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THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES under the Department of Justice

Prepared by : Vanessa A. Villaroya (DOJ), which has control over the

Rcrim,MSCJ (i)
national penitentiary and its penal
farms, houses convicted offenders
with prison sentences ranging from
three (3) years and one (1) day, to
Like many countries, the correctional system
life imprisonment.
in the Philippines has both an institution-
based and community-based component. It
also has separate treatment system for youth
offenders and adult offenders. The custodial
care of adult offenders is handled by the
1. The Bureau of Jail Management and
The Therapeutic Community (TC) is
Penology (BJMP)-
an environment that helps people get help
under the Department of Interior and
while helping others. It is a treatment
Local Government (DILG) which has
environment: the interactions of its members
supervision over all district, city and
are designed to be therapeutic within the
municipal jails and detention centers.
context of the norms that require for each to
These jails house detainees awaiting
play the dual role of client-therapist. At a
judicial disposition of their case and
given moment, one may be in a client role
offenders whose sentence range
when receiving help or support from others
from one (1) day to three (3) years.
because of a problem behavior or when
2. The Provincial Governments-
experiencing distress. At another time, the
which have supervision and control
same person assumes a therapist role when
over provincial jails. These jails house
assisting or supporting another person in
court detainees and prisoners whose
prison terms range from six (6)
months and one (1) day, to three (3)
The operation of the community itself is the
3. The Bureau of Corrections
task of the residents, working under staff
supervision. Work assignments, called “job
functions” are arranged in a hierarchy,
according to seniority, individual progress  Change is the only certainty
and productivity. These include conducting  Work ethics Self-reliance
all house services, such as cooking, cleaning,  Psychological converges with
kitchen service, minor repair, serving as philosophical (e.g guilt kills)
apprentices and running all departments, 3. It believes that TC is a place where:
conducting meetings and peer encounter One can change-unfold; the group can
groups. foster change; individuals must take
responsibility; structures must
The TC operates in a similar fashion to a accommodate this; Act as if go
functional family with a hierarchical structure through the motion.
of older and younger members. Each 4. There are 5 distinct categories of
member has a defined role and activity that help promote the change:
responsibilities for sustaining the proper  Relational/Behavioral
functioning of the TC. There are sets of rules Management
and community norms that members upon  Affective/emotional/
entry commit to live by and uphold. Psychological
 Cognitive/Intellectual
 Psychomotor/Vocational-
1. The primary “therapist” and teacher
Survival Skills
is the community itself, consisting of
peers and staff, who, as role models of
successful personal change, serve as
guides in the recovery process.
2. TC adheres to percepts of right living:
 Truth/honesty
 Here and now Personal PHASES OF TREATMENT
responsibility for destiny TCMP in the BJMP set up is quite
 Social responsibility (brothers unique in the sense that inmates are
keeper) in custody while undergoing trial
 Moral code for their individual cases. Their
 inner person is “good” but length of stay is determined by how
behavior can be “bad” fast is the disposition of their cases.
The cases may be decided upon after is handled gently and is expected to commit
a short period of time or may last for mistakes in the process of learning the
years. Though the different phases of program. Sanctions on negative behavior are
treatment is observed, it cannot be usually light with emphasis on teaching.
fully implemented or may not be
followed as scheduled due to the Phase ll- Primary Treatment
uniqueness of the status of the After proper orientation on the
residents. different TC concepts and tools the norms
and rules of the community and the staff
members, the resident is now ready to
undergo the treatment proper. He becomes
Phase l- Entry/Orientation Phase a part of the community starting as a crew
Once an inmate is committed to jail, member of the housekeeping department
he undergoes a series of examination to until he gradually ascends in the hierarchy.
determine his physical, social and He must be knowledgeable on the following:
psychological status. Upon commitment, a 1. Proper use of the different
resident is placed on orientation at the tools to address personal
Reception and Diagnostic room/Orientation issues and concerns and shape
Room. In here, he is acquainted with the TC behavior
program: 2. Managing own feelings and
- The rules and norms of the learning how to express self
community appropriately
- TC concepts, written and unwritten 3. Learning how to follow the
philosophy rules and norms of the
- The staff and he members of the community
community 4. Maximize participation in
- The tools of the house activities that are appropriate
- Job functions and TC hierarchy to the resident’s need for
He is then assigned a static group and 5. Learning how to trust the
a big brother who will provide him with environment by disclosing self
