NL December 2023

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Spirit of Christmas is in the air...

Message from the President

Club News

Christmas Bazaar
Children’s Christmas Party

Meet the Artist
Gourmet Club

Upcoming events, Contributions
and Contacts
Message from the President

Dear DSG members,

This December month has been no less busy with DSG
events/activities while some of us are also planning our
Christmas and new year break!

The first part of the season has ended well, and DSG was
able to offer to its membership various activities organised
and arranged by our interest Group Leaders, and specific
events organised by the Committee!
Thanks to our volunteers of committee members and group leaders for their dedication,
commitment, and hard work in planning, arranging and organising activities for our
members. A lot of effort and time goes into organising each one of these individual
activities, therefore, I do hope you avail of these opportunities.

DSG concluded a successful first ever DSG Kids Christmas Bazaar, despite the bad weather
and rain held outdoors, and the DSG Kids Christmas Party on 14th December!!!
For the Bazaar a total of 124 visitors attended during the two hour period (69 adults of
which 48 were DSG members, 21 visitors from Embassies plus 55 children). For the Party we
had 96 DSG members with families participating (45 adults and 51 children).

Thanks to Ambassador of Switzerland, Nadine Lozano and Committee Member Tadeo

Lozano for opening the Swiss Residence to the DSG families for both the events, to
residence staff for their assistance through-out the event, and to parents who contributed
food and drinks to the Christmas Party table.

The 26 registered DSG children vendors took the Bazaar initiative seriously and worked
hard to make their wares, actively sold their goods, and were willing to part with some of
their earnings to make the donations towards UNICEF’s program on children with
disabilities. The donation amounting to 217,825,000 Million Rials was handed over to Dr.
Robin Nandy, UNICEF Representative at the event. The children vendors deserve to be
lauded for their enterprising skills, and for their generosity!
All of this wouldn’t have been possible without all the pre-activities, thanks to all the
volunteers: Sora Ikebe (DSG Children’s Club Coordinator/KidsVenture Group Leader) for
planning, organizing and leading the pre-activities including ornament and wreath
making, Susana Sanchez Guiterezz (DSG Treasurer) and Cynthia Rodriguez for piñata
making sessions, Nevena Crvenkovska for making Christmas cards, Tereza Kuzmova for
icing decoration on gingerbread cookies, and other parents who assisted in various
activities: Silvia Stellini, Irina Iordan, Saida Kushkaliyeva (Club Coordinator), Olena

Thank you to all our DSG members and parent members, and visitors from Embassies who
participated in the bazaar and spent generously, giving further validity to the efforts kids
had put into this bazaar!

I would like to especially thank all our committee members who worked behind the scenes
from inception of this event and at the scene: Sora Ikebe, Susana Sanchez Guiterezz, Saida
Kushkaliyeva, Tadeo Lozano, Remko Vonk (DSG Vice President), Maja Hunjak Stula (DSG
Secretary), and a very special thank you from DSG to Vladimir Stula, Embassy of Croatia
who tirelessly assisted us in the background on the event day!

I, along with the Committee Members, would like to take this opportunity to convey our
best wishes to those who observe Christmas - may we remember to raise our glasses and
toast family and friends regardless of where they are..
We would also like to extend our best wishes for the coming year and to another year of
wonderful adventures that DSG has to offer to its members.

Warmest holiday greetings..

Bindhya Priesner
DSG President
Maja Hunjak Štula
A memorable four-day adventure in Yerevan, Armenia

From November 23rd to 26th, our group of four embarked on an adventure to Yerevan,
capital city and heart of Armenia, experiencing the warmth, history and charm that it offered
over the course of three nights stay.

Day 1 - Arrival, and a taste of Yerevan

The adventure began with a short (only 1.5-hour flight) to Yerevan, landing in a city that
would soon capture our hearts due to numerous reasons. Our accommodation, a lovely hotel
with French touch and nestled in the city center, served as the perfect base for our
exploration. Eager to immediately dive into the local atmosphere, we found ourselves at a
charming dinner spot at a local restaurant in the city centre, savouring delicious cuisine
paired with delicious beers (which definitely helped in overcoming much colder
temperatures then in Tehran on that day).

Day 2 - A full-day tour of Yerevan’s treasures

A full-day city tour with a van (an offer from the hotel) awaited us on the second day!
Accompanied with a knowledgeable guide, we were able to discover many important
historical and economical monuments/buildings, such as the iconic Mother Armenia statue,
Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex, the vibrant Armenian market of dry fruit where we
were able to taste delicious local cheese, processed meat and amazing sweets, historical tour
around Republic Square, and the renowned Ararat Brandy Factory. The tour throughout
brandy factory itself included brandy tasting, featuring three distinct varieties and certainly
added a delightful touch to the day. The “grand finale” of this day unfolded at a traditional
Armenian restaurant where we indulged in a feast of local flavors while being mesmerized
by traditional dancing and singing!!
Day 3 - Independent Exploration and Nightlife
The third day was dedicated to individual exploration!
With the freedom to set our own pace, we delved into the National History Museum,
exploring the rich tapestry of Armenia’s past. The afternoon led us to the magnificent
Cascade, a monumental art complex offering panoramic views of the city. After enjoying
lunch in yet another local restaurant, we indulged in a bit of local shopping for lovely
souvenirs, beautiful handmade jewellery. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we
embraced a “party” side of Yerevan, immersing ourselves in the city’s nightlife dancing in a
club, that added a contemporary twist to our cultural journey.

Day 4 - Farewell to Yerevan

As our adventure was closing to an end, we embarked on a leisurely city walk, absorbing the
final moments of Yerevan’s charm. The blend of ancient history, vibrant culture, and warm
hospitality will make us return, and hopefully next time we have more time to explore other
cities and beautiful places in Armenia.

