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1. Explain in collision theory about how the slope became the way it is.

**In a reaction, reactant particles need enough energy in order to collide with each other
to react. Therefore, at the start of the reaction when a lot of unreacted particles start to
collide with each other, a lot of bubbles of gas are produced thus having the highest rate
of reaction just in the first 30 seconds. But eventually, when the amount of unreacted
particles decreases and the volume of bubbles given off decreases as well the rate of
reaction drops around 40 seconds into the reaction. In the end, when all the unreacted
particles have collided with each other, and no more bubbles of gas are given off or
being collected, the reaction is completed or has ended.**
2. What happens to the total surface area when the particle size is smaller?
**The total surface area gets larger.**
3. What are the three methods in measuring the rate of reaction?
** Top pan balance method, syringe method and gas over water method **
4. What is the easiest way to measure the rate of reaction?
**To measure the amount of hydrogen gas given off at a given amount of time**
5. How is surface area a factor when speeding up a reaction?
**When the surface area is larger the rate of reaction is faster because more of the
particle's surface is being exposed**
6. How is temperature a factor when speeding up a reaction?
**The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of reaction because the particles gain
more energy and collides with each other faster**
7. Explain the usage of catalysts. And give examples on them.
**Catalysts are used to speed up a reaction for a cheaper way in industrial level.
Manganese oxide and catalase are some of the examples.**
8. How is concentration a factor when speeding up a reaction.
**The higher the concentration of a reactant the more acid particles there are in a given
amount of space therefore more collisions happening between the reactants leading to
more gas being produced and higher rate of reaction**
9. What are biological catalysts?
**Biological catalysts are enzymes. As there are poisonous hydrogen peroxide found in
our living cells it needs to be broken down into harmless water or carbon dioxide. In
order to break these down there are living cells that contains catalase or enzymes which
helps speed up the breaking down of hydrogen peroxide.**
10. What are the four word equations where salt is produced?
**Metals + acid -> salt + hydrogen, metal oxide (base) + acid -> salt + water, metal
carbonate + acid -> salt + water + carbon dioxide, acid + alkali -> salt + water**
11. What is a displacement reaction?
**A displacement reaction is a reaction where a more reactive metal pushes out and
displace the less reactive metal from its compound**
12. What is a thermite reaction?
**A thermite reaction is iron oxide reacting with aluminium to produce molten iron.**
13. Name one difference between an exothermic and endothermic reaction.
**Exo is temperature before reaction is lower than after whereas endo is temperature
after reaction is lower than temperature before reaction**
14. List the reactivity series.
15. How do you test if the gas is carbon dioxide?
**By adding limewater into the gas and when the solution is cloudy/milky it is carbon
dioxide gas**
16. How do you test if the gas is hydrogen gas?
**By placing a lighted splint on the beaker and when a squeaky pop sound is present,
the gas is hydrogen gas**
17. What is metal carbonate?
**Metal carbonate is the mixture of metal and carbonic acid**
18. How do you calculate the average rate of reaction?
**Subtract the change in r.o.r then divide it by the subtraction of the differences of the
19. What do you know about hydrogen peroxide?
**Hydrogen peroxide is found in living cells, it is dangerous and needs to be broken
down by catalyst for faster reaction**
(Word and symbol equations + what is the gas product)
1. Zinc + hydrochloric acid -> zinc chloride + hydrogen (hydrogen gas)
( Zn + 2HCL -> ZnCl2 + H2 )

2. Magnesium + hydrochloric acid -> magnesium chloride + hydrogen (hydrogen gas)

(Mg + 2HCL -> MgCl2 + H2)
3. Copper sulfate + iron -> Iron sulfate + copper (none)
(CuSO4 + Fe -> FeSO4 + Cu)
4. Copper oxide + sulfuric acid -> Copper sulfate + water (none)
(CuO + H2SO4 -> CuSO4 + H2O)
5. Sulfuric acid + calcium carbonate -> Calcium sulfate + water + carbon dioxide (CO2)
(H2SO4 + CaCO3 -> CaSO4 + H2O + CO2)
6. Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid -> calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
(CaCO3 + 2HCL -> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2)
7. Nitric acid + calcium carbonate -> Calcium nitrate + water + carbon dioxide (CO2)
(H2NO3 + CaCO3 -> CaNO3 + H2O + CO2)
8. Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid -> Sodium chloride + water (none)
(NaOH + HCL -> NaCl + H2O)
9. Potassium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid -> Potassium chloride + water (none)
(KOH + HCL -> KCL + H2O)

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