support and will walk him through the to the community and develop
orientation phase. At this phase, the resident insight in the process
2. Going up the ladder of
hierarchy by showing
6. Developing positive coping leadership
skills to deal with difficult life 3. Realization of his full potential
situations to be a productive member of
7. Enhancing educational and society
vocational skills to make him 4. Mapping out of plans
productive Phase IV- Re-entry
8. Improve social skills and In the ideal setting, a resident at this
recognize the importance of stage is now ready to be released back to
other people’s help in shaping society as he has demonstrated adequate self-
behavior control and discipline. The inmate is now
preparing for his life outside of jail and is
Phase lll- Pre Re-entry focused on making himself a productive
Under regular circumstances, the resident is citizen. He may start planning for job
expected at this stage to have internalize hunting and rebuilding family ties and
the TC values and concept to start life relationships.
afresh. However, in the jail setting where
entry and release are not within the jail In the jail setting, the residents will
control, residents may not have reached this stay inside the jail until their cases are
phase of treatment before they even leave the resolved or they have been convicted and
jail facility. need to be remanded to the Bureau of
Regardless of the resident’s length of stay, he Corrections.
is expected to undergo this phase prior to
release into society. At this phase, the
resident is expected to have proven his ability
to take on more responsibility hence needs
lesser supervision. He is considered a role The resident must focus on the following:
model in the TC community. He should focus ● Transition to life outside jail.
on the following learning: ● Creating a new lifestyle applying the
1. Rebuilding of social and family tools and concept of TC.
ties ● Learning positive coping skills to deal
with day to day situations.
● Re-establishing and strengthening  TC Philosophy and unwritten
family ties and support group. philosophies are visibly posted
● Reintegration into the mainstream of around the facility.
society.  Hierarchical structure and daily
● Developing realistic and attainable activities are displayed.
goals in life.  There is adequate space to hold
activities and rooms for specific
Phase lV- Aftercare meetings that require privac
Aftercare is an outpatient program  A clean and well-maintained kitchen
that requires clients to report twice a week that complies with the sanitary
to an outreach center. They are required to standards of BJMP.
attend group sessions to ensure their  Provisions of recreation areas both
adjustment to life outside jail to reduce indoors and outdoors
recidivism. For clients released from jail, they  The dining area is equipped with
are referred to the Parole and Probation enough tables and chairs to
Administration and Local Government Units accommodate the inmates.
for follow up and aftercare. The clients are  Adequate sanitary toilets and
focused on the following: bathrooms that provide privacy to
 Maintaining positive behavior and users.
prevent recidivism  Adequate space for sleeping and
 Strengthening coping mechanism habitation that respects the
 Maintaining relationships and individual’s personal space.
support mechanism
 Sustaining interest in job or B. TCMP Staff:
vocation to maintain livelihood  The TCMP staff has undergone proper
 Integration into society training on TCMP
 Presence of a permanent TCMP staff
STANDARD PARAMETERS FOR JAIL CAMP to supervise the program and conduct
A. Physical Environment the various activities.
 The internal and external  The TCMP staff will not be transferred
environment is comfortable, clean to the other jails until properly
and welcoming. covered by another TC trained staff.
 There is no proper shift turn-over of  The participants of TCMP are change
TC trained staff on a daily basis. agents in bringing about
 TCMP staff can be utilized to handle transformation among peers
other tasks but puts priority to TCMP.  The residents comply with the
 Regular meetings are held by staff to cardinal and house rules and serve as
discuss progress, issues and concerns “watchdogs” for their peers with the
about the program. aim of correcting erring members
 All the jail staff are involved in the  Absence or minimal incidence of jail
TCMP and are contributing members. violence/disturbance
 The staff works as a team in  The residents respect the hierarchy
delivering services to inmates and chain of command
 The staff serves as role models and
treats inmates with respect and Participants of the TCMP conducts “Morning
dignity Meeting”.
 Incentives are given to TCMP staff in Morning Meeting is a daily ritual that
terms of awards and commendations. starts the day in a TC facility. It is attended
by the whole community and lasts for an
C. The Therapeutic Environment-The hour. It commences with the Opening Prayer,
Inmates/Residents: Singing of the Philippine National Anthem
 The residents treat each other with and the recitation of the TC Philosophy.
respect at all times regardless of age,
religion, cultural diversity, etc. Participants and facilitators recite the TC
Philosophy as part of the morning meeting.
 The residents practice a culture of
honesty and openness in discussing Therapeutic Community program by the
thoughts and feelings, providing and Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR)
receiving feedbacks.

