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‘CORRIGI Replies to pre-bid queries Tender Reference No. : RS No. PEDA/KUSUM-6/2023-24/39 RFS Document far Empanciment at Vendors far Design, Manutacture, Supply, Transport, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Off Grid Solar Photovoltaic Water Purnping Systems {SPWPS} of different capacities (HP) In Punjab State, including complete system warranty and its repair and maintenance for 5 Years under Component-8 of PM-KUSUM scheme of MNRE [PHS No. PEDA/KUSUIM-8/2023-24/39) 5 Page| Clauseto. | Existing Clause PEDAs No. No. response a [ar frags [a7 “LF adders Fave to apply for Minrnury “Tender term shall prevail No. 1000 Numbars ef SP¥’Pumps, Bids fess than 1000 numbers of Pumps wil be | rejected. 2 |S [Page [Le 1B The quantity of solor pumps bided wm | Tender term shal prevail Bidder have to quote tor all 20000 Nos. of SV Pumps Bids, Pumps, it would be consideres that bidder Tender term shall prevail No.1 tuidelnebythe PEDA ofical IMINRE should be provided by the bidder. within 3 days fram date of complaint received/ informed to the vendor. a RS Page [ete T& tach pumping system shouldbe afied | Request todeletei ‘As the display board/rame piste Wo. i with PEDA and NABARD logo. 3 [wes [rage [a2 3.2 Installation and Commissioning No.1 ‘Adational Point issuance af notice to praceed — workoier, 6 [RS [Pape Se Vendors will have to submit installation | d, Vendors wil have to submit 2Gieand installation veport wil be fio. 12 reports on weekly hasisand Monthy basis | installation reports online [ven in physical form; however, ta PEDA ‘rough Emall/web portal on reports canbesubinitted an weelly esis and Monthiy ‘through Email on weekly and basis to PEDA Monthy basis to PEDA. Ll _ — 7 fae [BL i. Wendor should submit the prescribed | U Vendor should submit the the | Prescibed cerifcate saparately No, 12 certificate and photographs of each SPWPS Installed which must show complete installation setup along with | instaiedoniine antywhich | only (either through Emai/web: | with prescribed certifestes of beneficiary pump number etc ‘mst show complete prtal/mobile application) | each SPS installed which rmust instalation cotup along with show complete installation setup beneficiary pimp number ote. slang with beneficiary pure wba etc in digital form. {* rs [Page [3.25 | The selected vendors shall take all Requestto delete it, “Applicable where ever is No, 12 necessary permits, approvals and required | Icenaas, insurance ste, provide taining. and such other items and services required to carpletethe scape of work | | mentioned above, a a] RFS [Page /3ab jb. Any compart ragistered | b. Any complaint veystered /| should be within 3worting | Tender term shall prevail | no. 13 ogistered service calls received shauld be ays submit the FIR/FR document to vendor within 07 days teem the date of incidence ta get Vendors will mandatonly provide CME for a period of 5 years from the date of commissioning of the systerns including insurance coverage for the installed systems against natural calamities and theft. Cac will include inspection by ‘Vendor at least once in a quarter and submission of quarterly inspection report ‘of the installed pumps as per prescribed format. Selected Vendor shall provide a copy of valid insurance certificate of SPWPS:to the beneficiary and tame shall be renewed every year. The vendor shall get the amount of standard deduction from the farmer/ beneficiary ‘based on claim approval trom insurance company, Tn case of Insurance claim settlement, there i always an ‘standard deduction of minimum Rs. 8000 1 10000 from the aim amount by insurance companies and which always varies in percentage of lain amount among the insurance ‘service providers. It i our request to alow to collect the same from the beneficiary based on iniuranne elaim approval, ‘V2 Bank Guarantee) against Earns Depesit (ena) 414 Bidder shal submit Eornest Maney in the form of Bank h the bid and subi the original Bank Guarantee at PEDA head office Chandigarh before the last date and time ‘fixed for submission of the bids. The BG should be submitted in the prescribed format (Format 