Poetry Book Edition 4

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Amor Omnia Vincit

Conan Patrick

This slim book of poems is dedicated

to my muse, RCS.
Love always
A Swirl of Words Surround Me

A swirl of words surrounds me

Flakes of letters all around

Falling sometimes in a flurry

Melting sometimes in thin air

So delicate - so dainty

Yet when they fall just right

So powerful and potent

Showing all their might

Syllables and consonants

Drifting up and down

Sometimes making sentences

Sometimes not a sound

Torrents of letters

Falling endlessly from up high

Punctuation everywhere

Filling up the sky

These thoughts of mine are incomplete

Still waiting to be born

Fingers, toes and other parts

Are starting to take shape

Awaiting Dr. Frankenstein to shock them into life

But do I really want to know what form that they will take?

For I am scared the body parts

Some monstrous beast will make

When moments are forever

And time drags on and on

The letters swarm inside my head

Like leaves blown in a storm

And thunder resonates in that dark space

And lightning strikes the ground

And one can never use those words

That sometimes there are found

So stimulus and stimuli

When encountered everyday

Must first be weighed and measured

Before we stumble and do fall

And tumbling down a rocky slope

Is not something I will do

Cause the only falling that interests me

Is falling in love with you

Angels and Demons

I like to be alone at night

'Cause I can't be with you

I cannot be with others

As I the demons fight

They come at me from left and right

And sometimes from behind

A constant battle I must fight

So I don't lose my mind

I lost it once before you know

I drove all day till dark

And woke up in the sugarcane

Where I my car did park

The first cross was a woman

My ego she did stroke

The second cross a number 9

Which left me broke and broke

The burden of these crosses

Was just too much to take

And in the end the demons won

And my psyche they did break

The road's been long and winding

And sometimes a steep hill

And yet I keep on finding

I am a man with will

I think we are all damaged

That's life as I have found

But somehow we have managed

Now it's second time around

Defenceless I stand before my love

My walls have long been blown

By the most amazing woman

That I have ever known

Her long blonde hair

Her greenish eyes

Her lips, fingers and TOES!

Her way of talking to your heart

Her strength, beauty and mind

These are just facts - not flattery

Not trying to be kind

She is my life - she gave me life

And I am hers forever


On my hands, I have time

On my mind, I have rhyme

But tell me - must it rhyme all the time?

Can we do it freestyle?

No more chained letters

Just raindrops of sound

Splattering all around?

But chains are hard to break

that schooling is stuck

In the crevices of my brain

Is there a way to untrain?

I reach the fourth

My resolve is firm

Two more lines...

I start to squirm
Poetic license?

Just what is that?

Did Dr. Seuss

pull it from a hat?

Can it be done?

Can I break free?

Break free, break free,

Apparently, NOT!
This Thing Called Love (apologies to Queen)

This crusty planet – so hot inside

An infant - so far to grow

Where once were tadpoles – now are men

It happened in a blink

Our time is nothing – too small to count

We are a passing show

And yet we think we own this show

Mother Nature please get on your knees

And help me out a little bit

Don’t stop me now

Just please

Why are we here?

The chorus cries

Why do we waste our time?

For we are born to die I’m told

I’m sure it’s not a lie

And in between we work so hard

Just trying to survive

More mouths to feed - more jobs to do

Why do we have a brain?

A horse will plop and run in 5

There is no need to train

The apex tribe has lost the plot

By rutting left and right

Making babies seems the only thing

That people can now do

And all the animals that once ran free

Are existing in a zoo

The time has come to build an ark

Of wood - high up a mount

Saving animals 2 by 2 is something we must do

And rain it must – for many days

Until we have lost count

So, as you see – the lights are few

It really looks quite dim

And I am not one of the nuts

That do believe in HIM

So, what - you ask- is the point

Of being here at all?

Why do we strive to keep alive?

Why do we worry and fret?

There is surely something bigger

Something worthy

That we can get

Like Mona Lisa – like Rubik’s cube

This thing I have in mind

Is mysterious and puzzling – an enigma to us all

Sometimes called emotion – sometimes called a curse

It enters surreptitiously - like a velvet - slippered nurse

Its tendrils creep across the heart

Anchored firmly and benign

Yet this plant that grows is a fickle plant for sure

It is so delicate – it is so hard – and all that’s in between

And like a cancer that has spread

Sadly has no cure

Some survivors do exist I heard

So, yes, there is some hope

That even though there is no cure - a person can survive

Not whole – granted – but yet, alive!