The Therapeutic Community (TC) Program

 Confidentiality is respected and represents an effective, highly structured
practiced environment with defined boundaries, both
 The residents are involved in decision moral and ethical. The primary goal is to
making and planning in TCMP foster personal growth. This is accomplished
activities by re-shaping an individual’s behavior and
attitudes through the inmates community
working together to help themselves and
each other, restoring self-confidence, and BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT
preparing them for their re -integration into The Behavior Management is a component of
their families and friends as productive Therapeutic Community Modality Program
members of the community. (TCMP) that introduces the concept and
Patterned after Daytop TC, New Yorkwhich is mechanics of the various shaping tools to
base of the Therapeutic Community include Morning Meeting in order to facilitate
movement in the world. The BUCOR TC the management of and shape the behavior of
program was adopted as part of the bureaus the residents. This shows the essential
hollistic approach towards inmates elements and significance of the tools which
rehabilitation. It is implemented primarily would provide the community common
but not limited to drug dependent. language, increase cohesiveness and adapt to
the moral and behavioral code of the tools
As TC family members go on with application. The behavior shaping tools are
their daily activities, a strong sense of ordered in hierarchy to provide enough room
responsibility and concern for each other’s for personal growth and learning. The
welfare are developed. They are constantly community serves as a dynamic force that
being monitored for their progress and are motivates individual to achieve positive
regularly being evaluated by the TC-trained behavior change.
staff. The TC process allows for genuine 1. EXPULSION
introspection, cultivation of self-worth and 2. GENERAL MEETING
positive rationalization that move the 3. LEARNING EXPERIENCE/BANS
individual towards assuming a greater sense 4. HAIR CUT
of personal and moral responsibility. 5. DEALT WITH
The effort of the Bureau of Corrections to 7. TALK TO
rehabilitate Drug dependents under its care
using the TC approach is in line with its HIERARCHY OF BEHAVIOR SHAPING
commitment to create a Drug-Free Prison. TOOLS
Worldwide developments in the treatment
and rehabilitation of drug offenders using this PRE-MORNING MEETING
therapeutic community approach have been Duration/ Frequency: Fifteen minutes daily
noted to be effective in many prisons. participants : Senior residents, Counselor
It usually facilitated by any member of the
Pre-Morning meeting is done early in the community. It is divided into two (2) parts
morning prior to the Morning Meeting. Senior namely: (1) public announcements and
members of the community will meet for community concerns and (2) community-
about fifteen (15) minutes to discuss the spirit building or up rituals.
attitude of the house the previously day. It The first part of the meeting consists
is also where the senior members of public announcements regarding
formulate solutions to the concerns important activities of business and other
discussed and to be executed during the information that the community needs to
day. The attendees will also discuss the know. It is a review of how the community
activities to be engaged in the Morning performed in the previous day and check on
Meeting and make sure that all participants the behavior of erring members through the
are ready with their corresponding parts and conduct of “pull-ups”. A pull up is done as an
determine the amount of time to be allotted expression of concern over the lapses of some
for each part. The group will agree on the members and encourage ownership of
theme or concept of the day. This is to make mistake on the violators. The pull up is
sure that everthing is ironed out prior to the followed by affirmations of good deeds,