7.34) on nonudicial stamp paper of Rs. 300/-. EMD validity to be extended by another 15 months priar to 15 days to expiry. In ease of failure, it may lead to encashment of EMD & blacklisting of Firm/Members for period of S years from the date of issue of notice of blacklisting. The Bank Guarantees towards EMD mast be issued in the name of the Bidding Company! lead Member of Bidding Consortium, In the event of encashment of EMD, the encashed _amount shall include al applicable taxes, Eamest Money Deposit (EMD) sper the GM dated 2nd February, 2022 sued by Procurement Policy Division, Dept. Of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance; tt is requested. to kindly consider insurance Surety | Bond also as part of EMD/Bd Security. (The OM is attached for reference.) Sa ae |e 2 bark Guoramtee/ ogunct Eamest | Pease pravide he onk | Request to provide whe Sank | WamciPunls® Gnevay Not Money Deposit (EMD) Details Details fer preparation for Bank | Development Agency SGuorantee or insurance Surety | Bark Kure: HDFC Bank ond, nd, Ac No; 502.00210970490 ‘aoe | ee Sper eames ree | a Sieg Saeecemaee ena the work order value/ contract So, thetender term should prevail Format 7.3C wt a wail period up to (8 Including) the date as on 24 months from placement of award by PEDA. Valiaity af existing CPG, In case the vendors doesn’t renew/extend the existing P8G at-least 30 | as doys in advance. a4 [mes [Page [13 11 Performance Bank Guaraate= (PEG) ‘Consider performance security | Tenderterme should prevail No.7 | Performance 2s Insurance Surety fond Bank Guarantee KCopy of OM dated 02.02.2022 (Pes) ‘Attached] 15 [RES | Page | Ad Payment | 14 Payment Terms ‘Once the AMS data for one Stage 1, 90% of the value oF PEDA head office, complete in all respact | cartiteste, price into the bid also, hots | Terms Stage-tt Balance 10% on campletion of /— the monthly installation | week i already checked and | numbers of SWS installed ‘one month from date of completion comoleted and 100%. GST | confirmed for 90% payment along withthe 100% GST value certificate. Amount. then S0:days AMS data isnot | based on required for batance 10% Rest wil remain as per the Note: Stage I: Balance 10% on | payment. tender. ‘= Payment shail be made to vendor after | completion nf one month from: ar submistion of three capies of invaices to the date of compietion | tt shalllnad to increase the \w ‘pies af invoices to Engineer~ deems ft prior toreleaser of any payment, + If the Invoices are incomplete in any Techorge complete in all respects. theol The bidder has ta submit original of following documents __ offline. ie ae ‘Generel | New Bidder rwst do the bling! | Wahall prove the tax tosvaie | GST willbe applicableasper Suegestion woicing fram the Punjab | govt and already alowed in| GST ules. state oriy with tocal 65". | previous cemralied tencers of a Put-kusum scheme. a [RAS [rage | aad {e) Row-submission of eovvec, valid and | te should be deleted ‘ease delete thes point “Tender term shall prevail No.2 ‘operative Pass-Phrases for both Techical nd Financial Bid (Price 8G) Parts aftor the deadline of 8id Submission, and befarethe commencement of the Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) of Techno- Commercial Bid is RS | Page| 18a 15.1 Documents fo be Submitted Offline [key pro ig 1. id processing Tee deposited No, 22 (in Original) through 196 mode only The bidder has to submit original of following documents offine. Please providethedetatéfor 00 | 2, Bank detail regarding i. DD or NEFYATGS details towards Bid towards Sid Processing Fee in| epost of EMD through BG the Favour © whom. and| te a3 under; Payable at where nn Bonk acount etal Please alse share the details for the Bank Grarantee towards : EMD to be Address te WHOM an 49 [RAS] Page | 19.2 (il) Itshould be deleted Please delete this paint because | Deleted No. 22 ii Pass-phrases for Techno-commercial | and Financial bids submitted on the E- procurement portal. 