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History of the Mathematical Sciences II Editors: B. S. Yadav, S. L. Singh FON ee ee See a eo Cea eR Tee eee organized by the Indian Society for History of Mathematics jointly with the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar during December 19-22, 2007 ‘This volume presents a collection of articles based on selected invited adresses held atthe meeting, Peers set et eet eet a een scr Re signifies the continuation from the Society’ eatlier publication History of the Mathematical Sciences, based on the proceedings of the international conference organized by the Society in Ramjas College, Delhi University, Delhi in 2001 (Editors: Ivor Grattan-Guinnes and BS. Yaday published by Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi -worldwide Aistibution by the American Mathematical Society). Contents include: eee na eon eae lution ofthe idea of abstract groups, Ming Deng, Xianfen an Selection principles: history and recent development, Ljubisa sworn Karamatas proofs of Pappus-Pascal and Desargues theorems pine aaa Artins theory of braids and algebraization of topology, B.S. Yadav Turning an algebraic identity into an infinite series, K. Mahesh, R Venketeswara Pai and K Romasubrarcanian Sar eae en ne eg eeeeenee ieee acct TeN eettere he eta ‘Toward: broadening the horizon of ancient and medieval Indian mathematical sciences, V. Madhukar Mallayya fee aes eters en eee yon nay Pee eee ee ge eee Cltural-cognitive o-evolutionary archaeological approach to Pease nats poner erent ies eet een (Chinese, and Arabic Mathematical theories of musi: the puzzle of Centenary Se eee et Ps neeten eee erect Petre es ea Pend bere erento One Cottenham, Cambridge B24 #RT, UK Sceeeeeet Te Seer eS ORDER FORM ‘ll books inthis ale are avalnble dre Please send thi for Cambridge Scientific Publishers O Box 806, Cottrkam. Cambriege C824 BRT Tolephone: +44 (0) 1954 251283 Fax 04 (0) 1954252517 Ena jane warce@eambrideccienicputlshers com (Or by direct om our sacire wens wit cambrdgercieriepublkerscom ‘Or fam ane of our dstb.trs ted below: In Mexico Levin America and Caribbean: tn Ind In the Usa Cranbury International LLC DKG Info systems Enfield Publishing & Distribution Co. 7 Clarendon Ave, Suite 2 Dipak Kumar Guha, CIA, 1158 Janakpuri 234 Mry Stret, RO. Box 699, Enfield, Montpelier VT 05602, USA [Now Delhi 11058, Inia [Now Hampshire 03748 USA Tol +8002 223 6565 Faxc+ 802 223 6824 Cellphone: +91 961 009 4052 Tol: (603) 622-7377 Fax (603) 632-5611 malt eatkin@eranburyinternationalcom Ema deginfo@airamalin or Enalnfo@enfeldbooks.com Web: www.ranburyingernational com dkginfo@grallcom ‘Web: wiewenfelzbooks.com 1» China Thailand, Malaysia, Mong Kong, rn, Vietnam, Korea Pilppines Ausra ond New Zealand KG info Systems Fac B, 1 Cheong Fok Mansions 180 Lai Chi Koe Road, Morglok Kowloon, Hong Kong Tot +852 649 14 Ema: hgifo@nenigatorcom or dkgifo®@gmaileom METHOD OF PAYMENT utd {enclose a cheque made payable to Sieeeeaa enter “Cambridge Scientific Publishers" for [—_____] kaw lease charge my eredit earé: ODIO cond eal peryeee 00 Ee Esealismarye VAT NY (EU Mem ‘Address town county country ‘Telephone Faye _____ esmait Signature ate Please fax this form to: +4 (0) 1954 252517 vrmmcarridgescntepulserscom Camerince ScientiFic PuBLisHers

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