Dialog Completion Test

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Language Use

Dialog Completion

Direction: Read the dialogs and choose the expression that BEST completes each missing part.

Dialog 1: At Jack’s house ----62----

Jack: Hi Pam. Glad that you could come.

Pam: Hi Jack. Nice to see you again. ____1____

Jack: Pretty good. How about you?

Pam: ____2____ I’ve been working like a slave since last month.

Jack: ____3____ I think you should get some rest. Let’s go to Ben’s Café, shall we?

Pam: ____4____, but I have to submit my project the day after tomorrow. ____5____

Jack: All right, just let me know when you are free.

1. 1. Do I look nice?

2. How’s it going?

3. Was the traffic very heavy?

4. What do you think?

5. How do you like this dress?

2. 1. Very busy.

2. I don’t remember.

3. I love my job.

4. Nothing to do.

5. I look OK.

3. 1. How lucky!

2. Look at me.

3. Have some tea.

4. Make yourself at home.

5. You poor thing!

4. 1. Actually

2. Certainly

3. I’d love to

4. Yes, of course

5. Never mind

5. 1. I’m not sure.

2. How come you missed it?

3. You’re very kind.

4. Maybe next time.

5. How nice you are!

Dialog 2: At a job interview ----62----

Interviewer: Good morning. Are you David Scotts? ____6____

David: Good morning. Thank you.

Interviewer: ____7____

David: I just got my Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the University of Toronto last June.

Interviewer: ____8____

David: Well, when I was a student, I worked part time as a sales person at ABC Company

last summer.

Interviewer: I see. ____9____

David: I have a positive attitude, communication skills and a good service mind.

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

David: ____10____, I hope to be promoted to a managerial position.

6. 1. You’re welcome.

2. Show me the way.

3. Please have a seat.

4. Nice to see you again.

5. Good that you’ve applied.

7. 1. Who are you?

2. What should you do?

3. Are you David Scotts?

4. Where did you grow up?

5. Could you tell me briefly about yourself?

8. 1. How do you like this company?

2. When can you start work?

3. Did you come here alone?

4. What is your work experience?

5. Could you recommend something more?

9. 1. What is your motivation?

2. What is your future plan?

3. What are your strengths?

4. What is your opinion about the job?

5. What do you plan to do on your job?

10. 1. Not really

2. Frankly speaking

3. Absolutely correct

4. Completely agree

5. Unfortunately wrong
Dialog 3: At the international night party for exchange students ----61----

Kim: Hi, I'm Park Jun Hye from Korea.

Sandra: ____1____ My name's Sandra Smith. I come from Australia. ____2____

Kim: Well, yes. Twice. I have a cousin who lives in Brisbane. I like it a lot. ____3____

Sandra: Sydney in New South Wales.

Kim: I see. You know, I plan to visit Sydney this December. ____4____

Sandra: Sure. You should visit the Harbor Bridge, the Opera House, the sandy beaches, and the vineyards.

Kim: ____5____

1. 1. Long time no see.

2. Glad to meet you.

3. Very well, thank you.

4. Haven't seen you in ages.

5. Nice that you are all right.

2. 1. Do you like Australia?

2. Will you visit Australia?

3. Have you ever been to Australia?

4. Do you know anyone in Brisbane?

5. Does your cousin live in Brisbane?

3. 1. Where is Sydney?

2. Were you born in Sydney?

3. Is Sydney in New South Wales?

4. Do you know where Sydney is?

5. Where in Australia are you from?

4. 1. What's the weather like in Sydney?

2. Is it difficult to travel around in Sydney?

3. What are the tourist attractions in Sydney?

4. Do you mind giving me your address in Sydney?

5. Could you recommend some places for sightseeing?

5. 1. Have you ever seen that before?

2. Oh, that's very reasonable.

3. Are they far from here?

4. Thank you for the information.

5. I'm very happy to hear from you.

Dialog 2: At a restaurant ----61----

Waiter: Good evening. _____6_____

Diner: Yes, a table for five under the name Jane.

Waiter: Fine. _____7_____. Here's your table for five in the garden.

Diner: Wow, lovely. _____8_____

Waiter: Our restaurant is famous for seafood. _____9_____

Diner: Yes, please. Two grilled lobsters and three grilled salmon steaks.

Waiter: Two grilled lobsters and three grilled salmon steaks. _____10_____

Diner: Just water with ice.

6. 1. Can you sit, please?