In conclusion, our four-day escapade to Yerevan was a perfect blend of history, culture and
modern vibes. The city’s welcoming atmosphere, warm and friendly people, its historic
landmarks, cultural treasures, and lively spirit proved to be a destination that we’re looking
forward to return to and would definitely recommend!

Club Events & Plans

Maja Hunjak Štula
Embassy of Croatia
A Magical DSG Christmas Kids Party and Enchanting
Bazaar Experience at Swiss Residence!

On 14th December at the Swiss Residence, we had the pleasure of organizing and attending two
enchanting and festive events for DSG members and wider diplomatic community in Tehran –
Christmas Kids Bazaar and Christmas Kids Party! From the moment my husband and I stepped
into the venue, adorned with holiday cheer, the festive spirit was palpable despite inconvenient
rainy weather.

The Christmas Kids Bazaar started from 4pm onwards in the outdoor space of the residence and
it welcomed more than 150 registered members of the diplomatic community. Young vendors
(children of DSG members) sold their hand-made products completed during the pre-ceding
weeks, where some the DSG members volunteered and held series of several workshops. The
array of handmade crafts and delicious treats showcased the talents of these young
entrepreneurs. It was not just a creative marketplace; it was a celebration of youthful
imagination and innovation together with shared generosity, as children donated some of their
earnings to UNICEF’s program on children with disabilities!

Christmas Kids Party followed immediately after the Baazar, which welcomed an impressive
number of 95 DSG adults and kids, and was a joyous spectacle filled with laughter, smiles, and an
abundance of festive activities! The party itself had rich agenda for both kids and adults while
enjoying delicious international food and drinks that each participant of the party brought as
part of the potluck. Children showcased their lovely voices while singing Christmas carols with a
pianist accompanying the singing. The highlight of the party was undoubtedly the visit from
Santa Claus himself! Children’s excitement as they eagerly awaited to receive their present from
Santa (generous personalised bookstore gift card) was heart-melting. Santa’s presence, coupled
with festive decorations, cheerful music, created a magical ambiance that transported everyone
to festive mood.

Bad rainy weather didn’t stop these events from being a great success. The preparation process
included many stakeholders and many pre-activities to ensure that every aspect are catered to
both children and adults alike, and the execution was impressive.
Big thank you and big applause to every stakeholder included in the organization and hosting of
these events, it was a true teamwork! The flow of activities, warmth of the volunteers, and the
overall sense of community made this Christmas Kids Party and Bazaar an unforgettable
experience. It was a celebration of the true holiday spirit – a time for joy, togetherness, and the
magic that comes with it!
DSG Kids Christmas pictures!
Christmas Party at the Swiss Residence
Explorers Club
Nevena Crvenkovska
Embassy of Greece

Niavaran Palace visit 0n 4th December!

This time with the DSG Explorers group we had the opportunity to visit the main palace of
Reza Pahlavi.
First we visited the main hall where the prince held all the celebrations. We enjoyed seeing
all the amazing furniture, which was mostly in French style. Afterwards, we visited the
rooms of all the royal family members, and the amazing collection of paintings.
It was an unforgettable experience!
We finished our tour with a traditional pistachio or barley and mushroom soup in the
lovely Mestooran restaurant, close to the Palace area.

Thank you Maja for organizing this trip. I can’t wait for the next adventure!
Meet the Artist

Another unforgettable visit, which enabled the members from Meet the Artist group to
visit the studio of Artist Habib Farajabadi, who is well known for his abstract art and has
exhibited in Iran (Etemad Gallery) and abroad; Dubai, Berlin, Brisbane, New York, Abu
Dhabi, Geneva, Basel.

Some moments from the day captured by our very own Photographer, Tadeo Lozano!
Gourmet Club

This month, the Gourmet Club members made an excursion to visit the Asian Market
downtown on Azodi street (No. 37) on 11th December. I have been living in Tehran for more
than two years and yet I didn't manage to visit this market.
Thanks to Azizah Osman, Gourmet Club Group leader for organising this trip. It is always
fun to discover a place in a group, and there was much laughter and fun in identifying /
suddenly re-discovering items that back home was taken for granted.
Admittedly, prices were not cheap but one could find many Asian ingredients, spices,
sauces, variety of noodles, Asian condiments, rice and more. I am usually transporting
some of the essentials (in my kitchen) in my suitcase therefore, it was a delight to find them
in this market.
Azizah had arranged a table for members at Vesal Cafe, round the corner from the Asian
Market where some of us enjoyed our breakfast and coffee before exploring the market
All in all a fun day, happy shopping, followed by Asian Food week at home (for me atleast)!
Children’s Club:
Pre-Christmas Bazaar activities

Christmas Cookies
Icing Workshop
on 10th December

Piñata Workshop on 30th November and 7th December

Children’s Club
Pre-Christmas activities

Cookie-Making workshop on 4th December

Christmas Cards Making Workshop on 7th December

Other club activities completed in December!

1. Pre-Christmas Bazaar activities: Wood slice ornament making on 3rd

December and Wreath making workshop on 10th December at Sora
Ikebe’s home.
2. Hiking club : 5th December (Tuesday) Palangchal resort, 12th - cancelled!
3. BabyGroup: Planned to meet on 5th but was cancelled due to illness.
4. Book Club: Planned to meet on 6th but was cancelled due to other
5. Yoga: 3rd, 10th - cancelled , 17th - cancelled due to too few signups. Restart
on January 14th.
Newsletter Contributors

Bindhya Priesner // Maja Hunjak Stula //

Nevena Crvenkovska //

Contact Information
If you have any questions, inquiries,
ideas, recommendations, please contact

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