Culinary Test Exam 3

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Culinary Arts Test

This examination consists of two sections:

I. Multiple Choice
Answer all 50 questions. This section is worth 75% of the final grade.

II. Short Answer

Answer 10 out of 15 questions. This section is worth 25% of the final grade.
Time: You will have one hour and forty minutes to complete the examination.

a. Please use black ink for all your answers.
b. Make sure to write your name in the top right corner of EACH page in the answer booklet.
c. If you need extra room to write your answers, ask the proctor for supplementary answer sheets.
d. The passing grade is 70%. In the case of a failed or illegible examination, you may retake
the examination after waiting six months.

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Culinary Arts Test

Examination Rules
Please read the following rules before starting your examination:

1. You may not have anything with you while you take the exam (including books,
cell phones, keys, food, etc.). Please make sure all cell phones are turned off.
2. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have received the correct
examination and the corresponding CD, if applicable.
3. Write your full name in the top right corner of EVERY page in the answer booklet.
4. Use black ink for all your answers. If you are taking an exam at a TTI testing site,
you must use the black pen provided.
5. If you have any questions or need help, do not leave your seat. Please raise your
hand and a proctor will come to you. When you have finished your exam, do
NOT leave your seat; raise your hand and a proctor will come to you.
6. You may not talk or communicate with anyone other than the proctor. If you
communicate with anyone other than the proctor, you will fail the examination.
7. You may not leave the room until you hand in your exam.
8. All exams must be handed in within the time limit. When the proctor announces
the end of the session, failure to hand in your exam will invalidate it.
9. All papers, including test questions and scrap paper, must be handed in to the
proctor upon completion of the exam.
10. If you are taking an exam through TTI services, a transcript will automatically be
sent to the college of your choice after the exam is graded.

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Culinary Arts Test

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Answer all of the following 50 questions. For each question, select the best answer
out of the four choices. Mark the corresponding letter, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’ (in capitals) in the
answer grid on page 2 of your answer booklet.
NOTE: Answer ALL of the questions that follow. For each question, select ONE best answer
out of the four options.

1. Which of the following is not a part of a knife?

a. Stirrup
b. Tang
c. Rivet
d. Bolster

2. Which of the following is an example of a common knife cutting edge?

a. Hollow-ground edge
b. Round edge
c. Square edge
d. None of the above

3. A utility knife is used for:

a. Trimming fruits and vegetables
b. Light cutting, slicing, and peeling
c. Cutting through large cuts of raw meat
d. None of the above

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Culinary Arts Test

4. Which knife is used to separate raw meat from the bone?

a. Paring knife
b. Scimitar
c. Boning knife
d. None of the above

5. Julienne and Battonet are examples of:

a. Slicing
b. Chopping and mincing
c. Precision cuts
d. Decorative cuts

6. Which knives are used to produce a decorative cut?

a. Paring or tournee
b. Scimitar or santoku
c. Utility or filleting
d. None of the above

7. To give a knife an edge, use a:

a. Whetstone
b. Steel
c. Honing tool
d. Different knife

8. Honing refers to the process of:

a. Giving a knife an edge
b. Straightening the knife’s edge
c. Smoothing out irregularities
d. All of the above

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Culinary Arts Test

9. Smallware refers to:

a. Anything in the kitchen that weighs less than 1 lb.
b. Miniature silverware
c. Knives that are used both commercially and in individual homes
d. None of the above

10. The following materials are among the most common material used for pots and pans:
a. Copper and cast iron
b. Stainless steel and steel
c. Aluminum and non stick coatings
d. All of the above

11. Which of the following is NOT included in stovetop cooking-ware?

a. Braising pan
b. Saucepan
c. Wok
d. Fish poacher

12. Which of the following is NOT included in oven cooking-ware?

a. Saucepan
b. Braising pan
c. Roasting pan
d. Gratin dish

13. Standardized recipes always include:

a. Yield, ingredients, method, equipment
b. Title, yield, ingredients, method
c. Title, ingredients, HACCP, method
d. Yield, ingredients, recipe category, method