2. What is your seat number?

3. Do you have a reservation?

4. Why don't you reserve a table?

5. Would you please send me your order?

7. 1. You're welcome.

2. I will talk to the chef.

3. You look very hungry.

4. Come this way, please.

5. Let me bring you the menu.

8. 1. What is today's appetizer?

2. Do you have a smoking area?

3. Is there a band in the garden?

4. What is the restaurant's specialty?

5. Is this the most popular restaurant in town?

9. 1. What did you order?

2. When will you order?

3. Do you want me to order?

4. Are you ready to start now?

5. Would you like to order now?

10. 1. Do you drink water?

2. What would you like to drink?

3. Can you sit down and wait?

4. Which do you prefer?

5. Is that all you eat?

Dialog 1: At a canteen, Surasak is talking to Jane, an exchange student from Canada. ----60----

Surasak: Hi, is this seat free?

Jane: Yes, of course. Please have a seat.

Surasak: Thanks._____1_____.

Jane: Oh yes, very hot but nice. I quite like it. It's freezing in Canada where I come from.

_____2_____, my name is Jane. I'm an exchange student and it's my first day at school.

Surasak: _____3_____. I'm Surasak. I'm a student here. Welcome to school._____4_____.

Jane: Yes, it is. I still have a lot to learn here.

Surasak: I see. _____5_____.

Jane: I hope so too. Thanks.

1. 1. How is it going?

2. Hot day, isn't it?

3. What about Bangkok?

4. You like this school, don't you?

5. Why do you like hot weather?

2. 1. Actually

2. Excuse me

3. By the way

4. Sorry to interrupt

5. As far as I'm concerned

3. 1. Nice to meet you.

2. The pleasure is mine.

3. Haven't seen you lately.

4. I'm fine, thank you.

5. It's wonderful to meet you again in Thailand.

4. 1. Do you have a host family yet?

2. Can you teach me to speak English?

3. Have you visited any places in Thailand?

4. Is it your first time in Thailand?

5. Was it difficult to get to Thailand?

5. 1. It was nice talking to you.

2. Learning Thai is difficult.

3. Please have a safe journey around the country.

4. I'm sure you will have a lot of assignments at school.

5. I hope you enjoy your stay in Thailand.

Dialog 2: Paul sees his friend, Andy, sitting on a bench under a tree. ----60----

Paul: Hi Andy. _____6_____.

Andy: I've got a terrible headache. I went to bed very late last night.

Paul: _____7_____.

Andy: I should be fine soon. Actually, _____8_____ playing computer games. I just couldn’t stop.

Paul: Oh no, Andy. You shouldn't spend too much time staring at the computer screen. ___9__

Andy: Yeah, I know. It also affects my grades.

Paul: _____10_____. Don’t let the games control you.

6. 1. It's nice to see you. Where have you been?

2. Glad to meet you. Would you like to go now?

3. You don't look well. What's the matter?

4. How about you? I'm so sorry you are ill.

5. What have you done? Why do you have a headache?

7. 1. Neither did I.

2. Really? I didn't either.

3. Well, that's quite all right.

4. Yes, of course, I can help you.

5. You shouldn't go to bed so late.

8. 1. I had to cancel

2. I planned on

3. I dreamed about

4. I hurt my fingers

5. I stayed up all night

9. 1. Take your time.

2. It’s bad for your health.

3. You need to have a check-up.

4. A new pair of glasses will help.

5. I think computer games can be improved.

10. 1. Certainly, you didn't like it at all.

2. Actually, it's nobody's fault.

3. You'd better stop now.

4. You shouldn't tell your parents about it.

5. Students should spend their time playing games.

Dialog 1 ----59----

Situation: Jim, a high school student, is at the library of the University of Ohio to get a book for his assignment.

Librarian: Hello. What can I do for you?

Jim: _____1_____. Er ... it's a history book about China.

Librarian: ______2______.

Jim: Yes, it's China in the Han Dynasty. ______3______.

Librarian: Of course. We have two copies on the top shelf there. ______4______.

Jim: All right. Well, I'm not a student here. Can I check out the book?

Librarian: ______5______. But you can ask a friend studying at this university to borrow it for you.

1. 1. I like history books.

2. Do you see any books about China here?

3. Are there any Chinese books around?

4. Have you got an interesting book?

5. I'm looking for a book.

2. 1. Are you studying history?

2. Have you got the title?

3. Which books have you read?

4. Haven't you seen the book?

5. What is the best title to read?

3. 1. Where could I get the book?

