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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS NOVEMBER 2002 GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level ‘Universrry of Camaripce Local Examinations Syndicate Paget of5 Mark Scheme Syllabus | Paper ‘A Level Examinations ~ November 2002 9702 6 Option A 1 @) allow 4 — 15 minutes . BI ) allow 2-8 years BI [i] © allow 50 k~ 150k years y (Ifall else fails allow 1 mark for units of minutes, years and k years) 2@) relative motion between source and observer .... wavelength appears longer OR colour shifts towards red (due to) receding source B) 0) all wavelengths are shifted . BI so UV becomes visible or visible becomes IR BL [2] altemative: line gives a reference (1) 0 that shift can be measured (1) © e.g. light pollution : absorption irregular refraction ete any three, 1 each .... . BB 3] 3 @) Hy = 1/(4.1 x10") = 24x 10s? cl a= 3x 24x 10NY} / {8 x mx 6.67 x 10 y cl = 106x10% kgm. cl idea of divide density by 1.66 x 10" a » . Cl number density = 6.4. 15] (b) (mention of dark matter limit of observable Universe BI (allow alternatives to max 2) i expansion will come to a halt BI then collapse Bl [4] Page 2of5 Mark Scheme Syllabus | Paper] ‘A Level Examinations - November 2002 ‘9702 6 Option F 4 @) ) © 5 (a) (i) _ path taken by (a particle of) the fluid (b) (sketch: smooth lines 6 (a) @ _ friction between layers of fluid @) Gi (ii) rate of change of velocity with distance force (on body) acting upwards BL [i] pressure below object is different from pressure above (F = pA, so) force up > force down {accept gravitation as origin of pressure for | m: acts through CG of displaced fluid for 1 mark) upthrust depends on Ap = pgAh OR upthrust = weight of fluid displaced incompressible fluid OR p constant rigid object (so volume not change). (first mark may be awarded for any detail anywhere) BI tube of fluid bounded by streamlines streamlines would be crossed by the fluid : or streamlines would not be in direction of flow of fluid ..... BI approx. symmetry with closer lines at sides. - Al eddies behind the object, . increased (fluid) speed OR decreased density OR increased viscosity ....... (4) fluid in contact with sides is stationary Bl Bl normal to direction of flow of fluid BI [4] ee = (3x 10°) /(7 x 24 x 3600) = = 4.96 x 10°ms 79.0 x 10% x (4.96 x 10°) /(2.2 x 10%). = 74x 10° Pas BI Page 3of 5 Mark Scheme [ Syllabus [Paper 7 ‘A Level Examinations - November 2002 [9702 6 Option M 7 (a) sharpness: clear distinction between boundaries e.g. parallel X-ray beam / point source . . contrast: (large) differences in blackening of different regions ... BI (allow changes in colour) eg. differences in attenuation coefficient i] (b) (D max. energy of photon is 80 keV below 80 keV, continuous spectrum with sharp peaks . 2] @ Pac! - Al 2] (ii) X-rays are more penetrating so vis smaller RI 8 @) ability of eye to form focused images of objects at different distances from eye « 2] () star: power = Io + I/L (L explained) book: power = 1/0.25 + I/L (0.25 explained) change in power = 1/0.25 = 4.0D BI 9 changes in loudness perceived as AI /I loudness is log. response to intensity OR loudness/sensitivity not linearly dependent on intensity and LL. measured as 10 Ig(J/Io) but perceived loudness depends on frequency . and on the individual [5] Page 4 of 5 ‘Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Level Examinations - November 2002 9702 6 Option P 10 (a) cell: conversion (of solar energy) to electrical energy . BI panel: conversion (of solar energy) to thermal energy . Bl 2] (b) @ eg, calculator, remote road signs (ii) dc. not ac. so problems re. distribution . BI vast area of land would need to be covered OR any other relevant qualitative statement (e.g. time of day!) for | kW need about 10 m? OR for 240 V need several hundred cells in series OR any other appropriate quantitative statement [4] 11 (a) () correct direction round cycle ...(allow3 arrows) . BI (i) correct direction for both energies BL [2] (by input with two output arrows... approximately correct width for each arrow at point of division .. Al, labels e.g. input, (useful) output, losses and energy values or% . Al [3] (©) @ efficiency = (useful) output / input = 80/210 = 38% . Al (i) Eaux = (1 - T/T) BI T, cannot be OK ... BI Ty has a practical upper limit BI [5] Electric cars produce less pollution at location electrical energy has to be generated (resulting in) pollution at power station any other suitable comment e.g. pollution in cities 4] [Page Sofs Mark Scheme Syllabus | Paper I ‘A Level Examinations — November 2002 9702 6 Option T 13 (a) __ series of pulses between discrete levels . Bl [2] (b) _ numberof samples per second = 44100 x 2 = 88200 cl number of bits in 1 hour = 88200 x 16 x 3600 = 5.1 x 10" Al 22] (©) _ adv: eg. perfect regeneration possible, regeneration eliminates noise disady: extra cireuitry (ADC, DAC ete) 2) 14 (@) (area represents energy BI and some loss of light energy in the fibre BI (ii) difference in number of reflections along the fibre mean different path lengths ro () speed = 1400/(7.0 x 10°) cl. = 20x 10'ms* 7 is because this represents minimum number of reflections ...... BI so is nearest to path length of 1400 m (41 15 (a) @ allow10m- 100m ... BI Gi) allow <10m 2 (b) sky waves rely on ionospheric reflection : ionosphere changes in height, density ete BI space waves used for satellite communication not affected by ionosphere (4) (allow feasible alternatives e.g. effect of hills to max 4)

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