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Culinary Arts Test

14. In reading a recipe, PRN stands for:

a. Preview, reason, note
b. Pressing ingredients, reason, note
c. Preview, read, note
d. Proper equipment, read, note

15. Recipe ingredients are listed according to:

a. Count
b. Volume
c. Weight
d. All of the above

16. The tare weight is:

a. The weight of the food by itself
b. The weight of the container holding the food
c. The weight of the food and container combined
d. None of the above

17. To scale a recipe, use the RCF and:

a. Add that amount to each ingredient
b. Subtract that amount from each ingredient
c. Divide each ingredient by that amount
d. Multiply each ingredient by that amount

18. A purchase unit describes:

a. How much the entire dish costs
b. The way the dish is presented when purchased
c. The way the ingredient is sold
d. All of the above

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Culinary Arts Test

19. The purchase quantity is:

a. The amount you need to purchase for a recipe
b. The amount of the main ingredient
c. The number of times one ingredient was purchased
d. None of the above

20. Which of the following is one of the ways to describe a taste:

a. Sweet
b. Umami
c. Bitter
d. All of the above

21. The first experience of food usually uses the sense of:
a. Smell
b. Taste
c. Sight
d. Touch

22. When selecting herbs, check for:

a. Good color
b. Shape
c. How it sounds when rubbed against one’s hand
d. None of the above

23. Store fresh herbs in:

a. The refrigerator
b. A dry storage area
c. Near a window
d. None of the above

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Culinary Arts Test

24. Once cut, fresh herbs:

a. Lose some flavor
b. Have an enhanced flavor
c. Die
d. Fresh herbs should not be cut.

25. Which statement is true?

a. Fresh herbs generally have a more intense flavor than dried herbs.
b. Dried herbs generally have a more intense flavor than fresh herbs.
c. Fresh and dried herbs generally both have an intense flavor.
d. Fresh and dried herbs generally both don’t have much flavor.

26. Which statement is false?

a. Spices are added in large amounts to give foods a specific flavor.
b. Spices are the seeds, bark, roots, stalks, or fruits of a wide range of plants.
c. Spice blends are made by combining a variety of spices (and herbs).
d. Spices are added in small amounts to give foods a specific flavor.

27. Mirepoix is a:
a. Kind of knife used for cutting meats
b. Mixture of herbs and spices used for soups
c. Chef ’s hat
d. Combination of vegetables used as an aromatic flavoring ingredient

28. A condiment is:

a. Served on the side and added by the individual diner
b. Used as an ingredient in preparation of the food
c. Used to season and flavor foods
d. All of the above

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29. Which of the following is NOT true about nuts?

a. Nuts are the fruit of various trees.
b. Nuts can be used to produce butter.
c. Nuts are best stored in hot, light storage areas.
d. All of the above

30. MSG is a kind of:

a. Spice
b. Seasoning
c. Herb
d. Nut

31. Doing the right thing at the right time is called:

a. Work sequencing
b. Work simplification
c. Workflow
d. None of the above

32. Which is NOT an example of a portioning tool?

a. Ladle
b. Scale
c. Fork
d. Spoon

33. Anise, cilantro and marjoram are examples of:

a. Herbs
b. Spices
c. Nuts
d. Seeds

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Culinary Arts Test

34. Peppercorn, fennel, and sumac are examples of:

a. Herbs
b. Spices
c. Nuts
d. Seeds

35. The temperature danger zone is:

a. 41-135 oF
b. 50-110 oF
c. 32-135 oF
d. 41-210 oF

36. Hot foods should be at least:

a. 100 oF
b. 135 oF
c. 150 oF
d. 210 oF

37. Cold foods should be below:

a. 65 oF
b. 41 oF
c. 32 oF
d. 0 oF

38. Frozen foods should be below:

a. 32 oF
b. 50 oF
c. 0 oF
d. 10 oF

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Culinary Arts Test

39. When food is cooked, what are the four changes that take place?
a. Color, texture, flavor, size
b. Texture, flavor, size, nutritional value
c. Color, texture, flavor, nutritional value
d. Texture, flavor, nutritional value, sound