These people are the wounded

They keep on marching on

Like soldiers into battle – even though they have not won

They live in hope that if they fight

With each fist inside a glove

Their fighting spirit will beat

That crazy thing called love

Dark is the Night

No sleep for me this starry night

A chill creeps through my bones

My mind is dark, there is no light

I'm feeling quite alone

You are my heroin - my drug of choice

Withdrawal has kicked in

My thoughts I feel, I need to voice

To show what lies within

I've got this far, I hesitate

My thoughts are pretty bleak

So I will halt this rhyming prose

And never of them speak.


The way to You

lies clearly in my heart

and cannot be seen or known to the mind.

As my words turn to silence,

Your sweetness surrounds me.

Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my

heart, for You are everywhere.

Kytten, Kytten (With apologies to William Blake)

Kytten, Kytten asleep at night

In the desert not so bright

What Mother force I ask of thee

Could make the beauty that I do see?

Is it sacred DNA?

Is it some supreme being way?

Will we ever know for sure

How you came through that magic door?

And what body, and what mind

Could tame a monster of my kind?

On what wings I dare aspire?

Reaching out to touch the fire

And what soul, and what art

Could warm the cockles of my heart?

A warmth so strong, it's like the sun

And let's me know that you're the one

And as I lie here with my love

Our bodies fitting like a glove

I smile and glow and shed a tear

So happy that at last we're near


Morning Glory

A chink of sun creeping through the blinds

Vanilla hair all wild and glowing

Lying lifeless wrapped in sheets

Switched off
Riiiiiiinnnggg, Riiiiinnngggg, Riiiiinnngggg

She fumbles for the phone

Not wanting to wake him

Switches off

Her need for caffeine is real

He is quickly to the pot

Two cups, Facebook and brekkie before

Switched on

He brings the first in 10

She stares into her phone

The wheels are slowly turning

Inside that lovely queen

She rises slow and shuffles off

Into the bathroom goes

He knows what she is doing

And smiles with affection

No words have yet been mumbled

No eyes have opened wide

The queen must just be left alone

To do her morn routine

The second cup is ready

He lures her out of bed

Her bowl of fruit and Kelloggs

Awaits her on the counter

She sits on the verandah

Watching doves fly round and round

As the gears move into motion

And he awaits some sound

"Good morning dear" I say to her

As I kiss her on the cheek

And sit down on a chair nearby

And wait for her to speak

"Morning, bear", I hear her say

Her voice so soft and low

Have I told you yet, I love you so?

Just wanted you to know.


My Cup Runneth Over

a doctor in the house?

man or mouse?

John did pen

of mice and men

more courage I think

to lift one so small

live by the sword

and to fail is to fall

fear is the key

an old movie

all done before

quite a bore

but wait, no!

young minds

waiting to grow

into all kinds

you are a reader

you are a leader

thoughts oblique

but not unique

the cup is full

what to do?

need more bull

you do? for who?


No feeding on my mommy's tit

No pooping in my pants

No sucking on a lollipop

No chance for some romance

No Mrs. Balls

No Little Top

No swimming in the sea

No Jungle Oats

No Honey Pops

No stinging from a bee

No going to school

No being cool

No homework every day

No cleaning floors

No reading books

No going out to play

No surfing waves

No hanging out
No going to the bar

No drinking wine

No making love

No travelling wide and far

No writing poems

No making friends

No chilling by the pool

No silly fights

No arguments

No being made a fool

No loneliness

No being depressed

No drowning in despair

No darkened thoughts

No cutting flesh

Nobody there to care

No sunrises

No suntanning

No basking in the sun

No feeling good
No double gins

No being with "the one"

No massages

No waxing hair

No lazing in the bed

No coffee cups

No kitty kats

No kisses on your head

No touching skin

No sucking toes

No kisses on your mouth

No nipple tweaks

No pink petals

No licking you down south

No blushing cheeks

No golden hair

No grabbing of the bum

No doggie style

No dripping sweat

No gushing of my cum
No hot French fries

No cold baked beans

No metal tins of corn

None of this would I have known

If I was never born...

