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Member’s Notes

I. Introduction Objective:
At the end of this lesson, you
Whenever James starts a sentence with my brother, he is going to nail will be able to:
you with something personal that’s going to make you uncomfortable. 1. Discover 5 common ways
The Greek word for favoritism is a compound words that means you in which we show
receive people based on their face, you judge people by their face. favoritism.
James says don’t do that. Don’t make superficial judgment or you’ll be 2. Identify 3 problems with
sinning. showing favoritism.
3. Apply the prescription
God has given us for
This is a common disease: we treat people differently according to their overcoming favoritism.
outward appearance. In today’s passage (Jas 2:1-13), we’re going to 4. Memorize James 2:8-9.
look at the causes and cure of this disease. Let’s read this passage.

Q. Briefly describe a time when you felt unwelcome in a new

environment. What did it feel like and how did you respond?

II. The Principle: Don’t Show Favoritism

Firstly, we will look at 5 ways of how we could have shown favoritism

without even realizing it.

 Ways We Show Favoritism

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________

Describe some observations you may have or have personally

experienced people in the Young Adult Ministry showing favoritism.
11For God does not show
Rom 2:11

5Listen, my dear brothers:

Personally, have we judged people or showed favoritism in any of the Has not God chosen those
above 5 ways mentioned? Discuss. who are poor in the eyes of
the world to be rich in faith
and to inherit the kingdom he
promised those who love him?
Jas 2:5
III. Three Problems With Showing Favoritism 14The entire law is summed
James tells us that there are 3 problems to showing favoritism to people up in a single command:
at church or cell group. "Love your neighbor as
1. Favoritism is ______________________. (Rom 2:11) Gal 5:14

2. Favoritism is ______________________. (Jas 2:5)

3. Favoritism is ______________________. (Jas 2:8, Gal 5:14)

Member’s Notes
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As believers, we are all in the same family. How is favoritism

incompatible to this Christian concept?
20If anyone says, "I love
God," yet hates his brother,
he is a liar. For anyone who
does not love his brother,
whom he has seen, cannot
James points out that God has chosen those who are poor in the eyes of love God, whom he has not
the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom. What does this seen. 21And he has given us
tell you? this command: Whoever loves
God must also love his
1 Jn 4:20-21

According to 1 Jn 4:20-21 and Jas 2:9-11, how does showing favoritism

make us a lawbreaker?

7Accept one another, then,

IV. The Prescription For Overcoming Favoritism just as Christ accepted you, in
We need to treat people right by not showing favoritism. order to bring praise to God.
Rom 15:7

1. ___________________ everybody. (Rom 15:7) 3Do nothing out of selfish

ambition or vain conceit, but
in humility consider others
2. ___________________ everybody. (Phil 2:3-4) better than yourselves. 4Each
of you should look not only to
3. ___________________ everybody. (1 Thess 5:11) your own interests, but also
to the interests of others.
Phil 2:3-4
Which of these responses is the most difficult for you in overcoming
favoritism? Why? 11Therefore encourage one
another and build each other
up, just as in fact you are
1 Thess 5:11

Write down one practical step you can take this week to help others feel
God’s love and acceptance.

V. Conclusion

If we are to minister to the needs of people in our community, we must

be willing to show them unconditional love when they come to our YA
ministry. If they arrive and no one speaks to them or offers a
handshake, they are not likely to return and give us a second chance to
ignore them. A friendly face and a word of welcome might be the very
thing that encourages them to come back. Do you make it a practice to
welcome unfamiliar people to your minsitry? If not, why not? If so,

Spend a few minutes evaluating how well you are doing as a group in 8 If you really keep the royal
loving and accepting others in your cell group and in your ministry. law found in Scripture, "Love
What specific things can members of your group do to ensure that both your neighbour as yourself,"
new and current group members feel accepted, appreciated, and you are doing right. 9 But if
you show favouritism, you sin
affirmed when they are with you?
and are convicted by the law
as law-breakers.
James 2:8-9

Memorize James 2:8-9.


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