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Universidade católica de Moçambique

Instituto de educação a distância

Trabalho de campo de inglês

Unit 1- greetings and verb to be

I-Complete using am or are.

1. Where are you from.Mr. Taylor? I am from London.

2. Good morning. I am Miss Kenney, your Geography teacher,
3. How are you? Fine, thanks, and you?
4. Are you from Japan? Yes, I am.
5. How old are you? I am.

2- complete the sentences Using am, is, am not, isn’t, aren’t.

1. Peas aren’t red.

2. A football is round.
3. Crisps aren’t cheap
4. You and I aren’t friends.
5. Sunil is fifteen.
6. Pedro isn’t English.
7. Marcos and Rajiv aren’t in England.
Unit 2- Numbers and dates

III- Match the words and the numbers.

a) 1/1 1. The fifth of April

b) 5/4 2. The Seventeenth of March
c) 4/7 3. The twenty seventh of April
d) 17/3 4. The thirty first of August
e) 22/10 5. The eleventh of February
f) 31/8 6. The fourth of July
g) 11/2 7. The first of January
h) 27/4 8. The twenty second of October

Unit 4 and 5 – verb to do and the present simple

IV – write the third singular person to the following present simple verbs.

a) Study - studies
b) Run - Runs
c) Fly - Flies
d) Eat - Eats
e) Be - Is
f) Worry - Worries
g) Have - has
h) Forget - Forgets
i) Do - Does
j) Come - Comes
k) Teach - Teaches
l) Play - Plays

V – answerthese questions about yourself

1. What do you eat for breakfast?

I eat cake and coffee.

2. What do you usually drink for breakfast?

I usually drink tea.

3. What do you like doing in you free time?

In my free time I list music.

4. What do you do at the weekend?

At the weekend I play football and list music.

Unit 6- Telling the time

a) 11:15 it’s quarter past eleven

b) 12:30 it’s half past twelve
c) 9:00 it’s nine o’clock
d) 7:45 it’s quarter to eight
e) 3:50 it’s ten to four
f) 8:23 it’s twenty three past eight
g) 5:41 it’s nineteenth to six
h) 4:33 it’s twenty-seven to five

VII- write the following times in word. Use AM or PM

a) 11:00 elleven: o’clock AM

b) 06:50 six: fifty AM
c) 14:25 fourteen: twenty-five PM
d) 01:30 one: thirty AM
e) 18:54 eighteen: fifteen-four PM
f) 13:10 thirteen: ten PM
g) 07:15 seven: fifiteen AM
h) 16:37 sixteen: thirty—seven PM
i) 19:21 nineteen: twenty-one AM
j) 02:40 two: forty AM
k) 05:59 five: fifteen nine AM

Unit 8- The plural

VIII- write the plural of the following words.

a) Monkey monkeys
b) Class classes
c) Army Armies
d) Lady ladies
e) Fax faxes
f) Toothbroush toothbrushes
g) Child Children
h) Foot feet
i) Thief Thieves
j) Mouse mice
k) Tomato tomatoes
l) Scissors Scissors
m) Wife Wives

Unit 9- preposition

IX- complete the sentences with at at or in

1. Antonio works in a restaurant at Oxford

2. We live in number 32 Redland road now.
3. We had a wonderfull time in Madrid
4. We had great fun last night at Mick’s house
5. Are there any fish in this river?
6. It’s too cold to go out. I’m staying at home.
Complete with to or in

1. I’m going to the shop to buy some milk

2. Where’s Tom? He’s in the kitchen making some coffee
3. What time do you usually go to bed?
4. The train left Brussels at 7 o’clock and arrived inParis at 9:30.
5. Would you like to live in another country?

Complete with to or at

1. Will you be at home this afternoon?

2. Are you going to the part on Saturday evening?
3. I talk to some nice people at the party.
4. I went to Mary’s house but she wasn’t at home.
5. Are your children here? No, they are at school.

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