A Really Rhyming Roem

As I lie inside my bed

Your many faces in my head

A smile appears above my chin

Knowing in your dreams I'm in

I want to sleep and dream of you

'Cause if I'm in, then we'll be two

Fantasmic adventures you and I

Flying together across the sky

They say that Falkor is my name

Serendipity is my flame

The luck, I found, when I found you

No! You found me - this much is true

Adventures here - adventures there

Adventures found - everywhere!

Your luckdragon - I'm yours to ride

You make me feel so good inside

So sit on me and ride me long

I can endure - I'm feeling strong

And if you ever need a rest

You can rest your head upon my chest

And now you've read my rhyming roem

Not quite the same as a poem

Now I must sleep and dream of you

And know that of me you dream too

Sitting In A Box

will you will you

sit in my box with me

escape the nightmare

and you will see

my words are formed

from passing years

listen well

and forget the tears

of youth and foetal dreams

of broken hearts

of touch and feel

of silky parts

turn up the volume

breathe in deep

get on down

no time to weep
dance with me honey

take it slow

Just hold me tight

And let me know

I can chat with you baby

sip a bit of red

flirt a little maybe

come sit here on the bed

dull defender

no hope of shine

hope beyond hope

that you will be mine

decisions, decisions

is it just lies?

double jeopardy time

but that time flies

roots before seeds

it's biology class

eat the kitty kat

stick it up the ass

choices, not voices

no baby for baby

sticky ending?

a definite maybe!

Silent Night

Silent is the night

Stars bounce off the moon

Your face almost invisible

As I watch you lie so still

Where does your spirit go?

Is it playing amongst the stars?

Is it free at last to wander

As you lie asleep in bed?

Sneaking out your ghostly corpse

To be its real self

Going upwards - never down

No limits in the sky

Past silky clouds and planets far

Past stars and moons and suns

Past giant dwarves and darker holes

Past all that matter matters

Into a place where life is born

A place of hope and joy

Where chocolate streams

Run through the hills

Where rainbows intertwine

Where birds do sing in colours bold

And cats come out to play

This is a place I see your soul

Glowing late into the night

Finding freedom in the heavens

Till the sun comes up so bright

Rapunzel Lives

your golden hair

lies tangled

our bodies too

wrapped around each heartbeat

as one

fear washes over me

you lie so still

alive or dead

runs through my head

my panic begins to rise

I cannot bear to think

of such a gentle soul

with warrior spirit

fighting no more

letting go
in the darkness

what colour black?

when black is just too light?

for shadows crowd me

fear grabs me now - tonight

dear angel

don't desert me

stay and hold me tight

for I will surely perish

if your soul tonight takes flight

please give me one more heartbeat

please give me one more sigh

please hear that I do love thee

and this I can't deny

don't let the darkness take you

don't let the spirit go

hold on my darling angel

stand and fight the foe!

I'm here beside you baby

Together we will fight

This darkness all around us

This creature of the night

The stars are shining bright now

I can see into your eyes

My fear has now subsided

And in my arms

the sun will rise

The Odyssey

The tension starts deep in my neck

My mind begins to blur

A thick, black fog swirls round my head

My mind's eye is now blind

But with my heart I clearly see

A path that leads to calm

That one true soul that beckons me

And soothes me like a balm

Penelope, my precious love

I've missed you for so long

And in my heart there is no doubt

That you for me await

And soon, I hope, you'll see me there

In Troy, where I belong

For no god or hell can keep me from

The one I love so strong

No siren call, no nubile nymph

Will ever hold me back

From slaying all your suitors

And taking back what's mine

Telemachus is a brave young man

For long, he has done well

But soon Antinous will bleed him out

My mind's eye did foretell

So time is of the essence now

No longer can I dwell

While gods talk cheap upon the mount

Dear Hermes comes to help

A boat we build and leave the isle

For Troy we head once more

Fair winds blow strong, day and night

And soon we'll sight your shore

Poseidon cannot stop me

Cyclops will see no more

My love for Circe, witch-goddess

Has blown into the wind

My only path, my lovely

Leads to the gates of Troy

And once I shoot my arrow

Together we will find joy.

