Veronica G

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Veronica G.



Performance Task 1
After attending the face-to-face/virtual orientation sessions, list down the expectations of the
following in the given matrix.
What do you need to What SKILLS do you What VALUES do you
KNOW in order to need to acquire to need to possess to
perform your tasks perform your tasks perform your tasks
efficiently? effectively? well?
College I expect my College From my College To perform tasks well
Supervisor Supervisor to know a Supervisor, I should as a student teacher, I
lot about teaching learn skills like talking need to value empathy,
methods, lesson effectively, planning respect, and fairness
planning, and lessons, managing a towards my students.
classroom class, and assessing It's important to
management. They student learning. prioritize their
should help me individual needs and
understand how to create an inclusive and
teach effectively and supportive learning
support my learning. environment.
Cooperating I expect my I expect my I expect my
Principal/School Cooperating Cooperating Cooperating
Head/Master Principal/School Principal/School Principal/School
Teacher Head/Master Teacher Head/Master Teacher Head/Master Teacher to
to help me understand to demonstrate be fair, respectful, and
the school's effective kind to everyone. They
curriculum and rules. I communication skills should create a positive
also want them to give and provide guidance and inclusive
me tips on how to on classroom environment and work
teach well and support management well with others.
me in improving my techniques.
Cooperating I expect my From my Cooperating From my Cooperating
Teacher(s) Cooperating Teacher Teacher, I need to Teacher, I should learn
to know a lot about learn how to to be fair, respectful,
what they're teaching communicate well, and kind to everyone.
and how to teach it plan lessons, manage They should show me
well. They should also a classroom, and how to act with honesty
help me learn about assess student learning and work well with
lesson plans and how effectively. others.
to manage a
Performance Task 2
After reviewing the laws, policies and documents pertinent to Teaching Internship,
choose three (3) and write one (1) important provision for that law or policy and state its
application in your life as a Practice Teacher.
Title of Law/ CHED Cite one (1) important provision How will you apply this in
Policy/Department Order your profession
1. CMO No. 104, Section 9 emphasizes that During my internship, I'll
Series of 2017: internship as part of the watch and learn from
Revised Guidelines curriculum broadens the student experienced teachers using
for Student interns' learning opportunities the latest teaching methods.
Internship Program and aims to strengthen academe- I'll share these learnings with
in the Philippines industry linkage. my others to help everyone
(SIPP) for All stay up-to-date on education
Programs trends. This way, I can
improve my own teaching
and contribute to the larger
educational community.
2. Republic Act No. Section 5 highlights the As a student teacher, I'll make
11232, also known importance of fostering a culture sure my classroom is friendly
as the "Enhancing of inclusivity in schools and and fair. I'll use different
Access to Quality promoting the participation of all teaching styles to help
Basic Education learners, regardless of their everyone learn, and I'll watch
Act" background, abilities, or out for any unfair treatment.
3. Republic Act No. Introduced in 2016, Republic During my internship, I'll
7787, also known Act No. 10743, also known as learn from experienced
as the "Act the "Strengthening the teachers, be open to feedback,
Strengthening Philippine Professionalization of and explore ways to keep
Professionalization Teachers for the Global Age learning as a future educator.
and Standards for Act", revised Section 18 of RA This will help me stay up-to-
Teachers" 7787. This revision emphasizes date and give my students the
the importance of lifelong best possible experience.
learning for teachers by
mandating mandatory continuing
professional development (CPD)

Performance Task 3
From among the five phases of Teaching Internship, which seems to be difficult? Why?
Among the five phases of Teaching Internship, the final demonstrations and evaluations phase
may be the most challenging. This is because it's the main highlight of the internship period
where students need to showcase their teaching skills, complete paperwork, and receive
feedback. This can be stressful and require reflection on one's teaching practices.
Write My Reflection
How can I enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest?
To enjoy my Teaching Internship fully, I'll be eager to learn and build good relationships with
students and teachers. I'll stay organized and think about how I can do better. I'll listen to
feedback and take care of myself too. That way, I can have a great experience as a student
Working on My Learning Artifacts
Paste pictures/screenshots of the orientation sessions that you have attended. Label them.

After our face-to-face orientation with Principal IV of SABNAHIS, Sir Rodel M. Bahia, and
Head Teacher IV of MAPEH, Ma'am Tess Magtoto, along with our internship coordinators,
Ma'am Mary Joy D. Jose and Ma'am April Joy G. Balilo, we felt well-informed and prepared for
our Teaching Internship.

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