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Rhythm Rate Rhythm P waves PR QRS QT Treatment Notes:


NSR 60-100 60 -100 regular regular normal 120-200 60 - 120 360-440 none

Sinus Node Arrhythmias

S Arrhythmia 60 -100 60 - 100 irregular irregular normal normal normal rate dependant no treatment if asymptomatic; normally occurs
atropine/epi or pacer to with respirations;
maintain HR if symptomatic; may be caused by
dopamine if low BP digoxin toxicity

SB <60 <60 regular regular normal normal normal rate dependant no treatment if asymptomatic;
remove cause; hold or d/c
meds; atropine/epi; dopamine
if low BP ;pacer

ST 100 - 150 100 - 150 regular regular normal normal normal rate dependant no treatment if asymptomatic;
shortens with remove cause ;rate reduction
increased HR meds without knowing cause
not advised; if cause known
and patient symptomatic may
use beta blockers or Ca
channel blockers to decrease

Sinus arrest or may be may be regular with regular with normal except normal if P normal when rate usually none - find underlying
pause <60 <60 pauses pauses no P with present present dependant; cause; d/c med if related;
pause normal when atropine/epi or pacer if
present prolonged

SSS may show: SB, sinus irregular with irregular with variations with varies with normal varies with no treatment if asymptomatic;
arrest , SA block, sinus pauses sinus pauses rhythm rhythm rhythm correct underlying cause;
sinus pause, atrial and abrupt and abrupt changes atropine/epi/pacer
tachycardia with slow rate changes rate changes symptomatic bradycardia;
ventricular response, antiarrhythmics (ß
tachy-brady blockers/digoxin) for
syndrome tachyarrhythmia;
anticoagulants if A fib develops
Rhythm Rate Rhythm P waves PR QRS QT Treatment Notes:
Atrial Arrhythmias

PAC variable variable underlying underlying normal except P normal normal rate dependant assess for CHF; monitor may have PAC
wave in PAC closely blocked at AV
may be node resulting in
abnormally P wave but no
shaped and may QRS; P wave
be lost in may also be lost
previous T wave in the T wave;
don't confuse a
non-conducted P
wave with a 2°
Type II block - P
waves are
regular in a 2°
Type II block - if
early it is a
blocked PAC

A flutter 250 - 350 < 180 regular regular or saw tooth pattern unmeasurable normal unable to meds to control rate/convert may present in a
irregular measure; T or synchronized 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1
distorted in cardioversion; block
flutter anticoagulation if A flutter
present for more than 48
hours; ablation

A Fib > 400 60 - 100 irregularly irregularly fibrillatory waves unmeasurable normal unable to control ventricular response:
controlled; irregular irregular measure meds; synchronized
> 100 cardioversion;
uncontrolled anticoagulation; ablation

SVT 150- 250 150 -250 regular regular regular not measureable normal not measurable vagal/CSM; meds;
adenosine; treat cause;
pace termination;
synchronized cardioversion;
Rhythm Rate Rhythm P waves PR QRS QT Treatment Notes:
Junctional Arrhythmias

PJC varies varies regular regular inverted; if before QRS < 120 normal rate dependant eliminate cause; d/c digoxin;
with with except for except for occurs eliminate or d/c caffeine
underlying underlying premature premature before,
rhythm rhythm beats beats during or
after QRS

Junctional/Nodal may/may 40 - 60 regular regular inverted in if before QRS < 120 normal rate dependant correct underlying cause;
not be leads II, III assess electrolytes; atropine
identified and aVf; if symptomatic; r/o digoxin
hidden in toxicity; pace
follows QRS

Accelerated may/may 60 - 100 regular regular inverted in if before QRS < 120 normal rate dependant assess electrolytes; r/o
Junctional/Nodal not be Leads II, III digoxin toxicity; correct
identified and aVf; underlying cause; temporary
hidden in pacing if symptomatic
follows QRS