Lost in Thought

Long languid lazing

The mind has walked away

Tripping over coastal cliffs

Battered by salty wind

Roaming, searching, knowing not for what


The body is too leaden

It can nor does not fly

Yet the thoughts that make us wonder

Wander o'er the hill and vale

The thoughts no longer chained

Have entered every nook

The crannies too are filled

With ideas running wild

Thoughts that now surround us

Free at last to roam

While body lazes lonely

In one forsaken place

My thoughts are lifted higher

Each passing by love

My thoughts will find you there

In Arc tower high above


there is a door

it's right there

it leads to who knows where

the destination is unknown

the other side is calling me

the spaces that are free

to walk alone is what I've done

the walking I do know

I wander here

I wander there

just walking

can be fun

St. Valentine

We feast today for Valentine

His body locked away

But one can not imprison love

And he knows no other way

Priest, counsel, preacher

His heart was filled with good

No matter what the favour was

If you asked him - then he would

There even was a blind girl

With no sight in her eye

And so he gave it back to her

And then went off to die

Chaucer made him famous

And lovely tales did write

And in the next few 100 years

He went from might to might

Synonymous his name is

With greeting cards and love

He even has his own day

And the symbol of a dove

Now we have technology

Social media rules the day

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Are definitely here to stay

Use them to show just how you feel

Maybe happy? Maybe blue?

But one thing I am sure of

Is that I am loving YOU!


I want to weave a web with words

so intricate and light

a web so fine

that others stop to look

and upon inspection

will find meaning

the missing pages of their book

I want to dance naked in the rain

alone - or with a girl

water cascading down my shape

droplets off my nose

my feet all out of sync

silent rhythms in my head

that nature did compose

I want to fall in love again

ride the coaster up and down

to feel with every fibre

to give away my heart

lying bare and helpless

sanding for the bond to come

too strong to ever part

I want to see people smile

to always see the light

for day to day existence

can make a person frown

a kind word here

a good deed there

might stop them feeling down

I want to walk across the boards

an actor on the stage

pretending not to be the man

the mirror shows me to be

but a mirror can only see so much

Inside the form there in the glass

Is a man wanting to be free

I want to live life to the fullest

Tick off all that's on my list

Travel far and wide and often

With my partner by my side

Sipping wine and making love

walking barefoot in the sand

talking endlessly for hours

exploring minds and bodies

feeding off each other

growing stronger every day

a phoenix from the ashes

healing all that's gone before

these things

are what I want

with the woman I adore

So now you know a few of them

some things that I do want

and yet the clock keeps ticking

there is no stopping time

one foot and then another

small steps that I must take

and if I keep on stepping

if I keep on following the light

the wants I want will happen

and all will be alright


The car jerks upwards

Towards a pale blue sky

It grips the tracks tightly

As it defies gravity

The ride is about to begin

And the only passenger is me

I feel excited

I feel nervous

And just before the plunge

The car stops momentarily

Breathe dammit

You will survive

My heart leaps as the ride begins

Are we going to fast?

Will we make the first turn?

I grip the rollbar tightly

And then I am through

But this ride has just begun

A rollercoaster of note


We head down the straight

Building up momentum

But wait!

A loop-de-loop

Oh no!