3a [RS | Pape | atlcke | No. of Projects bid Yar Deleted to, 23 \ Ti [RS | Page| sehen Buns No.23 [RS [Page| sticker Deiter No. 23 2 |S | Page | Techni elated gl No.24 | bid (Fest Document. Envelope} a Please provide the same or . Delete it. Ba |RFS | Page | Financial Please Clarify thats ‘Gly covering leer Format 7.1 No.24 | tid As on E-Procurement Portal | te be uploaded along with OMIT. {Second Financial bid (Seeoncl, there is Envelope} i Covering letter as per Format 7.1 ofthe RS | 1. Duly signed and stamped strictly as per price bid Formet 7.16 ofthe RES. "Tender term shall prevall Insurance can wt be excluded | Price to be quoted should be fiom the system price Price ta_| Inclusive of insurance ete. The quote should be inclusive of | prices quoted by the fim shall be Term "ete" should be deleted [Term ett should be deleted, | Tonderterm shall prevail Replacement of the system. (SWPS} ill be done after the acceptance of claim by Page | a7 oa No.2? | Acdnsurance Insurance agency/company Insurance claim and shall be responsible to tn case of Theft, the farmer bring the Insurance claim to a final ‘should fll and submit the Fik 10 vendors within 7 days of Incidence, In case of insurance claim We | in case of insurance claim | Tender term shall prevail Page requestfor addition as below: | settiement, there &s always 3 7 No.2? | A. insurance The vendor shall get the | Rs, 8000 to 10000 from the amountot standard deduction | claims amount by insurance from the farmer/benefeiary | corpanies and which always ‘based on claim approval from varies in percentage of claim Insurance company. amount among the brsurance service providers, it is ur request to allow to Voge | 30 “BOStatutory Compllance/ Certifieation — ‘ele required te ba signed by No.29 regarding Cyber Security Preduets Statutory Auditor or Cost Auditor A cenificate a6 per format 7.25 is to be ‘of the Comporry along with UDIN su No. offered isrequired along with UDIN No. Statutory Auditor or Cost Auditor of the Company. Please in case of mishondling or | MNRE, SO! guidelines will be {ntogrator inline to MNRE's OM. NV between two manufacturer (or two system Inteprators is not allowed in PM-Lusum Scheme Guideline. 30 | ROS | Page | aa "| 3 Warranty and Maintenance Request to add as Note: No. 29 tampered by the beneficiary, | epplicable were required. ‘Add 9s Note inthis dave: the system wlll nt be covered beneficiary the systern will not | in warrantee for the individsal be covered im worraniee for | system and should a follow the individual system, the OMI tstred by MRE dated a7.33.2022 “Sr [RS [Fase |S] SeBecharation oftecal Contena in the given fora at 72 the | itis reqiired to be signed by No.2 | Oedlaration cption at signing of 2 practicing | statutory Aucitar of Cost Ausitor eftocal | Biddershal sbmit a certificate stating the cost accountant or practicing | ofthe Company ar trom a cortent | percentage of loca! content ac per the chartered accountant 1s. not | procticigg cost accountant of format 7.12 of R13 Document. The mentioned Droctcig chartered accountant certificate shall be from the statutory along wth UDIN No auditor or cost auditor of the company [in The declaration of local content: case of companies) or from a practicing Must be supported == by ‘cost accountant or practicing chartered Certificate of “Class Local respect of suppliers other 5) giving the percentage of mandatory te mention the 03 centalisec tenders of a PA-kusum Scheme. 32 35 Roles and Responsibilities of PEDA. ‘tis requested to add foflowings | Tender term shal prevail points: 2) Ensure the timely payment to USUM Scheme Component. [aa Re Prone [B62 inthe cave ofa Consortium / Toit W mist be betweon any | NANRE GOI Gudelnes wil Wo. 32 Venture manufacturer apd system | prevail. Ia No. 35 No. 32 SPV pumps need to fulfil the tunaver requiementin multiple af >. 