Prophet PBUH to Jerusalem and then to the heaven in the journey of Mairaj of the
Holy Prophet PBUH. He accompanied the Holy Prophet PBUH to point of “Lote Tree” as non was
allowed to go any further (except the Holy Prophet PBUH). The Quran mentions this as:
“near the Lote Tee beyond which one may pass ... Behold the Lote Tree was shrouded (in mystery
unspeakable) – Al-Najm.
Hazrat Jibraeel is so much valued by Allah that the Quran mentions his status in the following verse:
“Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and messengers, to Jibraeel and Mikael, Lo! Allah is an
enemy to those who reject Faith”. – Surah Fatah
Q. Does belief in angles make a Muslim’s faith stronger. Give reasons – J-17
Q. Why is the belief in angels important for Muslims? June-2019
Belief in Angels is the 2nd article of faith and Quran describes this belief as an act of righteousness.
Belief in angles influences the thought and action of Muslims. This belief is linked with all articles of
Faiths as is mentioned in the Quran.
“It is righteousness to believe in God and the last day and the angels and the books and the
messenger...” – Al Baqarah
So, a genuine belief in angels strengthens other beliefs of Muslims. A person who believes in angels
feels grateful to Allah for the blessing that He has made his creation, and commanded them to serve us,
protect us and seek forgiveness for us. This belief reflects God’s unusual powers of creating invisible
creatures whom we cannot count.
The arch angel Jibrael has been bringing Divine revelations to all the prophetic messengers, from Hazrat
Adam to Hazrat Muhammad PBUH for the guidance and success of humankind. Even now, in the month
of Ramadan, Jibraeel descends with a host of angels on Laila-tul-Qadr to spread peace and blessing
upon the believers.
The belief that angels are recording our deeds, makes us carful regarding all our thoughts, words and
actions. This helps Muslims to live a righteous life and avoid disobedience to God. The fact that Allah
made the angels prostrate before Adam AS, elevates our status as human beings and makes us feel
responsible towards all our duties.
The belief in angels strengthens the belief in God’s power and mercy because according to the Quran,
angels constantly beg God’s mercy for humans:
“... and the angels celebrate the praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for all beings on earth”
Thus, belief in angels guides Muslim about the various phases of Islam that culminated on the last
Messenger PBUH.

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