My head is spinning

My world is upside down

Topsy turvy

Banking left now

Banking right

Tunnel up ahead

I close my eyes
I see you



I Used To Sit Alone

I often used to sit alone and watch the world go by

And sometimes stop the watching and just stare into the sky

My mind was always searching

Seeking answers for it all

To find how we got here

And if earth was just a ball

I wondered if there was a God

I wondered when I would die

I wondered what I loved the best

And decided apple pie

I wondered what the future held

I wondered if I would wed

I wondered what I liked the best

And decided lying in bed

But these were not important things

Even though the words do rhyme

And the hours that were wasted

Might constitute a crime

Eventually the years passed by

The good times and the bad

I sat alone less often

For company I had

But as so often happens

On that journey we call life

I simply went and fucked it up

And lost myself a wife

Those days were dark and lonely

And many bottles did we drink

Our motley crew of lost souls

Our choice was not to think

'cause thinking has its moments

And can be pretty deep

But if combined with drinking

Might cause you just to leap

Eventually I sobered up

And got myself on track

Decided I was going

And never coming back

I wandered here

I wandered there

I wandered to and fro

And the more I wondered round and round

The further I did go

It's true you know

'bout what they say

About the grass this side

The shade of green that you can see

Is greener on that side

I wandered for a long, long time

Not sure where to put down roots

I'd sometimes and sit and wonder

But never taking off my boots

And so the this tale does tattle on

More stanzas I can add

But the boredom spreading on your face

Tells me this poem is bad

I can almost hear you thinking

See the shaking of your head

As you read rhyming poetry

As you lie there in your bed

And as I think of you my dear

In my head a thought does grow

My love for you is greater

Than mere words can ever show

I used to sit alone and wonder

And watch the world go by

I used to travel everywhere

By boat, by train, by sky

But alone I am no longer

And I thank you much for that

I might look like a giant

But I'm just a pussy cat

A cat that wants to cuddle

And lie there in your lap

A cat that will just love you

Even when you take a nap

I really could keep going

I'm pretty good at this

But now I'm going to phone you

As my fingers are now tired, and I, my dear do miss


Desert Nights

bright light burning

cross sands ever blowing

my thoughts touching tetchy

the grains all crossed

the temper hot and ill

close your eyes sweet child

think of me

the sea

the birds up high

and fly

Bloody Hell

thoughts cartwheeling through my head

no thread can bind the scattered clouds

they burn before a storm can brew

lost in earth's airbag

but are they really lost?

or just regrouping to threaten once more?

like a commando raid - hit and run

and hit again

each raid inflicting wounds

the wounded mind is filled with blood

from a thousand battles fought

some were lost - but most were won

the fighting never stops

blood pours down my soul

and soon it just might drown


Raging dragons in the sky - fiery breath destroying all

In its path. Wizard balls flame through the air.

Giants pound the walls. They shake - they crumble. Quick,

my friends-

To your posts! Defend! Defend! Defend! Despair.

Perimeter wall is down, my queen! Whatever shall we do?

Retreat brave men, retreat. We shall hold them at the hall.

Fight with honour and be brave! Shoot your arrows long

and straight.

Sound the call to summons heroes! When they come - we

shall not fall!

Alas, my queen - they will not come. They are lying down
to sleep.

The enemy are closer now - and balloons swarm up on


Our clan is fighting bravely - they're giving of their best

The sands of time flow swiftly - and soon they all will die
There is a legendary warrior

Shapira is her name

She carries many wounds and scars

But victory is her game

If we can only get her

If we could call on Shap

Our troubles will be over

I'll text her on Whatsapp

Bad news, my queen - our time has come

Three stars shoot through the night

I messaged her on Whatsapp

But no Shap pitched up to fight

Coming together

Wild hair - crashing down from your head

As it twirls past your shoulders and lies

Suspended in mid-air like an angel's halo

You turn - eyes meeting eyes, as my heart jumps

A dragon and an angel - flying in circles around

Each other - not daring to venture too close

Lest they lose flight and tumble and spiral

Till they crash, a tangled heap of swirling emotions

But is love really lost? Or is it put on hold

Like a plane circling to land on a heart whose space

Is overcrowded with feelings for another

Circling, circling - waiting for the controller

Empty tanks, the pilot weary- crash landing in the desert

Hope is the last thing to die, as I stumble through the sands

of time
The merciless sun deprives me of my nourishment

So vital in the desert - as my desiccated spirit shrivels

But will it die? No. Not yet. The rain clouds gather

Over the dunes. Drip - drop - drip -drop.

Faster now. Rain is good. Will this be the fleeting rain, that

But never pleases? My thirst is real. Rain on me.