conduct if the morning meeting such as the display of responsible concern towards peers
validation of pull-ups and other concerns. or unselfish acts of some residents. This is to
show that good deeds are not left unnoticed
MORNING MEETING and leave a feeling of self-worth to those
duration / Frequency: One hour daily. concerned. The first part of the morning
participants : All residents, Counselor meeting is a serious business where the
members are expected to be formal in their
Morning meeting is a daily ritual that starts demeanors. Rules are set such as: no side
the day in a TC facility. It is attended by the talking, no cross legging, no laughing, hands
whole community and lasts for an hour. It on the laps and sit erect.
commences with the
 Opening Prayer
 Singing of the Philippine National
Anthem and
 recitation of the TC Philosophy.
The concept of the day serves as a  affirmations
guide as to what direction the community is f. Concept of the day
headed for the day. It is elaborated by g. Verse of the day
residents of the community to have better
understanding of the. Whole concept. The II. UP-RITUALS
concept of the day is preferably taken from a. News casting (local, Natl,
the unwritten philosophies of TCMP. International, Sports, and
The second part of the meeting Weather News)
consists of entertaining presentations to b. Entertainment (Choose either
lighten up the mood and start the day on a song, Dance, Skit, Humorous
positive note. It somehow develops some Story)
talents and shed off inhibitions of c. Community singing (Any song
participants. that has relation to the
concept of the day)
a. Opening prayer (Ecumenical) TOOLS
b. Singing of the Philippine 1. EXPULSION
National Anthem (Flag must 2. GENERAL MEETING
c. TC Philosophy (Adopted
translation) Behavior shaping tools (BST) is
d. Announcements employed to strengthen the learning process
 Staff (Director, Asst. Director, and the practice of more adaptive behaviors
Counselor & other personnel) within the social learning environment. The
 Residents (Coordinators, Dept major tools of the BST, such as the Talk To,
Heads, Expediters) Pull-up, Dealt With, Haircut, Learning
 Report on Dorm Inspection by Experience, General Meeting and Expulsion
Chief Expediter were developed as a means to correct
e. Community concerns behaviors of the residents that violated the
 pull-ups/ TC norms.
violator is unknown and must be
validated first prior to bringing up in
the Morning Meeting.
TALK TO  Quickly display the corrected
 A “Talk To” as an outright correction behavior and express gratitude in
by any member of the TC receiving it. After one member did the
community to another member who pull-up, other residents who wants to
has done a minor infraction but is show concern can make elaborations
not aware of it. It is a friendly to give emphasis to the infractions
reminder/ advice about an and concretize the admonitions that
unacceptable behavior and must be need to be relayed to the violator.
done privately. Two to three elaborations are ideal.
 During a “Talk To”, the resident is  Too many elaborations are
made aware of his/her negative discouraged as they may take so much
behavior and the result it may have time.
on others and the environment. The
feedback given to the resident who DEALT WITH
committed mistake is done in a Dealt With is done when negative
positive behaviors or infractions to the house
way. This is to evoke awareness on the part of rules/norms are done for the second time of
the violators to avoid committing the same same offense by a resident.
mistake and be given heavier sanctions if
done in the future. HAIRCUT
Haircut is done when negative behaviors or
PULL-UP infractions to the house rules/norms in same
 A pull-up is done as a result of lack, offense are done for the third time or more or
missed or lapses in awareness in a for first time grave offenses. It is a carefully
