Ias TP

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1. Open web browser and go to the official website of STI, www.sti.edu.

2. Answer the following items.

a. Identify and describe two (2) authentication processes or features being implemented on
the website. (2 items x 5 points)
Note: Do not limit yourself to the list of authentication methods in 08 Handout 1. You may
cite other authentication process or feature.
- The first authentication was getting the email address correct.
- The second is getting the password right.

b. Are these authentication processes or features important? Why or why not? (5 points)
- Yes, it is important because carelessly giving this information/authentications to
someone you do not know will result to your grades and credentials getting ruined or
worst got lost.

c. Are these authentication processes or features enough to secure the website? Why or why
not? (5 points)
- It is not enough, because I can easily access my classmates account with just knowing
their student number. Having little information about them I did actually open one of my
classmate’s elms without them knowing it.

d. What other authentication process or feature would you suggest to reinforce the security of
the website? Rationalize your answer. (5 points)
- I suggest an email notification if your account was logged in to another device and a
recovery question to confirm if the person that is trying to change your password is the
actual owner of the account.

e. In your perspective, does the website follow the golden rules of netiquette? Justify your
answer. (5 points)
- Yes, communication between professor to students under this website follows the
professional manner that every user needs to be.

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