And so it does. Big juicy drops of rain descend from the


As if all the lost angels are playing in the clouds

Running, laughing, dancing, chasing - each heavy footstep

Releasing more life to the thirsty below

Rivulets run freely down my face as I stick out my tongue

Tasting hope. The seed of love - dormant so long -

Sprouts green shoots. I feel the tendrils climbing tenderly

Up my being - covering the cracks caused by the sun

Without fire - there is no life. The long slow burn needed

For the rain to reach the seeds, bursting open, reaching out

Exploring the possibilities with every new leaf - branching


Towards the heavens - where SHE sits, looking down on me

I turn my head upwards to the clouds. I see her face in every


Which alights upon my dry skin, filling me with life

My wings grow stronger - and soon I'll fly

Once more in the clouds - but closer

And we shall not perish - we shall not fall

We shall soar above the clouds and chase the sun

Entangled. Her wild hair crashing down her face

And mine - as we come together

Conditions - Conditioning - Conditioned

Only you, whose eyes interpret these 26 shapes

Can grow a thought in that mushy organ that rhymes with


Only you, can ride that train and choose a station

Where it will stop - and more thoughts embark.

Do babies think in black and white, if language gives us


Do babies think at all?

Do babies love and hate like us, if shapes they do not see?

Do babies feel at all?

The answers are plain to see,

But only if you're grown.

A baby has no use for them,

and they remain unknow.

Only you, can gaze upon the night and estimate the dots

That make the darkness a bit more bright.

Only you, can find reason

In the past that is their light.

Do stars have lives, with feelings and careers?

Or are they lumps of rock?

Do black holes get uptight because they are not white?

Or do they just suck?

The answers are plain to see,

But only if you're alive.

The universe is pretty dead,

Up there you can't survive.

Only you

Free Me

My body is a sausage; wrapped in stretchy skin

It's getting bigger everyday; I used to be quite thin

But no-one will ever eat me; I'm far too old for that

Though I'd be nice and tasty; and I wouldn't make you fat

I wish that cows could speak; I wish they had a voice

If I could hear their feelings; I'd really have no choice

I'd go and shop for carrots; I'd go and shop for leeks

I'd eat only veggies; till days turn into weeks

These thoughts and others haunt me; they pop into my


Lying here in darkness; all wrapped up in bed

I think of life; I think of death

And things that are between

I think of how I love you; my very special queen

My hands - they are too idle; they allow my mind to roam

And yearn for things not present; my love, my life, my home

My love is very far away; two hours or more by flight

I miss her very much indeed; and dream of her at night

My life has mostly passed me by; just memories remain

And when I dwell too much on them; I sometimes feel the


Of all the choices I have made; some which I regret

I wish that I could change them; I'm not the only one, I bet

My home is where my heart is; I have no hat to lay

But one thing I can tell you; in Hell I will not stay

My heart has never been here; my heart is in A.D.

And that is why I know, my dear - that soon I will be free

Soon, of course, is relative; 'cause time's a man made thing

It could be months - it could be years; it could even be in


And because the tempest fugits; because it flies real fast

Our time together cometh; and I'll be free at last

Rusty and Rae

Once upon a time

There was a land

Full of cats

My! It was grand

The lady cats

Would strut every day

And one of those cats

Was a beauty called Rae

Many cats would call out

And as they strutted by

Some whistled - some would shout

But this strutting cat was timid and shy

Until one day a cat she did pass

He was a curious cat

Who looked through a glass

Fancy that!
He swivelled the glass

To look at her there

And said at last

"You have golden hair"

Rae blushed for awhile

And was taken aback

Then started to smile

And got back on track

"My hair is not golden

It really is brown"

He peered through the glass

And started to frown

"I fear you are right

It is hard to see

The glass needs more light

My name is Rusty
The two became one

They were never apart

Every day there was sun

For they shared the same heart

Rusty was gentle

Rusty was kind

Rusty loved Rae

And she didn't mind

And when they did travel

His glass he would take

And say to his partner

A movie we'll make

Then suddenly Rusty

Was feeling quite bad

But never complained

And never got sad

They went to the desert

For one last goodbye

And as you do read this

There's a tear in your eye

He lay down his glass

Right there in the sand

Got on one knee

And took her small hand

"My darling I love you

You know this is true

So be mine forever

And never be blue"

And that is the story

Of Rusty and Rae

He's no longer with us

But in your heart he will stay


The tendrils of my thoughts get tangled in my head,

Magically expanding without the light of day.

