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Interview Based Report Writing

Topic: Malnutrition in pregnancy

Course: Community healthy nursing –II

Submitted to :Ma’am Farah Naeem

Submitted by :Group 3

Members: AzharYousaf


Fehmila Bibi

Eman Fatima

M, Hussain
The nutritional status of the mother at conception is key factor for development and growth of
fetus and maternal health ,so a healthy balanced diet is essential both before and during
pregnancy. During pregnancy, the mothers diet provides energy and nutrients to both herself and
the fetus andalso for future lactation.unfulfillment or over consumption of nutrients is known as
malnutrition.Majority of womens in their pregnancy suffer from undernutrition due to several
According to the National Nutritional Survey of Pakistan 2011, 50% of pregnant country are
anemic, 46% had vitamin A deficiency, while 47% and 68% were zinc and vitamin D deficiency
respectively.Malnutritionduring pregnancy is a big issue in developing countries that can
increase the risk of maternal and fetal mortality rate.when a women is pregnant, it is crucial for
both mother and fetus that she gets adequate nutrients .

This report is all about different aspects of malnutrition in pregnant women. We are going to
explore causes ,consequences and potential solutions to address this problem. In developing
countries there are several causes includes poverty, lack of access to nutritious food, inadequate
health acre, poor sanitation and hygiene, limited education and awareness about nutrition.All
these factors can contribute to vicious cycle of malnutrition.
Malnutrition during pregnancy can have significant consequences for both the fetus and the
mother.For the fetus, can lead to stunted growth, low birth weight, and an increased risk of
developmental issues. It can also impact the babys immune system, making them more
susceptible to infections and diseases. As for mother, malnutrition during pregnancy can increase
risk of complication such as anemia, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. It can also affect the
mothers overall health and well being, making her more vulnerable to infectious and other health

Selection of the topic

Topic is assigned to us by our course faculty to do the research on as a graded assignment of the
course. After going research articles and literature, we came to know the significance of this
diseases. We discovered a venue of exploration. This topic is relevant and important. It affects a
significant portion of population, primarily women. This topic provided us a golden opportunity
to learn about issues related to MCH. Studying about malnutrition helps us understand why it
happens, what happens because of it, and how we can stop it. By learning more about this issue,
we can work on better ways to prevent and fix it. This is also important on a global scale, fitting
with goals set by organizations like the United Nations to make the world better. This report
aims to show how malnutrition impacts everyone and how we can make things better for people
around the world
Significance of malnutraition in pregnancy in term of country
Maternal malnutrition is a significant concern in developing countries, especially of the South
Asian region. More than half of all women of reproductive age weigh less than 45 kg in this
region. Every year, more than 3.5 million women in developing countries die as a result of
undernutrition. Moreover, half of the world’s undernourished women are found in three
developing countries including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Pakistan faces staggering rates
of malnutrition, with the country bearing the second-highest burden of neonatal mortality in the
world. Maternal malnutrition has been identified as a serious issue in Pakistan. Well-nourished
women have the potential to actively contribute to their communities, while healthy infants and
children, born to well-nourished mothers, are more likely to reach their full physical and
cognitive potential and positively influence social and economic development.
Low socioeconomic status can increase the risk of unhealthy pregnancy results. In Pakistan
malnutrition is a leading factor affecting health of pregnant females along fetus and is one of
main cause of high maternal morbidity and mortality. One child out of four is victim of
malnutrition here.

Application to the nursing field

Literature review

Sr.No Questionnaire Yes No

1 Do you think your nutrition need fulfill during 40% 60%


2 Do you know about malnutrition in pregnancy? 60% 40%

3 Do you think malnutrition is a common 75% 25%

issue in pregnancy
4 Do you know about the nutritional needs for
pregnant women?
5 Are you aware of the causes of malnutrition 60% 40%

during pregnancy?

6 Do you face any economic challenges to maintain 70% 30%

nutritious diet during pregnancy?

7 Do you have easy access to fresh and nutritious 45% 55%

food in your community?

8 Are there any cultural or religious factors that 25% 75%

affect your dietary habits?

9 Do you have any food restrictions or any medical 25% 75%

condition that affect your nutrition? Do you have

any food restrictions or any medical condition
that affect your nutrition?

10 Have you noticed any significant changes in your 90% 10%

weight during pregnancy?

11 Are you experience fatigue or illness? 90% 10%

12 Do you notice any changes in your skin such as 83% 17%

dryness paleness or bruising?

13 Have you noticed any unusual swelling in your 65% 35%

hands face or legs?

14 Have you ever discussed your concerns or 50% 50%

symptoms with your healthcare provider?

15 Do you think dietary modifications help to reduce 19% 81%


16 Do you know essential nutrients and their rich 40% 50%

resources required for body?

17 Do you agree that improved hygiene and 25% 75%

sanitation condition are essential to prevent

malnutrition by reducing the risk of infection?

18 Do you have access to clean and safe drinking 15% 80%


19 Are you aware of any educational resources or 10% 90%

programs that provide information on

malnutrition in pregnancy?

20 Do you want to add something? 45% 55%

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