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With your study buddy work on the case below.

Read Module 1 to answer the questions

below. Work together but submit the work individually. The following vital statistical
report of Maharlika Province was submitted for the year 2021.

The estimated population as of July 1, 2022. 3,200,000

Total live births 145,000
Stillbirths 600
Deaths under 5 years 8,523
Deaths under 1 year 9,645
Neonatal deaths 2,000
Maternal deaths 190
Total deaths 45,120

1. What is the infant mortality rate? Show the solution.

● amount of newborn fatalities under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live
births at the same time period.
IMR = Deaths under 1 year of age in a calendar year x 1000 ÷ Number of live
births in the same year

A. Interpret the findings.

Deaths under 1 year of age in a calendar year = 9,645
Number of live births in the same year = 145,000
= 9645 x 1000 ÷ 145,000
= 66.52

B. What are the implications of the above findings considering the framework of
maternal and child care?
● Considering the framework of maternal and child care it is safe to conclude that
there is a greater number of live births which means there are a lot more newborns who
get the right care than the number of newborn fatalities.

C. What programs of the DOH will you recommend for the community?
● I would recommend the maternal and newborn care package of the DOH this
package is a paradigm change away from the risk strategy, which concentrates
on identifying pregnant women at risk, and toward one in which all pregnant
women are seen to be at risk of these issues. Which includes a childbirth
package, prenatal package, prepregnancy package, and a lot more. This
program could help the community to maintain a newborn's health and prevent
newborn fatalities under one year of age.

2. What is the crude birth rate? Show the solution

● The rate at which individuals are added to the population through births is
measured. It is a helpful population measure. It is influenced by fertility, marriage
patterns, and the habits of a population's place, gender, and age composition, as
well as birth registration.
CBR = number of registered life births in a year x 1000 ÷ midyear population

A. Interpret the findings.

Number of registered life births in a year = 145,000
Midyear population = 3,200,000
= 145,000 x 1000 ÷ 3,200,000
= 45.31

B. What are the implications?

● To safely conclude the estimated midyear population is already high and in
addition, the number of registered live births a year grows each day, each month,
and each year. So this means that the population will just grow as long as we are
able to maintain the health of our newborns and follow the right ways how to give
care to them.

C. What programs of the DOH will you recommend for the community?

● For the crude birth rate, I would recommend the Department of Health's
Universal Health Care, also known as Kalusugan Pangkalahatan, which includes
comprehensive and progressive reforms to ensure that every Filipino is healthy,
is protected from health hazards and risks, and has access to affordable,
high-quality, and easily accessible health services that meet their needs. This
DOH initiative will assist the community in being healthy and safe.

3. Ana and Jo are a newly married couple. They are both 25 years old. They are
planning to have a child next year. What programs of DOH will you recommend?

● I would again recommend DOH’s program which is the maternal and newborn
package which consists of a Prepregnancy Package that includes Family
Planning to simply avoid unwanted pregnancies also it includes a lot more
packages and these packages include different kinds of counseling related to
having a child and raising a child. This would really help Ana and Jo on preparing
to have a child next year. This can help them to be ready and knowledgeable
about what childbearing and childbirth really are and how they can be ready for
any situations in the future to prevent problems and complications.

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