Softly at first - feeling, exploring. Then - with the

Confidence of new knowledge, hardening with


They make nests - readying the mind for more seedlings,

Those inevitable foetal-like seeds of creativity which can

Lie dormant for so long - then rapidly take root,

Enveloping the cranium with a desire to make all things


To write, to compose, to paint, to draw, to make a myriad of


Handmade objects - just because.

But these seeds cannot exist in barrenness. They need


They need nourishment. They need the water we call love.

There amonst the tendrils - amongst the rapidly-filling


A stream is trickling steadily - and the forecast is for rain.

A desert is a lonely place - and barren it can be,

But the loveclouds come....... eventually

The Artist

Each word I write has feelings

Each word I write does live

The letters find each other

And words to us do give

Each person has a story

Each person has a heart

They sometimes find each other

And sometimes they do part

Why do we feel so lonely?

Why do we feel so sad?

Is love the only answer

When we are feeling bad?

I am a lonely artist

With an overactive brain

I know I can be happy

If I can deal with pain

My girlfriend is so gorgeous

My girlfriend is divine

And once I banish demons

I'm sure we'll be just fine


The Dealer and The Dog

a grunt, a groan - a delightful moan

thrust, thrust, thrust

into the brightness

a kick, a scream, a slap, a suck

these things happen - when we fuck

an accidental food processor

no manual - no warranty

can we exchange it?

you! You are out-lucked!

from fuck to fucked

dreams crash with every wail

the once bright light

dimmer -just a glimmer

lesson learned? I do not know

but down this path I have to go

flickering embers are all that remain

the passion once raging

is now lame and tame

devoid of desire

darkness - not fire

my shoulders are weighted

my spirits are down

shackled by duty - a thorny crown

a piece of the mystery

of puzzle - of me!
now - there is purpose

now - there is aim

tick all the boxes - don't lay no blame

it is what it is

the thing with no name

the soldier marches on

one step at a time

a mountain of misery

still waiting to climb

with his companion - time

I wish I had listened

I wish I had learned

I wish I had a say

But if wishes were dishes

I'd be washing all day

Tempest fugits

Time rushes by
growing so quickly

now touching the sky

Bony and angular - and just a little shy

picking up fragments

arranging them now

shaping of solace - accepting my fate

wanting is useless

we get if we wait

mistakes - there are many

the path is not straight

I keep on marching - up, up, up

soon will be downhill

yup, yup, yup

the ups and the downs

the bean counters and clowns

how do I make it? Is there a book?

a 12-step program - some words that are wise

throw me a life ring - I'm drowning in lies

you've read this so far

you have done well

you ignored the bad rhyming

as far as I can tell

I know what it says - but do you?

I could carry on

I could make it rhyme

I could make it a love poem

I could take some time

and if I wanted - I could even strive

to make each stanza greater than five

I think I just did that

So, I did OK

Just wanted to tell you



Winter is coming, the light is fading fast. Low pressure

brings the storm clouds near, they puff up grey and black.

The air is dry - the days grow cool; static clings to me. The
charge - it is electric; it surges through my soul.

And all day long, small lightning bolts cramp my fingers

bent; whenever I reach out and touch - these charges, they
are sent.

The pain is not unbearable, though frequent it may be; to

try and mend a broken heart is more painful - this I know.

These ape-like forms that we possess; these hairless limbs

of ours.

These fragile minds and delicate hearts; they are surely not

For swinging free from tree to tree, and going where I

please, is what I really want.

No passports, stamps or visas; no immigration queue; no

taking off my friggin shoes; no people with no clue.

Conditioning, conditioning - and then we learned to speak!

The ape within wears Gucci now and has a word for sin.

That inside ape - he speaks to me; he calls my name out


He tells me that I'm different.

He tells me that I'm wild.

He tells me not to surrender to the great clone machine.

I want to live by instinct. I want to swing from trees.

I want to do all kinds of stuff - with birds and busy bees.

I want to go on walkabout - and sleep under the stars.

I want to sing a song out loud - 'bout Jupiter and Mars.

There is much a naked ape like me, can covet and desire;
but none is more important than the one who makes me

So swinging now - it's just a dream; that time has come and
gone; just like the hair I once wore long.

Instead of wooden branches, my hands will hold you tight;

instead of sleeping under stars - I'll sleep with you at night.