15 Crore per Ful ocd hlbnnts ok one cof SPV pumps teey intend to For example, Blogers ng for 1500 Ro,<.0f SPY pasmps Al the pamticpating bidders ‘must have an eel opoortunty for-every tender contin. tt requested to keep the Bidders average ennual turnover keeping the view of 20000 solar pumpsonly. Tender term shall prevall vendor, -1 bidder (From elause 42.1) wil Minimurn 25% of the total ‘Broject (20000 No. of SPV Pumps) or the bidders quoted capacity whichever is lower. Remaining capacity will be allocated among other bidder) bidders after reviewing their capability to complete the work. Kindly teler the Office Memorandum issued by MNRE dated 19.08.2019, ‘Ab per PMLEUSUM Scheme ‘guideline, the program has to be implemented under Market Mode only. In this Scheme nly farmers have the right to select the vendor far which they give thelr So, it is our request to please revise the same and amend as per the MIRE Guieietines, Tender term shail prevail 23 42.3 PEDA resorves the right for the variation of allocated SWPs quantity, ‘Since there i no quantity Tender term shall preva BO Vaoul T ‘nother Vendor, wha has matched the price ay [ARS | Page | Particularof | v) TAN No. CST no, | TAN no isnot applicable Oniy | PAN and GST is to be provided by a Wo.47 | the Bidder GST Certificate with GST the Bldter. Fogistration in Punjab State is So [RE] Page| Format 70 | Format 7.0 The aprocutenend pertalal | Gnky Eaal Shoetta be uploaded io. 78 FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF FINANCIAL Purjab onty allows the: BID Uploading of excel shes of We [are [Powe | Forman | Format 72 Tanature (Snory Auaor is rewired ta Be tgned by No. 82 DECLARATION FOR THELOCAL CONTENT | or Cost Statutory Auditor or Cast Auditor or) . ‘ofthe Company along with UOIN No AO [WS | Page | Format Faz | Format 7.42 No. 82 DECLARATION FOR THE LOCAL CONTENT Tender ir shal prevail have Class} Local Supplier certificated issued by statuary | n auditors isequred whe dgredby |“, Statutory Auditor or Cost Auditor | | ofthe Compary along with upin | mentioned. Kindly eon, if | Ho i Wi [RFS | Page No. 85 |1(1oy/ 2017-CLESMt, 02.07.18 is required along with UCIN Na. a2 [WE | Page | Format 7.16 | Fornot Fie Pease daly, wore tis Price Bid Performa in excel sheet ‘Ne 86 FORMAT FOR SUBREISSION OF PRICE BiD format wit be uploaded, is required tobe uploaded rly svn hall femain vail for a period of 24 months from the date of Price lds undo 5 RES non a [ae [ee [peice | PRCE AID SEED Tequesta dete Ld ol novae | soweoute irene habe a used for enteris scanned pdf documents in | Financial bid part and this price ir bia format as seanned uploaded on the portal) document cannot be uploaded in technics’ Bid park. We ole request to pleaie ask ae eT RT Sr re | mamama | ol = Tecan sie rer ot Some en Sone oe _ oe SWS | Page No | GauseNe.20 | Bic Pricing fees ing. No. 16, Clause No. 10, Fees deposited through PG 16 made only. | ead mernber should meet ‘technical aualfying criteria a7 | RES | Page No | Clause The Bank Guarantees towards EMD: must | The Bonk Guarantees towards 16 Not2a be sued in the name of the Bidding | EMD may be Ssued in the name of the any Member of | Bidding Consortium. ey Rest wil remain same. ie a tas rags | ema 0 days accurate Stage Balance I0R on sh a performance data of SFWPS completion of one month from through RMS on State SEDM date of cormpletian certificate ppartal and contrat portat of Note: PMKUSUM, May be + Payment shall bemade amended to 30 éays tovendor after submission of three copies of imoices to PEDA head ofice, complete in all 1. respect slong with 30 days performance data of SPWPS through RIMS | 1 ‘on State SEDM portal and central portal accorave porformance data of of PM-RUSUM, 'SPWPS through RMS.on State SEDM portal and central portal of Pua KUM, Page | Clawene. Kindly clarify, W258 of total "Cause 0.42.2 has been nog? | a2 project wil beawarded to 11, amended to = thon upta what Xiquoted For each line item, the qualified bidder price for the wors wall Bidldersather than the L1 be awarded, Bidcertd will be given a period of the 2 price. tn tomatch Sh matching sha fed to PEDA only ‘through email, The 7-ay period shall commence fram tne date on Pumps} oF the bidders quoted capacity Which ever is lower. Remaining capacity wit be allocated among the other bidders after reviewing their capability to complete the ‘available purmps in that category work. (as per the demand of the bidders after reviewing their ‘capability to complete the werk. Note: The total no. of the pumps bbided bythe bidder will be considered as equally divided in allthe categories for which the bidder hus applied for. fy

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