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Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder. It is also known as manic-depresssive illness.

It causes
unmal difti mood, energy, and activity levels. It also affects the ability to carry out day-to-day
tasks. There are four basic types of bipolar disorder. All of them involve clear changes in
mood, energy, and activity levels. These moods range, from periods of extremely "up" to
"down" periods. During the "up" periods one shows energized behavior. During the down
periods he'she is very sad or hopeless. The "up" periods are known as manic episodes. The
"down" periods are known as depressive episodes. Less severe manic periods are known as
hypomanic episodes.
People with bipolar disorder experience periods of extremely intense emotion. They also
experience changes in sleep patterns and activity levels. They show unusual behaviors.
These periods are called "mood epsodes" Mood eposodes are extremely different from the
person's ordinary moods and behaviors. During the mood episodes there are extreme
changes in energy, activity, and sleep.
Sometimes a mood episode includes both manic and depressive symptoms this is called an
episode with mined features. People experiencing an episode with mixed features may feel
very sad, empty, or hopeless and extremely energured at the same time.
Bipolar disorder can be present even when the mood swings are less extreme. For example,
some people with bipolar disorder experience hypomania. It is a less severe form of mania.
During a hypomanic episode, an individual may feel very good. The person may not feel that
anything is wrong. However, family and friends may recognize the mood swings. Without
proper treatment, people with hypomania may develop severe mania or depression.
1. (SBMPTN 2022/230/78)
One of the symptoms of manic episodes is feeling...
A. Very lively
B. Extremely happy
C. Really powerful
D. Unusually strong
E. Awfully Active
Global warming is increasing day by day because there is a continuous increase in the levels
of greenhouse gases Such gases have tendency to trap heat from many sources like sun,
electricity, burning coal, burning fuels, and prevera them to go back to the atmosphere.
Thus, the collective effect of all the greenhouse gases increases temperature an earth and
gives rise to many dangerous problems. A vast increase in the temperature, sea level, and
weather panens has been very obvious in the last few decades.
All the changes are not a coincidence. It is caused by human activities and technological
advancement. A little rise and fall in the level atmospheric carbon dioxide may cause high
level significant effect on the global temperature. The continuous rise in the percentage of
atmospheric carbon dioxide is alarming us by its dangerous effect. The use of coal, oil, and
gasoline by the people of industrial civilization is giving the opportunity of a rise in carbon
dioxide emissions.
Illegal logging also increases the carbon dioxide through decreasing number of plants and
exposing soil to the sunlight. Trees are the best source to absorb CO: from the atmosphere.
What happens if we cut down the trees? This will definitely increase the level of carbon
dioxide tremendously.
The use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) in refrigerators is continuously damaging the ozone
layer. As a result, it increases the chance of heat to remain on the earth by preventing them
to escape back out to the environmental surface. Destruction of ozone layer increases the
incidence of many heath disorders and diseases such as skin cancer, respiratory disease, and
low immunity problems. Global warming is damaging seasonal crops and marine food
channel web. It has affected the weather patterns. For example, summer season has
increased and winter season has decreased.
2. (SBMPTN 2022/230/83)
Which of the following best restates the sentence "Global warming is damaging seasonal
crops and marine food channel web" in paragraph 4?
A. The effect of global warming may slightly raise the level of crops and marine resources
B. High levels of weather changes may affect the increase of crops and marine resources
C. Crops produced in different seasons and the source of food in the sea can be destroyed by
the weather changes
D. Global warming is probably enormously affecting a little rise in agricultural and marine
E. An increase in global warming probably has an effect on the crops and marine habitat

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