40. Carry over cooking refers to:

a. The temperature change when moved from an oven to a serving piece
b. Food continuing to cook after being removed from the cooking source
c. How many foods can be cooked off of one heat source
d. None of the above

41. Which of the following is NOT an example of a dry heat cooking method?
a. Grilling
b. Sauteeing
c. Poaching
d. Broiling

42. When food is cooked by hot air trapped inside an oven, this is called:
a. Broiling
b. Roasting
c. Grilling
d. None of the above

43. Which of the following is NOT an example of a moist heat cooking method?
a. Steaming
b. Poaching
c. Boiling
d. Broiling

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44. Fork tender refers to:

a. Food that is rotten
b. Food that is parcooked
c. Food that is done to the point of falling apart
d. Food that is too hot to touch with a fork

45. The garde manger is:

a. The person responsible for cold food preparation
b. The person responsible for all employees in the kitchen
c. The person responsible for kitchen safety
d. The biggest pot used to roast meat

46. A mixture of uniform consistency made with ingredients that do not otherwise combine
is called:
a. An emulsion
b. A dip
c. A mirepoix
d. None of the above

47. Which of the following is NOT true about vinaigrettes?

a. They are used to dress salads.
b. They are made by combining oil and vinegar.
c. The ingredients do not ever mix together.
d. The ingredients bind together.

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48. A salad that is arranged artfully is called a:

a. Main salad
b. Composed salad
c. Dessert salad
d. None of the above

49. Which of the following is a basic type of salad greens?

a. Spicy greens
b. Sour greens
c. Sweet greens
d. None of the above

50. Every fruit has a:

a. Hard peel
b. Seed
c. Green color
d. All of the above

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II. Short Answer Questions

Directions: Answer TEN of the FIFTEEN questions that follow. Only one sentence is needed
for your response. All answers should be written on your answer sheet.
NOTE: This section is worth 25% of the final grade.

1. What is OSHA?

2. What are various kinds of work lines? Name at least four.

3. Explain the difference between mixers and blenders.

4. Describe the four ways to use a guiding hand.

5. List the basic parts of a knife.

6. What are four basic types of cuts?

7. Name the five categories of handtools and two examples of each.

8. What are three ways flavor can be changed?

9. Name five kinds of herbs.

10. Name five kinds of spices.

11. Name five kinds of nuts.

12. What are four basic types of seasoning ingredients?

13. What is a cuisine?

14. Describe the difference between grilling and broiling.

15. List the six categories of salad. Which four other types of ingredients should be considered
when constructing salad?

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Culinary Arts Test

—Answer Booklet—

Name: _____________________________ Date:______________________________

Last Four Digits of

Signature:___________________________ Your Social Security #:_________________

Please read and sign to indicate your acceptance of the following statements.
I hereby commit myself not to divulge or repeat any of the contents of this test in any form
whatsoever to any other individual.
I am aware that illegible exams will not be graded, and no money will be refunded against the
cost incurred in preparing for and taking such exams.

Signature: _______________________

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Culinary Arts Test NAME:

I. Multiple Choice

Write your answers to the multiple choice questions in the appropriate boxes of the answer grid
below (in capitals).

1 11 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42
3 13 23 33 43
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6 16 26 36 46
7 17 27 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49
10 20 30 40 50

II. Short Answer Questions

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

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Culinary Arts Test NAME:

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________________________

10. ______________________________________________________________________

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Culinary Arts Test NAME:

11. ______________________________________________________________________

12. ______________________________________________________________________

13. ______________________________________________________________________

14. ______________________________________________________________________

15. ______________________________________________________________________

For office use only:

Evaluator: Date:
Signature: Final Grade:

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