resident. All the members of the planned and structured verbal reprimand
community are responsible to pull-up given by a staff with four other residents-
minor infractions done by peers. In senior resident, peer, big brother, and
encourages honestly, demeanor department head .The tone is more serious
awareness and owning up to one’s and can be loud, more harsh and
mistakes. This is done when the exaggerated. The haircut gives emphasis on
the behavior of the resident and the severity residents condition whether he/she
of the haircut should be appropriate to the needs further supervision. The
gravity of the offense. authority in giving LE lies in the
disciplinary board and TCMP staff.
 A learning experience (LE) is an EXAMPLES OF LE:
action or activity given to a resident  If a resident has been missing out in
who was subjected to haircut or his responsibilities in the kitchen, he
general meeting who did an infraction can be assigned as in charge of
to correct or modify a behavior. cleaning the kitchen for a specific
period of time.
 The LE should be related to the  If a resident repeatedly leaves his bed
infraction committed for him to focus in disarray, he can be asked to
on the behavior expected of him in provide orientation and supervision
the community. It should not be given to new residents on how to keep their
as a punishment but rather a beds neat at all times.
motivation to develop more positive
 Close supervision with clear goal a. Task-Oriented LE
increases the effectiveness of the  Pots and Pans
sanction. Upon lifting the LE after  Grounds and landscaping
seven (7) days, the resident subjected  Cleaning and maintenance
to the tool will be accorded with a  Time keeping (wake up calls, lights
senior resident coming from his/her out calls)
static group who will provide
guidance and continually monitors b. Written tasks
the performance in the house of the  Composition or Essay
former.  Reproduction of TCMP Materials
 The senior resident assigned will give
a self-report after fifteen (15) days c. Peer Interaction
on how the resident (who undergone  Reading and reporting of topic
LE) carried out his responsibilities  Announcements (Morning meeting or
after the LE and state wherein the house meeting)
 Bans A repeated breach to the cardinal rules
necessitates a general meeting. Such issue
BANS should be discussed with the community to
 Bans are sanctions to members who point out to the violator the negative effect
commit repeatedly infractions or the behavior had on the community. Such
violation to the cardinal rules by offense includes sexual acting-out with a
prohibiting, disallowing or limiting an fellow resident, taking drugs and engaging in
activity or affiliation to a group. physical fight with another resident. Other
 It somehow curtails some freedom of facilities include stealing or even smoking as
movement and association. This part of the cardinal rules. These behaviors
sanction causes unpleasant feelings pose a threat to the community because they
which people try to avoid hence may violate the established order and safety of the
evoke behavioral changes in the facility.
future. It must be applied consistently
after the adverse behavior to PROCEDURE IN A GENERAL MEETING:
emphasize the negative  A general meeting is called and led by
consequences. a senior member of the staff, usually
 Privileges limited should have impact the director of the facility. The extent
but must not limit individual ability to of the problem is assessed to
meet personal hygiene, nutritional determine who among the community
and emotional needs. A resident members are involved in the incident.
subjected to Bans must be first  The director sets the tone of the
processed in a general meeting called meeting and leads the community in
for the purpose. an open expression of opinions and
feelings regarding the offense brought
EXAMPLES OF BANS out into the community. He holds the
 Regulation of visiting privilege community accountable for the slip of