Instead of going walkabout; instead of singing loud - I'll

stroll right down the road with you; our fingers intertwined.

A big fat smile upon my face - and feeling very proud.

Christmas Carol

Christmas is a special time of year; family comes together

To breathe a collective sigh of making it through another


Hoping, dreaming - that the promise that a new year holds

will be fulfilled.

The tree is up; the fairy sits - rigid - surveying the festive

The presents below - lovingly wrapped in brown paper and

decorated with string. Exciting!

The bird tweets Trumpian messages as the cats lounge

around and about.

Look! There's Pollock sitting on the end of the couch.

And there's Slash - dragging his big frame up onto the

chair.Ozzie just went out the window.

How wonderful it is to be home. To feel the love of family.

To visit friends. To potter about the house.

Waking up late. Lounging in a bath robe whilst sipping huge

cups of coffee.

Herding cats. Eating pork sausages and drinking gin. Divine.

Let's watch our team on TV. Yay! They won!

Who wants to go shopping? Me! Me! - the children chorus.

Christmas is a busy time - and sometimes is too much.

But once the day is over - I'm sure I can relax.

I'll pour myself a glass of wine - pile chocolates next to me,

And play a game or two of clash while chatting to my mom

Check my Facebook - do a puzzle - clean up some cat pee.

Oh Mammy Blue

The days; they were just numbers,

Which, then, I could not count,

And it was much much later,

When I knew the meaning of amount.

Her neck was dark and smelly,

Her girth was somewhat wide,

To her back, I was tied firmly;

Swaddled and astride.

She sang to me while she did toil,

At least it seemed that way,

She cooked and cleaned and carried me,

Each and every single day.

Wiping bums and bottle feeds,

Are not considered fun,

But when it came to baby's needs,

She was paid to be the one.

I'm sure there was a time back then,

When her name I surely knew,

For she was always there for me,

Protecting - as I grew.

And yet, as close as we were physically,

There was little I did know,

About the nanny girl that we did have,

In whose shadow I did grow.

I never knew what fears she had,

I never had a clue,

That if she had no dompas,

They would beat her black and blue.

I didn't know that she would rise,

Every day at half past four,

And walk ten miles in worn out shoes,

To make it to our door.

I didn't know if she was married,

Or had children of her own,

I didn't know her favourite colour,

Or if she ever felt alone.

I never knew what school she went to,

Or if she ever went at all,

But I do know that she would pick me up,

Whenever I did fall.

She treated me as precious,

I really think she cared,

And yet, us whites were really cruel,

And made them all feel scared.

I should have been her enemy,

She could have made me cry,

But still, she fed and carried me,

And made sure my bum was dry.

Apartheid was a crappy thing,

Like poo poo in a nappy,

The blacks were treated just like shit,

And expected to be happy.

Thank you very much I say,

For looking after me,

You loved me like a mother,

Right there- that's irony!


One cannot tell what time it will arrive.

Will it be morning? Will it be Spring?

Or a little after five?

A shapeless thing. Unsighted. It is all around.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting to surprise!

And hits you like a train that doesn't make a sound.

And though no blood there is to see, the damage - it is


The brain - it gets all mushy,

Like snowflakes in the sun.

Where once was thought, there is now nought,

Just mumbling... and drool.

And he who once was clever - is now a silly fool.

Heartbeats are irregular, and sometimes filled with

Depending on the words that swirl,

Inside your mushy brain.

The stomach too, is not immune,

From this ailment that we now have,

And like a rusty trumpet - starts sounding out of tune.

I surely must be dying - with all that now is wrong,

And yet a spring is in my step,

And my heart is filled with song.

This is really quite confusing, I know not what to make,

Am I happy? Am I sad? Am I in between?

Is it like a sickness? Is it medicine I must take?

Perhaps it isn't sickness,

Perhaps a parasite?
Perhaps it got inside me while I lay asleep at night?

This feeling in my tummy, this feeling in my head,

The words that mumble from my mouth,

When I should be talking sense instead.

They seem to be connected - there seems to be some


This disease that makes us feel so weird,

And causes flutterbyes.

Flutter, flutter - little dove,

Fly up and through the skies,

Spread this little thing called love,

And cause more flutterbyes.


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