Junctional may/may 100 - 150 regular if regular inverted in if before QRS < 120 normal rate dependant correct underlying cause;
Tachycardia not be identified Leads II, III assess electrolytes;
identified and aVf; discontinue digoxin, Ca/β
hidden in blockers slow rate (check dig
QRS; level first); vagal maneuvers;
follows QRS adenosine; synchronized
cardioversion if
compromised; temp. pace to
reset rhythm; ablation
followed by pacemaker
Rhythm Rate Rhythm P waves PR QRS QT Treatment Notes:

PVC's varies/occurs variable irregular d/t irregular as per as per as per rate dependant correct underlying cause; may have a
with any premature d/t underlying underlying underlying but prolonged discontinue medications compensated or
rhythm beats premature rhythm; no rhythm; none rhythm; wide with PVC; T that may be causing uncompensated pause;
(underlying beats P with with PVC and bizarre; > has opposite PVC's; correct electrolyte 2 in row = couplet; 3 in a
rhythm regular) (underlying PVC 120 deflection to imbalances; row = triplet/VT; every
rhythm QRS antiarrhythmic if second beat = bigeminy;
regular) warranted every 3 beat = trigeminy;
if late in the cycle it is not
a PVC rather a
ventricular escape beat

Idioventricular absent 20 - 40 not measurable regular absent not measurable > 120 rate dependant pacing; atropine or epi; may be accelerated
NO ANTIARRHYTHMICS idioventricular rhythm:
rate 41 -1 00

Monomorphic not 100 - not measurable usually not not measurable wide and not measurable What is their Goal of
VT measurable 250 regular but associated bizarre; > Care: Stable:
may be with QRS; 120 antiarrhythmic; Unstable:
slightly may be synchronized
irregular buried or cardioversion;
retrograde Pulseless: defibrillate,
code blue, CPR, ACLS

Polymorphic not 150 - not measurable irregular none not measurable cyclically twists not measurable What is their Goal of
VT(Torsades measurable 250 from + to - Care; d/c medications that
de Pointes) lengthen QT; overdrive
pacing; IV MgSO4;
cardioversion; if pulseless
- defibrillation; code blue;

VF absent fibrillating chaotic and not definable absent not measurable not measurable not measurable What is their Goal of may be coarse or fine VF
Care; defibrillate; code
blue; CPR; ACLS

Ventricular may be no if P present absent if present - absent absent absent What is their Goal of
Standstill evident activity may be regular regular or Care; code blue; CPR;
irregular ACLS, assess cause

Asystole absent absent none none absent not measurable not measurable not measurable What is their Goal of
Care; code blue; CPR;
epi/pacemaker; ACLS;
always confirm in 2 leads

PEA as per presenting rhythm What is their Goal of Causes: 5 H's and 5 T's
Care: code blue; CPR;
ACLS: assess cause
Rhythm Rate Rhythm P waves PR QRS QT Treatment Notes:
AV Blocks

1˚ HB A and V rates are equal regular regular normal > 200 normal rate observe for progression to
dependant; T more severe block; correct
may appear underlying cause
notched if P
follows closely

2˚ HB Type I Atrial > Ventricular regular irregular normal gradually normal rate dependant mentor for progression;
lengthens review meds; if V rate
until one slow/symptomatic
fails to →atropine / temp. pacing
conduct to

2˚ HB Type II 60 - 100 usually regular irregular if block normal; normal or normal; does rate dependant monitor for progression; d/c can rapidly
bradycardia intermittent; 2,3,4 P for prolonged; not always meds that slow conduction; progress to3˚ HB
range: regular if block is each QRS fixed when follow each P if V rate slow/symptomatic
½,⅓,¼ of A constant followed by →temp. pacing
rate QRS

3˚ HB 60 - 100 depends on regular regular not related PR varies: normal width rate dependant d/c meds that ↓ AV
origin of to QRS; A > no relation if conducted conduction; meds to ↑
escape V with P's to QRS from AV conduction; temp. pacing
rhythm that march node/junction;
through widened if
QRS ventricular

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