 Banned from attending its members as each is considered his

entertainment and recreational “brother’s keeper”.


 The director opens the floor for on how freely one expresses them but more
feedbacks, inviting the community for so on the person’s ability to identify,
self-reflection and accountability. The acknowledge, and express them
formation of the general meeting is appropriately.
shown in figure 4.
EXPULSION Counseling is defined as a
In extreme cases, when a resident is professional activity of helping individuals,
incorrigible and become a threat to the groups or communities enhance or restore
community (instigator, initiator of jail their capacity for psychological, emotional
disturbances), the Director with the and social functioning and creating an
recommendation of the Disciplinary board environment favorable for the attainment of
may transfer him/her to the nearest jail these goals.
facility with an appropriate court order.

Residents who are detained are PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS AND
basically psychologically and emotionally CHARACTERISTICS OF COUNSELING
challenged. They share one thing in common,
that is being incarcerated with uncertainties
as to the outcome of their individual cases.
They feel isolated, helpless and at times
hopeless brought about by separation from
their loved ones and society in general and all
other issues that confront them while
incarcerated. Such emotional turmoil needs
to be addressed to help them bounce back
and experience a life of normalcy despite
their unique situation. The TCMP provides
activities and services that cater to this
particular need. This topic tackles the
discussion on the therapeutic value of
processing of feelings which does not only lie
 Empathy is the ability to not offering advice or cheap
perceive the client’s feelings comfort. The counselor shows
and to demonstrate accurate his utmost respect to the
perception of the client. It is client by listening in silence
merely “putting oneself in the and giving him the
client’s shoes”. When the opportunity to design his own
client feels understood a sense solutions to the problem. A
of trust or “rapport” is similar term for this is
developed. Rapport paves the “empowerment” as the
way to a more meaningful counselor likewise
communication and may demonstrates that he values
enable the client to the integrity of the client.
understand and accept more  Congruence or genuineness
of his o her complexity of is being honest and authentic
feelings. in dealing with the client. It is
 Warmth is also called showing real concern rather
“unconditional positive than focusing on techniques
regard”. It involves accepting during sessions. It also being
and caring about the client as aware of the counselor’s own
a person, regardless of any unmet needs and how it may
evaluation or prejudices on affect his relationship with the
the client’s behavior or client.
thoughts. It is most often  Confidentiality means that
conveyed through our non- anything discussed during
verbal or bodily gestures. counseling sessions is held
 Respect is our belief in the absolutely private and not to
client’s ability to make be discussed anywhere. This
appropriate decisions and contract should be held sacred
deal appropriately with his or sa as to maintain the clients
her life situation, when given a trust and enable him to
safe and supportive disclose sensitive matters to
environment in which to do the counselor without fear of
so. It is often showed best by any breach of confidentiality.
The group participants in peer confrontation
group are selected by the staff and group
ONE TO ONE COUNSELLING/ INDIVIDUAL according to peers like adult members will go
COUNSELLING the same date of entry in the facility and t he
1. Individual counselling is a same goes with the middle and young
helping tool between resident members.
and counselor .
2. The counselor uses different
techniques ad methods in
counselling. SECRETS
3. The resident discusses Secrets are a group activity where
different issue which cause participants are given the opportunity to
her difficulty. unload emotional baggage and thus
4. Follow p session will be done experience freedom from internal
depending upon the needs of psychological conflict.
the resident.
5. The length of the session ENCOUNTER GROUPS
6. will determine the progress of The “Safety valve” within the community
the resident. which is high pressured and structured. It is
a forum for members of the community to
GROUP COUNSELLLING verbaly express pent – up or negative
emotions within the structured and safe
STATIC GROUP environment without resorting violence or
A Permanent group of peers and leaders that aggression and without fear of reprisal.
meet regularly while the residents are in
treatment.It is a sort of a “home “ group who EXTENDED GROUP
provides support for one another and to the The extended groups ( Probe marathon ) are
new members of the community. This is usually composed of 5-12 residents and is
designed to provide a forum of self being facilitated by 2 highly trained members
expression and disclosure


1. Business Office Department
2. Expediting Team
3. Kitchen Department
4. Maintenance and Landscaping
5. Housekeeping Department
6. Laundry Department

1. Director
2. Assistant Director
3. Counsellor




1. Rug making
2. Wood carving
3. Flower making
4. Massage Therap
5. Artistry
6. Automotive
7. Tailoring – Dressmaking
8. Shell craft

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