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Western Kentucky University

From the SelectedWorks of James W. Barker


Barker - Synoptic Problem handout - 2023.pdf

James W Barker

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Synoptic Problem Hypotheses James W. Barker

Augustinian Griesbach Two-Source Farrer Matthean Posteriority

Matthew Matthew Mark Q Mark Mark

Mark Luke Matthew Luke

Luke Mark Matthew Luke Luke Matthew

ca. 400 C.E. ca. 1800 ca. 1900 ca. 1950 ca. 1990

1) Did Matthew read Mark, or did Mark read Matthew?

2) Did Luke read Mark, or did Mark read Luke?
3) Did Luke read Matthew, or did Matthew read Luke?
Paralysis Healing Synopsis James W. Barker

Matthew 9:1 And getting into a boat, he crossed over Mark 2:1 And entering again into Capernaum days later, it Luke 5:17 And it happened on one of the days he also was
and came into his own city. was heard that he is in a house. 2And many people gathered teaching, and there were sitting Pharisees and Torah-teachers
so as to have no more room, not even toward the door, and who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and
he was speaking to them the word. Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was unto him to heal.
2 3 18
And look, they were carrying to him a paralyzed person And they come carrying toward him a paralyzed person And look, men carrying on a bed a person who was paralyzed,
having been put on a bed. being picked up by four [people]. 4And not being able to and they were seeking him to bring inside and put [him] before
carry [him] toward him [i.e. Jesus] because of the crowd, they him [i.e. Jesus]. 19And not finding out how they could bring him
unroofed the roof where he was, and having dug out, they let inside because of the crowd, climbing up on the house they let
down the pallet where the paralyzed person was lying. him down through the tiles with the stretcher into the middle
in front of Jesus.
5 20
And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralyzed And Jesus, seeing their faith, says to the paralyzed person, And seeing their faith he said,
person, “Have confidence, child; your sins are forgiven.” “Child, your sins are forgiven.” “Person, your sins have been forgiven you.”
3 6 21
And look, some of the scribes said to themselves, Some of the scribes were there sitting and debating in their And the scribes and the Pharisees started to debate saying,
“This person blasphemes.” hearts, 7“Why is this one talking like this? He blasphemes. “Who is this who talks blasphemies?
Who is able to forgive sins except one, God?” 8And Who is able to forgive sins except God alone?
4 22
And Jesus, seeing their thoughts, said, immediately Jesus, recognizing in his spirit that they are Jesus, recognizing their debatings, answering said toward
“Why do you think evil in your hearts? debating among themselves, says to them, “Why are you them, “Why are you debating in your hearts?
For what is easier to say: debating these things in your hearts? 9What is easier to say to 23
What is easier to say:
‘Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘Get up and walk’?” a paralyzed person: ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or to say ‘Get up ‘Your sins have been forgiven you’ or to say ‘Get up and walk
So that you can know that the Son of Man has authority and pick up your pallet and walk’? 10So that you can know around’? 24So that you can know that the Son of Man has
on the earth to forgive sins,” then he says to the that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on the authority on the earth to forgive sins,” he says to the one who
paralyzed person, “get up, pick up your bed, and depart earth,” he says to the paralyzed person, 11“I say to you, ‘Get up, has been paralyzed, “I say to you, ‘Get up and pick up your little
into your house.” pick up your pallet, and go away into your house.’” bed; proceed into your house.”
And getting up, he went away into his house. 8The 12
And he got up and immediately pickup up the pallet he 25
And suddenly standing up in front of them, having picked up
crowds, seeing, were afraid and glorified the God who went out in front of everyone so as to amaze everyone and to what he was lying on, he went away into his house glorifying
gave such authority to humans. glorify God saying, “We never saw something like this.” God. 26And everybody took stunned and glorified God and were
full of fear saying, “We saw paradoxes today.”

Cf. John 5:1–12, esp. “Rise, pick up your pallet, and walk around” (v. 8b); “… and picking up his pallet he was also walking around” (v. 9a); “pick up your pallet and walk around” (v. 11c); “pick up and walk around” (v. 12c).

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