2. You shouldn't have this title here.

3. Have you ever had a Chinese book?

4. I wonder if it's available here.

5. I suppose you've read about that.

4. 1. Why don't you take a look?

2. Would you like to read all these books here?

3. Any other books that you want?

4. How many books are you looking for?

5. How about the books on those shelves?

5. 1. Why can't you?

2. I'm afraid that's not possible.

3. I don't think that's a good idea.

4. Do you suppose you can?

5. Sorry, I don't like that idea.

Dialog 2: -----59----

Situation: Sue is moving into a new apartment. Now she is asking the clerk for the key to her room.

Sue: Hello. My name is Susan Clayton. I'm moving in today. _____6_____.

Clerk: Good afternoon, Ms. Clayton. I'll show you to your room. _____7_____.

Sue: That's very kind of you.

Clerk: _____8_____. Er ... Ms. Clayton, may I remind you not to hang clothes on the balcony?

Sue: _____9_____.

Clerk: I'm afraid not. I hope you'll enjoy staying here._____10_____.

Sue: Thank you.

6. 1. I do want to go to my room now.

2. Did you get the key for the room?

3. May I have the key to my room, please?

4. Can't you give me my room key now?

5. I should have my key now, you know.

7. 1. Do you bring along your things?

2. Will you take your things to your room?

3. Don't forget to take all of your things.

4. Won't you take all your things with you?

5. Let me give you a hand with your things.

8. 1. This might be the right room- Room 645.

2. Here we are- Room 645.

3. Should this room be yours?

4. Make sure it's Room 645.

5. How did you find this room?

9. 1. Oh, can't I?

2. Are you sure?

3. What's wrong?

4. Oh, how come?

5. Why not?

10. 1. Shall we meet again?

2. What more do you need?

3. If you need anything, just ring 005.

4. I'll do everything for you. Please ring 005.

5. Want me to visit you some time?

Dialog 1 ----58----

Situation: It is 11 p.m. Kim observes a burglary and she telephones Princeton Police Station.

Police Officer: Princeton. Police Station.

Kim: I. . .I .. er.. want to report a burglary.

Police Officer: Yes. ______1______

Kim: It's happening at my next-door neighbor's house.

Police Officer: Yes. ______2______

Kim: Oh .. oh .. yes. It's on Sixth Street in Princeton.

Police Officer: ______3______

Kim: No, no. Sixth Street.

Police Officer: And ______4______

Kim: It's 22. The house is one block away from your station.

Police Officer: I see. ______5______. Don't let the burglar see you watching him.

Kim: No, I won't.

1. 1. What! 2. Where is it?

3. Is that true? 4. No kidding!

5. How would you see it?

2. 1. When did you see that?

2. Where did you watch it?

3. Could you describe him?

4. Can you be more specific?

5. What's your neighborhood?

3. 1. What's the address?

2. Do you live in this area?

3. Did you say Fifth Street?

4. Can you repeat that please?

5. Have you lived on Fifth Street long?

4. 1. is that the right house number?

2. what's the house number?

3. where' s the scene?

4. where did they live?

5. do you live there?

5. 1. See you later.

2. Until we meet again.

3. We'll visit you soon.

4. We'll call you again then.

5. We' 11 be there right away.

Dialog 2 ----58----

Situation: Rose is complaining to Mike, her colleague, that her notebook is not functioning.

Rose: Oh, no. Not again.

Mike: ______6______

Rose: My notebook is not working properly. I can't print out my data.

Mike: ______7______

Rose: Of course I have.

Mike: _______8_______ Have you switched the printer on?

Rose: Yes, I have. I always have problems with my notebook.

Mike: ______9______

Rose: Please. I'm really fed up with this machine. ______10______

Mike: Hang on. Your notebook is okay. The problem is with the printer.

6. 1. How is it?

2. How come?

3. What's wrong?

4. What about that?

5. Why did you say so?

7. 1. Did you lose your data?

2. Do you know how to use it?

3. Did you use the right printer?

4. Have you seen the new printer?

5. Have you connected it to the printer?

8. 1. How old is it?

2. How was the printer?

3. How long have you got it?

4. What about the printer?

5. Where was your printer?

9. 1. Let's look after it.

2. What if I look after it?

3. Must I look at it?

4. Let me have a look at it.

5. Perhaps I may take a look.

10. 1. What should I buy?

2. Can we get rid of it?

3. I want to get rid of it.

4. Shall we buy another one?

5. May I buy a new one?

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