Lab 02.20.2024 For Students

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Majorant properties of average indicator:

The arithmetic average indicator can be: simple indicators and weighted ones

The harmonic average indicator can be simple indicator and weighted ones

Task 1. We have same information about the sale of goods A in the markets of Kharkov.
Market The price for The amount Revenues from Areas served by the markets, are home for:
unit, £. sales, t. sales, £.
population household(family)
A 1 2 3 4 5
Alekseevskiy 3,8 2,4 9,12 12,6 4,5
Konniy 3,4 4,1 13,94 12,56 5,8
Saltovskiy 3,5 3,9 13,65 20,46 6,2
1. Calculate the average price of the goods A in Kharkov as a whole.
=1= (3,8+3,4+3,5)/3=3,566
=1 and 2 = 3,517
=1 and 3 = 7,902
=1 and 4 = 9,397
=1 and 5 = 4,533
2. Which formulas for calculating the average values can be used to calculate the average price of the goods A in Kharkov?
3. For what purposes is each average value, which we calculated, used?
4. Make an analytical report on the situation with the prices of goods that take place in Kharkov.

Analytical report
Overestimation of the average price for a commodity which has been calculated without taking into account weight, due to a negative correlation
between the levels of prices and sales volumes in the markets
At lower prices sell more goods than at a higher price.
Overcharging for goods, the use of indirect indicators as weight gain, caused by the uneven structure of the population served by a particular market.
Thus, the proportion of the population living in the territory Alekseevskogo market is higher than the share of this market by the number of sales.
Alexeyev on the market price for the goods and the highest, and this leads to an overestimation of the average price for a commodity in the city.
The average price for the goods, calculated for a population of more than the average price for the goods, designed for families. This is explained by
differences in family structure over the territory.
This is explained by differences in family structure over the territory.
Thus, in the market which is serviced by the Horse of the population lives less than a territory, which is serviced by Alekseevskii market, and the
number of families more.
In this case, the price of goods on the market Connes least, that lowers the overall average price in the city.

Task 2. During a worker day the employees have been busy selling a good A. Working hour for the employees are 8 hours. The first
employee has been selling the goods for 12 minutes, the second employee has been selling the goods for 15, the third employee has been selling
the goods for 11, the fourth employee has been selling the goods for 16, the fifth employee has been selling the goods for 14 minutes.
Calculate the average employees’ time

Task 3. During. Determine which of the companies should be closed according to the result of its work
Company A Company B
The % of Number of The % of Number of
conducted contract employees, % conducted contract employees %
obligations obligations
Up to 94,9 2 Up to 99,9 7
95 – 99,9 5 100 – 106,9 28
100 – 104,9 22 107 – 113,9 56
105 – 109,9 54 114 and more 9
110 – 114,9 12
115 – 119,9 3
120 and more 2
Total 100 Total 100

Task 4. Information about different methods of employment evaluation at the beginning of each quarter.
Population categories Design procedure, 20121 Design procedure, 2022
Eurostat State Statistics Committee of Ukraine Eurostat State Statistics Committee of Ukraine
Economically active 22571 25593 22730 25640
population, including:
- employed 19411 24493 20223 24554
- unemployed 3160 1100 2507 1086
Define all possible types of relative values.

Task 5. there is some information about the circulating assets balance of a company by the 1 date of each month.
Date The sum of the balance
1.01 2€
1.02. 7€
1.03. 3€
1.04. 4€

Define the average company’s circulating assets balance for the first quarter.

Task 6, there is some information on the goods delivery to a shop per current month.

The dates of the delivery The cost of the goods

1.04 2€
11.04. 7€
13.04. 3€
21.04. 4€
29.04. 4€
1.05 8€
Define the average cost of goods delivery to the shop per current month.

Task 7. The increase rate of output of a company (% compared to previous year) is as follows: 2021 - 5,6; 2022 - 3,8; 2023 - 5.9. How has
the average production output changed for all this period?

Task 8. To revise the material covered with you, I have prepared a solution to one more problem. But….someone
mixed everything up….
Help to restore the sequence of solving the problem and formulate the conclusions.

There is same data on the distribution of companies according to their spending on environment protection
The spending on environment protection, £.. Up to 2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8 and more
Number of companies 20 36 50 63 45
Define the limits of variation of a factor sign in a frame (primary population) if the data was received with the help of 10% sample. It must be
defined with the probability of 0,954.
With the probability of the 0,997, define the limits of variation for the proportion of spending on environment protection which do not exceed 4£.
Explain the received results.


Σ ( x − x̄ )2 f
σ 2в = Σf =

ρ=0 , 997
Δp=t⋅μ =
∑ x i f = 1∗20+3∗36+5∗50+7∗63+ 9∗45 =
∑ f 20+36 +50+63+ 45
x −Δx ≤ x̄≤~
x + Δx
t –

0 , 1762≤ p≤0 ,3472

t =3

√ σ 2в
n (1−
N ) ,

w−Δp≤ p≤w + Δp

0 , 2617−0 , 0855≤ p≤0 , 2617+0 , 0855

ρ=0 , 954 ,
0,3228 £.
N –

√ W (1−W )
N ( )

(1−5 , 72)2∗20+(3−5 , 72)2∗36+(5−5 , 72)2∗50+(7−5 ,72)2∗63+(9−5 ,72 )2∗45

σ 2в –

Δx=t⋅μ ,


0,1614 £
6 , 19
( 1−0 ,1 )


t =2

5 , 72−, 3228≤ x̄ ≤5 ,72+0 , 3228



√ W (1−W )

5 , 4≤ x̄≤6 ,02
N ( )
√ 0 , 2617∗(1−0 ,2617 )
( 1−0 ,1 )

Δp=t⋅μ =
5,72 £

Task 9.The average monthly income of a group of managers is £1,000 with a standard deviation of £100. What is the proportion of managers
earning between £840 and £1200

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