Missioners Experience in Luo Nyanza Cultural and The Response by The

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Missionary societies referred to Africans as a “Fallen Man” that needs to be awaken from
sleep and that were primitive, old fashion infusion them buy suspension. The sleeping
giant. That Euro- Christian thought to be absolute no recognizing the African heritage
hence “stopnote”.
That African (luo) to abandon their cultural religions heritage to adopt the new way of
life , forsaking their values that is their food, instruments such like the drums, orutu, etc,
dances like “ Dudu” as outdated satanic reach assures.
The shrine worship at “Got Ramos”, that they don’t have a God or a religion and tened
Africans as a “dark content” that needs a savior hence resistance, as allowed by James
one that they cannot execute Africans thereby concluded that only the black, (Luo) can
realistically and effectively define their “religious experience” the luo maintain their
The missioners reached Luo Nyanza after an attitude change having gone through
reflection of all kind at the coast and show plain. This now various societies came out
scrambling for the area that is sphere of influence fight for mission center whereby
several by Adective the southern part of Nyanza church missionary society around
Nyanza and others moved to other various places Ronex Culture decided to adopt some
of the cultural trait hence had a great influence within the area.
The Ronex Culture societies had the misconception that they are the only dedication with
salvation and that protest a religion of worldiness this resulted in the negative result
leaving the “African” wadeny
Ogutu and Gem-Origin growth of the Ronex Culture church in western Kenya 1895-19-
12(PHD thesis-UON 1951)
Missioners societies had referred to Africa as the “fallen man” that he need to be
“awaken” that is referred to as “primitive” old fashion a kind of what was experienced
between the Jews and Gentiles, the tax collection emphasize to the look Africa as a
“black content” or a sleeping giant to be the missionary awaken, item, being the savior.
The Africans were pagans, that Africans should and must abadon their Africans shrine,
custom, rights etc, entirely to assimilate Christianity in order to see light, they termed
traditional drums Nyasi, Owalo as satanic food, instruments to imitate item in their
lifestyle. They were not sensitive in the African worldview that Africa had a religion and
a supreme being god a way of worship hence the “Got Ramogi”. The dict realized that
today Africans had a system of serving their God and the ancestors.
This brought a fight back by Africans schools that like James cone that missionary and
western theolosia cannot articulate African theology that only the blacks can realistically
and effectively define their religion experience for they had a lot of misconception about
the African misiology, They did not understood the:
1. Galatians 2:1-2, Luke 18:9-14
2. Roland olives The missionary in exit Africa (langer London 1912 pg 9)
3. Mugambi JKN Africa Christian theology techenan London 1989 p 14

Work of Evangelization between the essence of the Gospel and the cultural adaptation of
presentation of new christian life which were at western origin. They were of negative
attitude so in turn the Africans respond with the new life and of resistance of force, the
convert were “halfcast” in nature, haif Africa half church.
The second misconception was held by the Ronex Culture society as found in the thesis
by Gilbert Ogutu they refer to themselves as the only denomination with salvation and
that protestial in Uganda as a religion world wild.

The mission reached the luo leaving after the missionary led recliged what to do and the
change of attitude whereby adaptation and accultractur happened so it’s not as before.
Many societies emerges and scramble for the region structure.
Ogutu Gem – Origin and growth of the Ronex Culture church in western Kenya
1895-1952(PHD thesis University of NAIROBI 1951) PG 73

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